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Freeze-dried sperm is applicable to the storage and transport of genetic material. We recently reported that freeze-dried mouse sperm required temperatures lower than −80 °C for long-term preservation and concluded that it was necessary to explore freeze-drying conditions before long-term preservation of sperm becomes viable. In the current study, we determined the percentage of sperm with elevated levels of DNA fragmentation using a sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA), a technique not previously reported for the evaluation of freeze-dried mouse sperm. We applied SCSA to mouse sperm freeze-dried under four conditions (various combinations of primary drying pressure of 0.04 and 0.37 hPa and storage temperatures of 4 and −80 °C) and compared the results with the embryonic developmental rates of freeze-dried sperm after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and with comet assay results. The DNA fragmentation index values under the four conditions determined by SCSA had good correlation with the developmental rate to the blastocyst stage of embryos from ICSI with freeze-dried mouse sperm. We concluded that the SCSA method applied to freeze-dried mouse sperm after storage will lead to not only clarification of the developmental rate derived from ICSI using freeze-dried sperm but also to improvements in the freeze-drying and storage processes.  相似文献   

The integrity of sperm chromatin is now viewed as an important factor in male fertility and in early embryonic development. The objectives of this study were: (1) adapt the simple and inexpensive sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test to evaluate DNA fragmentation in llama sperm and establish the halo patterns observed in this species, (2) determine an effective and reliable positive control for this technique and (3) evaluate correlation between the SCD test and the toluidine blue (TB) stain. To adapt the SCD test, three different mercaptoethanol (ME) concentrations were assayed (2.5%, 5% and 10% ME). To determine an effective positive control, three treatments (incubation at 100 °C for 30 min, incubation with 0.3 M NaOH for 30 min at room temperature and exposure to UV light for 2h) were assayed. The concentration selected to use in the SCD test was 5% ME, because it produced the largest halo while still conserving the structure of the core. Four DNA dispersion patterns were clearly observed: (I) nuclei with large DNA dispersion halos; (II) nuclei with medium halos; (III) nuclei with very small halos and (IV) nuclei with no halo. All treatments used as positive controls were effective in producing DNA fragmentation. A high correlation (r=0.84, P=0.03) was observed between spermatozoa without halos and TB positive cells. To conclude, SCD patterns in llama sperm have been established as well as a repeatable positive control for the assay. The SCD test and TB stain are simple and inexpensive techniques that can be used to evaluate DNA damage in llama sperm.  相似文献   



There is clinical evidence to show that sperm DNA damage could be a marker of sperm quality and extensive data exist on the relationship between DNA damage and male fertility status. Detecting such damage in sperm could provide new elements besides semen parameters in diagnosing male infertility. We aimed to assess sperm DNA fragmentation and oxidation and to study the association between these two markers, routine semen parameters and malondialdehyde formation.  相似文献   

We present a new, rapid and simple method to study DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) in sperm samples from boar under bright-field and fluorescence microscopy. Discrimination of sperm cells containing fragmented DNA relies on the extreme peripheral diffusion of their chromatin fragments, whereas those sperm nuclei without DNA fragmentation do not disperse or show very restricted spreading of DNA loops close to the flagellum. The basic methodology provided in the commercial kit Sperm-Sus-Halomax allows, in addition to a direct estimation of DFI in a sperm sample under bright field microscopy, a direct visualization of DNA breaks by incorporation of labelled nucleotides using the DNA polymerase I following the in situ nick translation assay (ISNT methodology not provided in the kit). An external control using DBD-FISH (DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization) on human and boar sperm samples was used in this experiment. The results obtained show (i) low levels of background DNA fragmentation (from 0.7 to 10%), (ii) no significant differences for DFI after the application of Sperm-Sus-Halomax and ISNT, with a tendency to be underestimated after using DBD-FISH and (iii) a characteristic chromatin organization in boar sperm nucleus, with a particular response to chromatin loop relaxation and preferential DNA labelling by ISNT at the proximal nuclear area, close to the flagellum. This methodology allows the routine assessment of boar sperm samples for DFI, as well as basic and clinical research on this relevant topic in any laboratory of semen analysis.  相似文献   

Sperm plasma membrane lipids have an important role to play in determining membrane fluidity and sperm motility. The objective of the present study was to determine whether there are differences in the lipid and fatty acid (FA) composition of boar sperm and seminal plasma in the ejaculates of boars having different sperm motilities. Semen was collected from two groups of boars having normal (> 60%; n = 53) or low (< 60%; n = 53) motility sperm and the semen was evaluated for motility, morphology and vitality. The semen was then centrifuged to separate the sperm from the seminal plasma and both were kept at −20 °C until analyzed for lipid content and FA profile by gas chromatography. Total antioxidant status (TAS) of seminal plasma was determined using a commercial kit. There were differences (P ≤ 0.05) in sperm total lipids, cholesterol, saturated fatty acids (SFA), phospholipids, n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and the ratio of n-6:n-3 PUFA between boars with normal and low motility sperm. Total lipids, cholesterol, phospholipids, PUFA, DHA and n-3 PUFA were positively correlated with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membrane. In contrast, SFA and the ratio of n-6: n-3 PUFA were negatively correlated (P ≤ 0.05) with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membranes. The TAS of seminal plasma from boars having normal motility sperm was higher (P ≤ 0.05) than that of boars having low motility sperm and TAS was positively correlated (P = 0.0001) with sperm motility, viability, normal morphology and normal plasma membranes. In summary, differences in sperm motility were related to n-3 PUFA content in the sperm plasma membrane and extracellular antioxidants in seminal plasma which protect sperm plasma membranes from lipid peroxidation during periods of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The process of cryopreservation impairs sperm cell function, potentially leading to a reduction in fertility. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects that cryopreservation using two different extenders has on sperm motility and mitochondrial function, as well as on the integrity of plasma membranes, acrosomal membranes and chromatin, using practical and objective techniques. The focus of the present study was to identify correlations between alterations in sperm membranes and sperm motility in cryopreserved bovine spermatozoa. Seven ejaculates were collected from eight Simmental bulls (n=56). After collection, semen volume and concentration were assessed for purposes of dilution. Sperm motility was evaluated subjectively and by computer-assisted semen analysis, morphological characteristics were evaluated by differential interference microscopy, the integrity of plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as mitochondrial function, were determined using a combination of fluorescent probes containing fluorescein isothiocyanate-Pisum sativum agglutinin, propidium iodide or 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbocyanine iodide. Chromatin integrity was evaluated using the acridine orange technique. The semen was subsequently divided into two aliquots and diluted with one of two extenders (Bioxcell or Botu-Bov), after which both were packaged in 0.5 mL straws and frozen using an automated system. Two straws of semen from each treatment were thawed, and the semen parameters were evaluated as described above. Cryopreservation of sperm reduced motility, damaging plasma and acrosomal membranes, as well as decreasing mitochondrial function. The Botu-Bov extender was more effective in preserving sperm motility and membrane integrity than was the Bioxcell extender.  相似文献   

Sperm DNA fragmentation is an important parameter to assess sperm quality and can be a putative fertility predictor. Because the sperm head consists almost entirely of DNA, subtle differences in sperm head morphometry might be related to DNA status. Several techniques are available to analyze sperm DNA fragmentation, but they are labor-intensive and require expensive instrumentations. Recently, a kit (Sperm-Halomax) based on the sperm chromatin dispersion test and developed for spermatozoa of different species, but not for cat spermatozoa, became commercially available. The first aim of the present study was to verify the suitability of Sperm-Halomax assay, specifically developed for canine semen, for the evaluation of DNA fragmentation of epididymal cat spermatozoa. For this purpose, DNA fragmentation indexes (DFIs) obtained with Sperm-Halomax and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase–mediated nick-end labeling (TUNEL) were compared. The second aim was to investigate whether a correlation between DNA status, sperm head morphology, and morphometry assessed by computer-assisted semen analysis exists in cat epididymal spermatozoa. No differences were observed in DFIs obtained with Sperm-Halomax and TUNEL. This result indicates that Sperm-Halomax assay provides a reliable evaluation of DNA fragmentation of epididymal feline spermatozoa. The DFI seems to be independent from all the measured variables of sperm head morphology and morphometry. Thus, the evaluation of the DNA status of spermatozoa could effectively contribute to the completion of the standard analysis of fresh or frozen semen used in assisted reproductive technologies.  相似文献   

Sperm DNA fragmentation in a random sample of the Spanish boar livestock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A collection of 180 chilled boar semen samples, randomly chosen from stocks currently used for routine characterization of standard seminal quality, were studied for DNA fragmentation status using the sperm chromatin dispersion test and the DNA fragmentation index (DFI: percent of abnormal cell versus normal cells for DNA fragmentation) was determined. Values for sperm motility, acrosome status, coiled tails and abnormal head morphology, including presence and position of cytoplasmic droplets were also obtained. The DFI in the whole sample presented a wide range of variation with values oscillating between practically 0% and 47.95% and do not fit to a normal distribution. The most frequent classes (83.3%) presented a DFI lower than a 5%. Significant correlations between sperm DNA fragmentation and sperm motility, acrosome status, frequency of distal droplets, coiled tails and abnormal head morphology, were not observed. However, the presence of proximal cytoplasmic droplets showed a significant correlation with the level of DNA fragmentation observed in the ejaculated spermatozoa.  相似文献   

The sperm chromatin dispersion (SCD) test is a new technique that allows assessment of sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) in different species. The application of this technique, like other techniques, is restricted to the laboratory. Our investigation was aimed at exploring the possibilities of extending SCD methodology for use in the field, where electric powered facilities such as freezers, microscopes or heaters are not available. Our results showed that SCD methodology, with minor modifications to the standard protocol, can be performed readily in the field, offering reliable information about SDF. An Light Emitting Diode (LED)-equipped microscope attached to a laptop, a gas heater and a CO2 spray for cooling are sufficient to assess the quality of sperm DNA. The results obtained after assessing 10 different semen samples under different conditions (30° C in the laboratory and at 17° C and 4° C in the field) showed that except after processing the slides at 4° C, the results of SDF in different animals showed no significant differences. With the modifications suggested here, the SCD technique can be used to assess SDF in the wild. In particular, the DNA quality of spermatozoa obtained from animals post mortem can be assessed in the field.  相似文献   

This study investigated the hypothesis that post-thaw incubation of ram sperm at high concentrations results in a faster rate of DNA fragmentation than when sperm are incubated at a lower concentration. Ejaculates from 10 rams were frozen-thawed, prepared in sperm concentrations of 100, 50, 25, 12, and 6 × 106 sperm/mL, and incubated for 6 h at 37 °C. Sperm DNA fragmentation was assessed using the sperm chromatin dispersion test (Sperm-Halomax®) at 1, 3, 4, and 6 h of incubation at 37 °C. On fitting a binary logistic regression with a cubic over time and treating ram and dilution levels as factors, there were significant effects with respect to the ram, dilution and time (all P-values were very much smaller than 0.001). Therefore, DNA fragmentation dynamics of incubated frozen-thawed ram sperm were not only dependent on the inherent sperm DNA fragmentation expressed immediately after thawing, but also on the concentration of sperm incubated in the sample. Although there was evidence of individual ram variation in SDF during the incubation period, the general finding of the current study was that lower sperm concentrations resulted in a slower rate of DNA fragmentation These findings have important implications for the post-thaw manipulation of ram sperm used for AI and advanced reproductive procedures that use sperm at low concentrations. Our data also emphasised the highly dynamic nature of sperm DNA fragmentation and the importance of conducting the procedure in a standardised manner.  相似文献   

From a biological viewpoint spermatozoa are ejaculated by the male and received into the female while maintaining roughly constant temperature, which in most mammals is below the temperature of the soma. When ejaculated spermatozoa are used for artificial reproductive purposes a temperature excursion episode is produced, because the spermatozoa are often stored as frozen or chilled samples and the biological temperature is only recovered after insemination. In this study we have analyzed the effects of cooling (to 15 degrees C) and freezing ram spermatozoa on the subsequent sperm DNA fragmentation index (sDFI) during a varying period of storage at 37 degrees C. The aim was to emulate in vivo processes that cooled or frozen-thawed spermatozoa experience after insemination. The study was performed using commercial semen samples derived from rams regularly used for reproductive purposes. Semen samples were studied after a cooling or cryopreservation episode followed by biological temperature recovery and incubation up to 48h. The results indicated that when spermatozoa experience a severe (frozen) or mild (cooled) temperature excursion episode, major effects on sperm viability and DNA fragmentation are induced and cause the subsequent rapid decline of ram sperm quality. This effect could be detected just at the onset of the biological temperature recovery. Sperm DNA damage in cooled samples was observed after 5h of incubation at 37 degrees C, while this time was reduced to less than 60min in frozen-thaw samples. The dynamics of sDFI in different animals, analyzed under the same experimental conditions, was different from one sample to another, regardless of the method used for storage. Sperm viability was better preserved in cooled rather than in frozen samples. While for the frozen-thawed samples sperm viability was almost abolished after 5h of incubation, a stable proportion of viable spermatozoa (ranging from 20% to 60%) was observed in the cooled samples at the corresponding time points. Finally, with respect to the prevalence of sDFI in ram, the level commonly found was lower than 5% at the onset of the experiment. However, sDFI was higher than 5% in 25% of the samples and in 15% of rams this index exceeded 10%.  相似文献   

Sperm competition, a prevalent evolutionary process in which the spermatozoa of two or more males compete for the fertilization of the same ovum, leads to morphological and physiological adaptations, including increases in energetic metabolism that may serve to propel sperm faster but that may have negative effects on DNA integrity. Sperm DNA damage is associated with reduced rates of fertilization, embryo and fetal loss, offspring mortality, and mutations leading to genetic disease. We tested whether high levels of sperm competition affect sperm DNA integrity. We evaluated sperm DNA integrity in 18 species of rodents that differ in their levels of sperm competition using the sperm chromatin structure assay. DNA integrity was assessed upon sperm collection, in response to incubation under capacitating or non-capacitating conditions, and after exposure to physical and chemical stressors. Sperm DNA was very resistant to physical and chemical stressors, whereas incubation in non-capacitating and capacitating conditions resulted in only a small increase in sperm DNA damage. Importantly, levels of sperm competition were positively associated with sperm DNA fragmentation across rodent species. This is the first evidence showing that high levels of sperm competition lead to an important cost in the form of increased sperm DNA damage.  相似文献   

Transgenic animals are produced primarily by microinjecting exogenous DNA into the male pronuclei of a zygote. Microinjection is successful in mice but not efficient in farm animals, limiting its general utility. We have pursued an alternative technology for producing transgenic animals: Sperm Mediated Gene Transfer (SMGT). Based on our finding that sperm cells bind and internalize exogenous DNA, we used sperm as a vector for transmitting, not only their own DNA, but also, the exogenously-introduced gene of interest to the zygote. SMGT is highly efficient (up to greater than 80%) and relatively inexpensive; it can be used in species refractory to microinjection, whenever reproduction is mediated by gametes. In this report, we describe the procedure for selection of sperm donors and optimization of DNA uptake that are the key steps for the successful outcome of SMGT. We found that the nominal parameters that boar sperm should possess to serve as a good vector for exogenous DNA are the quality of semen based on standard parameters used in conventional animal breeding programs (volume, concentration, presence of abnormal sperm cells, motility at time of collection, and high progressive motility after 2 hr) and the ability of the sperm cells to take up and internalize exogenous DNA. The results described provide significant advances in SMGT technology applied to pigs, so that transgenic pigs can be efficiently obtained. Mol.  相似文献   

Evenson DP  Wixon R 《Theriogenology》2006,65(5):979-991
Over the past 25 years, various methods have been developed to measure sperm DNA strand breaks in situ. Currently, there are four major tests of sperm DNA fragmentation, including the Comet, Tunel, sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and the acridine orange test (AOT). The Comet assay is a light microscope technique where the sperm cells are mixed with melted agarose and then placed on a glass slide. The cells are lysed and then subjected to horizontal electrophoresis. The Tunel assay, another light microscope technique, transfers labeled nucleotide to the 3'OH group of a broken DNA strand with the use of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase. The fluorescence intensity of each scored sperm is determined as a "yes" or "no" for sperm on a light microscope slide or by channels of fluorescent intensity in a flow cytometer. The light microscope-based AOT, uses the metachromatic properties of acridine orange to stain sperm cells. The SCSA treats sperm with low pH to denature DNA at the sites of DNA strand breaks, followed by acridine orange (AO) staining of green for native DNA and red for denatured DNA as measured by flow cytometry (FCM) as well as % sperm with high DNA stainability (HDS: immature sperm with intact DNA related to decreased fertilization rates). The SCSA method has defined a 27-30% DNA fragmentation index (DFI) as the point in which a man is placed into a statistical category of taking a longer time to in vivo pregnancy, intra uterine insemination (IUI) and more routine in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles or no pregnancy. Current data suggest that intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) may help overcome the diminished pregnancy prognosis with high DFI over the other ART or natural methods.  相似文献   

Dynamics of sperm DNA fragmentation in domestic animals II. The stallion   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The mixed success of equine artificial insemination programs using chilled and frozen-thawed semen is most likely associated with the variable response of the sperm cell to the preservation process and the fact that stallions are not selected on the basis of reproductive performance. We propose that the traditional indicators of sperm viability do not fully account for male factor infertility in the stallion and that knowledge of sperm DNA damage in the original semen sample and during semen processing may provide a more informed explanation of an individual stallion's reproductive potential. This study reports on the validation of a sperm DNA fragmentation test based on the sperm chromatin dispersion test (SCD) for stallion spermatozoa and on its application to semen that was chilled (4 degrees C; n=10) or frozen-thawed (n=13). Semen samples were collected by artificial vagina and the proportion of sperm with fragmented DNA determined. Seminal plasma was then removed by centrifugation and the sperm pellet re-suspended in commercial extenders prior to being chilled or cryopreserved using standard industry protocols. Chilled semen was cooled slowly to 4 degrees C and stored for 1h before commencing the analysis; cryopreserved semen was thawed and immediately analyzed. Following chilling or cryopreservation, the semen samples were incubated at 37 degrees C and analyzed for SCD after 0, 4, 6, 24 and 48 h storage. The results of this investigation revealed that there was no significant difference in the sperm DNA fragmentation index (sDFI) of sperm evaluated initially after collection compared to those tested immediately after chilling or cryopreservation. However, within 1h of incubation at 37 degrees C, both chilled and frozen-thawed spermatozoa showed a significant increase in the proportion of sDFI; after 6h the sDFI had increased to over 50% and by 48 h, almost 100% of the sperm showed DNA damage. While the sDFI of individual stallions at equivalent times of incubation was variable, an analysis of the rate of change of sDFI revealed no difference between stallions or the way in which the semen was preserved. In terms of sperm DNA fragmentation dynamics, the highest intensity of sperm DNA damage occurred in the first 6h of incubation. We suggest that the SCD test can be used as a routine assessment tool for the development and refinement of preservation protocols designed to reduce stallion sperm DNA damage.  相似文献   

Sperm competition games: sperm selection by females   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyse a co-evolutionary sexual conflict game, in which males compete for fertilizations (sperm competition) and females operate sperm selection against unfavourable ejaculates (cryptic female choice). For simplicity, each female mates with two males per reproductive event, and the competing ejaculates are of two types, favourable (having high viability or success) or unfavourable (where progeny are less successful). Over evolutionary time, females can increase their level of sperm selection (measured as the proportion of unfavourable sperm eliminated) by paying a fecundity cost. Males can regulate sperm allocations depending on whether they will be favoured or disfavoured, but increasing sperm allocation reduces their mating rate. The resolution of this game depends on whether males are equal, or unequal. Males could be equal: each is favoured with probability, p, reflecting the proportion of females in the population that favour his ejaculate (the 'random-roles' model); different males are favoured by different sets of females. Alternatively, males could be unequal: given males are perceived consistently by all females as two distinct types, favoured and disfavoured, where p is now the frequency of the favoured male type in the population (the 'constant-types' model). In both cases, the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) is for females initially to increase sperm selection from zero as the viability of offspring from unfavourable ejaculates falls below that of favourable ejaculates. But in the random-roles model, sperm selection decreases again towards zero as the unfavourable ejaculates become disastrous (i.e. as their progeny viability decreases towards zero). This occurs because males avoid expenditure in unfavourable matings, to conserve sperm for matings in the favoured role where their offspring have high viability, thus allowing females to relax sperm selection. If sperm selection is costly to females, ESS sperm selection is high across a region of intermediate viabilities. If it is uncostly, there is no ESS in this region unless sperm limitation (i.e. some eggs fail to be fertilized because sperm numbers are too low) is included into the model. In the constant-types model, no relaxation of sperm selection occurs at very low viabilities of disfavoured male progeny. If sperm selection is sufficiently costly, ESS sperm selection increases as progeny viability decreases down towards zero; but if it is uncostly, there is no ESS at the lowest viabilities, and unlike the random-roles model, this cannot be stabilized by including sperm limitation. Sperm allocations in the ESS regions differ between the two models. With random roles, males always allocate more sperm in the favoured role. With constant types, the male type that is favoured allocates less sperm than the disfavoured type. These results suggests that empiricists studying cryptic female choice and sperm allocation patterns need to determine whether sperm selection is applied differently, or consistently, on given males by different females in the same population.  相似文献   

Treatment of the pea carpel with the ethylene action inhibitors, silver thiosulphate and 2,5-norbornadiene, retarded its senescence and extended the growth time in which the unpollinated carpel was able to respond to gibberellins. Cells of the senescent carpel have characteristics of apoptotic cells, such as nuclei condensation and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation. Both DNA laddering and condensed nuclei can be prevented by the use of the ethylene action inhibitors, while ethylene treatment accelerates DNA fragmentation. It is postulated that ethylene produced by the flower after anthesis determines the fate of the ovary/ovule; in other words, if the ovary receives no additional stimulus (pollination or gibberellin treatment), it undergoes a senescence process, with some cells showing characteristics similar to those of programmed cell death already identified in animal systems.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic quality of boars used for breeding determines the litter outcome and thus has large economical consequences. Traditionally, quality controls based on the examination of simple karyograms are time consuming and sometimes give uncertain results. As an alternative, the use of high-resolution DNA flow cytometry on DAPI-stained sperm cell nuclei (CV 相似文献   

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