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A new infestation by Aedes albopictus was discovered in Civitavecchia, Central Italy, in October 1992. This follows previous records of the species in North Italy, where the first infestation was observed in 1990 in the city of Genoa. The present finding clearly indicates the capacity of Aedes albopictus to spread all over Italy and to become a permanent pest in Southern Europe. In spite of the expected embryonic diapause in October, larval breeding was observed in a fifteen-liter glass jar with a narrow neck, left outdoor.  相似文献   

The Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), native to Southeast Asia, has extended its geographical distribution to invade new temperate and tropical regions. This species was introduced in 1990 to Italy and has since become the main pest in urban settings. It was incriminated as a principal vector in the first European outbreak of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in the province of Ravenna (Italy) in 2007. This outbreak was associated with CHIKV E1-226V, efficiently transmitted by Ae. albopictus . The occurrence of this outbreak in a temperate country led us to estimate the potential of Ae. albopictus to transmit CHIKV and dengue virus (DENV), and to determine the susceptibility to CHIKV of other mosquito species collected in northern Italy. Experimental infections showed that Ae. albopictus exhibited high disseminated infection rates for CHIKV (75.0% in Alessandria; 90.3% in San Lazzaro) and low disseminated infection rates for DENV-2 (14.3% in San Lazzaro; 38.5% in Alessandria). Moreover, Ae. albopictus was able to attain a high level of viral replication, with CHIKV detectable in the salivary glands at day 2 after infection. In addition, the other three mosquito species, Anopheles maculipennis Meigen, Aedes vexans vexans (Meigen) and Culex pipiens L., showed variable susceptibilities to infection with CHIKV, of 0%, 7.7% and 0–33%, respectively. This information on vector competence is crucial in assessing the risk for an outbreak of CHIKV or DENV in Italy.  相似文献   

Intracellular Wolbachia bacteria are obligate, maternally inherited endosymbionts found frequently in insects and other invertebrates. The evolutionary success of Wolbachia is due in part to an ability to manipulate reproduction. In mosquitoes and many other insects, Wolbachia causes a form of sterility known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI). Wolbachia-induced CI has attracted interest as a potential agent for affecting medically important disease vectors. However, application of the approach has been restricted by an absence of appropriate, naturally occurring Wolbachia infections. Here, we report the interspecific transfer of Wolbachia infection into a medically important mosquito. Using embryonic microinjection, Wolbachia is transferred from Drosophila simulans into the invasive pest and disease vector: Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito). The resulting infection is stably maintained and displays a unique pattern of bidirectional CI in crosses with naturally infected mosquitoes. Laboratory population cage experiments examine a strategy in which releases of Wolbachia-infected males are used to suppress mosquito egg hatch. We discuss the results in relation to developing appropriate Wolbachia-infected mosquito strains for population replacement and population suppression strategies.  相似文献   

In the presence of actinomycin D or a combination of actinomycin D and either camptothecin or alpha-amanatin. Aedes albopictus cells synthesize a variety of single stranded RNA species. These actinomycin D resistant species are ethidium bromide sensitive and they are present in the cell cytoplasm in an RNase resistant structure which has the sedimentation and buoyant density characteristics of mitochondria. Twelve actinomycin D insensitive RNA species can be detected by electrophoresis in 7M urea and 11 of these bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose. An identical set of oligo(dT)-cellulose binding RNA species is obtained when A. albopictus cells are labeled in the presence of camptothecin alone. The actinomycin D insensitive RNA species which bind to oligo(dT)-cellulose hybridize to mitochondrial DNA. These data indicate that the actinomycin D insensitive RNA species have a mitochondrial origin and are not associated with the replication of an inapparent contaminating virus.  相似文献   



The tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), vector of several emerging diseases, is expanding into more northerly latitudes as well as into higher altitudes in northern Italy. Changes in the pattern of distribution of the tiger mosquito may affect the potential spread of infectious diseases transmitted by this species in Europe. Therefore, predicting suitable areas of future establishment and spread is essential for planning early prevention and control strategies.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To identify the areas currently most suitable for the occurrence of the tiger mosquito in the Province of Trento, we combined field entomological observations with analyses of satellite temperature data (MODIS Land Surface Temperature: LST) and human population data. We determine threshold conditions for the survival of overwintering eggs and for adult survival using both January mean temperatures and annual mean temperatures. We show that the 0°C LST threshold for January mean temperatures and the 11°C threshold for annual mean temperatures provide the best predictors for identifying the areas that could potentially support populations of this mosquito. In fact, human population density and distance to human settlements appear to be less important variables affecting mosquito distribution in this area. Finally, we evaluated the future establishment and spread of this species in relation to predicted climate warming by considering the A2 scenario for 2050 statistically downscaled at regional level in which winter and annual temperatures increase by 1.5 and 1°C, respectively.


MODIS satellite LST data are useful for accurately predicting potential areas of tiger mosquito distribution and for revealing the range limits of this species in mountainous areas, predictions which could be extended to an European scale. We show that the observed trend of increasing temperatures due to climate change could facilitate further invasion of Ae. albopictus into new areas.  相似文献   

Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus is a vector of major human diseases. From 1979 established populations were found in the Mediterranean Region. The first record of Ae. albopictus in Italy goes back to 1990 and at present it is permanently established in several provinces of central and northern Italy. Ae. albopictus was detected for the first time in Sardinia in 1995, and a new record was reported in 1997. After these two isolated episodes, the "tiger-mosquito" was considered apparently eradicated. At the end of September 2006, two natural breeding populations including adults of Ae. albopictus were recorded in two different localities of South-Sardinia: in the botanical garden of downtown Cagliari and in a private garden of a small village, Teulada, on the south-western coast of Sardinia. The origin of this new introduction of Ae. albopictus in Sardinia is still unclear. In both cases the species has been found in artificial containers in densely populated areas.  相似文献   

白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊经卵传递登革病毒的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊通过吸食病毒液或叮吸有病毒血症的小鸡血后,能感染登革1-4型病毒,并能在蚊体内增殖,对感染雌蚊了1和子2代幼虫,雌性或雄性成虫4559只,分101批进行了病毒检测,白纹伊蚊子1代的批阳性率;登革1型为10%(1/10)2型为22.22%(2/9)3型为33.33%(4/12),4型为28.95%(11/38)登革1~4型的最低子代感染率依次主国0.20%,0.71%,0.70%和  相似文献   

Pietrobelli M 《Parassitologia》2008,50(1-2):113-115
To assess the role of Aedes albopictus in transmission of filarial nematodes of veterinary importance, researches were carried out in different geographical areas. In Italy a first research was performed to study the susceptibility of Ae. albopictus to Dirofilaria repens, D. immitis and Setaria labiatopapillosa. The development of L3 larvae was longer than in other species of mosquitoes but Ae. albopictus could be a suitable vector of filariae. To understand the role of Ae. albopictus in the natural transmission of Dirofilaria and to assess the risk for animal and human health, in 2000, 2001 and 2002 another study was carried out in the town of Padua. A total of 2,534 Ae. albopictus were caught on human-attracted mosquitoes. Specific primers and sequencing identified filarial DNA as D. immitis; Ae. albopictus was proved a natural vector of D. immitis. Similar results were confirmed in Central Italy also for D. repens. The presence of Ae. albopictus increased the probability of transmission of canine and human dirofilariosis in urban environment and it could change the epidemiology of dirofilariosis, in particular for what concern the time of biting and the risk season. These aspects must be considered to outline a correct prophylaxis.  相似文献   

The Aedes albopictus mosquito has been involved as the principal vector of recent major outbreaks due to the chikungunya virus (CHIKV). The species is naturally infected by two strains of Wolbachia (wAlbA and wAlbB). Wolbachia infections are thought to have spread by manipulating the reproduction of their hosts; cytoplasmic incompatibility is the mechanism used by Wolbachia to invade natural populations of many insects including Ae. albopictus. Here, we report a study on the effects of removing Wolbachia from Ae. albopictus on CHIKV replication and examine the consequences of CHIKV infection on some life‐history traits (survival and reproduction) of Wolbachia‐free Ae. albopictus. We found that Wolbachia‐free mosquitoes maintained a highly heterogeneous CHIKV replication compared to Wolbachia‐infected individuals. In Wolbachia‐infected Ae. albopictus, the regular increase of CHIKV followed by a steady viral load from day 4 post‐infection onwards was concomitant with a decline in Wolbachia density. This profile was also detected when examining the two key organs for viral transmission, the midgut and the salivary glands. Moreover, Wolbachia‐free Ae. albopictus was not altered in life‐history traits such as survival, oviposition and hatching characteristics whether infected or not with CHIKV. We found that Wolbachia is not essential for viral replication, its presence could lead to optimize replication from day 4 post‐infection onwards, coinciding with a decrease in Wolbachia density. Wolbachia may regulate viral replication in Ae. albopictus, with consequences on survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

A survey of microgeographic variation using morphometric and allozyme analyses was conducted on 19 US populations of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), a mosquito that was recently introduced into the US. There was considerable variation within and among populations both in morphometric traits and allele frequencies. A multivariate discriminant analysis enabled the separation of populations into distinct groups; separation among the populations in the morphometric analysis was incomplete with an average of 70% of the individuals being correctly classified. In the allozyme analysis, the discrimination was complete. The populations from Texas were placed close together in the morphometric analysis, whereas in the allozyme analysis a geographic clustering of populations could not be detected. A test of association between the distance matrices derived from the morphometric and allozyme analyses was statistically nonsignificant. The results are discussed in the context of the colonization of the US by A. albopictus. The possible factors underlying the differences in the patterns of variation derived from morphometric and allozyme analyses are also discussed.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti feeding on chickens infected with Plasmodium gallinaceum take less blood and lay fewer eggs than those feeding on uninfected hosts. Both activities show an inverse correlation with the degree of parasitemia. Mosquitoes feeding on infected chickens ingest blood in amounts directly proportional to the length of time spent on the hosts, whereas there is no relationship between host contact and blood meal size for mosquitoes feeding on uninfected hosts. Feeding and probing choice experiments demonstrate that infected chickens are less attractive to Aedes aegypti than uninfected chickens.  相似文献   

The utilization of detritus sources by mosquito larvae during development may significantly affect adult life history traits and mosquito population growth. Many studies have shown invertebrate carcasses to be an important detritus source in larval habitats, but little is known regarding how invertebrate carcasses are utilized by mosquito larvae. We conducted two studies to investigate the rate of detritus consumption and its effect on larval development and life history traits. Overall, we found that Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus larvae rapidly consumed larval detritus, while pupal detritus was consumed at a significantly slower rate. We also found that the consumption of larval detritus significantly increased larval survivorship and decreased male development time but did not significantly influence female development time or pupal cephalothorax length for either sex. Our results suggest that the direct consumption of larval detritus can support the production of adults in larval habitats that lack allochthonous detritus inputs or where such organic inputs are insufficient. These studies indicate that different forms of invertebrate detritus are utilized in distinct ways by mosquito larvae, and therefore different forms of invertebrate detritus may have distinct effects on larval development and adult life history traits.  相似文献   

A susceptible strain of Aedes albopictus derived from the Gainesville strain (Florida, USA) was established in our laboratory. The larvicidal efficacies of the neurotoxic insecticides temephos, permethrin and the pure cis and trans-permethrin isomers and the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) against Ae. albopictus were estimated and compared to a susceptible strain of Aedes aegypti. The larvicidal effect of insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen was also evaluated in both mosquito strains. The median lethal concentration/median emergency inhibition values for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, respectively, were: temephos, 3.058 and 6.632 ppb, permethrin, 3.143 and 4.933 ppb, cis-permethrin, 4.457 and 10.068 ppb, trans-permethrin, 1.510 and 3.883 ppb, Bti, 0.655 and 0.880 ppb and pyriproxyfen, 0.00774 and 0.01642 ppb. Ae. albopictus was more tolerant than Ae. aegypti to all six larvicides evaluated. The order of susceptibility for Ae. aegypti was pyriproxyfen > Bti > trans-permethrin > temephos > permethrin > cis-permethrin and for Ae. albopictus was pyriproxyfen > Bti > trans-permethrin > permethrin > temephos > cis-permethrin. Because both species can be found together in common urban, suburban and rural breeding sites, the results of this work provide baseline data on the susceptibility of Ae. albopictus to insecticides commonly used for controlling Ae. aegypti in the field.  相似文献   

Studies on the biology and mating behaviour of male mosquitoes are of major importance in a frame of a Sterile Insect Technique which could be used against mosquito vector species. Most particularly, the assumption of possible multiple inseminations in mosquito species must be investigated in order to optimize alternative mosquito control methods (Sterile Insect Techniques with genetically modified mosquitoes, cytoplasmic incompatibility, radiation…). The occurrence of multiple insemination events was investigated after 2 field samplings of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in La Reunion Island using microsatellite markers. Respectively, 14 and 13 females after the first and the second sampling laid eggs. Seven wild females out of the 27 laying females were found with a progeny involving more than one father. This result is important for the new alternative mosquito control methods and raises the importance of pre- and post-copulatory competition.  相似文献   

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