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Abstract Deceptive antipredator defense mechanisms fall into three categories: depriving predators of knowledge of prey's presence, providing cues that deceive predators about prey handling, and dishonest signaling. Deceptive defenses in terrestrial vertebrates include aspects of crypsis such as background matching and countershading, visual and acoustic Batesian mimicry, active defenses that make animals seem more difficult to handle such as increase in apparent size and threats, feigning injury and death, distractive behaviours, and aspects of flight. After reviewing these defenses, I attempt a preliminary evaluation of which aspects of antipredator deception are most widespread in amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds  相似文献   

This work evaluates the phenotypic response of the model grass (Brachypodium distacbyon (L.) P. Beauv.) to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition using a combination of imaging techniques and destructive harvest of shoots and roots. Reference line Bd21-3 was grown in pots using 11 phosphorus and 11 nitrogen concentrations to establish a dose-response curve. Shoot biovolume and biomass, root length and biomass, and tissue phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations increased with nutrient concentration. Shoot biovolume, estimated by imaging, was highly correlated with dry weight (R2 〉 0.92) and both biovolume and growth rate responded strongly to nutrient availability. Higher nutrient supply increased nodal root length more than other root types. Photochemical efficiency was strongly reduced by low phosphorus concentrations as early as 1 week after germination, suggesting that this measurement may be suitable for high throughput screening of phosphorus response. In contrast, nitrogen concentration had little effect on photochemical efficiency. Changes in biovolume over time were used to compare growth rates of four accessions in response tonitrogen and phosphorus supply. We demonstrate that a time series image-based approach coupled with mathematical modeling provides higher resolution of genotypic response to nutrient supply than traditional destructive techniques and shows promise for high throughput screening and determina- tion of genomic regions associated with superior nutrient use efficiency.  相似文献   

Males of the nursery web spider Pisaura mirabil usually offer an insect prey wrapped in white silk as a nuptial gift to facilitate copulation. Males exploit female foraging preferences in a sexual context as females feed on the gift during copula- tion. It is possible for males to copulate without a gift, however strong female preference for the gift leads to dramatically higher mating success for gift-giving males. Females are polyandrous, and gift-giving males achieve higher mating success, longer copulations, and increased sperm transfer that confer advantages in sperm competition. Intriguingly, field studies show that ap- proximately one third of males carry a worthless gift consisting of dry and empty insect exoskeletons or plant fragments wrapped in white silk. Silk wrapping disguises gift content and females are able to disclose gift content only after accepting and feeding on the gift, meanwhile males succeed in transferring sperm. The evolution of deceit by worthless gift donation may be favoured by strong intra-sexual competition and costs of gift-construction including prey capture, lost foraging opportunities and investment in silk wrapping. Females that receive empty worthless gifts terminate copulation sooner, which reduces sperm transfer and likely disadvantages males in sperm competition. The gift-giving trait may thus become a target of sexually antagonistic co-evolution, where deceit by worthless gifts leads to female resistance to the trait. We discuss factors such as female mating rate and intensity of sperm competition that may shape the evolution of male deception, and how ecological factors may influence the evolution and maintenance of worthless gifts as an evolutionarily stable alternative mating strategy by frequency dependent selection  相似文献   

Aggressive mimicry occurs when an organism resembles some aspect of another organism (the model) in order to obtain prey through its deceptive resemblance. This may function either through the overt response of the receiver or through the lack of response of the receiver. Reviewing selected examples, I discuss some of the difficulties in ascribing a model for the mimic. I also discuss how a single animal can have multiple ploys in its armoury of deceptive signals, thus belonging within two or more categories of deceptive signalling. In addition to aggressive mimicry, these may include crypsis or camouflage, mas- querade (mimicry of inanimate objects), and Batesian or protective mimicry. Each of these examples of deception has multiple evolutionary pathways, and some deceptive signals may be more costly to receivers than others, but no single organism is subject to a single selection pressure, leading to the reality that many evolutionary pathways contribute to the diversity we see around us. New technologies are opening new channels of investigation into deceptive signaling in many different sensory modalities, and this is reflected in the recent increase in studies investigating the structure and function of deceptive signals. In turn, these studies are beginning to expose the fascinating complexity of deceptive signaling systems, allowing us to discover the myriad, non-mutually exclusive, solutions that can be selected for to obtain prey  相似文献   

Behavioral research has long had an important role in the conservation of terns (Ayes: Stemidae). Habitat management and restoration of breeding colony sites depends on knowledge of the cues used to select colony and nest sites. For example, conspecific attraction with playback and decoys is commonly used to bring terns to suitable colony sites and habitat modification is often used to increase the availability of suitable nest sites. Tern colonies are interconnected by dispersal, and a metapopulation approach is needed for effective management. Population dynamics are therefore affected by behaviors that influence the frequency of movement among colony sites: site fidelity, natal and breeding dispersal, and group adherence. The monogamous breeding system of terns should keep effective population size similar to census population size, but variation in sex ratios (likely resulting from sex differences in behavior) and in parental quality can result in a smaller than expected effective population size. In addition to the behavior of terns, knowledge of the behavior of predators on terns contributes to management plans, because predator behavior can sometimes be manipulated and predation is often performed by only a few specialized individuals. Other examples of links between tern behavior and conservation are also briefly reviewed, such as behavioral toxicology research and studies of behavioral responses to human disturbance and manmade structures. More work is needed on the behavior of migratory terns at staging sites, stopover sites and wintering grounds, and on the behavior of less well-studied species and species in less well-studied geographic regions [Current Zoology 60 (4): 500-514, 2014].  相似文献   

Neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutiric acid (GABA) through ionotropic GABAA and metabotropic GABAB receptors plays key roles in modulating the development, plasticity and function of neuronal networks. GABA is inhibitory in mature neurons but excitatory in immature neurons, neuroblasts and neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs/ NPCs). The switch from excitatory to inhibitory occurs following the development of glutamatergic synaptic input and results from the dynamic changes in the expression of Na+/K+/2CF co-transporter NKCC1 driving CF influx and neuron-specific K+/Cl co-transporter KCC2 driving Cl efflux. The developmental transition of KCC2 expression is regulated by Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia 1 (DISC1) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) signaling. The excitatory GABA signaling during early neurogenesis is important to the activity/experience-induced regulation of NSC quiescence, NPC proliferation, neuroblast migration and new-born neuronal maturation/functional integration. The inhibitory GABA signaling allows for the sparse and static functional networking essential for learning/memory development and maintenance.  相似文献   

We investigated geographical variations in three fitness-related traits (body melanisation, ovariole number and fecundity) in laboratory-reared offspring of 10 populations of Drosophila melanogaster. The populations were collected from adjacent lowland and highland localities (-80-100 km apart) in the tropical as well as subtropical regions (11.15-31.06°N) covering a linear distance about 3 000 kilometers from south to north on the Indian subcontinent. Persistence of within- as well as between-population differences at 21 ℃ suggest that observed variations in fitness-related traits have a genetic basis. Populations from higher altitudes showed consistently higher trait values (1.4-fold increase) as compared with their corresponding lowland populations. By contrast, latitudinal variations were about two-fold higher across the entire continent. Along latitude as well as altitude, population means showed higher correlation values (r 〉 0.98) between all the three fitness traits. However, on the basis of within-population analysis (assorted darker and lighter flies), changes in body melanisation were significantly correlated with fecundity but not with ovariole number. Thus, analysis of within-population trait variability should be preferred as compared with data on population means for adaptive significance of fitness-related traits. In the present study, the role of climatic selection is evident from regression analysis with changes in annual average temperature of the sites of origin of populations along latitude as well as altitude.  相似文献   

异型雄蕊植物花内雄蕊的分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flowers that have heteromorphic stamens (heterantherous flowers) have intrigued many researchers ever since the phenomenon was discovered in the 19th century. The morphological differentiation in androecia has been suggested as a reflection of "labor division" in pollination in which one type of stamens attracts pollinators and satisfies their demand for pollen as food and the other satisfies the plant's need for safe gamete dispersal. The extent and patterns of stamen differentiation differ notably among taxa with heterantherous flowers. Seven species with heteromorphic stamens in three genera were sampled from Leguminosae and Melastomataceae, and the morphological difference of androecia, pollen content, pollen histochemistry and viability, pollen micro- morphology, as well as the main pollinators were examined and compared. Pollen number differs significantly between stamen sets of the same flower in most species investigated, and a correlation of pollen number and anther size was substantiated. Higher pollen viabilities were found in the long (pollinating) stamens of Senna alata (L.) Roxb. and S. bicapsularis (L.) Roxb. Dimorphic pollen exine ornamentation is reported here for the first time in Fordiophytonfaberi Stapf. The height of stigma and anther tips of the long stamens in natural conditions was proved to be highly correlated, supporting the hypothesis that they contact similar areas of the pollinator's body.  相似文献   

We examined sexual size dimorphism (SSD), mating pattem, fertilization efficiency and female reproductive traits in two bufonid toads (Bufo gargarizans and Duttaphrynus melanostictus) to test the idea that importance of male body size for egg fertilization success depends on the mating pattern. Female-biased SSD was evident only in D. melanostictus. Female B. gar- garizans laid fewer larger eggs nearly three months earlier than did female D. melanostictus. Fertilization efficieneies on average were higher in B. gargarizans (95%) than in D. melanostictus (91%). Though differing in the degree of SSD, body size, breeding season, clutch size, egg size and fertilization efficiency, the two toads were similar in four aspects: (1) both showed size-assortative mating; (2) females did not tradeoff egg size against egg number; (3) male size, clutch size and clutch dry mass were greater in male-larger than in female-larger pairs after accounting for female snout-vent length (SVL); and (4) the ratio of male to female SVL did not affect fertilization efficiency. Our data show that: (1) a female preference for large males is likely not important in terms of egg fertilization success; (2) a male preference for large females is likely important because larger females are more fecund; and (3) size-assortative mating arises from a male preference for large females. Our study demonstrates that male size is not always important for egg fertilization success in anurans that show size-assortative mating.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that sexually selected traits may signal sperm quality and hence male fertilisation ability. There is also evidence that the expression of male sexual ornamentation and associated sperm characteristics depend on an indi- vidual's ability to cope with oxidative stress. Carotenoids are known for their antioxidant properties and carotenoid-based orna- ments might represent honest signals as these pigments can be traded offbetween the investment in sexual ornamentation, sperm function as well as immune response. In this study, we examined the relationship between sexual ornamentation (breeding colo- ration) and sperm characteristics (e.g., velocity and morphology) in the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aeuleatus, an ex- ternally fertilising fish species, in which sperm competition commonly occurs. During the breeding season males are sperm limi- ted and develop a conspicuous carotenoid-based coloration, which is under strong pre-copulatory sexual selection due to female mate choice and male-male competition. The results of the present study show that the expression of stickleback male breeding coloration is significantly positively associated with the linearity of sperm movement, whereas sperm morphology (head length to tail length ratio) is significantly negatively related to the trajectory of sperm movement. Moreover, there is some support for the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis as the intensity of male red breeding coloration is significantly positively correlated with sperm velocity, which is supposed to be an important determinant of fertilisation success in external fertilisers, indicating the honesty of the sexually selected nuptial red coloration.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation is a tightly regulated process through which duplicated genetic materials are equally partitioned into daughter cells. During the past decades, tremendous efforts have been made to understand the molecular mechanism of chromosome segregation using animals and yeasts as model systems. Recently, new insights into chromosome segregation have gradually emerged using trypanosome, an early branching parasitic protozoan, as a model organism. To uncover the unique aspects of chromosome segregation in trypanosome, which potentially could serve as new drug targets for anti-trypanosome chemotherapy, it is necessary to perform a comparative analysis of the chromosome segregation machinery between trypanosome and its human host. Here, we briefly review the current knowledge about chromosome segregation in human and Trypanosoma brucei, with a focus on the regulation of cohesin and securin degradation triggered by the activation of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). We also include yeasts in our comparative analysis since some of the original discoveries were made using budding and fission yeasts as the model organisms and, therefore, these could provide hints about the evolution of the machinery. We highlight both common and unique features in these model systems and also provide perspectives for future research in trypanosome.  相似文献   

I review evidence that females deceive males in the context of sexual selection and sexual conflict in the green poison frog, Dendrobates auratus. In this species, males mate polygynously when they have the opportunity, but polygyny imposes a cost on female reproductive success. Some females attempt to guard their mates when those males are approached by other fe- males. This behavior involves both aggression toward other females and active "pseudo-courtship" of the male. This courtship is hypothesized to be a deceptive signal that ffmctions to prevent the male from mating with other females. Observational and com- parative evidence is presented in support of the predictions of this hypothesis. This form of deception is compared to similar be- haviors that occur in other species, and the possibility that other forms of deception occur in poison frogs is discussed  相似文献   

Advances in functional genomics have led to discovery of a large group of previous uncharacterized long non-coding RNAs (IncRNAs). Emerging evidence indicates that IncRNAs may serve as master gene regulators through various mechanisms. Dysregulation of IncRNAs is often associated with a variety of human diseases including cancer. Of significant interest, recent studies suggest that IncRNAs participate in the p53 tumor suppressor regulatory network. In this review, we discuss how IncRNAs serve as p53 regulators or p53 effectors. Further characterization of these p53-associated IncRNAs in cancer will provide a better understanding of lncRNA- mediated gene regulation in the p53 pathway. As a result, IncRNAs may prove to be valuable biomarkers for cancer diagnosis or poten- tial targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

苏门白酒草的繁殖特征与入侵性的关系以及某些进化含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conyza sumatrensis (Retz.) E. Walker, a member of Asteraceae, is a highly invasive species. However, its reproduction biology remains poorly known. To understand the role of reproductive traits in successful invasion of the species, we studied several traits of its reproductive system: the miniature capitulum and gynomonoecious sexual system, the biology and phenology of capitula and florets, pollen/ovule ratio, the mating system (selfcompatibility), flower visitors, physical traits and dispersal potential of achenes, germination potential of achenes from manually pollinated capitula, and the association of these traits with invasiveness. Our study showed that the reproductive traits of autonomous seed production, versatile mating system of self- and cross-pollination, and generalized pollination system might contribute to the species' successful invasive capability. The invasiveness was further enhanced by the high and rapid production of achenes, as well as the high percentage, rapid germination rate and high dispersal capability of achenes. It was concluded that in annual or winter-annual weeds, autonomous seed production contributed significantly to the invasiveness of the species.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the number of studies devoted to consistent individual differences in behavior, termed "behavioral syndromes" or animal "personality". In particular, ecologists and evolutionary biologists alike seek to explore the functional consequences of individuals' personalities and explanations for their general maintenance. Understand ing the mechanistic underpinnings to personality is arguably key to a deeper understanding of their functional consequences and maintenance. In particular, consistent individual differences in metabolic rate have been proposed as a general explanation for the maintenance of consistent individual differences in boldness, aggressiveness, and activity level. In this paper we explore whether consistent individual differences in boldness are associated with heat rate, a proxy for metabolic rate, in two species of orbweaving spider: Larinioides cornutus and L. patagiatus. We first documented consistent individual differences in boldness in L. cornutus but not L. patagiatus, as estimated by individuals' latency to resume movement following an aversive stimulus. We also measured individuals' heart rate twice in a separate situation. We then tested for an association between individuals' boldness and their heart rate during these two events. We found that increased boldness was associated with increased heart. Thus, indi viduals that resumed movement quickly following an aversive stimulus also exhibited faster heart rates. Our studies provide fur ther evidence that consistent individual differences in key physiological attributes, like metabolic rate, might be a general mecha nism underlying consistent individual differences in behavior .  相似文献   

M.  M.  KELLY  A.  C.  GASKETT 《动物学报(英文版)》2014,(1):104-113
Rewardless orchids attract pollinators by food, sexual, and brood-site mimicry, but other forms of sensory deception may also operate. Helmet orchids (Corybas, Nematoceras and related genera) are often assumed to be brood-site deceivers that mimic the colours and scents of mushrooms to fool female fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae) into attempting oviposition and polli- nating flowers. We sampled spectral reflectances and volatile odours of an endemic terrestrial New Zealand orchid Corybas cheesemanii, and co-occurring wild mushrooms. The orchid is scentless to humans and SPME GC-MS analyses did not detect any odours, but more sensitive methods may be required. The orchids reflected strongly across all visible wavelengths (300-700nm) with peaks in the UV (-320nm), yellow-green (500-600 nm) and red regions (650-700 nm), whereas mushrooms and surrounding leaf litter reflected predominantly red and no UV. Rather than mimicking mushrooms, these orchids may attract pollinators by exploiting insects' strong sensory bias for UV. Modelling spectral reflectances into a categorical fly vision model and a generic tetrachromat vision model provided very different results, but neither suggest any mimicry of mushrooms. However, these models require further assessment and data on fly spectral sensitivity to red wavelengths is lacking - a problem given the predominance of red, fly-pollinated flowers worldwide  相似文献   

Over-shadowed by eye-catching vocal and visual signals, chemical communication has long been overlooked in birds. This study aimed at exploring whether volatile composition of the uropygial gland secretion (UGS) of birds was associated with the information about sex, individual and species. By using dichloromethane extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), we analyzed the UGS volatiles of domesticated Bengalese finches ( Lonchura striata, Estrildiea) which is also known as white-rumped munias. We characterized 16 volatile molecules from the UGS, including eight n-alkanols, five diesters, an ester, an aldehyde and a fatty acid, and quantified them in terms of GC peak area percentages (relative abundances) . Among these compounds, hexadecanol and octadecanol were major components in both sexes. The former was richer in males than in females and the latter richer in females than in males, suggesting that they might be male and female pheromone candidates, respectively. The high inter-individual variations, in relative abundance, of the UGS volatiles implied that these compounds might carry information about individuality. The similarity between GC profiles of the UGS and wing feather from same individuals indicates that the birds might preen the secretion to their feathers to transmit chemical cues. Additionally, by comparing with three sympatric passerine species, i. e., zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata, yellow-bowed buntings Emberiza chrysophrys and rooks Corvus frugilegus, we found that the composition of C13 - C18 alkanols in the UGS might code for information about species. Our study also showed that quantitative differences (degree) of same UGS volatiles might be the key for the Bengalese finch to code for information about sex and individuality whereas both the kind and degree of UGS constituents could be utilized to code for information about species [ Current Zoology 55 (5): 357-365, 2009].  相似文献   

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