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Dentin and bone derive their mechanical properties from a complex arrangement of collagen type-I fibrils reinforced with nanocrystalline apatite mineral in extra- and intrafibrillar compartments. While mechanical properties have been determined for the bulk of the mineralized tissue, information on the mechanics of the individual fibril is limited. Here, atomic force microscopy was used on individual collagen fibrils to study structural and mechanical changes during acid etching. The characteristic 67 nm periodicity of gap zones was not observed on the mineralized fibril, but became apparent and increasingly pronounced with continuous demineralization. AFM-nanoindentation showed a decrease in modulus from 1.5 GPa to 50 MPa during acid etching of individual collagen fibrils and revealed that the modulus profile followed the axial periodicity. The nanomechanical data, Raman spectroscopy and SAXS support the hypothesis that intrafibrillar mineral etches at a substantially slower rate than the extrafibrillar mineral. These findings are relevant for understanding the biomechanics and design principles of calcified tissues derived from collagen matrices.  相似文献   

The most serious late complications of ageing and diabetes mellitus follow similar patterns in the dysfunction of retinal capillaries, renal tissue, and the cardiovascular system. The changes are accelerated in diabetic patients owing to hyperglycaemia and are the major cause of premature morbidity and mortality. These tissues and their optimal functioning are dependent on the integrity of their supporting framework of collagen. It is the modification of these properties by glycation that results in many of the damaging late complications. Initially glycation affects the interactions of collagen with cells and other matrix components, but the most damaging effects are caused by the formation of glucose-mediated intermolecular cross-links. These cross-links decrease the critical flexibility and permeability of the tissues and reduce turnover. In contrast to the renal and retinal tissue, the cardiovascular system also contains a significant proportion of the other fibrous connective tissue protein elastin, and its properties are similarly modified by glycation. The nature of these glycation cross-links is now being unravelled and this knowledge is crucial in any attempt to inhibit these deleterious glycation reactions.  相似文献   

Summary Bundles of tibia tendon from 19 week-old turkeys were deep frozen, freeze dried and embedded in styrol methacrylate or Epon. In the distal mineralized region, bundles of unmineralized collagen fibrils as well as mineralized regions consisting of round microcompartments with low contrast surrounded by a mineral sheath with high contrast were found. The inner regions with low contrast corresponded to the mineralized collagen fibrils, while the contrast-rich peripheral zones corresponded to the mineralized collagen-free ground substance. Using electron microscopic microprobe analysis, it was shown that the peripheral mineralized region, consisting mainly of closely packed needles, often contained 100% more mineral substance than the central, mineralized collagen zone, which consisted mainly of plate-like crystallites. Possible reasons for this difference in mineral content are discussed on the molecular level.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support and to Fräulein Christine Dörnen for valuable technical assistance  相似文献   

A role for glycosaminoglycans in the development of collagen fibrils   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Extensive data on the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) composition and the collagen fibril diameter distribution have been collected for a diverse range of connective tissues. It is shown that tissues with the smallest diameter collagen fibrils (mass-average diameter less than 60 nm) have high concentrations of hyaluronic acid and that tissues with the largest diameter collagen fibrils (mass-average diameter approximately 200 nm) have high concentrations of dermatan sulphate. It is suggested that the lateral growth of fibrils beyond a diameter of about 60 nm is inhibited by the presence of an excess of hyaluronic acid but that this inhibitory effect may be removed by an increasing concentration of chondroitin sulphate and/or dermatan sulphate. It is also postulated that high concentrations of chondroitin sulphate will inhibit fibril growth beyond a mass-average diameter of approximately 150 nm. Such an inhibition may in turn be removed by an increasing concentration of dermatan sulphate such that it becomes the dominant GAG present in the tissue.  相似文献   

The collagenous tissues of echinoderms, which have the unique capacity to rapidly and reversibly alter their mechanical properties, resemble the collagenous tissues of other phyla in consisting of collagen fibrils in a nonfibrillar matrix. Knowledge of the composition and structure of their collagen fibrils and interfibrillar matrix is thus important for an understanding of the physiology of these tissues. In this report it is shown that the collagen molecules from the fibrils of the spine ligament of a seaurchin and the deep dermis of a sea-cucumber are the same length as those from vertebrate fibrils and that they assemble into fibrils with the same repeat period and gap/overlap ratio as do those of vertebrate fibrils. The distributions of charged residues in echinoderm and vertebrate molecules are somewhat different, giving rise to segment-long-spacing crystallites and fibrils with different banding patterns. Compared to the vertebrate pattern, the banding pattern of echinoderm fibrils is characterized by greatly increased stain intensity in the c3 band and greatly reduced stain intensity in the a3 and b2 bands. The fibrils are spindle-shaped, possessing no constant-diameter region throughout their length. The shape of the fibrils is mechanically advantageous for their reinforcing role in a discontinuous fiber-composite material.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (T3, T4) have a broad range of effects on bone, however, its role in determining the quality of bone matrix is poorly understood. In-vitro, the immortalized mouse osteoblast-like cell line MC3T3-E1 forms a tissue like structure, consisting of several cell layers, whose formation is affected by T3 significantly. In this culture system, we investigated the effects of T3 on cell multiplication, collagen synthesis, expression of genes related to the collagen cross-linking process and on the formation of cross-links.T3 compared to controls modulated cell multiplication, up-regulated collagen synthesis time and dose dependently, and stimulated protein synthesis. T3 increased mRNA expressions of procollagen-lysine-1,2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 2 (Plod2) and of lysyloxidase (Lox), both genes involved in post-translational modification of collagen. Moreover, it stimulated mRNA expression of bone morphogenetic protein 1 (Bmp1), the processing enzyme of the lysyloxidase-precursor and of procollagen. An increase in the collagen cross-link-ratio Pyr/deDHLNL indicates, that T3 modulated cross-link maturation in the MC3T3-E1 culture system. These results demonstrate that T3 directly regulates collagen synthesis and collagen cross-linking by up-regulating gene expression of the specific cross-link related enzymes, and underlines the importance of a well-balanced concentration of thyroid hormones for maintenance of bone quality.  相似文献   

Collagen type I displays a typical banding periodicity of 67 nm when visualized by atomic force or transmission electron microscopy imaging. We have investigated collagen fibers extracted from rat tail tendons using atomic force microscopy, under different ionic and pH conditions. The majority of the fibers reproduce the typical wavy structure with 67 nm spacing and a height difference between the peak and the grooves of at least 5 nm. However, we were also able to individuate two other banding patterns with 23+/-2 nm and 210+/-15 nm periodicities. The small pattern showed height differences of about 2 nm, whereas the large pattern seems to be a superposition of the 67 nm periodicity showing height differences of about 20 nm. Furthermore, we could show that at pH values of 3 and below the fibril structure gets dissolved whereas high concentrations of NaCl and CaCl(2) could prevent this effect.  相似文献   

Unlike engineering fibre composite materials which comprise of fibres that are uniform cylindrical in shape, collagen fibrils reinforcing the proteoglycan-rich (PG) gel in the extra-cellular matrices (ECMs) of connective tissues are taper-ended (paraboloidal in shape). In an earlier paper we have discussed how taper of a fibril leads to an axial stress up-take which differs from that of a uniform cylindrical fibre and implications for fibril fracture. The present paper focuses on the influence of fibre aspect ratio, q (slenderness), and Young's modulus (stiffness), relative to that of the gel phase, E(R), on the magnitude of the axial tensile stresses generated within a fibril and wider implications on failure at tissue level. Fibre composite models were evaluated using finite element (FE) and mathematical analyses. When the applied force is low, there is elastic stress transfer between the PG gel and a fibril. FE modelling shows that the stress in a fibril increases with E(R) and q. At higher applied forces, there is plastic stress transfer. Mathematical modelling predicts that the stress in a fibril increases linearly with q. For small q values, fibrils may be regarded as fillers with little ability to provide tensile reinforcement. Large q values lead to high stress in a fibril. Such high stresses are beneficial provided they do not exceed the fracture stress of collagen. Modulus difference regulates the strain energy release density, u, for interfacial rupture; large E(R) not only leads to high stress in a fibril but also insures against interfacial rupture by raising the value of u.  相似文献   

Collagen II fibrils are a critical structural component of the extracellular matrix of cartilage providing the tissue with its unique biomechanical properties. The self-assembly of collagen molecules into fibrils is a spontaneous process that depends on site-specific binding between specific domains belonging to interacting molecules. These interactions can be altered by mutations in the COL2A1 gene found in patients with a variety of heritable cartilage disorders known as chondrodysplasias. Employing recombinant procollagen II, we studied the effects of R75C or R789C mutations on fibril formation. We determined that both R75C and R789C mutants were incorporated into collagen assemblies. The effects of the R75C and R789C substitutions on fibril formation differed significantly. The R75C substitution located in the thermolabile region of collagen II had no major effect on the fibril formation process or the morphology of fibrils. In contrast, the R789C substitution located in the thermostable region of collagen II caused profound changes in the morphology of collagen assemblies. These results provide a basis for identifying pathways leading from single amino acid substitutions in collagen II to changes in the structure of individual fibrils and in the organization of collagenous matrices.  相似文献   

Mineralized collagen fibrils are the basic building blocks of bone tissue at the supramolecular level. Several disease states, manipulation of the expression of specific proteins involved in biomineralization, and treatment with different agents alter the extent of mineralization as well as the morphology of mineral crystals which in turn affect the mechanical function of bone tissue. An experimental assessment of mineralized fibers' mechanical properties is challenged by their small size, leaving analytical and computational models as a viable alternative for investigation of the fibril-level mechanical properties. In the current study the variation of the elastic stiffness tensor of mineralized collagen fibrils with changing mineral volume fraction and mineral aspect ratios was predicted via a micromechanical model. The partitioning of applied stresses between mineral and collagen phases is also predicted for normal and shear loading of fibrils. Model predictions resulted in transversely isotropic collagen fibrils in which the modulus along the longer axis of the fibril was the greatest. All the elastic moduli increased with increasing mineral volume fraction whereas Poisson's ratios decreased with the exception of v12 (=v21). The partitioning of applied stresses were such that the stresses acting on mineral crystals were about 1.5, 15, and 3 times greater than collagen stresses when fibrils were loaded transversely, longitudinally, and in shear, respectively. In the overall the predictions were such that: (a) greatest modulus along longer axis; (b) the greatest mineral/collagen stress ratio along the longer axis of collagen fibers (i.e., greatest relief of stresses acting on collagen); and (c) minimal lateral contraction when fibers are loaded along the longer axis. Overall, the pattern of mineralization as put forth in this model predicts a superior mechanical function along the longer axis of collagen fibers, the direction which is more likely to experience greater stresses.  相似文献   

The effect of crosslinking agent on pepsin-soluble bovine collagen solution was examined using N-hydroxysuccinimide activated adipic acid (NHS-AA) as a crosslinker. Electrophoretic patterns indicated that crosslinks formed when NHS-AA was added. A higher polarity level deduced from the changes in the fluorescence emission spectrum of pyrene in the crosslinked collagen solution indicated that the formation of well-ordered aggregates was suppressed. The random aggregation of collagens was also observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Furthermore, the association of collagens into fibrils was influenced by crosslinking. Self-assembly was suppressed at 37 °C; however, as temperature was increased to 39 °C, a small amount of NHS-AA leaded to an improvement in the ability of self-aggregation. Although more random structure was brought about by crosslinking, self-aggregation might still be promoted as temperature was increased, accompanying by the thermal stability improvement of fibrils.  相似文献   

Differential thermal calorimetry (DSC) analysis of partially dehydrated bovine bone, demineralized bone and bovine tendon collagen was performed up to 300 °C to determine factors influencing stability of mineralized collagen in bone tissue. Two endothermal regions were recognized. The first, attributed to denaturation of collagen triple helix, was hydration dependent and had a peak at 155–165 °C in bone, 118–137 °C in tendon and 131–136 °C in demineralized bone. The second region extended from 245 to 290 °C in bone and from 200 to 280 °C in tendon and was connected with melting and decomposition of collagen. Differences in thermodynamic parameters between cortical and trabecular bone tissue were stated. Activation energy of collagen unfolding in native bone tissue increased with dehydration of the bone. From the results of the present study we conclude that dehydrated bone collagen is thermally very stable both in native and in demineralized bone. Presence of mineral additionally stabilizes bone tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The microfibrillar arrangement in collagen fibrils of tendons in the tail of the rat was examined by electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Fresh and air-dried collagen fibers were examined in unstretched and stretched conditions. The results demonstrate that the microfibrils have a course parallel to the longitudinal axis of the collagen fibrils. The influence of stretching and hydration of the samples on the orientation of fibrils and microfibrils is also assessed.  相似文献   

This article details a quantitative method to measure the D-periodic spacing of type I collagen fibrils using atomic force microscopy coupled with analysis using a two-dimensional fast fourier transform approach. Instrument calibration, data sampling and data analysis are discussed and comparisons of the data to the complementary methods of electron microscopy and X-ray scattering are made. Examples of the application of this new approach to the analysis of type I collagen morphology in disease models of estrogen depletion and osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) are provided. We demonstrate that it is the D-spacing distribution, not the D-spacing mean, that showed statistically significant differences in estrogen depletion associated with early stage osteoporosis and OI. The ability to quantitatively characterize nanoscale morphological features of type I collagen fibrils will provide important structural information regarding type I collagen in many research areas, including tissue aging and disease, tissue engineering, and gene knockout studies. Furthermore, we also envision potential clinical applications including evaluation of tissue collagen integrity under the impact of diseases or drug treatments.  相似文献   

Summary It has been previously shown that the distances between the nuclei within the collagen bundles of mineralizing tissues were in good agreement with the repeat distances of the cross-banding pattern of collagen, which supports the assumption that the distances between the mineral deposits reflect to a good approximation the distances between nucleation centres on the collagen macromolecule. However, the lateral separation of the nuclei were significantly higher than the distances between close-packed triple helices.Recently a new model of collagen aggregation has been proposed in which the smallest morphological units are subfibrils (Ø approx. 39 Å) packed in tetragonal array. This led us to measure once again the lateral separation between a) close-packed calcium phosphate needles lying in bundles at (1) the mineralizing front of mantle dentine and (2) at the mineralizing front of rat tail bone, and b) between the uranyl-lead nuclei produced in the staining of rat tail tendon.The mean lateral distances separating these nuclei fell within the range of 39–47 Å, which is a little higher than the distances of 39 Å which separate the microholes between the subfibrils in the tetragonal packing model, which are regarded as the likely sites of nucleation. If, however, it is assumed that the forces generated during mineralization can cause the collagen fibres to swell, then the lateral separation of the nuclei and the distances between the microholes would correspond very closely.We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support. We thank Prof. Dr. K. Heckmann and Dr. U. Mays, Dept. of Zoology, Münster, for allowing us to use their Siemens-Elmiskop 101 sponsored by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk, and Frau Dr. Weichan, Applikationslabor Siemens, Berlin, for performing the tilting experiments at their Siemens-Elmiskop 102. We thank Fräulein Ute Sporman for valuable technical help.  相似文献   

A precise analysis of the mechanical response of collagen fibrils in tendon tissue is critical to understanding the ultrastructural mechanisms that underlie collagen fibril interactions (load transfer), and ultimately tendon structure–function. This study reports a novel experimental approach combining macroscopic mechanical loading of tendon with a morphometric ultrascale assessment of longitudinal and cross-sectional collagen fibril deformations. An atomic force microscope was used to characterize diameters and periodic banding (D-period) of individual type-I collagen fibrils within murine Achilles tendons that were loaded to 0%, 5%, or 10% macroscopic nominal strain, respectively. D-period banding of the collagen fibrils increased with increasing tendon strain (2.1% increase at 10% applied tendon strain, p < 0.05), while fibril diameter decreased (8% reduction, p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences between 0% and 5% applied strain were observed, indicating that the onset of fibril (D-period) straining lagged macroscopically applied tendon strains by at least 5%. This confirms previous reports of delayed onset of collagen fibril stretching and the role of collagen fibril kinematics in supporting physiological tendon loads. Fibril strains within the tissue were relatively tightly distributed in unloaded and highly strained tendons, but were more broadly distributed at 5% applied strain, indicating progressive recruitment of collagen fibrils. Using these techniques we also confirmed that collagen fibrils thin appreciably at higher levels of macroscopic tendon strain. Finally, in contrast to prevalent tendon structure–function concepts data revealed that loading of the collagen network is fairly homogenous, with no apparent predisposition for loading of collagen fibrils according to their diameter.  相似文献   

A major site of pyridinoline cross-linking in bovine type IX collagen was traced to a tryptic peptide derived from one of the molecule's HMW chains. This peptide gave two amino acid sequences (in 2/1 ratio) consistent with it being a three-chained structure. The major sequence matched exactly that of the C-telopeptide of type II collagen from the same tissue. A second HMW chain that contained pyridinoline cross-links also gave two amino-terminal sequences, one from its own amino terminus, the other matching exactly the N-telopeptide cross-linking sequence of type II collagen. We conclude that type IX collagen molecules are covalently cross-linked in cartilage to molecules of type II collagen, probably at fibril surfaces.  相似文献   

Summary The orderly arrangement of fibroblasts and collagen in tendons and ligaments suggests that these cells may have precise relationships with one another and with the collagen fibrils. The spatial organization of rat tail tendon was therefore examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy and by reconstructing a 35-m long segment of tendon from serial transmission electron micrographs. Fibroblasts were regularly arranged in columns and showed more intimate association in the longitudinal than in the transverse plane. Thin cytoplasmic sheets extended up to 3 m transversely, frequently forming junctional attachments with similar processes from adjacent cells or from the same cell. Longitudinal processes were longer, often extending for more than 20 m and forming junctional attachments with other cells in the same column. Such processes often exhibited invaginations in which there were single fibrils or small groups of fibrils; this arrangement may be indicative of fibril elongation or may serve to transmit tension between the fibroblast and the collagen fibrils. This organization has interesting implications for the growth and function of other fibrous connective tissue, such as the periodontal ligament.  相似文献   

Dentin collagen fibrils were studied in situ by atomic force microscopy (AFM). New data on size distribution and the axial repeat distance of hydrated and dehydrated collagen type I fibrils are presented. Polished dentin disks from third molars were partially demineralized with citric acid, leaving proteins and the collagen matrix. At this stage collagen fibrils were not resolved by AFM, but after exposure to NaOCl(aq) for 100-240 s, and presumably due to the removal of noncollagenous proteins, individual collagen fibrils and the fibril network of dentin connected to the mineralized substrate were revealed. High-aspect-ratio silicon tips in tapping mode were used to image the soft fibril network. Hydrated fibrils showed three distinct groups of diameters: 100, 91, and 83 nm and a narrow distribution of the axial repeat distance at 67 nm. Dehydration resulted in a broad distribution of the fibril diameters between 75 and 105 nm and a division of the axial repeat distance into three groups at 67, 62, and 57 nm. Subfibrillar features (4 nm) were observed on hydrated and dehydrated fibrils. The gap depth between the thick and thin repeating segments of the fibrils varied from 3 to 7 nm. Phase mode revealed mineral particles on the transition from the gap to the overlap zone of the fibrils. This method appears to be a powerful tool for the analysis of fibrillar collagen structures in calcified tissues and may aid in understanding the differences in collagen affected by chemical treatments or by diseases.  相似文献   

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