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Plasticity of human chromosome 3 during primate evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Comparative mapping of more than 100 region-specific clones from human chromosome 3 in Bornean and Sumatran orangutans, siamang gibbon, and Old and New World monkeys allowed us to reconstruct ancestral simian and hominoid chromosomes. A single paracentric inversion derives chromosome 1 of the Old World monkey Presbytis cristata from the simian ancestor. In the New World monkey Callithrix geoffroyi and siamang, the ancestor diverged on multiple chromosomes, through utilizing different breakpoints. One shared and two independent inversions derive Bornean orangutan 2 and human 3, implying that neither Bornean orangutans nor humans have conserved the ancestral chromosome form. The inversions, fissions, and translocations in the five species analyzed involve at least 14 different evolutionary breakpoints along the entire length of human 3; however, particular regions appear to be more susceptible to chromosome reshuffling. The ancestral pericentromeric region has promoted both large-scale and micro-rearrangements. Small segments homologous to human 3q11.2 and 3q21.2 were repositioned intrachromosomally independent of the surrounding markers in the orangutan lineage. Breakage and rearrangement of the human 3p12.3 region were associated with extensive intragenomic duplications at multiple orangutan and gibbon subtelomeric sites. We propose that new chromosomes and genomes arise through large-scale rearrangements of evolutionarily conserved genomic building blocks and additional duplication, amplification, and/or repositioning of inherently unstable smaller DNA segments contained within them.  相似文献   

There is evidence of multiple copies of the FSHD Region Candidate Gene 1 (FRG1) in humans. Analysis of human FRG1 ESTs showed many of them to be non-processed pseudogenes dispersed throughout the genome. To determine when the amplification of FRG1 occurred, we used a PCR-based approach to identify FRG1 sequences from great apes, chimpanzee, gorilla and orang-utan, and an Old World monkey, Macaca mulatta. In common with humans, multiple copies of FRG1 were detected in the great apes. However, in Macaca mulatta, only two FRG1 loci were identified, one presumed to be the homologue of the human chromosome 4q gene. This is strikingly similar to the distribution of a dispersed 3.3-kb repeat family in primates. A member of this family, D4Z4, maps to the subtelomeric region of 4q, in close proximity to FRG1. We propose that an ancestral duplication of distal 4q included FRG1. This duplication is present in Macaca mulatta whose divergence from hominoids is thought to have occurred at least 33 million years ago. We propose that this telomeric region then underwent further amplification and dispersion events in the great ape lineage, with copies of FRG1 and the 3.3-kb repeats being localized in heterochromatic regions.  相似文献   

聂庆华  刘清神  方梅霞  谢亮  张细权 《遗传》2008,30(4):469-474
黑素皮质素1型受体 (melanocortin 1 receptor, MC1R)基因具有调节哺乳动物细胞黑色素形成的作用, 因此被认为是影响犬毛色的重要候选基因。基于NCBI数据库上发表的犬等10个动物种MC1R的氨基酸序列和cDNA序列, 利用生物学软件和网络信息资源, 对犬等10种脊椎动物进行了分子进化分析。结果表明: (1) 基于MC1R氨基酸序列的聚类分析显示, 10个物种明显归为2类, 7个哺乳动物种为一紧密类群, 鸡与斑马鱼和河豚为一松散类群, 该聚类结果与公认的动物分类及进化关系密切吻合; (2) PAML的Branch模型预测显示, 犬、猪、猫在与牛的分化过程中MC1R受到正向选择作用(w =90.8177); Site模型预测显示, 犬MC1R的2V、25E、184N、197V、314L为正选择氨基酸位点; (3) 染色体连锁群比较分析显示, “ZFP276-MC1R-GAS8”基因连锁关系在人、黑猩猩、鸡和犬中保持一致。  相似文献   

李世鹏  杜智恒  宁方勇  孙洪霞  白秀娟 《遗传》2008,30(10):1333-1340
利用PCR-SSCP技术和DNA测序方法检测广东石岐肉鸽和哈尔滨地区灰色家鸽MC3R和MC4R基因部分编码区序列的单核苷酸多态性, 分析了MC3R基因T91G突变位点和MC4R基因A903G突变位点导致的基因型与两群体鸽生长和体组成性状的关系。结果表明, 这两个多态位点所导致的基因型对石岐肉鸽活重、屠体重、全净膛重均有显著影响(P<0.05); 另外, 利用这两个突变位点所产生的合并基因型在鸽群体中与生长和体组成性状作最小二乘分析, 结果表明, 两位点合并后的基因型对全净膛重影响显著(P<0.05)。多重比较结果表明, BBAA型全净膛重显著大于AABB型, BBAA型对于体重增长是有利基因型。  相似文献   

β-Alanine derivative 2 (IC50=16 nM) and related compounds were found to be potent MC4R agonists.  相似文献   

Birth of 'human-specific' genes during primate evolution   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nahon JL 《Genetica》2003,118(2-3):193-208
Humans and other Anthropoids share very similar chromosome structure and genomic sequence as seen in the 98.5% homology at the DNA level between us and Great Apes. However, anatomical and behavioral traits distinguish Homo sapiens from his closest relatives. I review here several recent studies that address the issue by using different approaches: large-scale sequence comparison (first release) between human and chimpanzee, characterization of recent segmental duplications in the human genome and analysis of exemplary gene families. As a major breakthrough in the field, the heretical concept of human-specific genes has recently received some supporting data. In addition, specific chromosomal regions have been mapped that display all the features of gene nurseries and could have played a major role in gene innovation and speciation during primate evolution. A model is proposed that integrates all known molecular mechanisms that can create new genes in the human lineage.  相似文献   

Primate socioecological studies have attempted to derive general frameworks using the average behavioural traits of species or genera to place them into categories. However, with the accumulation of primate studies, it is timely to place more emphasis on understanding within-species variation in social structure. In this review we have four objectives. First, we examine within-species variation in the potential determinants of social structure, including diet, demography, predation and infanticide, and document considerable variation. Second, we present case studies of within-species variation in social structure to illustrate the potential magnitude of this variation. For example, there are cases within a single interbreeding population where multi-male, uni-male, fission–fusion and monogamous groups are found. Third, by examining widespread primate lineages that occur in a variety of habitats, we note that there are differences in the magnitude of variation in social structures across different lineages and as a result we consider phylogenetic constraints on phenotypic variation in social structure. Finally, we reflect on the implications of extensive variation in social structure. We suggest that primate social structure will represent a combination of adaptation to present-day environment and phylogenetic inertia. To advance our understanding of the relative contribution of phylogeny versus ecology we propose two approaches. One approach is to compare groups in the same interbreeding population that inhabit different ecological conditions. Any differences that are found can be attributed to ecological differences, since phylogeny should not play a role within a single population. The second approach is to study distantly related species that have similar social structures to illustrate how similar ecological pressures might be operating to select for parallel social structures.  相似文献   

We constructed several mutant human MC4R cDNAs by site directed mutagenesis and expressed these receptors in COS-1 cells. The conserved DRY motif among GPCRs was mutated to generate eight mutants. While no MC4R ligand binding was detected in any of the mutants, one mutant, D146A, resulted in higher cAMP production in cells than the wild-type receptor without ligand stimulation.  相似文献   

The melanocortin receptor type 4 (MC4-R) is involved in food intake and represents a potential target for the treatment of some forms of obesity. The fluorescent protein EGFP was fused to the wild-type or mutated coding sequence of the human MC4-R. After transfection in HEK 293, clones stably expressing hMC4-R-EGFP were selected. Wild-type chimeric hMC4-R was well addressed to the cell membrane as demonstrated using confocal microscopy and displayed the same pharmacological characteristics as native hMC4R. NDP-alpha MSH induced a time-dependent internalization of MC4-R that was partially prevented by AgRP. The two mutated chimeric receptors studied here (CTCT-deleted and C271A) showed a high alteration of their response to ligand and were retained inside the cells. In conclusion, we have developed a model of clones stably expressing EGFP-tagged-hMC4-R. This is the only such model available to date and it provides a useful tool to follow the trafficking of MC4-R inside living cells.  相似文献   

Remodeling of the involucrin gene during primate evolution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
H Tseng  H Green 《Cell》1988,54(4):491-496
The protein involucrin is a product of terminal differentiation in the epidermal cell and related cell types. By comparing the nucleotide sequence of the involucrin gene of the lemur with that of the human, it is clear that the gene has undergone unusual evolution in the primates. The coding region of the gene contains an ancestral segment, most of which is common to the lemur and the human, and a species-specific segment of repeats derived from the ancestral segment. Instead of the modern segment of repeats found in the human gene, the lemur gene possesses repeats derived from another sequence at a different location in the ancestral segment. The two kinds of segments of repeats probably represent alternative ways of creating a repeat structure in the involucrin molecule. The modern segment of repeats must have been created after divergence of the higher primates from the prosimians.  相似文献   

MC4R oligomerizes independently of extracellular cysteine residues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) plays an essential role in weight regulation. Recently we could show that the MC4R is able to form receptor dimers. In the present study we investigated the role of extracellular cysteine residues and the structure of the third extracellular loop for receptor dimerization. None of the four extracellular cysteine residues nor the structure of the third extracellular loop play a role for MC4R-MC4R interaction as all investigated mutants display the same dimerization pattern as the wild-type receptor. Therefore for MC4R dimerization structures of the transmembrane-spanning helices are more likely to be involved.  相似文献   

Most scholars agree that avoiding predators is a central concern of lemurs, monkeys, and apes. However, given uncertainties about the frequency with which primates actually become prey, the selective importance of predation in primate evolution continues to be debated. 1 - 9 Some argue that primates are often killed by predators, 5 , 6 while others maintain that such events are relatively rare. 2 , 7 , 9 Some authors have contended that predation's influence on primate sociality has been trivial 10 , 11 ; others counter that predation need not occur often to be a powerful selective force. 12 - 14 Given the challenges of documenting events that can be ephemeral and irregular, we are unlikely ever to amass the volume of systematic, comparative data we have on such topics as feeding, social dynamics, or locomotor behavior. Nevertheless, a steady accumulation of field observations, insight gained from natural experiments, and novel taphonomic analyses have enhanced understanding of how primates interact with several predators, especially raptors, the subject of this review.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a general review of predation on nonhuman primates as a selective force in primate evolution. Testable hypotheses derived from the literature on predation on primates, concerning sexual dimorphism, male defense, group size, solitaries, transfer, subgrouping, and sex ratio, were applied to the available data on populations with varying predation rates in search of significant correlations. All seven hypotheses were supported, indicating that predation is and has been an important determinant of primate evolutionary history. Suggestions for accumulating a larger and more accurate body of information on predation rates on primates are offered.  相似文献   

Retroviruses and primate evolution   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs), probably representing footprints of ancient germ-cell retroviral infections, occupy about 1% of the human genome. HERVs can influence genome regulation through expression of retroviral genes, either via genomic rearrangements following HERV integrations or through the involvement of HERV LTRs in the regulation of gene expression. Some HERVs emerged in the genome over 30 MYr ago, while others have appeared rather recently, at about the time of hominid and ape lineages divergence. HERVs might have conferred antiviral resistance on early human ancestors, thus helping them to survive. Furthermore, newly integrated HERVs could have changed the pattern of gene expression and therefore played a significant role in the evolution and divergence of Hominoidea superfamily. Comparative analysis of HERVs, HERV LTRs, neighboring genes, and their regulatory interplay in the human and ape genomes will help us to understand the possible impact of HERVs on evolution and genome regulation in the primates. BioEssays 22:161-171, 2000.  相似文献   

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