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There are major quantitative and qualitative changes in the milk lipids during lactation in the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. The crude lipid content of the milk is relatively low during the first 10 weeks of lactation; between 10 and 26 weeks post partum the lipid content increases gradually but after that it increases rapidly. The triglyceride fraction of the lipid at early stages of lactation contains a large amount of palmitic acid and relatively little oleic acid whereas mature milk exhibits little palmitic and much oleic acid. In the early stages of lactation fat represents 15% of the total solids and carbohydrate 55%; around 26-30 weeks post partum the carbohydrate moiety falls sharply to a level less than 2% of the solids while lipids increase to c. 60% of the solids. These changes coincide with increases in milk solids, emergence of the young from the pouch, ingestion of herbage, and fermentation of cellulose in the stomach.  相似文献   

We report the successful use of 2D electrophoresis, MALDI MS/MS and chemical derivatisation protocols of guanidination and sulfonation to identify over 100 protein spots present in early marsupial milk (tammar wallaby) at 40 days lactation, where a limited translated genomic database is publicly available for cross species matching and protein identification. Of the proteins identified, 25 matched to 6 existing marsupial milk protein sequences in the NCBI database; another 6 were identified with high confidence to other mammals and have not previously been identified in marsupial milk. By using chemical derivatisation, the reliable identification of a further 81 proteins was achieved. The identified proteins could be grouped into three main functional categories — transport, nutrition and immune protection. All these proteins play a potential role in determining growth and immunological protection of the highly altricial marsupial young at 40 days after birth.  相似文献   

As one of several biologically active compounds in milk, glycoproteins have been indicated to be involved in the protection of newborns from bacterial infection. As much of the physical and immune development of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) young occurs during the early phases of lactation and not in utero, the tammar is a model species for the characterization of potential developmental support agents provided by maternal milk. In the present study, the N- and O-linked glycans from tammar wallaby milk glycoproteins from six individuals at different lactation time points were subjected to glycomics analyses using porous graphitized carbon liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Structural characterization identified a diverse range of glycan structures on wallaby milk glycoproteins including sialylated, sulphated, core fucosylated and O-fucosylated structures. 30 % of N-linked structures contained a core (α1-6) fucose. Several of these structures may play roles in development, and exhibit statistically significant temporal changes over the lactation period. The N-glycome was found to contain structures with NeuGc residues, while in contrast the O-glycome did not. O-fucosylated structures were identified in the early stages of lactation indicating a potential role in the early stages of development of the pouch young. Overall the results suggest that wallaby milk contains structures known to have developmental and immunological significance in human milk and reproduction in other animals, highlighting the importance of glycoproteins in milk.  相似文献   



Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.


Results showed that high levels of miRNA secreted in milk and allowed the identification of differentially expressed milk miRNAs during the lactation cycle as putative markers of mammary gland activity and functional candidate signals to assist growth and timed development of the young. Comparative analysis of miRNA distribution in milk and blood serum suggests that milk miRNAs are primarily expressed from mammary gland rather than transferred from maternal circulating blood, likely through a new putative exosomal secretory pathway. In contrast, highly expressed milk miRNAs could be detected at significantly higher levels in neonate blood serum in comparison to adult blood, suggesting milk miRNAs may be absorbed through the gut of the young.


The function of miRNA in mammary gland development and secretory activity has been proposed, but results from the current study also support a differential role of milk miRNA in regulation of development in the pouch young, revealing a new potential molecular communication between mother and young during mammalian lactation.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-1012) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study exploited the unusual lactation cycle of the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) to characterise milk composition during acute involution, a time when the mammary gland is subjected to increased risk of infection. In early-lactation, tammar milk contains elevated levels of complex oligosaccharides and low protein and lipid content. Later in lactation, protein and lipid concentrations increase significantly, whereas carbohydrate content is reduced dramatically and changes to monosaccharides. Following initiation of involution at early-lactation, the carbohydrate concentration greatly decreased, while lipid and protein concentrations were elevated, suggesting that complex oligosaccharides are the major osmole in milk at this time. In contrast, involution at late lactation, when carbohydrate concentration was very low, led to an increase in the lipid concentration, but the concentration of protein was not significantly altered. This indicates that protein synthesis during acute involution at late lactation in the tammar may be down-regulated much more rapidly than during early-lactation. Analysis of milk at day 3 after the onset of involution at early-lactation identified a number of potential antimicrobials secreted at high concentrations, including lysozyme, dermcidin, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor and fragments of beta-lactoglobulin. These proteins may protect the mammary gland by minimising the risk of potential infection during involution.  相似文献   

Lactating tammars can provide two different milks simultaneously from adjacent glands to a young newborn (phase 2 of lactation) and an older animal at heel (phase 3 of lactation). Evidence that the two glands are controlled independently is shown by the capacity of mammary explants from these glands to synthesize different whey proteins and DNA and RNA at different rates. Prolactin is essential for the maintenance of milk synthesis, but its role in differential responses of the individual mammary glands remains to be established. Potential mechanisms for the control of milk synthesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Specific changes in milk composition during lactation in the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) were correlated with the ages of the developing pouch young (PY). The present experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that the sucking pattern of the PY determines the course of mammary development in the tammar wallaby. To test this hypothesis, groups of 60-day-old PY were fostered repeatedly onto one group of host mothers so that a constant sucking stimulus on the mammary gland was maintained for 56 days to allow the lactational stage to progress 42 days ahead of the age of the young. Analysis of the milk in fostered and control groups showed the timing of changes in the concentration of protein and carbohydrate were essentially unaffected by altering the sucking regime. The only change in milk protein secretion was a small delay in the timing of down-regulation of the secretion of whey acidic protein and early lactation protein in the host tammars. In addition, the rates of growth and development of the foster PY were significantly increased relative to those of the control PY because of ingesting more milk with a higher energy content and different composition than normal for their age. The present study demonstrates that the lactating tammar wallaby regulates both milk composition and the rate of milk production and that these determine the rates of PY growth and development, irrespective of the age of the PY.  相似文献   

Asynchronous concurrent lactation (ACL) is an extreme lactation strategy in macropod marsupials including the tammar wallaby, that may hold the key to understanding local control of mammary epithelial cell function. Marsupials have a short gestation and a long lactation consisting of three phases; P2A, P2B and P3, representing early, mid and late lactation respectively and characterised by profound changes in milk composition. A lactating tammar is able to concurrently produce phase 2A and 3 milk from adjacent glands in order to feed a young newborn and an older sibling at heel. Physiological effectors of ACL remain unknown and in this study the extracellular matrix (ECM) is investigated for its role in switching mammary phenotypes between phases of tammar wallaby lactation. Using the level of expression of the genes for the phase specific markers tELP, tWAP, and tLLP-B representing phases 2A, 2B and 3 respectively we show for the first time that tammar wallaby mammary epithelial cells (WallMECs) extracted from P2B acquire P3 phenotype when cultured on P3 ECM. Similarly P2A cells acquire P2B phenotype when cultured on P2B ECM. We further demonstrate that changes in phase phenotype correlate with phase-specific changes in ECM composition. This study shows that progressive changes in ECM composition in individual mammary glands provide a local regulatory mechanism for milk protein gene expression thereby enabling the mammary glands to lactate independently.  相似文献   

H. Dove    S. J. Cork 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(3):385-397
The milk intake of suckling tammar wallabies ( Macropus eugenii ) was estimated between 213 and 339 days of age using a double-isotope procedure in which tritiated water (TOH) was injected into the dams and deuterium oxide (D2O) injected into the offspring. Recycling of isotopes between mothers and offspring was shown not to be a significant source of error. Estimates of body water (isotope dilution space) in the mothers or offspring, as a proportion of their body weight, were similar to values obtained with other macropodids and with placental mammals (0.73–0.75). Total water inflow in the offspring increased throughout the period, but the proportion of this contributed by milk fell in sigmoid fashion from 95.6% at 213 d to 3.7% at 340 d. Milk intakes reached a peak of about 86 ml/d, which was low compared with placental species. Before the peak, intakes were more closely related to body weight than age. Peak milk intake corresponded with the period of emergence from the pouch. Milk intakes were also in excellent agreement with published data obtained earlier in lactation, in animals drawn from the same population. These data were therefore combined to provide estimates of intake for the whole of lactation in the tammar wallaby, and algebraic models fitted to describe the pattern of milk intake in relation to body weight or age. With body weight, the pattern of milk intake was well described by a rising linear phase to a peak intake of about 86 ml/d near 1110 g body weight, followed by a gradual exponential decline. When related to age, the pattern was well described by a rising logistic phase (peak at 251 d) followed by a sharp exponential decline. It is shown that this latter pattern is markedly similar to the shape of the functions describing the energy requirements for the sum of pregnancy and lactation in a placental species, the sheep.  相似文献   

alpha-Lactalbumin was isolated from milk of M. eugenii and its concentration in milk samples taken at various times during lactation (0-40 weeks post partum) was determined by single radial immunodiffusion using rabbit antiserum to the purified protein. The alpha-lactalbumin concentration remained almost constant throughout lactation even though the concentration of total lactose (free lactose plus lactose contained in oligosaccharides) fell to zero after 34 weeks post partum. This fall in lactose was accompanied by a rise in the free galactose and glucose concentrations and marked increases in UDP-galactose hydrolase, nucleotide pyrophosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and acid beta-galactosidase activities. It is suggested that the in vitro hydrolysis of UDP-galactose was due to nucleotide pyrophosphatase and that this enzyme may also play a role in vivo late in lactation by making UDP-galactose unavailable for the synthesis of lactose. Alternatively, lactose and lactose-containing oligosaccharides might be degraded by the acid beta-galactosidase during or after secretion.  相似文献   

Despite considerable advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating eutherian sperm function, there is a paucity of such knowledge for the Metatheria. In eutherian spermatozoa, the attainment of functional competence is associated with a redox-regulated, cAMP-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation cascade, activated during capacitation. In this report we investigate whether tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) spermatozoa possess a similar signal transduction pathway. Western blot analysis of phosphotyrosine expression in caudal and ejaculated populations of tammar spermatozoa revealed that elevation of intracellular cAMP levels, but not exposure to oxidants or NADPH, induced a dramatic increase in the overall level of tyrosine phosphorylation. Washed, ejaculated spermatozoa exhibited more pronounced increases in tyrosine phosphorylation than unwashed sperm populations. Localisation of tyrosine phosphorylation by immunocytochemistry showed that phosphotyrosine residues were principally located along the tammar sperm flagellum, and occasionally at a small region of the sperm head, adjacent to the acrosome. Associated with the tyrosine phosphorylation of tammar spermatozoa, was a change in sperm head conformation to a T-shaped orientation, further implying the importance of these pathways to normal tammar sperm function. Redox activity, as detected by lucigenin-dependent chemiluminescence, was stimulated by NADPH in caudal sperm preparations but not ejaculated spermatozoa. However, neither sperm population responded to treatment with NADPH with changes in intracellular cAMP or tyrosine phosphorylation. In conclusion, tammar spermatozoa possess the same cAMP-mediated, tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent signal transduction cascade that has been associated with capacitation in eutherian spermatozoa. However in Metatherian spermatozoa we could find no evidence that this pathway was redox regulated.  相似文献   

Lipids in tammar milk are predominantly triacylglycerols, and the fatty acid composition varies during the lactation cycle. Little is known about the regulation of their synthesis. This study investigates the endocrine regulation of lipid synthesis in mammary explants from pregnant tammars. Treatment of mammary explants with insulin resulted in a high level of lipid synthesis, but the lipids accumulated in the cytosol. Culture with prolactin resulted in a small increase in lipid synthesis, but electron microscopy showed lipid globules were synthesized in the mammary epithelial cells and secreted into the lumen. Culture with both insulin and prolactin demonstrated elevated levels of synthesis and secretion of lipid. Analysis of the type of fatty acids synthesized in these mammary explants showed that the initiation of synthesis of C(16:0), which also occurs in the first week of lactation, could be reproduced in the pregnant explants cultured with prolactin alone. However, treatment of mammary explants with hydrocortisone did not show a significant effect on lipid synthesis, secretion or the fatty acid synthesized. These results provide new information identifying the role of insulin and prolactin in regulating milk lipid synthesis and secretion in the tammar.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the late lactation protein (LLP) in Macropus eugenii has been mapped using in situ hybridization to the proximal region of the long arm of chromosome 3. This position was confirmed by means of exclusion Southern blot analysis.  相似文献   

S. J. Cork    H. Dove 《Journal of Zoology》1989,219(3):399-409
The intake of milk components (total solids, carbohydrate, protein, lipid, energy) by suckling tammar wallabies ( Macropus eugenii ), from peak lactation to independence, was measured using a double-isotope dilution technique and chemical analysis of milk samples. The time of peak intake of milk solids (day 256 of lactation or 1126 g of offspring weight) was similar to that for whole milk. Peak intake of carbohydrate occurred earlier than this (235 days) and peak intakes of protein and lipid occurred later (262 days and 266 days, respectively). Intake of gross energy peaked at 262 days and represented a maternal yield of about 207 KJ.Kg-0.75.d-1. This is much lower than peak lactational energy yields in most other mammals, but the duration of lactation is longer in tammars than in other mammals. Total output of energy in milk by tammar mothers was 63 MJ, and this would require an intake of about 98 MJ of metabolizable energy in food. This requirement, which is equivalent to 21 MJ/kg of maternal weight, is similar to those calculated for sheep and cattle, suggesting that there are not large differences between marsupial and placental herbivores in terms of weight-related allocation of energy to reproduction. We suggest that a strategy of minimizing the peak energetic demand of lactation may be an important adaptation for a small, primarily grazing mammal due to size-related physiological constraints on elevating herbage intake and the increasing risk from predators when grazing time is increased.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical, light- and electron-microscopial study was made of the pars distalis in adult tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii). The pars distalis of this marsupial mammal was divided into three regions, based on the distribution of cell types within the gland. Somatotropic, mammotropic, luteotropic, folliculotropic, corticotropic and thyrotropic cells were identified on the basis of their immunohistochemistry, cytology and ultrastructure. Non-granulated (folliculo-stellate) cells, identified in electron micrographs, were found throughout the pars distalis. Somatotropic cells were predominant in the posterior pars distalis in all animals examined. In the single male specimen and in the non-lactating females examined, small numbers of apparently inactive mammotropic cells were scattered throughout the pars distalis; the same cell type was apparently active and present in considerable numbers in lactating females. Only one morphological type of gonadotropic cell was evident; these cells were scattered throughout the pars distalis, but in largest numbers in the median region. Small numbers of thyrotropic cells were found, most commonly in the anterior pars distalis. Corticotrops were also observed in moderate numbers, predominantly in the anterior regions of the pars distalis.  相似文献   

There are two phases of fore-stomach development during the first 200 days of pouch life in tammar wallaby. For the first 170 days, the mucosa displays an immature gastric glandular phenotype that changes to a cardia glandular phenotype, which remains for the rest of the animal’s life. During this 200-day period after birth, the pouch young (PY) is dependent on maternal milk, which progressively changes in composition. We showed previously that PY cross-fostered to host mothers at a later stage of lactation accelerated development. In this study, we investigated whether cross-fostering and exposure to late lactation stage milk affected the transition to cardia glandular phenotype. In fostered PY fore-stomach, there was increased apoptosis, but no change in cell proliferation. The parietal cell population was significantly reduced, and expression of gastric glandular phenotype marker genes (ATP4A, GKN2, GHRL and NDRG2) was down-regulated, suggesting down-regulation of gastric phenotype in fostered PY fore-stomach. The expression of cardia glandular phenotype genes (MUC4, KRT20, CSTB, ITLN2 and LPLUNC1) was not changed in fostered PY. These data suggest that fore-stomach maturation proceeds via two temporally distinct processes: down-regulation of gastric glandular phenotype and initiation of cardia glandular phenotype. In fostered PY, these two processes appear uncoupled, as gastric glandular phenotype was down-regulated but cardia glandular phenotype was not initiated. We propose that milk from later stages of lactation and/or herbage consumed by the PY may play independent roles in regulating these two processes.  相似文献   

Sensitization to male histocompatibility antigens and repeated pregnancy to the same male were found to have little effect on fertility or length of gestation in the tammar wallaby, M. eugenii. However, in some sensitized females a long interval occurred between removal of pouch young and the next birth. In addition to studies on fertility, the immunological response of female tammars to their mate has been examined by one-way mixed leucocyte culture (MLC) carried out at the beginning and end of one breeding season. In virgin females, examined at the beginning of the breeding season, the MLC response to the prospective mate peaked on day 6. In contrast, by the end of the season, MLC responses were much lower and peaked earlier, on day 3 to day 5.  相似文献   

Summary The tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) is a small macropodid marsupial in which the major part of weaning occupies the period between 28 and 36 weeks of pouch life. Before weaning the diet of the tammar is high in carbohydrate and low in lipid/volatile fatty acid whereas the reverse applies after weaning. The adult tammar is a forestomach fermenter. The aim of this study was to elucidate some of the physiological and metabolic changes associated with this major change in the diet.Hepatic glycogen content increased gradually early in development to a maximum of 7% of liver weight at 28–30 weeks of pouch life. It then fell precipitously to less than 1% of liver weight at 36 weeks before recovering to the adult level of about 3% liver weight. Plasma glucose levels were maintained at about 10 mM until 36 weeks, after which they fell gradually to adult values of about 4 mM. Hepatic hexokinase activity increased several-fold between 18 and 30 weeks of pouch life, remained high until 42 weeks, and then fell to the adult level. The hepatic activities of fructose-bisphosphatase and particulate phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) were unchanged during development but soluble hepatic PEPCK activity, which was low until 28 weeks of pouch life, increased 3–4 fold between 30 and 36 weeks and then fell slightly to the adult level. Hepatic pyruvate kinase increased in activity up to 28 weeks and then fell to about half peak values at 36 weeks and 20% of peak activity in the adult. There was a greater than ten-fold increase in the ratio of soluble PEPCK activity to pyruvate kinase activity between 28 and 36 weeks of development. It has previously been reported that hepatic gluconeogenesis is inducible in pouch young but constitutive in adults. We conclude that the change in regulation of hepatic gluconeogenesis at the PEPCK/pyruvate kinase level is part of the weaning process.The urea content of the plasma changed little during development but plasma ammonia increased consistently through pouch life. Urine urea content was low until about 28 weeks of age and then increased rapidly to adult levels. Urine ammonia increased from about 20 mM early in pouch life to a maximum of more than 100 mM at 28 weeks. Thereafter, urine ammonia content fell rapidly to the adult value of about 20 mM. For the first 27 weeks of pouch life, urine pH was consistently between 4.4 and 5.7, but subsequently it rose and became more variable. Urine pH in adults was 8.1±0.3. The activities of the five enzymes of the ornithine-urea cycle increased 3–5 fold in activity between 28 and 36 weeks of pouch life.These findings indicate that there are major changes in metabolic regulation associated with weaning in the tammar. During weaning, glucose becomes essentially unavailable to the young animal and there is an increase in the rate of hepatic gluconeogenesis which is attributable primarily to increased activity of soluble PEPCK. Metabolism, which is acidotic before weaning, becomes alkalotic and there is a decrease in urinary ammonia content as proton excretion decreases. As ammonia excretion falls, the activity of the urea cycle increases and the concentration of urea in the urine rises. Weaning in the tammar is therefore a complex and well-orchestrated process which may be associated with the change in diet.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The transfer of urea from plasma to the gut of tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) was studied using infusions of [15N]-urea and [14C]-urea in animals given either a high nitrogen chopped lucerne hay or a low nitrogen chopped oaten hay diet.
  • 2.2. The proportion of urea entering the plasma pool which was degraded in the gut was similar on both diets (74–86%). Incorporation of urea into non-ammonia nitrogen in the gut was 1.1–1.7 g N/day in tammars given the high nitrogen diet, equivalent to 34–53% of dietary N intake, and 0.75–0.78 g N/day in tammars given the low nitrogen diet, equivalent to 103–112% of dietary N intake.
  • 3.3. On the lucerne diet 63% of bacterial nitrogen in the midstomach was derived from ammonia.
  • 4.4. It appears that blood urea is transferred into the stomach of tammars given lucerne more readily than into the rumen of sheep given lucerne.

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