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甜高粱品系的抗倒伏性评价及相关分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
倒伏一直是影响我国甜高粱高产稳产的主要因素。调查了58份甜高粱品系与抗倒伏性相关的农艺性状,依据倒伏系数,制定分级标准,对抗倒伏性进行了鉴定、分级和评价,并对相关农艺性状进行了遗传多样性、相关性、因子和聚类分析,以期为甜高粱抗倒伏品系的选择和组配抗倒伏杂交种提供理论依据。研究表明,抗倒伏性相关的农艺性状多样性指数均较大,遗传变异丰富。在遗传距离2.57处,58份甜高粱品系可聚类分为8个类群。甜高粱倒伏系数的3个主因子代表90%以上信息,第1主因子包括株高、重心高度和主茎秆鲜重,第2主因子为茎秆抗折力,第3主因子为茎粗,育种中应加强选择。保持系品系Tx3047B、Tx3048B、墨彩B、张02427B、抗蚜60B、MAMAMAMA、R111B/Sug中杆、P236/R111-1、E35/糖/9047B的倒伏系数小,抗倒伏性好。恢复系品系甜C-1-1杂-1、HAT-1、15069、帚黄矮/品02283的抗倒伏性好。  相似文献   

倒伏是影响小麦产量的主要因素之一,选育抗倒伏性强的品种是育种研究的重点目标.本研究以528份我国主推的小麦品种和育成品系为材料,对影响小麦倒伏的主要性状进行测定,利用无偏线性估计值进行遗传变异分析、相关分析、主成分分析、线性回归分析和聚类分析,综合评价不同小麦品种的抗倒伏性.研究表明,6个抗倒伏性状在品种间都存在着广泛...  相似文献   

通过对抗蚜的河农16和感蚜品系Tx623B、Tx622B、Tx3197B、千三、晋五及杂交种的物理特性、组织结构、生理生化特性的对比分析,研究了不同基因型高粱理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性。结果表明,高粱抗蚜品系叶片表面较感蚜品系的细胞排列整齐、致密、表皮细胞直径较感蚜品系小、叶片薄、叶片表面光滑、叶片颜色浅。感虫后各品系过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性均有升高,与蚜虫的诱导存在相关性,但不同品系感蚜前后均不存在趋势性变化;苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)酶活性感虫前在抗虫的河农16及杂交种中具有高水平表达,并与其他感蚜品系存在显著差异;蚜虫侵害诱导后PAL酶活性均有上升,但抗蚜品系中表现稳定,酶活性变化幅度与叶片损伤程度存在相关性,PAL酶活性与高粱的抗蚜性存在明显的相关性。感虫前后氨基酸含量及其变化与高粱品系抗蚜性间无相关性;在感蚜虫前,抗蚜品系及其杂交种可溶性糖含量显著高于感蚜品系,接虫后感蚜品系可溶性糖含量升高显著。  相似文献   

对从小麦-黑麦代换系5R/5A与1R/1D杂交后代中选育的大穗型品系1-5、1-6、1-7、1-8、1-9、1-10、1-11进行形态学与SSR分析。结果表明,7个品系田间表现遗传性稳定,且具有黑麦大穗、抗病等优良性状;利用黑麦特异引物PSC119.1确定7个品系均导入了黑麦染色体片段,引物SCM138扩增结果表明,在1-6、1-7、1-8、1-9、1-10中导入了黑麦染色体5RS片段,引物SCM120、TSM604可以在7个品系中稳定扩增出黑麦5R长臂和1R短臂特异片段。以上结果可为小麦遗传育种与品质改良提供基础材料。  相似文献   

不同基因型高粱的理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对抗蚜的河农16和感蚜品系Tx623B、Tx622B、Tx3197B、千三、晋五及杂交种的物理特性、组织结构、生理生化特性的对比分析,研究了不同基因型高粱理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性.结果表明,高粱抗蚜品系叶片表面较感蚜品系的细胞排列整齐、致密、表皮细胞直径较感蚜品系小、叶片薄、叶片表面光滑、叶片颜色浅.感虫后各品系过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性均有升高,与蚜虫的诱导存在相关性,但不同品系感蚜前后均不存在趋势性变化;苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)酶活性感虫前在抗虫的河农16及杂交种中具有高水平表达,并与其他感蚜品系存在显著差异;蚜虫侵害诱导后PAL酶活性均有上升,但抗蚜品系中表现稳定,酶活性变化幅度与叶片损伤程度存在相关性,PAL酶活性与高粱的抗蚜性存在明显的相关性.感虫前后氨基酸含量及其变化与高粱品系抗蚜性间无相关性;在感蚜虫前,抗蚜品系及其杂交种可溶性糖含量显著高于感蚜品系,接虫后感蚜品系可溶性糖含量升高显著.  相似文献   

水稻穗型与抗倒伏性关系的初步分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
理论分析和物理模拟测定的结果表明,穗型通过使茎秆弯曲的力矩-弯矩和重心高度影响抗倒伏性:弯矩增大和重心升高,抗倒伏性降低;反之,则抗倒伏性升高.弯矩随颈穗弯曲度变化的幅度明显大于重心,因此,弯曲穗型弯矩增加的幅度大而重心降低的幅度小,对抗倒伏性的影响明显大于直立穗型,这可能是北方粳稻直立穗型品种一般抗倒伏性较强的力学基础.  相似文献   

亚麻的倒伏问题是比较复杂的问题,有些方面还有待深入研究,根据我们初步观察调查结果,摘要於下: 1.品种之间对倒伏的抵抗性有相当大的差异,一般油用类型抗倒伏性强,纖维用类型2次之,纤维用类型1抗倒伏性较差;在同一类型中由於品种不同也有一定差异。在植株性状上株高舆茎粗比例对倒伏有一定的相关性,即有比例愈小倒伏愈轻的趋势。 2.栽培技术对亚麻的倒伏影响很大,一般播种量愈多则倒伏愈重,播种量少或米间株数少则倒伏也较轻;施用氮肥过多则易促进倒伏,增施钾肥不但能提高产量,而且也能减轻或防止倒伏,因此合理密植及適当增施氮磷钾肥料,是提高产量防止倒伏的重要措施之一。不同前作舆倒伏关系也甚密切,一般毂楂、高粱楂倒伏轻,小麦、玉米楂次之,大豆楂稍重,牧草楂最重。 3.风雨对於亚麻倒伏的影响也大,尤其当亚麻开花至成熟階段的多雨及大风,能促使倒伏更重。  相似文献   

为选育具有经济价值的带有黑麦R染色体组小片段的小麦-黑麦育种基础材料,对小麦-黑麦5R/5A×6R/6A代换系杂交后代的8份高代材料6-30、6-31、7-1、7-9、7-13、7-21、7-22和7-28进行形态学、细胞学观察,及SSR分析和GISH检测。结果表明,8个品系田间生长整齐、育性正常,具有大穗、多小穗,抗白粉病、叶锈病等优良性状;对其中2个品系7-1和7-9进行花粉母细胞减数分裂观察,发现大多数细胞染色体构型为2n=21Ⅱ,具有良好的遗传稳定性;选择黑麦R染色体通用引物及5R、6R染色体上的微卫星引物共8对,对8个品系进行SSR分析,结果表明8个品系都有黑麦5R或6R染色体片段的导入,进一步进行GISH检测,发现5个品系6-31、7-1、7-13、7-21、7-22都存在黑麦杂交信号,为小麦-黑麦小片段易位系。本研究综合多种手段鉴定的8份材料皆为小麦-黑麦小片段易位系,在育种上具有利用价值。  相似文献   

作物种质资源是品种改良的物质基础,随着分子生物学技术的发展,水稻育种已经发展到分子标记辅助选择与农艺性状选择相结合的高级育种阶段,种质资源的评价必须满足分子辅助选择育种的实际需要,进行分子辅助评价。本研究利用农业部《水稻品种鉴定DNA指纹方法》(NY/T1433-2007)推荐的24对 SSR引物,对32个水稻恢复系和13个水稻保持系资源材料进行DNA多态性分析,利用遗传相似系数及其主要农艺性状的差异选择亲本进行种质创新,在中间世代利用PCR-AccⅠ分子标记进对控制中等直链淀粉含量的基因型进行辅助选择,创制了系列新的优异资源。结果显示,32个水稻恢复系和13个水稻保持系资源材料的遗传相似系数变化范围分别为0.5244~0.8415、0.4783~1,平均遗传相似系数分别为0.6965、0.6542;选用其中的R3076、中恢8006、229和巨风A/B作为亲本,创制了恢复系R7606和细胞质雄性不育系229A系列资源,稻米品质检测结果表明,R7606系列资源有11个品系达到国标二级稻米标准;229A系列资源中则有3个品系达到国标一级,1个品系达到国标二级标准。经田间观察和配组试验,结果显示R7606及229A系列资源农艺性状优良,配合力较好,可以作为杂交水稻育种的优良亲本。本研究还对水稻遗传改良和种质创新过程中,如何利用对水稻优异资源的评价,拓展创新资源的遗传背景和遗传多样性,促进水稻育种和生产可持续发展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

王利华  吴益东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):277-283
本研究明确了kdr突变和解毒代谢在B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci对高效氯氰菊酯抗性中的作用。B型烟粉虱NJ品系相对于烟粉虱敏感品系(SUD-S,非B型)对高效氯氰菊酯有266倍的抗性。对NJ品系用高效氯氰菊酯进行群体筛选获得抗性为811倍的NJ-R1品系,对NJ品系进行单对交配筛选获得抗性达2 634倍的NJ-R2品系。在NJ,NJ-R1和NJ-R2品系间,酯酶、多功能氧化酶和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶活性无显著差异,说明在筛选过程中解毒代谢没有发生变化。PASA检测结果表明,NJ-R2品系钠离子通道基因L925I突变(kdr突变)频率为100%,NJ-R1品系为80.6%,NJ品系为55%。由此可见,kdr突变频率的增加是B型烟粉虱种群对高效氯氰菊酯抗性上升的主要原因。在NJ,NJ-R1和NJ-R2品系中,增效醚(PBO)对高效氯氰菊酯的增效作用均为20倍左右,而PBO对SUD-S品系没有任何增效作用。PBO能同时抑制烟粉虱的多功能氧化酶和酯酶,通过与TPP增效作用进行对比表明,在B型烟粉虱中PBO所产生的增效作用主要来源于对酯酶的抑制。因此,B型烟粉虱品系(NJ-R2,NJ-R1和NJ)与非B型SUD-S品系相比存在20倍左右的先天抗性,该先天抗性主要与B型烟粉虱的特有酯酶有关。在B型烟粉虱品系对高效氯氰菊酯的抗性中,抗性水平完全由kdr突变频率高低所决定。  相似文献   

Drought is a major abiotic stress factor limiting crop production. Identification of genetic factors involved in plant responses to drought stress will provide a solid foundation to improve drought resistance. Sorghum is well adapted to hot dry environments and regarded as a model for studying drought resistance among the grasses. Significant progress in genome mapping of this crop has also been made. In sorghum, rapid premature leaf death generally occurs when water is limited during the grain filling period. Premature leaf senescence, in turn, leads to charcoal rot, stalk lodging, and significant yield loss. More than 80% of commercial sorghum hybrids in the United States are grown under non-irrigated conditions and although most of them have pre-flowering drought resistance, many do not have any significant post-flowering drought resistance. Stay-green is one form of drought resistance mechanism, which gives sorghum resistance to premature senescence under soil moisture stress during the post-flowering period. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies with recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and near-isogenic lines (NILs) identified several genomic regions associated with resistance to pre-flowering and post-flowering drought stress. We have identified four genomic regions associated with the stay-green trait using a RIL population developed from B35 × Tx7000. These four major stay-green QTLs were consistently identified in all field trials and accounted for 53.5% of the phenotypic variance. We review the progress in mapping stay-green QTLs as a component of drought resistance in sorghum. The molecular genetic dissection of the QTLs affecting stay-green will provide further opportunities to elucidate the underlying physiological mechanisms involved in drought resistance in sorghum and other grasses.  相似文献   

 Lodging can strongly affect both the grain yield and the quality of wheat. Lodging represents a quantitative trait and is difficult to assess on a phenotypic basis. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) could therefore become an important tool in breeding for lodging resistance. In this study, we mapped and characterised quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for lodging resistance, as well as morphological traits correlated with lodging, in a segregating population of 226 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of the lodging-resistant wheat variety Forno with the susceptible spelt variety Oberkulmer. Lodging, plant height, leaf width, leaf-growth habit, culm stiffness, culm swinging, culm thickness, days to ear emergence and days to flowering were assessed in field trials at two locations in 1996 and at one location in 1997. Additionally, at one location weight and length parameters were also assessed. Plant height and culm stiffness explained 77% of the phenotypic variance of lodging in a multiple regression model over all three environments. QTL analysis of lodging and morphological parameters was based on a genetic map containing 230 loci with 23 linkage groups (2469 cM). With the method of composite interval mapping nine QTLs for lodging resistance were detected, explaining 63% of the phenotypic variance in a simultaneous fit. Seven of these QTLs coincided with QTLs for morphological traits, reflecting the correlations between these traits and lodging. In our population the most efficient way to improve lodging resistance would be by a combination of indirect selection on plant height and culm stiffness together with MAS on the two QTLs for lodging resistance which did not coincide with QTLs for morphological traits. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

小麦抗倒性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
倒伏是严重影响小麦子粒产量和品质的一个重要因素。本文系统阐述了小麦茎秆形态和结构特性、茎秆化学成分与抗倒伏关系以及抗倒性的遗传和分子标记等方面的最新研究进展。株高、基部节间长度与抗倒性呈负相关;而基部节间粗度、秆壁厚、单位长度干重与抗倒性呈正相关。茎秆机械组织细胞层数、厚度,维管束数目、面积以及髓腔大小与抗倒性密切相关。茎秆化学成分中纤维素、木质素以及碳水化合物含量和硅、钾元素含量与抗倒性呈正相关。小麦抗倒性呈数量性状遗传特征,除受多对主基因控制外,可能还受微效修饰基因作用。采用分子标记技术已将抗倒性以及与抗倒性相关的茎秆形态性状进行了QTL定位。  相似文献   

Tef (Eragrostis tef) is a major cereal crop in Ethiopia. Lodging is the primary constraint to increasing productivity in this allotetraploid species, accounting for losses of ∼15–45% in yield each year. As a first step toward identifying semi-dwarf varieties that might have improved lodging resistance, an ∼6× fosmid library was constructed and used to identify both homeologues of the dw3 semi-dwarfing gene of Sorghum bicolor. An EMS mutagenized population, consisting of ∼21,210 tef plants, was planted and leaf materials were collected into 23 superpools. Two dwarfing candidate genes, homeologues of dw3 of sorghum and rht1 of wheat, were sequenced directly from each superpool with 454 technology, and 120 candidate mutations were identified. Out of 10 candidates tested, six independent mutations were validated by Sanger sequencing, including two predicted detrimental mutations in both dw3 homeologues with a potential to improve lodging resistance in tef through further breeding. This study demonstrates that high-throughput sequencing can identify potentially valuable mutations in under-studied plant species like tef and has provided mutant lines that can now be combined and tested in breeding programs for improved lodging resistance.  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint in sorghum production worldwide. Drought-stress in sorghum has been characterized at both pre-flowering and post-flowering stages resulting in a drastic reduction in grain yield. In the case of post-flowering drought stress, lodging further aggravates the problem resulting in total loss of crop yield in mechanized agriculture. The present study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) controlling post-flowering drought tolerance (stay green), pre-flowering drought tolerance and lodging tolerance in sorghum using an F7 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross SC56×Tx7000. The RIL lines, along with parents, were evaluated for the above traits in multiple environments. With the help of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map, which spans 1,355 cM and consists of 144 loci, nine QTLs, located over seven linkage groups were detected for stay green in several environments using the method of composite interval mapping. Comparison of the QTL locations with the published results indicated that three QTLs located on linkage groups A, G and J were consistent. This is considered significant since the stay green line SC56 used in our investigation is from a different source compared to B35 that was used in all the earlier investigations. Comparative mapping has shown that two stay green QTLs identified in this study corresponded to stay green QTL regions in maize. These genomic regions were also reported to be congruent with other drought-related agronomic and physiological traits in maize and rice, suggesting that these syntenic regions might be hosting a cluster of genes with pleiotropic effects implicated in several drought tolerance mechanisms in these grass species. In addition, three and four major QTLs responsible for lodging tolerance and pre-flowering drought tolerance, respectively, were detected. This investigation clearly revealed the important and consistent stay green QTLs in a different stay green source that can logically be targeted for positional cloning. The identification of QTLs and markers for pre-flowering drought tolerance and lodging tolerance will help plant breeders in manipulating and pyramiding those traits along with stay green to improve drought tolerance in sorghum. Received: 2 June 2000 / Accepted: 15 November 2000  相似文献   

Lodging is one of the major influencing factors of yield and quality in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] and other crops. To dissect the genetic basis of lodging in soybean, a recombinant inbred line population consisting of 165 lines was used to evaluate lodging percentage and eight related traits (branch number, internode length, number of nodes, plant height, stem diameter, stem strength, root length, and root weight) in three environments. Regression analysis indicated that plant height and root weight, which explain more than 55% of the variation in lodging percentage, might be the key factors influencing lodging in soybean. Nine consensus quantitative trait locus (QTLs) of lodging percentage were detected in one to three environments. Of which, eight consensus QTLs were colocated with 16 consensus QTLs of lodging-related traits by meta-analysis. In addition, seven candidate genes with the biological functions of shoot branching, root development, internode elongation, and lignin biosynthesis were identified on four pleiotropic QTL regions (oq.13-1, oq.13-2, oq.19-2, and oq.19-3) for lodging percentage and related traits. These findings showed that the consensus QTLs of lodging percentage might result from the pleiotropic QTLs affecting the lodging-related traits. Soybean lodging is determined by the cumulative effect of many traits/processes of growth and development. The combination of MAS, statistical model, and phenotypic selection will provide a powerful breeding strategy for lodging resistance in soybean.  相似文献   

倒伏是影响作物品种选育和产业化推广的重要限制因子,会使作物籽粒与秸秆的产量和品质显著降低且易引发病虫害,不利于机械化收割使作物经济效益显著降低.株高、茎秆强度、壁厚、分蘖数、分蘖夹角等性状同作物茎秆抗倒伏特性密切相关.倒伏主要分为为根倒伏和茎倒伏,茎倒伏与茎秆特性相关,其中株高与分蘖数分别受赤霉素信号转导和独脚金内酯信...  相似文献   

  • Lodging resistance can be improved by enhancing the mechanical strength of culms, and culm carbohydrates could improve this mechanical strength. Culm carbohydrates can regulate development of the culm and affect its toughness.
  • The present study determines the relationship between lodging and carbohydrate content in oat culms. Field experiments were conducted in alpine regions in 2017 and 2018 using three oat varieties with different lodging resistance. Lodging‐related morphological characteristics were directly determined and culm carbohydrate content and enzyme activity related to cellulose synthesis and sucrose metabolism were evaluated with ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
  • Results showed that the lower the gravity height or the lower ratio of gravity height to plant height, the stronger the lodging resistance of the varieties. Higher culm nonstructural (NSC) and structural (SC) carbohydrate content contributed to the ability of culms to resist lodging, especially the content of cellulose and sucrose. PCA showed that sucrose metabolism and SC content were closely related to lodging resistance. Correlation analysis showed that the lodging index (LI) was significantly negatively correlated with NSC. Sucrose content was highly and significantly positively correlated with NSC. Additionally, the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS) were highly and significantly positively correlated with sucrose and cellulose content.
  • The relationship between field characters and oat lodging, as well as the regulatory mechanism of carbohydrate content on lodging resistance of the culm are discussed.

Grain mold is a globally important panicle disease of sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] that occurs between floral anthesis and physiological maturity of the caryopsis. Many fungi, including Fusarium thapsinum , cause grain mold. In this study, sorghum florets of grain mold resistant (Sureno and Tx2911), moderately resistant (SC170), and susceptible (Tx430) cultivars were spray-inoculated with a high density (1 × 106 microconidia/ml) of F. thapsinum at anthesis. Mean caryopsis formation frequencies [CFF = (total caryopses/total spikelets per panicle) × 100] for F. thapsinum -inoculated Sureno and Tx2911 panicles did not significantly differ from their respective controls, however F. thapsinum -inoculated SC170 and Tx430 panicles were significantly less than controls. In addition, CFF was significantly reduced in F. thapsinum -inoculated Tx430 panicles when compared to the F. thapsinum -inoculated grain mold resistant genotypes (P = 0.011). This study suggests that screening of sorghum varieties for caryopsis formation using high-density inoculations at anthesis would provide an additional assay to measure F. thapsinum resistance in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

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