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甜瓜属植物抗根结线虫种质资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根结线虫是危害甜瓜属栽培作物的重要病害之一,长期以来人们围绕抗根结线虫种质资源进行了多方面研究,本文就甜瓜属植物抗根结线虫种质资源鉴定、创新,抗根结线虫砧木,根结线虫抗性机理以及遗传规律研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

葫芦科蔬菜种质资源对南方根结线虫的抗性评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据不同种质的来源地、农艺性状等背景信息,从国家蔬菜种质资源中期库中选取具代表性的444份主要瓜类作物地方品种,分属葫芦科7个属的13个种或变种,采用病土接种法进行苗期根结线虫抗性鉴定,得出了不同葫芦科作物对南方根结线虫的抗性分布范围。忽略基因型差异,不同作物的平均病级指数从小到大的顺序为:冬瓜、西瓜、丝瓜、节瓜、苦瓜、越瓜、甜瓜、菜瓜、瓠瓜、黄瓜、中国南瓜、印度南瓜、美洲南瓜。通过抗性鉴定,共获得27份抗根结线虫种质(病级指数1~2),包括12份冬瓜、3份苦瓜、7份丝瓜和5份西瓜。  相似文献   

杨梅根结线虫病及其病原鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

[目的] 福建省福清市江镜镇与福安市潭溪镇水稻区直播稻苗期分别发生严重的根结线虫病,本研究对其病原物进行形态和分子鉴定,明确病原物种类,以期为福建省直播稻根结线虫病害防控提供理论依据。[方法] 通过根结线虫各虫态形态学特征进行观测;同时对其rDNA-ITS区进行测序,通过贝叶斯法与最大似然法构建了系统发育树来确定种类;利用拟禾本科根结线虫特异性引物Mg-F/Mg-R检测种群。[结果] 根结线虫的雌虫、雄虫和2龄幼虫的形态学特征与拟禾本科根结线虫原始描述种一致;rDNA-ITS区序列长度为576 bp,与GenBank拟禾本科根结线虫种群相似度均达99%以上;系统发育树明确了该根结线虫与拟禾本科根结线虫处于同一分支;特异性引物Mg-F/Mg-R检测进一步明确病原为拟禾本科根结线虫单一种群。[结论] 本研究通过形态与分子特征,明确了在福建直播稻上发现的根结线虫为拟禾本科根结线虫。拟禾本科根结线虫在福建省最早于2011年在政和县小范围水稻田发现,此后未在其他水稻种植区发现。本次在福建直播稻上首次发现大面积的根结线虫为害。随着直播稻的种植面积扩大,拟禾本根结线虫引起的水稻病害可能会成为制约其发展的新问题,应引起足够重视。  相似文献   

茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曾莉  廖文波 《生态科学》1997,16(2):60-64
1987~1995年开展了茶树种质资源抗病性鉴定研究.经田间和室内鉴定试验,从34份资源材料中筛选出对茶轮斑病高抗材料1份,抗性材料11份;从30份资源材料中筛选出对茶苗根结线虫病高抗材料5份,抗性材料13份.从而为抗病育种或推广生产提供了抗源材料,同时也为抗性机制及遗传规律研究提供了基础.  相似文献   

本文对番木瓜根结线虫病和西番莲根结线虫病的症状作了描述。病原线虫经鉴定确认,侵染番木瓜的虫种为南方根结线虫(Meloidogneincognita),侵染西番莲的根结线虫是由南方根结线虫、高弓根结线虫(M. acrita)和花生根结线虫(M. arenaria)3个种组成的混合群体,南方根结线虫为优势种。  相似文献   

本文报道对杨梅根结线虫病的研究及病原鉴定结果。该病症状为:病树根部形成大小不一的根结,内有乳白色囊状雌虫及棕色卵囊;后期根结腐烂,病树叶片黄化脱落,梢枯乃至死亡。病原鉴定确认,引起该病的根结线虫有3个种:爪哇根结线虫(Meloidogyne javanica)、南方根结线虫(M.incognita)和北方根结线虫(M. hapla)。爪哇根结线虫为优势种。  相似文献   

广西北部罗汉果根结线虫病研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丘风波  黄家德   《广西植物》1987,(3):277-284
罗汉果根结线虫是罗汉果的一个重要病害。在室内盆栽接种条件下,该线虫年发生6代。本文叙述了线虫的生物学及其寄主植物。防治试验结果表明。穴施灭克磷等是有效的。土壤翻晒也能消灭大部分土中线虫,病薯用热处理也有很好的效果。  相似文献   

采用离体叶片接种法,对43份马铃薯种质资源进行晚疫病抗性鉴定、比较和评价。以接种5 d后的感病品种‘Désirée’和抗病品种‘加湘1号’叶片症状为对照,鉴定出5份表现为高抗的种质资源,其中包含3个Solanum phurejia和2个S. tuberosum ssp. andigena材料。另外,还鉴定出14份中抗材料(No. 7~20)。结果表明,野生种和安第斯山栽培亚种马铃薯资源的抗性材料较为丰富,可作为晚疫病抗病育种的亲本。  相似文献   

Resistance to the southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita races 1 and 3, has been identified, incorporated, and deployed into commercial cultivars of tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. Cultivars with resistance to other economically important root-knot nematode species attacking tobacco, M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. javanica, and other host-specific races of M. incognita, are not available in the United States. Twenty-eight tobacco genotypes of diverse origin and two standard cultivars, NC 2326 (susceptible) and Speight G 28 (resistant to M. incognita races 1 and 3), were screened for resistance to eight root-knot nematode populations of North Carolina origin. Based on root gall indices at 8 to 12 weeks after inoculation, all genotypes except NC 2326 and Okinawa were resistant to M. arenaria race 1, and races 1 and 3 of M. incognita. Except for slight root galling, genotypes resistant to M. arenaria race 1 responded similarly to races 1 and 3 of M. incognita. All genotypes except NC 2326, Okinawa, and Speight G 28 showed resistance to M. javanica. Okinawa, while supporting lower reproduction of M. javanica than NC 2326, was rated as moderately susceptible. Tobacco breeding lines 81-R-617A, 81-RL- 2K, SA 1213, SA 1214, SA 1223, and SA 1224 were resistant to M. arenaria race 2, and thus may be used as sources of resistance to this pathogen. No resistance to M. hapla and only moderate resistance to races 2 and 4 of M. incognita were found in any of the tobacco genotypes. Under natural field infestations of M. arenaria race 2, nematode development on resistant tobacco breeding lines 81-RL-2K, SA 1214, and SA 1215 was similar to a susceptible cultivar with some nematicide treatments; however, quantity and quality of yield were inferior compared to K 326 plus nematicides.  相似文献   

Root knot nematodes are causing serious losses in protected cultivation fields in the West Mediterranean region of Turkey. Correct and confident identification of the plant parasitic nematodes is important for vegetable growing and breeding. Therefore, ninety-five populations of plant parasitic nematodes were collected from regional greenhouses. Previously described species-specific primers were used to identify Meloidogyne populations. The present study indicated that SEC-1F/SEC-1R and INCK14F-INCK14R primers for identifying of M. incognita, Fjav/Rjav and DJF/DJR primers for M. javanica and Far/Rar for M. arenaria primers can be effective tools to identify the Turkish root-knot nematode species. Dissemination ratios of the population were 64.2%, 28.4% and 7.3% for Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria, respectively. The results showed that M. incognita was the prominent root-knot nematode species in the West Mediterranean coastal areas of Turkey.  相似文献   

The Mi-1.2 resistance gene in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) confers resistance against several species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). This study examined the impact of M. javanica on the reproductive fitness of near-isogenic tomato cultivars with and without Mi-1.2 under field and greenhouse conditions. Surprisingly, neither nematode inoculation or host plant resistance impacted the yield of mature fruits in field microplots (inoculum=8,000 eggs/plant), or fruit or seed production in a follow-up greenhouse bioassay conducted with a higher inoculum level (20,000 eggs/plant). However, under heavy nematode pressure (200,000 eggs/plant), greenhouse-grown plants carrying Mi-1.2 had more than ten-fold greater fruit production than susceptible plants and nearly forty-fold greater estimated lifetime seed production, confirming prior reports of the benefits of Mi-1.2. In all cases Mi-mediated resistance significantly reduced nematode reproduction. These results indicated that tomato can utilize tolerance mechanisms to compensate for moderate levels of nematode infection, but that the Mi-1.2 resistance gene confers a dramatic fitness benefit under heavy nematode pressure. No significant cost of resistance was detected in the absence of nematode infection.  相似文献   

Certain nematodes are common soilborne organisms found in turfgrass in the United States that cause significant economic damage to golf course turf. One of the most prevalent plant-parasitic nematodes infesting turfgrass are root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.). Chemical treatment options for root-knot nematodes in turfgrass are limited, and there is a need for new nematicidal active ingredients to address this problem. In this study, we evaluated the use of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) as a potential nematicide in laboratory and field experiments. AgNP was synthesized by a redox reaction of silver nitrate with sodium borohydride using 0.2% starch as a stabilizer. When J2 of M. incognita were exposed to AgNP in water at 30 to 150 μg/ml, >99% nematodes became inactive in 6 hr. When turfgrass and soil composite samples infested with M. graminis were treated with 150 μg/ml AgNP, J2 were reduced in the soil samples by 92% and 82% after 4- and 2-d exposures, respectively, in the treated compared to the nontreated soil samples. Field trials evaluating AgNP were conducted on a bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon × C. transvaalensis) putting green infested with M. graminis. Biweekly application of 90.4 mg/m2 of AgNP improved turfgrass quality in one year and reduced gall formation in the roots in two years without phytotoxicity. The AgNP application did not significantly reduce the number of M. graminis J2 in plots during the growing season. The laboratory assays attested to the nematicidal effect of AgNP, and the field evaluation demonstrated its benefits for mitigating damage caused by root-knot nematode in bermudagrass.  相似文献   

Cot curves derived from renaturation kinetics of sheared denatured DNA indicated that the genome of six populations representing the four most common root-knot nematode species (Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria, M. javanica, and M. hapla) is composed of 20% repetitive and 80% nonrepetitive sequences of DNA. Cot curves were almost identical, indicating that all populations had a haploid genome of approximately the same size. Calculations from an average Cot curve gave an estimate of 0.51 x 108 nucleotide base pairs for the haploid genome of the four Meloidogyne species. This genome is about 12-13 times larger than the genome of the E. coli strain used as a control.  相似文献   

Progressive development in cotton root morphology of resistant A623 and susceptible M-8 cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lines following infection by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita was studied in glass front boxes. Symptom development and radicle growth were observed; degree of galling, gall and egg mass diameter, and number of eggs per egg mass were recorded; and root segments were examined histologically. Small cracks caused by M. incognita appeared in the root epidermis and cortex soon after the cotyledons expanded on day 4. The cracks were longer and wider and extended through the cortex when the first true leaf became visible at day 8. Galls had formed on taproots by this time. When exposed to M. incognita, A623 had faster radicle growth (22%), fewer and smaller cracks in the root epidermis and cortex, fewer and smaller root galls, one-twelfth as many egg masses, and one-fourth as many eggs per egg mass as M-8. Root cracking, galling, and giant cell formation are major effects of M. incognita that may predispose cotton roots to pathogens resulting in synergistic interactions and diseases.  相似文献   

Root knot (Meloidogyne spp.) and cyst (Heterodera and Globodera spp.) nematodes infect all important crop species, and the annual economic loss due to these pathogens exceeds $90 billion. We screened the worldwide accession collection with the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita, M. arenaria and M. hapla, soybean cyst nematode (SCN-Heterodera glycines), sugar beet cyst nematode (SBCN-Heterodera schachtii) and clover cyst nematode (CLCN-Heterodera trifolii), revealing resistant and susceptible accessions. In the over 100 accessions evaluated, we observed a range of responses to the root-knot nematode species, and a non-host response was observed for SCN and SBCN infection. However, variation was observed with respect to infection by CLCN. While many cultivars including Jemalong A17 were resistant to H. trifolii, cultivar Paraggio was highly susceptible. Identification of M. truncatula as a host for root-knot nematodes and H. trifolii and the differential host response to both RKN and CLCN provide the opportunity to genetically and molecularly characterize genes involved in plant-nematode interaction. Accession DZA045, obtained from an Algerian population, was resistant to all three root-knot nematode species and was used for further studies. The mechanism of resistance in DZA045 appears different from Mi-mediated root-knot nematode resistance in tomato. Temporal analysis of nematode infection showed that there is no difference in nematode penetration between the resistant and susceptible accessions, and no hypersensitive response was observed in the resistant accession even several days after infection. However, less than 5% of the nematode population completed the life cycle as females in the resistant accession. The remainder emigrated from the roots, developed as males, or died inside the roots as undeveloped larvae. Genetic analyses carried out by crossing DZA045 with a susceptible French accession, F83005, suggest that one gene controls resistance in DZA045.  相似文献   

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