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Implantation is a complex process that requires the interaction of the blastocyst, and subsequently, that of the developing embryos with the endometrium. Several growth factors and cytokines are involved in implantation, but the details of their actions as related to the regulation of blastocyst implantation remain unclear. In the present study, the RT-PCR method was used to determine the gene expression of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), FGF receptor 1 (FGFR1), FGF receptor 2 (FGFR2), and KGF receptor (KGFR) in mouse embryos and in the stromal and epithelial cells of the uterine endometrium. Basic FGF and KGF mRNA were expressed in the endometrial cells, but were not expressed in the embryos. The mRNAs of receptors for bFGF and KGF were expressed in the blastocysts and in the in vitro implanting embryos, suggesting that bFGF and KGF may exert paracrine effects on blastocyst implantation. In this mouse model of blastocyst implantation, it was found that transforming growth factor α (TGF-α) at the concentrations of 1 ng/ml and 10 ng/ml significantly enhanced the blastocyst attachment and trophoblast spreading and increased trophoblast surface area. Relatively high concentrations of bFGF (100–500 ng/ml) significantly enhanced the rates of blastocyst attachment and of trophoblast spreading and promoted the expansion of the surface area of the implanting embryos. Unlike the rates of blastocyst attachment and trophoblast spreading, the surface area of the spreading embryos was significantly increased by addition of KGF (1–100 ng/ml). These results suggest that the bFGF and KGF derived from the endometrial cells exert paracrine effects on the process of implantation by stimulating trophoblast outgrowth through their cognate receptors. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 50:54–62, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During the implantation period (days 14 to 30 post coitum) in Large White pigs substantial numbers of endometrial sub-epithelial leucocytes were observed from about day 18 p.c. These were predominantly MHC Class II+, CD45+ and reactive for an accessory cell determinant carried by polymorphs and macrophages. Maternal lymphocytes of the CD2+, CD4?, CD8?, and a γδTcR+ subtype identified by the mAb 86D, were also present. Few CD4+, CD8+, or double-positive lymphocytes were seen. CD2?CD4?CD8? γδTcR+ "Null" cells were seen in stroma adjacent to endometrial glands, as were CD2+ lymphocytes. There was no apparent upregulation of CD18, VLA-4 or CD25. E-selectin could not be detected on endothelium within uterine tissues or on trophectoderm, nor was a ligand for L-selectin detectable. The luminal aspect of the uterine epithelium was strongly reactive with anti-CD15 mAb, which was specifically blocked by lacto-N-fucopentaose III, indicating the presence of the LewisX determinant.  相似文献   

Pera MF 《Cell Stem Cell》2011,8(3):246-247
The destruction of pluripotent stem cell-derived grafts by the host immune system presents a significant barrier to clinical translation of cell therapies. Pearl et al. (2011) report in this issue of Cell Stem Cell that a brief, nontoxic immunosuppressive regimen, achieved by blockade of leucocyte costimulatory pathways, may overcome this problem.  相似文献   

Cell surface changes on the trophectoderm of the mouse blastocyst have been followed in the periimplantation period using electronhistochemical techniques. Examination of the ability of the trophectoderm to bind positively charged colloidal iron particles before and after enzyme treatment has shown that sialic acid-containing glycoproteins make a considerable contribution to the negative charge on the blastocyst surface. At implantation these membrane components are lost or undergo modification independently of direct maternal influence as indicated by a marked decline in colloidal iron binding at this time, both in vivo and in vitro. The findings are discussed in relation to other surface changes on the blastocyst and to the initiation of implantation.  相似文献   

Expression of HSG is essential for mouse blastocyst formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been shown recently that hyperplasia suppressor gene (HSG) is a powerful regulator for cell proliferation and has a critical role in mitochondrial fusion in many cells. However, little is known about its expression, localization, and function during oocyte maturation and early embryogenesis. In this study, with indirect immunofluorescent staining and Western blotting, we found that HSG was expressed in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos which primarily exhibited a submembrane distribution pattern in the cytoplasm. Moreover, HSG mainly associated with beta-tubulin during oocyte maturation and early embryonic development. When mouse zygotes were injected with HSG antisense plasmid and cultured in vitro, their capacity to form blastocysts was severely impaired. Our results indicate that HSG plays an essential role in mouse preimplantation development.  相似文献   

It is known today that the immune system is influenced by various types of psychological and physiological stressors, including physical activity. It is well known that physical activity can influence neuropeptide levels both in the central nervous system as well as in peripheral blood. The reported changes of immune function in response to exercise have been suggested to be partly regulated by the activation of different neuropeptides and the identification of receptors for neuropeptides and steroid hormones on cells of the immune system has created a new dimension in this endocrine-immune interaction. It has also been shown that immune cells are capable of producing neuropeptides, creating a bidirectional link between the nervous and immune systems. The most common neuropeptides mentioned in this context are the endogenous opioids. The activation of endogenous opioid peptides in response to physical exercise is well known in the literature, as well as the immunomodulation mediated by opioid peptides. The role of endogenous opioids in the exercise-induced modulation of immune function is less clear. The present paper will also discuss the role of other neuroendocrine factors, such as substance P, neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal peptide, and pituitary hormones, including growth hormone, prolactin and adrenocorticotrophin, in exercise and their possible effects on immune function.  相似文献   

Immunosenescence is characterized by impaired cellular immune function concomitant with increased inflammatory activity. Immune dysfunction is associated with increased mortality risk in elderly people. An important part of human ageing is characterized by a decline in the ability of individuals to adapt to environmental stress. Exercise has been suggested as a prototype for studying the effects of stress factors on the cellular immune system. Studies of interactions between an acute bout of exercise and immune function may be a useful and an ethically acceptable tool to investigate cell trafficking, immune mobilization/deficiency and the acute phase response during physical stress situations in relation to human ageing. Elderly humans have a preserved ability to recruit T lymphocytes and NK cells in response to an acute bout of exercise. Physical exercise training programs do not result in major restoration of the senescent immune system in humans. However, highly conditioned elderly humans seem to have a relatively better preserved immune system, although it is not possible to conclude if this is linked to training or other lifestyle-related factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of soluble products of activated lymphocytes and macrophages on mouse blastocyst attachment and trophoblast outgrowth in vitro. Hatched blastocysts were incubated with medium alone, supernatant fluids from mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), and with individual human and murine lymphokines and monokines in fibronectin-coated wells. Cultures were assessed at 24, 48, and 72 h for blastocyst attachment and trophoblast outgrowth. Both human and murine MLC supernatant fluids significantly enhanced trophoblast outgrowth in vitro. The cytokine, interleukin-1 beta (Il-1 beta), at a concentration of 10(3) U/ml, inhibited blastocyst attachment but significantly enhanced trophoblast outgrowth of attached blastocysts. Granulocyte, macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) at a concentration of 250 U/ml significantly inhibited blastocyst attachment, while gamma interferon (gamma-IFN) at a concentration of 2.5 x 10(3) U/ml significantly inhibited trophoblast outgrowth and caused degenerative morphological changes in these cells. The results of this study indicate that products of activated immune cells may either facilitate or impede implantation events depending on the types of predominant cytokines present, their concentration(s), and the timing of their secretion relative to embryonic development.  相似文献   

The activation of the blastocyst, a process by which it gains competency to attach with the receptive uterus, is a prerequisite for successful implantation. However, the molecular basis of blastocyst activation remains largely unexplored. Combining molecular, pharmacological and physiological approaches, we show here that silencing of Wnt-beta-catenin signaling in mice does not adversely affect the development of preimplantation embryos to blastocysts and uterine preparation for receptivity, but, remarkably, blocks blastocyst competency to implantation. Using the physiologically relevant delayed implantation model and trophoblast stem cells in culture, we further demonstrate that a coordinated activation of canonical Wnt-beta-catenin signaling with attenuation of the non-canonical Wnt-RhoA signaling pathway ensures blastocyst competency to implantation. These findings constitute novel evidence that Wnt signaling is at least one pathway that determines blastocyst competency for implantation.  相似文献   

Transfer of immune factors via the egg may represent a maternal adaptation enhancing offspring survival. Lysozyme is a major component of maternal antibacterial immunity which is transferred to the eggs in birds. In a population of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica), lysozyme activity declined during the prelaying and laying periods in females but not in males. Egg hatching failure decreased with maternal lysozyme activity. The first eggs in a clutch contained more lysozyme and produced nestlings with larger lysozyme activity when 5 days old than last‐laid ones. In a cross‐fostering experiment where brood size was manipulated, nestling origin but not post‐manipulation brood size affected lysozyme activity. Hence, maternal lysozyme varies during the breeding season and may differentially enhance antibacterial immune defence of the eggs and nestlings in relation to laying order. These findings suggest that offspring innate immunity is influenced by early maternal effects.  相似文献   

The role of the autonomic nervous system in the modulation of the immune response to emotional stimuli, was established in rats subjected to the passive avoidance test. An increase in splenic primary antibody response directed against SRBC was found after exposure of rats to the passive avoidance apparatus (novelty). Both local surgical denervation of the spleen and beta-receptor blockade (timolol, 1 mg/kg i.p. 1 h prior to testing) prevented the increase in primary antibody response.  相似文献   

The rate of oxidation of glucose is reduced in mouse embryos in the prolonged free living phase associated with delayed implantation and increases when the embryos are reactivated by estrogen. To determine how these changes in metabolism are regulated, several aspects of glucose metabolism were evaluated in dormant and reactivated blastocysts: 1) Embryos were exposed to 14C-pyruvate in vitro and evolved 14CO2 was measured. It was found that the rate of production of CO2 was equal in the two types of blastocysts, suggesting that aerobic pathways are fully functional during delayed implantation. 2) Production of lactate in the presence of O2 was measured and a decrease of 30% was found in delayed implanting embryos, suggesting that the overall regulatory mechanism for glucose metabolism resides in the glycolytic portion of the pathway. 3) Capacity for uptake and phosphorylation of glucose was evaluated using 3H-2-deoxyglucose and was found to be equal in the two types of embryos. 4) Total amounts of the rate-controlling enzymes for glycolysis (i.e., hexokinase and phosphofructokinase) in lysates of delayed and reactivated embryos were found to be equal, indicating that amounts of these enzymes are not limiting in delayed implantation. 5) Lactate production, measured under anaerobic conditions, was found to be equal, demonstrating that it is not the capacity for glycolysis but a difference in the degree of allosteric inhibition that is responsible for reduced glucose oxidation in delayed implantation. 6) Levels of ATP, ADP, and hexose-6-phosphates were found to be consistent with allosteric inhibition of the glycolytic pathway at phosphofructokinase during delay and a release of this inhibition with reactivation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Predation risk is an environmental stressor that can induce changes in prey behavior and physiology. Perception of predation risk may indirectly affect offspring traits and future fitness prospects via impacts on the condition of parents. Females may influence the survival of their offspring via maternal effects, especially when breeding in stressful conditions. We investigated the effects of continuous predation risk perceived by mothers on the maternal allocation of immune factors and carotenoids in eggs of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. We collected eggs from wild pied flycatchers that bred in the vicinity of a predator nest (pygmy owl Glaucidium passerinum), were exposed to cues of a mammalian nest predator (urine of least weasel Mustela nivalis), or received appropriate controls for these two groups. Pied flycatchers transferred more immunoglobulin in eggs under high predation risk in both owl and mammalian predator treatments. The presence of owl nests also lowered the level of lysozyme transferred in the eggs in one of the two study years. Predation risk did not modify egg size or overall carotenoid levels. Our results show that continuous predation risk perceived by females during egg‐laying affects egg composition. This different allocation of maternal immune factors may be an adaptive response evolved to increase the probability of offspring survival.  相似文献   

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