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Binding of simple peptides, hormones, and neurotransmitters by calmodulin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D A Malencik  S R Anderson 《Biochemistry》1982,21(14):3480-3486
We have prepared a fluorescent conjugate of porcine calmodulin with 5-(dimethylamino)-1-naphthalene-sulfonyl chloride that is highly sensitive to both calcium binding and protein binding. We have used the fluorescence of this conjugate in addition to the intrinsic peptide fluorescence to show that adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), beta-endorphin, glucagon, and substance P undergo calcium-dependent binding by calmodulin, with competition for common binding sites. The dissociation constants determined in the presence of 0.85 mM CaCl2 and 0.2 N KC1, pH 7.3 at 25 degrees C, range from 1.5 muM to 3.4 muM. The alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone, bombesin, and somatostatin also bind, with dissociation constants between 60 muM and 90 muM. Angiotensins I and III, bradykinin, neurotensin, physalaemin, substance P octapeptide, insulin, and Leu- and Met-enkephalin show little or no binding. Sequence comparisons show that the peptides that bind calmodulin well contain regions structurally similar to the recognition sequence for the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and to the sequences surrounding phosphorylated serine residues in several calmodulin binding proteins. This result suggests that modification of calmodulin binding sites in calmodulin-dependent proteins is one of the functions of protein kinase. Calcium has a dual role in peptide binding by calmodulin. The occupation of calcium binding sites having a pK approximately 4 results in a 2-fold increase in peptide binding affinity.  相似文献   

A synthetic protein kinase substrate, PRO-LEU-SER-ARG-THR-LEU-SER-VAL-SER-SER-NH2, undergoes calcium-dependent binding by calmodulin. Phosphorylation of the peptide decreases its affinity for calmodulin with the dissociation constant increasing from 2.4 to ca. 7 mM. The results are consistent with the suggestion that calmodulin and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase can act on common recognition sequences.  相似文献   

Coast GM  Schooley DA 《Peptides》2011,32(3):620-631
The nomenclature currently in use for insect neuropeptide and peptide hormone families is reviewed and suggestions are made as to how it can be rationalized. Based upon this review, a number of conventions are advanced as a guide to a more rationale nomenclature. The scheme that is put forward builds upon the binomial nomenclature scheme proposed by Raina and Gäde in 1988 [100], when just over 20 insect neuropeptides had been identified. Known neuropeptides and peptide hormones are assigned to 32 structurally distinct families, frequently with overlapping functions. The names given to these families are those that are currently in use, and describe a biological function, homology to known invertebrate/vertebrate peptides, or a conserved structural motif. Interspecific isoforms are identified using a five-letter code to indicate genus and species names, and intraspecific isoforms are identified by Roman or Arabic numerals, with the latter used to signify the order in which sequences are encoded on a prepropeptide. The proposed scheme is sufficiently flexible to allow the incorporation of novel peptides, and could be extended to other arthropods and non-arthropod invertebrates.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a cytosolic Ca(2+) signal-transducing protein that binds and activates many different cellular enzymes with physiological relevance, including the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) isozymes. CaM consists of two globular domains joined by a central linker; each domain contains an EF hand pair. Four different mutant CaM proteins were used to investigate the role of the two CaM EF hand pairs in the binding and activation of the mammalian inducible NOS (iNOS) and the constitutive NOS (cNOS) enzymes, endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal NOS (nNOS). The role of the CaM EF hand pairs in different aspects of NOS enzymatic function was monitored using three assays that monitor electron transfer within a NOS homodimer. Gel filtration studies were used to determine the effect of Ca(2+) on the dimerization of iNOS when coexpressed with CaM and the mutant CaM proteins. Gel mobility shift assays were performed to determine binding stoichiometries of CaM proteins to synthetic NOS CaM-binding domain peptides. Our results show that the N-terminal EF hand pair of CaM contains important binding and activating elements for iNOS, whereas the N-terminal EF hand pair in conjunction with the central linker region is required for cNOS enzyme binding and activation. The iNOS enzyme must be coexpressed with wild-type CaM in vitro because of its propensity to aggregate when residues of the highly hydrophobic CaM-binding domain are exposed to an aqueous environment. A possible role for iNOS aggregation in vivo is also discussed.  相似文献   

M Yazawa  T Vorherr  P James  E Carafoli  K Yagi 《Biochemistry》1992,31(12):3171-3176
The interaction between calmodulin and synthetic peptides corresponding to the calmodulin binding domain of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump has been studied by measuring Ca2+ binding to calmodulin. The largest peptide (C28W) corresponding to the complete 28 amino acid calmodulin binding domain enhanced the Ca2+ affinity of calmodulin by more than 100 times, implying that the binding of Ca2+ increased the affinity of calmodulin for the peptide by more than 10(8) times. Deletion of the 8 C-terminal residues from peptide C28W did not decrease the affinity of Ca2+ for the high-affinity sites of calmodulin, but it decreased that for the low-affinity sites. A larger deletion (13 residues) decreased the affinity of Ca2+ for the high-affinity sites as well. The data suggest that the middle portion of peptide C28W interacts with the C-terminal half of calmodulin. Addition of the peptides to a mixture of tryptic fragments corresponding to the N- and C-terminal halves of calmodulin produced a biphasic Ca2+ binding curve, and the effect of peptides was different from that on calmodulin. The result shows that one molecule of peptide C28W binds both calmodulin fragments. Interaction of the two domains of calmodulin through the central helix is necessary for the high-affinity binding of four Ca2+ molecules.  相似文献   

R Mentlein 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):251-256
The proteases involved in the maturation of regulatory peptides like those of broader specificity normally fail to cleave peptide bonds linked to the cyclic amino acid proline. This generates several mature peptides with N-terminal X-Pro-sequences. However, in certain non-mammalian tissues repetitive pre-sequences of this type are removed by specialized dipeptidyl (amino)peptidases during maturation. In mammals, proline-specific proteases are not involved in the biosynthesis of regulatory peptides, but due to their unique specificity they could play an important role in the degradation of them. Evidence exists that dipeptidyl (amino)peptidase IV at the cell surface of endothelial cells sequesters circulating peptide hormones which are then susceptible to broader aminopeptidase attack. The cleavage of several neuropeptides by prolyl endopeptidase has been demonstrated in vitro, but its role in the brain is questionable since the precise localization of the protease is not clarified.  相似文献   

Shifts in mobility caused by binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin and parvalbumin were studied using high-performance capillary electrophoresis in a Tris-glycine buffer, rather than conventional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis which requires larger amounts of sample and longer assay time. A Zn(2+)-binding protein, carbonic anhydrase, also showed a partial shift in mobility following Zn(2+)-binding.  相似文献   

Hu J  Jia X  Li Q  Yang X  Wang K 《Biochemistry》2004,43(10):2688-2698
Binding of La(3+) to calmodulin (CaM) and its effects on the complexes of CaM and CaM-binding peptide, polistes mastoparan (Mas), were investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy, and by the fluorescence stopped-flow method. The four binding sites of La(3+) on CaM were identified as the same as the binding sites of Ca(2+) on CaM through NMR titration of La(3+) to uniformly (15)N-labeled CaM. La(3+) showed a slightly higher affinity to the binding sites on the N-terminal domain of CaM than that to the C-terminal. Large differences between the (1)H-(15)N heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra of Ca(4)CaM and La(4)CaM suggest conformational differences between the two complexes. Fluorescence and CD spectra also exhibited structural differences. In the presence of Ca(2+) and La(3+), a hybrid complex, Ca(2)La(2)CaM, was formed, and the binding of La(3+) to the N-terminal domain of CaM seemed preferable over binding to the C-terminal domain. Through fluorescence titration, it was shown that La(4)CaM and Ca(2)La(2)CaM had similar affinities to Mas as Ca(4)CaM. Fluorescence stopped-flow experiments showed that the dissociation rate of La(3+) from the C-terminal domain of CaM was higher than that from the N-terminal. However, in the presence of Mas, the dissociation rate of La(3+) decreased and the dissociation processes from both global domains were indistinguishable. In addition, compared with the case of Ca(4)CaM-Mas, the slower dissociations of Mas from La(4)CaM-Mas and Ca(2)La(2)CaM-Mas complexes indicate that in the presence of La(3+), the CaM-Mas complex became kinetically inert. A possible role of La(3+) in the Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent pathway is discussed.  相似文献   

We report 43 novel genes in the water flea Daphnia pulex encoding 73 predicted neuropeptide and protein hormones as partly confirmed by RT-PCR. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry identified 40 neuropeptides by mass matches and 30 neuropeptides by fragmentation sequencing. Single genes encode adipokinetic hormone, allatostatin-A, allatostatin-B, allatotropin, Ala(7)-CCAP, CCHamide, Arg(7)-corazonin, DENamides, CRF-like (DH52) and calcitonin-like (DH31) diuretic hormones, two ecdysis-triggering hormones, two FIRFamides, one insulin, two alternative splice forms of ion transport peptide (ITP), myosuppressin, neuroparsin, two neuropeptide-F splice forms, three periviscerokinins (but no pyrokinins), pigment dispersing hormone, proctolin, Met(4)-proctolin, short neuropeptide-F, three RYamides, SIFamide, two sulfakinins, and three tachykinins. There are two genes for a preprohormone containing orcomyotropin-like peptides and orcokinins, two genes for N-terminally elongated ITPs, two genes (clustered) for eclosion hormones, two genes (clustered) for bursicons alpha, beta, and two genes (clustered) for glycoproteins GPA2, GPB5, three genes for different allatostatins-C (two of them clustered) and three genes for IGF-related peptides. Detailed comparisons of genes or their products with those from insects and decapod crustaceans revealed that the D. pulex peptides are often closer related to their insect than to their decapod crustacean homologues, confirming that branchiopods, to which Daphnia belongs, are the ancestor group of insects.  相似文献   

Binding of a spin-labelled chlorpromazine analogue to calmodulin.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The binding of a spin-labelled derivative of chlorpromazine to calmodulin was investigated by e.s.r. spectrometry. The completion of the spectroscopic changes requires the presence of 4 Ca2+ ions per calmodulin molecule. The influences of various physicochemical factors (pH, ionic strength) are discussed in relation to the nature (hydrophobic and polar) of the interactions that hold the drug-calmodulin complex together.  相似文献   

We used rotary-shadowing electron microscopy to map the calmodulin-and actin-binding sites on the brain spectrin, calspectin (or fodrin). Calspectin dimers appeared as rods 110 nm long and joined in a head-to- head manner to form tetramers 220 nm long. We determined calmodulin- binding sites by a ferritin-labeling method combined with biotin-avidin complex formation. Ferritin particles were found to attach to the head parts of calspectin dimers at a position 10-20 nm from the top of the head. The number of the calmodulin-binding sites seemed to be only one for each dimer and two for each tetramer. In contrast, the actin- binding sites were localized at the tail ends of the calspectin molecules. The tetramers attached to muscle F-actin with their tail ends and often cross-linked adjacent filaments. The results are discussed in view of the analogy to the erythrocyte spectrin.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) fragments 1-77 (CaM 1-77) and 78-148 (CaM 78-148) were prepared by tryptic cleavage of CaM. CaM 78-148 exhibited Ca2+-dependent binding to mastoparan X, Polistes mastoparan, and melittin with apparent dissociation constants less than 0.2 microM as judged from changes in the fluorescence spectrum and anisotropy of the single tryptophan residue of each of these cationic, amphiphilic peptides. This interaction was accompanied by a large spectral blue shift of the peptide fluorescence spectrum. These findings are consistent with earlier results [Malencik, D.A., & Anderson, S.R. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 2420-2428] on the binding of mastoparan X to CaM fragment 72-148. The binding of the peptide to CaM 78-148 also caused a significant loss of the accessibility of the peptide tryptophan to the fluorescence quencher acrylamide. The CaM 78-148 induced effects on the fluorescence spectra and tryptophan accessibility of the peptides were most pronounced for mastoparan X, a peptide with tryptophan on the apolar face of the putative amphiphilic helix. The data were comparable with results from parallel experiments on the Ca2+-dependent interaction of these peptides with intact CaM. Difference circular dichroic spectra suggested that binding to CaM 78-148 was associated with the induction of considerable degrees of helicity in the amphiphilic peptides, which by themselves have predominantly random coil structures in aqueous solution. This finding is also reminiscent of the interaction of these peptides with intact CaM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Binding of sex steroids by a supernatant from the ruminant nematode Trichostrongylus colubriformis was determined by isoelectric focusing of radiolabeled hormones.
  • 2.2. Progesterone was recovered from the gels at pH 6.3 and 7.7 while 17-β-estradiol was found at pH 5.9 and 6.5. Testosterone was focused at pH 4.3. The binding of hormones was different in the sexes of nematode.
  • 3.3. T. colubriformis may contain binding proteins and/or receptors for sex steroids.

In the presence of bovine brain calmodulin activated by calcium, the sharp triplet electron spin resonance (ESR) lines of free doxyl stearic acids decreased, and the broad resonance lines increased concomitantly, suggesting that the doxyl stearic acids bound to calmodulin calcium-dependently. The bound molecules were displaced by a calmodulin inhibitor, W-7, whereas their nitroxide radicals were hardly reduced by ascorbic acid, suggesting that the spin-labeled fatty acids bind to hydrophobic regions of calmodulin, and consequently inhibit calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase activity. These binding characteristics to calmodulin were different from those to bovine serum albumin. Moreover, the ESR spectra of two spin-labeled derivatives of lysophospholipid having a spin-labeled acyl group or a spin-labeled polar head group showed that it is the acyl chain of lysophospholipid that interacts with the hydrophobic region of calmodulin. The interactions of fatty acids and lysophospholipids with calmodulin seem to be quite different from those of acidic phospholipids, described previously [Suzuki, T., Katoh, H., & Uchida, M.K. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 873, 379-386]. Thus, from the results of ESR study, we can obtain information on the function of fatty acids and lysophospholipids on calmodulin. Instead of enzyme assay, ESR spectroscopy is a useful means to examine lipid-protein interaction.  相似文献   

Binding of IRS proteins to calmodulin is enhanced in insulin resistance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Li Z  Joyal JL  Sacks DB 《Biochemistry》2000,39(17):5089-5096
The IRS proteins, major endogenous targets of the insulin receptor, bind to calmodulin in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. Here, we have examined the interaction between these proteins in animal and cultured cell models of insulin resistance. Both IRS-1 and IRS-2 co-immunoprecipitate with calmodulin from insulin target tissues in rats. The interaction between calmodulin and IRS proteins in rat soleus muscle was enhanced when insulin resistance was induced in rats by treatment with dexamethasone for 5 days. Moreover, injection of angiotensin II into the inferior vena cava enhanced the binding in rat cardiac muscle. Similarly, increased binding between calmodulin and IRS-1 was observed in isolated cells incubated with tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Overexpression of calmodulin in Chinese hamster ovary cells reduced the tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-1 induced by insulin, with a concomitant decrease in insulin-stimulated association of IRS-1 with the 85-kDa regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity associated with IRS-1 was also reduced in cells overexpressing calmodulin, while this activity was increased in cells incubated with the cell-permeable calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine. These data demonstrate an enhanced interaction between calmodulin and IRS proteins in models of insulin resistance and suggest a possible mechanism by which increased intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations may contribute to impaired insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

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