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Cryptomonadales have acquired their plastids by secondary endosymbiosis. A novel clade—CRY1—has been discovered at the base of the Cryptomonadales tree, but it remains unknown whether it contains plastids. Cryptomonadales are also an important component of phytoplankton assemblages. However, they cannot be readily identified in fixed samples, and knowledge on dynamics and distribution of specific taxa is scarce. We investigated the phenology of the CRY1 lineage, three cryptomonadales clades and a species Proteomonas sulcata in a brackish lagoon of the Baltic Sea (salinity 0.3–3.9) using fluorescence in situ hybridization. A newly design probe revealed that specimens of the CRY1 lineage were aplastidic. This adds evidence against the chromalveolate hypothesis, and suggests that the evolution of cryptomonadales’ plastids might have been shorter than is currently assumed. The CRY1 lineage was the most abundant cryptomonad clade in the lagoon. All of the studied cryptomonads peaked in spring at the most freshwater station, except for P. sulcata that peaked in summer and autumn. Salinity and concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen most significantly affected their distribution and dynamics. Our findings contribute to the ecology and evolution of cryptomonads, and may advance understanding of evolutionary relationships within the eukaryotic tree of life.  相似文献   

Heijs  Sander K.  van Gemerden  Hans 《Hydrobiologia》2000,437(1-3):121-131
Microbiological and environmental variables involved in the removal of free sulfide were studied along an eutrophication transect in the Bassin d'Arcachon (France). At four sites, analyses were carried out on reduced sulfur compounds, iron species and total numbers of viable sulfur bacteria (sulfide-producing bacteria, colorless sulfur bacteria and purple sulfur bacteria). In addition, the chemical buffering capacity towards free sulfide and the potential microbiological sulfide oxidation rates were determined.In the ecosystem, no free sulfide occurs in the top layers of the sediment at all four sites, despite a high nutrient load and hence favourable conditions for sulfide-producing bacteria. The explanation of this apparent discrepancy was shown to be the high biological sulfide oxidizing capacity in combination with a high chemical buffering capacity.The data presented illustrate that the buffering capacity of sediments towards free sulfide is the combined result of the chemical and biological processes. The ratio between these were found to depend on the degree of eutrophication. It was shown that the chemical buffering capacity towards sulfide is severely overestimated when based on the pool of chemically reactive iron, a more realistic value is obtained by estimating the total amount of sulfide that can be added before free sulfide can be detected. A clear difference was observed between the numbers of colorless sulfur bacteria and the activity of the entire population. For a proper quantification of the sulfide buffering capacity of sediments, it is essential to estimate the concentration of iron and sulfur compounds that actually can react with sulfide, as well as to analyze the activities of sulfide-oxidizing microbes.  相似文献   

Lake Nakanoumi is a shallow coastal lagoon connected with the Japan Sea by a narrow channel. Over the past decade, land reclamation resulted in a 33% reduction of the lagoon's surface area. The remaining water basin of Lake Nakanoumi is scheduled to be artificially freshened to supply irrigation water for the newly reclaimed lands. This paper deals with the seasonal and areal features of the lagoonal environment prior to the beginning of the artificial desalinization.  相似文献   

The species composition and assemblage structure of the ichthyoplankton from the Mar Menor Lagoon in south‐east Spain are given. The fish larvae were sorted from zooplankton samples collected at 20 stations with a plankton net (50 cm mouth diameter and 500 μm mesh) during 36 surveys between February and December 1997. A total of 39 575 fish larvae representing 14 families, 22 genera and 36 species were identified. Gobiidae was the most dominant family (77·0%) followed by Blenniidae (19·4%) and Atherinidae (1·3%). The most abundant species were Gobius niger and Gobius paganellus , which accounted for 42·7 and 19·3% of the total respectively. These species were followed in order of relative abundance by Pomatoschistus marmoratus (13·9%), Parablennius pilicornis (9·4%), Lipophrys pavo (7·7%), Atherina boyeri (1·3%) and Parablennius tentacularis (1·3%). The high species diversity (2·0–2·8 bits individual−1 for the annual diversity spectra at each sampling station) reflected a diverse assemblage of species. The main commercial species in the lagoon (Sparidae and Mugilidae) were poorly represented among the ichthyoplankton and they probably enter the lagoon on the bottom as recruits. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was the main factor explaining the seasonal variation in larval abundance. Spatial distribution of larvae was related to hydrographical circulation patterns in the lagoon and the movement of marine‐spawned larvae through the channels connecting the lagoon with the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

This paper presents data from a twelve-year (1986–98) monitoring of waterbird populations at Muni Lagoon, and discusses the ornithological importance of the lagoon and trends in the use of the site by waterbirds. The small brackish lagoon forms part of the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar site situated on the Ghana coast. A total of 48 species of waterbirds were recorded at the site comprising of 29 species of waders, eight species of terns, two species of gulls, seven species of herons and egrets, one species each of duck and cormorant. The most abundant waterbirds species recorded on the site were the Curlew Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Greenshank, Black-winged Stilt, Common Tern, Black Tern, Royal Tern and the Sandwich Tern. Three species of waders, Black-winged Stilt, Pratincole and Little Tern were observed to breed at the site. The highest numbers of waterbirds occurred on the site in the period September to March. The site remains an internationally important wetland site by virtue of supporting internationally important numbers of four species of terns: Royal Tern, Sandwich Tern, Common Tern and Black Tern. The value of Muni lies more in its use as a feeding/staging site for migrating waders that spend the non-breeding season in Ghana or pass through to winter further south, and as a roosting site for terns which feed mainly at sea. The use of the site by waterbirds has increased by some 400% between 1986 and 1998. This is attributed to improved prey availability resulting from the opening of the lagoon into the sea during the 1994 floods, and reduced disturbance of feeding and roosting birds. This would imply that the value of the site as waterbird habitat could improve considerably with appropriate habitat management interventions and continued protection.  相似文献   

This article concerns seasonal variations in the phosphate concentrations in two coastal lagoons near Montpellier (Mediterranean coast, France). The o-P concentration in the overlying water is highest during summer. The role of the sediment, particularly that of the different P fractions in the sediment, is discussed. Significant variations, especially in the FeOOH ≈ P fraction, occur. For both Tot-Psed and the Fe00H≈P fraction a gradient from surface to bottom is observed, as well as a distinct decrease in the FeOOH≈P fraction in the surface sediments during summer and autumn. Variations in the FeOOH≈P fraction appear to be compensated by variations in the CaC03≈P fraction. These variations appear to be determined by the ferric hydroxide concentration. This compound represents only a small part (maximally 15%) of the total iron in the sediments and is related to the dissolved oxygen content of the immediately overlying water. Besides the fractions o-P, Fe(OOH)≈P, a large part of the CaC03≈P fraction is potentially bioavailable. A large proportion of the Tot-Psed is therefore bioavailable.[/p]  相似文献   

Senescent, naturally dried leaves of Typha domingensis were incubated inthe littoral region of a coastal lagoon and epiphytic bacterial volume,abundance, biomass and secondary productivity were measured during 127 daysof decomposition. The peak of cell abundance was registered at t =127 days when expressed per leaf surface area (10.07×107cells cm-2; 7.26 µgC cm-2), and at t= 26 days when expressed per biofilm dry mass (38.10 ×107 cells (mgDM biofilm)-1, 30.52 µgC(mgDM biofilm)-1). The highest values of bacterial biovolumesand lower turnover time were usually obtained in the beginning of thecolonization. Leu:Tdr ratios were also higher in the beginning of thecolonization, when bacterial community presented unbalanced metabolism.Consequently, the highest discrepancies between the bacterial secondaryproduction estimated by leu and Tdr incorporation were observed in the first2 days of decomposition. On average, the bacterial secondary productivityestimated by leu incorporation was 2.1 times higher than the valuesestimated by Tdr incorporation when the empirical factor for Tdr wasobtained from the relationship between Tdr and biomass increment. Thisdifference increased to 4.2 when the empirical factor was obtained from therelationship between Tdr and cell numbers increment. An average of bothmethods (0.0037 to 0.1397 µgC cm-2 h-1)produced results that fall within the range reported in the literature forepiphytic bacteria of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio, the largest lagoonal ecosystem in the Po River deltaic area, were examined at four sampling sites located along a putative stress gradient and characterized by different levels of disturbance. Trends of parameters characterizing macrobenthic community structure were analyzed using data collected quarterly from 1996 to 2002. The positive slopes in trends of proportion of abundance of opportunistic species observed at all the four study sites indicated the persistence of stressful conditions. Conversely, temporal trends of species richness and diversity showed a positive slope at three out of four sites, thus indicating an increase of community structural complexity. It is suggested that the increase in abundance of detritivorous opportunistic species, as well as the increase in diversity and species richness, is probably driven by the frequency of physical disturbance that resets the ‘successional clock’ of the benthic communities of the Valli. Redundancy was assessed through multivariate analyses and a ‘forward selection backward elimination’ algorithm. At the ecosystem level (i.e., merging counts from the four sites), two response units (a response unit is the smallest subset of species for which the Spearman rank correlation with sample similarities for the full species set exceeds a predetermined value) were obtained. Each of the response units encompassed quite a large taxonomic and functional spread, since all guilds were well represented. Conversely, at the local level, only one response unit was obtained. Species number and function is essential to long-term maintenance of community and ecosystem processes over a complete cycle of common disturbance events. Since redundancy reflects the resistance to change of community functioning, we hypothesize that the macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio are quite resistant to environmental changes, despite disturbances that generate fluctuations in species abundance and complement at the local level.  相似文献   

During a survey of a north-western Mediterranean coastal lagoon, (the Etang de Thau, and at a nearby marine station, 1994–1998), six species of the genus Synchaetawere identified. The systematics of this illoricate genus is difficult and identification is virtually impossible in preserved material, although some indication may be obtained from an examination of the trophi after treatment with sodium hypochlorite. In this study, taxonomic characters (mastax, body morphology and egg size) were obtained from living material prior to preservation. We add some ecological observations: distribution of species (neither temperature nor salinity were found to be determining factors), co-existence (up to five species can co-occur) and consideration of trophic links (competition with tintinnids, copepod nauplii and cirripedes).  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial variations in water quality parameters, such as nutrients [NH4 +–N, NO2–N, NO3–N, PO43−–P, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP)], Secchi disc depth, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, primary productivity and phytoplankton standing stock, were studied in Chilika Lagoon (from 27 sampling locations) during 2001–2003 to assess the present ecological status. The study was undertaken after a major hydrological intervention in September 2000, which connected the lagoon body and the Bay of Bengal via a manmade opening (new mouth). Current and old data on water quality were also compared to establish the changes that had occurred after the hydrological intervention. Multivariate techniques and gridding methods were used to investigate the spatial and seasonal variability of the data and to characterize the trophic evolution of the basin. Results of principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the 27 stations can be classified into five groups based on similarities in the temporal variation of nutrients, chlorophyll a concentration, salinity, and other physicochemical parameters. The tributaries and the exchange of lagoon water with the Bay of Bengal most probably determine the water quality and the dynamics of the ecosystem. Hydrodynamics of the lagoon, weed coverage, input of urban sewage through tributaries and agricultural runoff are probably the key factors controlling the trophic conditions of the lagoon. An increase in salinity and total phosphorus was noted after the new mouth was opened, while the total suspended sediment load, the water column depth, and nitrogenous nutrients decreased. The new mouth opening also brought changes in the phytoplankton species composition.  相似文献   

Anaerobic phagotrophic protozoa may play an important role in the carbon flux of chemically stratified environments, especially when phototrophic sulfur bacteria account for a high proportion of the primary production. To test this assumption, we investigated the vertical and temporal distribution of microbial heterotrophs and of autotrophic picoplankton throughout the water column of the meromictic coastal lake Faro (Sicily, Italy), in the summer of 2004, coinciding with a bloom of brown-colored green sulfur bacteria. We also assessed the grazing impact of ciliated and flagellated protozoa within the sulfur bacteria plate using a modification of the fluorescently labeled bacteria uptake approach, attempting to minimize the biases intrinsic to the technique and to preserve the in situ anoxic conditions. Significant correlations were observed between ciliate biomass and bacteriochlorophyll e concentration, and between heterotrophic nanoflagellate biomass and chlorophyll a concentration in the water column. The major predators of anaerobic picoplankton were pleuronematine ciliates and cryptomonad flagellates, with clearances of 26.6 and 9.5 nL per cell h−1, respectively, and a cumulative impact on the picoplankton gross growth rate ranging between 36% and 72%. We concluded that protozoan grazing channels a large proportion of anaerobic picoplankton production to higher trophic levels without restraining photosynthetic bacteria productivity.  相似文献   

Abstract The microbial ecology of the sulfur cycle in the anaerobic part of Rotsee (Switzerland) was studied. Almost all the sulfate reduction took place at the sediment surface at a rate of 2 mmol SO2−4 reduced m−2 day−1. Approx. 104 sulfate reducers per ml were present in the surface sediments. The sulfide produced was phototrophically consumed mainly by Thiopedia rosea, Lamprocystis roseopersicina and ' Pelochromatium roseum ' consortia. Thiopedia rosea migrated diurnally about one meter. Bacterial photosynthesis was limited by light and sulfide rather than by temperature.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton samples were collected over a period of one year in five stations of the Ebrié lagoon and analysed for organic, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents. When zooplankton was dominated by A. clausi, body composition was relatively stable compared with the broad variability of environmental factors (mainly salinity, food abundance and composition), although a negative hypothetic influence of salinity may have occurred. Body composition was comparable when zooplankton was dominated by Pseudodiaptomus hessei and freshwater species, but contents were significantly lower for assemblages dominated by more exclusively marine species (Paracalanus spp., Oithona spp., marine cladocerans, chaetognates, etc.).  相似文献   

Gas vesicle formation and buoyancy regulation in Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme strain BU1 (Green sulfur bacteria) was investigated under various laboratory conditions. Cells formed gas vesicles exclusively at light intensities below 5 mol · m-2 · s-1 in the stationary phase. No effect of incubation temperature or nutrient limitation was observed. Gas space of gas vesicles occupied always less than 1.2% of the total cell volume. A maximum cell turgor pressure of 330 kPa was determined which is comparable to values determined for cyanobacterial species. Since a pressure of at least 485 kPa was required to collapse the weakest gas vesicles in Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme, short-term regulation of cell density by the turgor pressure mechanism can be excluded.Instead, regulation of the cell density is accomplished by the cease of gas vacuole production and accumulation of carbohydrate at high light intensity. The carbohydrate content of exponentially growing cells increased with light intensity, reaching a maximum of 35% of dry cell mass above 10 mol · m-2 · s-1. Density of the cells increased concomitantly. At maximum density, protein and carbohydrate together accounted for 62% of the total cell ballast. Cells harvested in the stationary phase had a significantly lower carbohydrate content (8–12% of the dry cell mass) and cell density (1010–1014 kg · m-3 with gas vesicles collapsed) which in this case was independent of light intensity. Due to the presence of gas vesicles in these cultures, the density of cells reached a minimum value of 998.5 kg · m-3 at 0.5 mol · m-2 · s-1.The cell volume during the stationary phase was three times higher than during exponential growth, leading to considerable changes in the buoyancy of Pelodictyon phaeoclathratiforme. Microscopic observations indicate that extracellular slime layers may contribute to these variations of cell volume.  相似文献   

Growth patterns and bloom formation of the green seaweed Ulva rigida were analysed in the eutrophic Sacca di Goro lagoon (Po River Delta, Italy). Variations of standing biomasses and elemental composition of Ulva were analysed through an annual cycle with respect to nitrogen, phosphorus and iron. Growth rates, nutrient and iron uptake and nitrate storage by macroalgal thalli were also assessed with field experiments during the formation of a spring bloom. The control of Ulva growth and the bloom formation depended on multiple factors, especially on nitrogen availability and iron deficiency. In the nitrate rich waters of the Sacca di Goro lagoon, nitrate accumulation in Ulva thalli was inversely related with Fe uptake, indicating an influence of Fe limitation on N acquisition. Since length and magnitude of nitrate luxury uptake are inversely related to the size of the intracellular nitrate pools, in nitrate rich waters the fast growing Ulva may face risk of N-limitation not only when exposed to low N concentrations or at high biomass levels, but also when exposed to pulsed dissolved nitrate concentrations at low iron availability. The potential Fe limitation could be affected by processes controlled by geochemical reactions and by macroalgal growth and decomposition. Both Fe oxidation during the active macroalgal growth and the formation of insoluble FeS and FeS2 during bloom collapse can result in a drastic decrease of soluble iron. Thus, a potential limitation of Fe to macroalgae can occur, determining positive feedbacks and potentially controlling the extent of bloom development and persistence.  相似文献   

A stratified methodology for water sampling on tidal flats was adopted in 1988 and 1989 in the Bay of Somme. Analyses of nutrients, particulate matter and faecal germs showed the poor mixing of fresh and marine water and the weakness of stratification of the water column. Freshwater is pushed by marine water to the inner reaches of the bay and there are only a few lenses with true estuarine characteristics. In 1990, water was sampled simultaneously on the Somme river, the tidal flats and in the open sea, in order to point out estuarine gradients of several physical and chemical parameters and their evolution during a tidal cycle. The role of continental inputs was confirmed for faecal pollution, nitrate (20–25 mg l−1), nitrite and silicate. The importance of ammonium excreted by the estuarine benthic populations was highlighted. High concentrations of continental chlorophyll (450 mg m−3) were also measured and contribute, with nitrates and ammonium, to eutrophication in the Bay of Somme. Pollution of the southern part of the bay by marine waters was regularly observed during the flow, raising doubts about the purifying capacity of sea-water and the conservation of faecal bacteria. A regular survey of fresh-water inputs and sea-water quality, offshore and within the bay, is considered to enable estimation of their respective influences in eutrophication processes in the Bay of Somme.  相似文献   

This study monitored post-release movements of 20 wild Japanese eels (Anguilla japonica) [mean ± S.D. 520.8 ± 92.3 mm total length (TL), 217.9 ± 146.3 g body mass (BM)] in a brackish water lagoon in northeastern Japan using acoustic telemetry to elucidate how wild Japanese eels use different river, estuary and marine environments. In addition, 12 cultured Japanese eels (TL = 578.9 ± 18.0 mm, BM = 344.9 ± 25.5 g) were released to understand the comparative behaviours of wild and cultured eels. Both types of eels were simultaneously released in the southern inner part of the lagoon in September 2016 where there are freshwater influences from a river. Following release, eight of the wild eels (40%) were largely sedentary near the released point (river mouth) and stayed at the site for overwinter. Nonetheless, several individuals showed behavioural plasticity of habitat use: three wild eels moved towards the northern part of the lagoon with stronger influence from the sea during May–July 2017. Two wild eels showed clear repeated movements from the lagoon to a river at night and returned to the lagoon by dawn for more than a week every day, and one wild eel migrated upstream for overwintering. Signals from 55% of the wild eels could be detected for more than 6 months, whereas those from all of the cultured eels were lost by December 2016, indicating a short resident time of large cultured eels (BM > 200 g) released in a brackish water area. One wild silver eel migrated to the outer sea during the ebb tide at night in November 2016, probably triggered by the decrease in water temperature (from c. 20°C to c. 13°C), and seven cultured eels similarly moved to the outer sea during October–November 2016. The results revealed the similarities (e.g., nocturnal movements) and differences (e.g., stay period and seasonal movements) in the behavioural characteristics of wild and cultured eels and indicated that habitat connectivity among river, estuary and coastal waters is crucial for enabling eels to efficiently utilise these productive habitats through their behavioural plasticity.  相似文献   

A survey of species belonging to the family Mysidae, conducted in June 2007 in fresh- to brackish waters of eastern France, revealed a recent range extension of the invasive Ponto-Caspian species Hemimysis anomala to the Moselle, Saône, and Rhône rivers. In the estuary of the Grand Rhône it reached for the first time the Mediterranean coast. The network of navigation canals in NE France was likely a key element of its north to south pathway starting from the Rhine River. Important range extensions were also noted for Limnomysis benedeni in this network and in the Moselle River. The euryhaline species Neomysis integer, endemic in coastal waters of the NE Atlantic, was found in the Rhône delta, thus confirming previous very rare records in the 1930–1950s from the Mediterranean coast of France. Invasion mechanisms and pathways, expansion potential, and establishment conditions of the species are discussed.  相似文献   

Jamet  Dominique  Aleya  Lofti  Devaux  Jean 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):49-56
The diel changes of the size fractioned alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were studied in relation to several abiotic and biotic factors in Villerest reservoir (located on the Loire river, near the city of Roanne, France), bihourly during two days in July 1992. The APA measured in this work exceeded considerably those reported in the literature, suggesting that dissolved mineral phosphorus was not available to microorganisms. At 1 m, the APA was primarily due to bacteria which actively assimilated organic P compounds released by photosynthetic algal metabolism. At 5, 10 and 20 m, the APA was predominantly algal. The high concentrations in SRP (soluble reactive phosphorus) would indicate that orthophosphates were not bioavailable. The reverse (i. e availability to phytoplankton) would have resulted in undetectable levels of P-PO inf4 sup3– due to the massive proliferation of algae in Villerest reservoir.  相似文献   

De Sève  M. A. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):225-233
Phytoplankton biomass and species composition were studied from June to September 1991 at the mouth of four major rivers and in the freshwater (sal. 0 %), the estuarine (sal. 2–10%) and the coastal (sal. 10–12%) zones of Rupert Bay, located at the southeast tip of James Bay, Canada.A chlorophyll a maximum (5–14 µg 1–1) was observed in the freshwater zone from July to September. Chlorophyll values were low at the mouth of the rivers and in the estuarine and coastal zones (chl a < 1.00 µg 1–1). Diatoms were dominant in the freshwater zone (30–80 % abundance), with flagellates dominating in the estuarine and coastal zones (60–95% abundance). Diversity was low (H: 1.5–2.5) in the freshwater zone and decreased seaward (H: 0.5–1.5).The diatom bloom was composed almost exclusively of the autochthonous planktonic diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana Kütz., which contributed 25–85% of the species composition, and of the subdominant benthic species Diploneis smithii, Navicula lanceolata and Surirella robusta. Peak abundance occurred upstream of the turbidity maximum, in the tidal freshwater zone. In this zone the mean photic depth was 1 m and residence time was from 7 to 8 days during the bloom. Residence time is considered to be the dominant factor controlling the phytoplankton bloom, with light not acting as a limiting factor. The high turbidity due to resuspension and shallow depth of the bay controlled the species composition.  相似文献   

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