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We studied the effect of nestmate separation on trophallaxis in the polydomous ant Cataglyphis iberica. After dividing three colonies into two equivalent subgroups, one queenright and one queenless, we quantified the frequency of trophallaxis within each subgroup, between the workers from the two subgroups (mixed trophallaxis), and trophallaxis involving the queen. Observations of trophallaxis were conducted over four periods of time: for 2 weeks before the separation of the two subgroups, 8 weeks during separation, immediately after reunification, and 3 weeks following reunification. Subgroups were identically fed on the eve of each day of observation. Group separation induced an increase in mixed frequencies of trophallaxis just after reunification, after which trophallaxis returned to the initial level observed before separation. Previous results showed that group separation in C. iberica induces hydrocarbon profile divergence and that reunification restores this chemical modification. The current results seem to indicate that increased trophallaxis permits a uniform odor to be reestablished among previously separated ants. Trophallaxis involving the queen is infrequent and does not seem to be crucial in the process of odor exchange. Our data confirm that trophallaxis plays a key role in establishing the Gestalt colony odor, particularly among naturally separated satellite nests in a polydomous species like C. iberica.  相似文献   

In the thermophilic ant genus Cataglyphis, species differing in their physical caste system have developed alternative mechanisms to face extreme heat by physiological and/or behavioural adaptations. In this study, we tested whether thermal tolerance is related to worker size in the ant Cataglyphis cursor that presents intermediate worker size compared with previously studied species (size range 3.5–10 mm). Thermal tolerance at two temperatures was tested in the laboratory on colonies originating from two habitats (seaside versus vineyard), known to differ in average worker size. As expected large workers were more resistant to high temperature than small workers, but the effect of worker size on thermal resistance was less pronounced under the more extreme temperatures. The pattern of thermal tolerance was similar in the two habitat types. After controlling for worker size, worker thermal tolerance significantly varied amongst colonies, but this variation was not related to colony size. Our results suggest that a higher thermal tolerance can confer an advantage to larger workers especially during foraging and are discussed in the context of the evolution of worker size in ants.  相似文献   

The discontinuous ventilation cycle of the Saharan desert ant Cataglyphis bicolor was studied over the range 15–40°C, corresponding to a >2-fold increase in the rate of CO2 output and hence metabolic rate (Q 10=2.1). Over this range, metabolic rate modulated only ventilation frequency; the volume of CO2 emitted per ventilation remained constant. The closed-spiracle phase accounted for a small, constant proportion (ca. 14%) of total CO2 output. In the flutter phase, the rate of CO2 output increased at a greater than exponential rate from 29% of total CO2 output at 15°C to 52% at 40°C. CO2 output rate in the ventilation phase increased, and its duration decreased, exponentially with temperature. Relative to total duration of discontinuous ventilation cycle, the length of each phase was constant over the entire range of metabolic rates measured. These data are the first thorough characterization of the effect of changing metabolic rate on all phases of the discontinuous ventilation cycle of an adult insect. Clearly, C. bicolor maximizes ventilation-phase emission volumes and enhances the contribution of the flutter phase to total CO2 release relative to other ants for which comparable data are available, and does so in ways that may reduce respiratory water loss rates.Abbreviations BM body mass - C-phase closed-spiracle phase - cVCO2 rate of carbon dioxyde leakage during the C phase - DVC discontinuous ventilation cycle - F-phase fluttering-spiracle phase - MR metabolic rate - Q 10 factorial increase in MR with 10°C increase in temperature - RQ respiratory quotient - SMR standard metabolic rate - T body temperature (°C) - VCO2 rate of carbon dioxide output - V-phase ventilation phase - vVCO2 rate of CO2 emission during the V-phase - fVCO2 rate of CO2 emission during the F-phase - VO2 rate of oxygen consumption  相似文献   

Abstract. . Societies of the ant Cataglyphis iberica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) comprise several satellite queenless nests around a queenright nest. During spring, at the end of hibernation, the incidence of adult transport between these nests is high, but it decreases during summer. Quantitative analyses of the contents of postpharyngeal glands of transporter and transportee ants reveal the amounts of hydrocarbons to be lower in the latter, indicating that these ants are generally younger. Moreover, the more diverse composition of the transportees' secretion may reflect their individual makeup. Transporters, in contrast, maintained a uniform colony odour uirough trophallactic exchanges before entering hibernation. The odour disparity between the transportees and the general colony odour may stimulate the transporters to bear them to the nest containing the queen where they can obtain the colony odour via trophallaxis. The intense traffic between satellite nests in the spring may thus be the means by which a uniform colonial odour is regained after hibernation. Adult transport seems also to be necessary since the young transportee ants are not able to orient themselves and find the other nests.  相似文献   

Summary The socially parasitic mode of founding new colonies by queens of the European amazon antPolyergus rufescens was analysed in the laboratory. Newly-mated females of this obligatory slave-maker were individually introduced into queenright and queenless artificially established colonies of bothFormica cunicularia (the slave present in the natal dulotic nest) andF. rufibarbis (another potentialServiformica host). Particular attention was devoted to the behavioural patterns displayed by these young queens during the usurpation phases. Our observations, supported also by video-taping, show that the slave-making female, before laying her eggs, must penetrate the host colony, kill the resident queen, become accepted by the adult workers and appropriate the host brood. The parasite was almost always adopted in the colonies ofF. cunicularia, whereas in the presence ofF. rufibarbis it was generally killed in a short time. The failure in the attempt of usurping the colonies ofF. rufibarbis is discussed in relation to the host specificity typical of this slave-maker. Finally, egg-laying byPolyergus successful usurpers, the subsequent eclosion of the brood, and its complete social integration in the newly-established mixed colonies were also recorded.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping and nest counting are the most common census methods for ant assemblages. We examined the concordance between pitfall catches and nest counts on dry grassland. Spearman rank correlations and non-metric multidimensional scaling of the Bray Curtis similarity index revealed moderate concordance between the data collated by the two methods, but overall method-related differences were considerable. The dissimilarity was influenced by the type of land management, but not by trapping period or plot shape. Trapping success depended on nest density, ground vegetation cover and species-specific traits (inhabited stratum, colony size, foraging distance). Even when these factors were taken into account, the convertibility of pitfall trap and nest density values was unsatisfactory: the census method proved to be crucial in designing ant-ecological studies and interpreting literature data. Received 11 November 2005; revised 9 February 2006; accepted 1 March 2006.  相似文献   

Pheidole oxyops builds subterranean nests, with an external architecture that is distinctive and easily recognizable by its wide and specific entrance hole, measuring up to 12.2 cm in diameter, denoting a pitfall-trap. In order to study the nests' internal architecture, seven nests were excavated; four were identified with neutral talc, while the others were cast in cement and then excavated. Measurements were made in order to gain a better understand- ing of their structures, and a photographic documentation was obtained as well. The excavations revealed that the nests are perpendicular relative to the ground, beginning with a cylindrical channel with a mean length of 13.5 cm, containing irregular formations, and whose diameter becomes progressively narrower until the first chamber is formed. As the channel continues, dish-like chambers appear, interconnected by channels that become progressively narrower and longer, while the chambers are arranged at greater distances from each other as nest depth increases. Both channels and chambers are located on the vertical projection of the entrance hole. Nests may reach a depth of up to 5.09 m, with a number of chambers ranging between 4 and 14.  相似文献   

Summary. The polygynous invasive ant Lasius neglectus was described from Budapest, Hungary, as an unicolonial species, with no apparent colony barriers, and inferred intra-nidal mating without a nuptial flight. Here we analyze additional morphological characteristics of gynes, their physiological condition at emergence and at the time of mating and we describe the productivity of different types of colony founding in the laboratory. A low increase in dry weight and in fat content from emergence to mating indicates that gynes can only succeed in dependent colony founding. However, the queen-worker thorax volume ratio is typical of a species with independent colony founding and we were able to demonstrate independent colony founding in the laboratory (both haplo- and pleometrotic). Brood development in independent founding is rapid and the number of nanitics higher than in other Lasius species. Both colony budding and dependent colony founding could also be demonstrated in the laboratory. Worker oviposition was absent. The carbohydrate content of newly mated queens is consistent with the observed loss of mating flight of this species. However the relative wing area clearly indicates that L. neglectus queens should be able to fly. Therefore, both queen morphology and physiological state at maturity show that L. neglectus is intermediate between a monogynous, free-living, non pest ant and a multiqueened (polygynic) invasive tramp ant. This neglected ant thus offers interesting opportunities to study the origin of unicoloniality and the spread of this species in northeast Spain.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ant colonies experience continuous shifts in worker populations, which may affect odour composition in the nest. A major question regarding the dynamics of gestalt formation is that of the speed at which the scent of a new individual will be incorporated into the gestalt. It is predicted from the gestalt model of colony odour that workers have to exchange recognition cues continuously to maintain themselves within the gestalt and become well integrated within their colony. Using radioactive tracers the rates of transfer were measured between a labelled donor ant and one or 10 recipient ants, as a close approximation to the within-nest situation. The labelled hydrocarbons were first transferred to a small number of individuals and progressively to all the individuals of the group so that the distribution of hydrocarbon transfer rate approached a normal distribution. Furthermore, in Camponotus fellah Dalla Torre, which performs trophallaxis, homogeneity was reached more rapidly than in Aphaenogaster senilis Mayr, which does not show this behaviour. In the latter species, the gestalt seems to be maintained mainly by allogrooming. These experiments were accompanied by behavioural observations to ascertain the respective importance of trophallaxis and allogrooming in the behavioural time-budget of the ants. In A. senilis , allogrooming was more frequent than in ants that trophallax, which corroborates the role of allogrooming in the establishment of the gestalt in this species.  相似文献   

Bioassays were conducted in both laboratory and the field to determine if monogynous colonies of Acromyrmex subterraneus molestans (Myrmicinae, Attini) adopt queens from other colonies of the same subspecies. The results suggest that the adoption of fertilized queens is a possible mechanism to explain the occurrence of colonies with multiple queens in this subspecies. Only minor workers were able to discriminate queens from other colonies and were aggressive toward them. Therefore, queen recognition differs among subcastes.  相似文献   

The potential aggressiveness of nine ant species belonging to the same community was estimated by means of two laboratory approaches: individual confrontations and group confrontations. Interspecific aggressiveness was not directly related to size of species in individual tests, although in group tests mortality of smaller ants increased with increasing size difference between the opponents. Tempo was related to the defense strategy of species (low-tempo species used immobility as a mechanism to avoid attacks, while high-tempo species tended to escape when coming into contact with more aggressive ones), but not with their potential aggressiveness: the most aggressive ants in individual and group tests were both low-tempo and high-tempo species when only these two categories were considered. No specific level of aggression was related to the subfamily to which the species belong (both myrmicines and formicines dominated in individual and group tests) or to the degree of taxonomic similarity between species.  相似文献   

Summary. By combining different methods we evaluate whether the ant Tetramorium rhenanum is specifically separated from T. moravicum or whether it is a conspecific microgyne form. High-precision morphometry shows a clear difference in queen size. Sequence comparison of 1031 bp of COI reveals that T. rhenanum falls into a clade with T. moravicum, which is significantly separated from T. forte and T. chefketi. T. rhenanum shares at least two haplotypes with T. moravicum and is considered as a junior synonym. Sexual behaviour and colony foundation experiments corroborate conspecificity. The queen dimorphism is discussed in the context of social parameters such as queen number and reproductive strategy.Received 10 June 2004; revised 28 October 2004; accepted 12 November 2004.  相似文献   

A second species of the rare Australian ant genus Peronomyrmex is described from Victoria. This new species, P. bartoni , represents only the third time the genus has been collected, the previous records being the holotype of P. overbecki Viehmeyer from north-eastern New South Wales and a collection, subsequently lost, from northern Queensland.  相似文献   

Three Crematogaster ant species, C. (Orthocrema) javanica Menozzi, C. (O.) myops Forel and C. (O.) masukoi sp. nov., share reduced compound eyes which characterizes them among Asian species of the subgenus Orthocrema. The new species is described based on material from Borneo. It can be distinguished from C. javanica and C. myops by its smooth surface of clypeus and acutely produced subpetiolar process. Reduced compound eyes and yellowish body suggest that these three species are subterranean.  相似文献   

A. Gotoh  F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》2008,55(1):98-104
Investigation of reproductive strategies of ants in the subfamily Ponerinae is important for understanding of the evolution of social structure and of the significance of caste dimorphisms. The biology of species with mated and egg-laying workers (gamergates) has been studied for many species, however, little attention has been paid to species that reproduce via alate queens only. We investigated the seasonal cycle of changes in the colony structure of Pachycondyla chinensis reproduced by alate queens in western Japan, and found the following novel biological characteristics of this species. P. chinensis showed a remarkable caste dimorphism in ovariole numbers: workers had no ovaries while queens had 18 to 36 ovarioles in their ovaries. The nesting system seemed to be polydomous: 266 of 400 nests collected were queenless. The number of queenless nests increased during the reproductive season. Among the 134 queenright nests, 38 had several mated-queens without significant differences in ovary activation and the remaining 96 nests were monogynous. During winter to early spring, most nests were polygynous. After alate production, most of the old queens seemed to die or be expelled and replaced by new queens. Virgin dealated queens were often found and they seemed to have laid eggs. Received 3 August 2007; revised 19 December 2007; accepted 20 December 2007  相似文献   

Summary The nest structure and colony cycle of a population of Allegheny mound ants,Formica exsectoides, were examined in central Michigan. The dispersion pattern of mounds was random. Nest structure and presence of brood were primarily determined by excavation of twenty-three nests over three intervals from June through September. Additional excavations of five nests in 1990 and ten nests in 1991 provided further details on nest structure and colony cycle. Most galleries occurred within the mound and upper 30 cm of soil, but some activity reached depths of 100 to 270 cm. Depth of nests showed little correlation with external measurements of height and diameter. Immature stages were recovered from two strata: the upper 20 cm of nest and mound and the lowest nest depths. Alate sexual forms were found in or near the mound in July, and numerous dealate queens were collected in September from peripheral galleries near the soil surface.  相似文献   

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