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Shade avoidance is a syndrome of plastic responses to light signals encountered in crowded plant communities and is a crucial component of competitive strategy in higher plants. The responses are mediated via signal perception by specific members of the phytochrome family of photoreceptors, which detect the relative proportions of red (R) and far‐red (FR) radiation within dense communities. We analysed two aspects of shade avoidance, the acceleration of flowering and the enhancement of elongation growth, displayed by more than 100 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana (Heyn.) in response to FR‐proximity signals. Both traits showed wide variation between accessions, which was unrelated to the latitude of the location of original collection. Flowering acceleration is a major feature of shade avoidance in rosette plants such as Arabidopsis, and most accessions showed dramatic responses, but several were identified as being recalcitrant to the proximity signal. These accessions are likely to be informative in the analysis of quantitative variation in shade avoidance. Hypocotyl elongation, treated here as an indicator of elongation growth responses, also varied widely amongst accessions. The variations in flowering acceleration and elongation were not correlated, indicating that microevolution in the downstream pathways from signal perception has occurred separately.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Complete submergence of Rumex palustris leads to hyponastic (upward) petiole growth followed by enhanced petiole elongation. Previous pharmacological experiments have provided insights into the signal transduction pathway leading to this combined 'escape' response. It will, however, be difficult to gain further knowledge using these methods. Consequently, new approaches are required. SCOPE: Here we propose that different environmental signals resulting in similar phenotypes can help to understand better the submergence response. In this review, we show that both ethylene and shade induce similar growth responses in R. palustris and Arabidopsis thaliana. We illustrate how this can be exploited to unravel novel signalling components in submergence-induced elongation growth. Furthermore, we illustrate the potential of arabidopsis as a useful model in submergence research based on similarities with submergence-tolerant species such as R. palustris and the molecular opportunities it presents. This is illustrated by examples of current work exploring this concept. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating different model systems, such as arabidopsis and shade avoidance, into submergence research can be expected to create powerful tools to unravel signal transduction routes determining submergence tolerance.  相似文献   

The adaptiveness of shade avoidance responses to density was studied in Picea omorika seedlings raised in a growth‐room. Siblings of a synthetic population comprising 117 families from six natural populations were exposed to contrasting density conditions in order to score variation in phenotypic expression of several epicotyl and bud traits included in the shade avoidance syndrome. As predicted for the adaptive plasticity to foliage shade, epicotyl elongation traits tended toward higher, while axillary bud traits toward lower values in high‐density vs. low‐density conditions. Phenotypic selection analysis revealed that the elongated plants had greater relative fitness than the suppressed ones in both density treatments which could be ascribed to the effect of direct selection on epicotyl length. There was no evidence for plasticity costs associated with the expression of the shade avoidance phenotype either under low or under high density, with only a single exception. Estimates of variance component genetic correlations across densities were significantly different from unity for the majority of the seedling traits studied, indicating the existence of heritable variation within reaction norms of these traits. However, since all these correlations were positive in sign and large in magnitude, this conclusively means that the level of the additive genetic variation for plasticity in the shade‐avoidance traits of P. omorika is rather low.  相似文献   

用二次电泳法研究核酸与蛋白质的相互作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究蛋白质与核酸的结合常遇到的问题是对蛋白质等电点及可溶度等要求较高,或难以同时处理大量标本。为克服此缺点,将待检蛋白经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳后,通过洗涤去除凝胶中的SDS,使蛋白质相对固定于凝胶中,改电泳液为TAE或TBE,继之用同位素标记寡核苷酸进行二次电泳,通过放射自显影直观地显现出蛋白结合核酸的结果。该法敏感,特异,对蛋白质等电点及可溶性要求低,可同时检测多个样本,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

The success of competitive interactions between plants determines the chance of survival of individuals and eventually of whole plant species. Shade-tolerant plants have adapted their photosynthesis to function optimally under low-light conditions. These plants are therefore capable of long-term survival under a canopy shade. In contrast, shade-avoiding plants adapt their growth to perceive maximum sunlight and therefore rapidly dominate gaps in a canopy. Daylight contains roughly equal proportions of red and far-red light, but within vegetation that ratio is lowered as a result of red absorption by photosynthetic pigments. This light quality change is perceived through the phytochrome system as an unambiguous signal of the proximity of neighbors resulting in a suite of developmental responses (termed the shade avoidance response) that, when successful, result in the overgrowth of those neighbors. Shoot elongation induced by low red/far-red light may confer high relative fitness in natural dense communities. However, since elongation is often achieved at the expense of leaf and root growth, shade avoidance may lead to reduction in crop plant productivity. Over the past decade, major progresses have been achieved in the understanding of the molecular basis of shade avoidance. However, uncovering the mechanisms underpinning plant response and adaptation to changes in the ratio of red to far-red light is key to design new strategies to precise modulate shade avoidance in time and space without impairing the overall crop ability to compete for light.  相似文献   

Kato M  Pisliakov AV  Warshel A 《Proteins》2006,64(4):829-844
The origin of the barrier for proton transport through the aquaporin channel is a problem of general interest. It is becoming increasingly clear that this barrier is not attributable to the orientation of the water molecules across the channel but rather to the electrostatic penalty for moving the proton charge to the center of the channel. However, the reason for the high electrostatic barrier is still rather controversial. It has been argued by some workers that the barrier is due to the so-called NPA motif and/or to the helix macrodipole or to other specific elements. However, our works indicated that the main reason for the high barrier is the loss of the generalized solvation upon moving the proton charge from the bulk to the center of the channel and that this does not reflect a specific repulsive electrostatic interaction but the absence of sufficient electrostatic stabilization. At this stage it seems that the elucidation and clarification of the origin of the electrostatic barrier can serve as an instructive test case for electrostatic models. Thus, we reexamine the free-energy surface for proton transport in aquaporins using the microscopic free-energy perturbation/umbrella sampling (FEP/US) and the empirical valence bond/umbrella sampling (EVB/US) methods as well as the semimacroscopic protein dipole Langevin dipole model in its linear response approximation version (the PDLD/S-LRA). These extensive studies help to clarify the nature of the barrier and to establish the "reduced solvation effect" as the primary source of this barrier. That is, it is found that the barrier is associated with the loss of the generalized solvation energy (which includes of course all electrostatic effects) upon moving the proton charge from the bulk solvent to the center of the channel. It is also demonstrated that the residues in the NPA region and the helix dipole cannot be considered as the main reasons for the electrostatic barrier. Furthermore, our microscopic and semimacroscopic studies clarify the problems with incomplete alternative calculations, illustrating that the effects of various electrostatic elements are drastically overestimated by macroscopic calculations that use a low dielectric constant and do not consider the protein reorganization. Similarly, it is pointed out that microscopic potential of mean force calculations that do not evaluate the electrostatic barrier relative to the bulk water cannot be used to establish the origin of the electrostatic barrier. The relationship between the present study and calculations of pK(a)s in protein interiors is clarified, pointing out that approaches that are applied to study the aquaporin barrier should be validated by pK(a)s calculations. Such calculations also help to clarify the crucial role of solvation energies in establishing the barrier in aquaporins.  相似文献   

Despite significant advances in deciphering the molecular events underlying genomic function, our understanding of these integrated processes inside the functioning cell nucleus has, until recently, met with only very limited success. A major conundrum has been the "layers of complexity" characteristic of all cell structure and function. To understand how the cell nucleus functions, we must also understand how the cell nucleus is put together and functions as a whole. The value of this neo-holistic approach is demonstrated by the enormous progress made in recent years in identifying a wide variety of nuclear functions associated with the nuclear matrix. In this article we summarize basic properties of in situ nuclear structure, isolated nuclear matrix systems, nuclear matrix-associated functions, and DNA replication in particular. Emphasis is placed on identifying current problems and directions of research in this field and illustrating the intrinsic heuristic value of this global approach to genomic organization and function.  相似文献   

Rett syndrome (RTT) is an X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder, primarily affecting females and characterized by developmental regression, epilepsy, stereotypical hand movements, and motor abnormalities. Its prevalence is about 1 in 10,000 female births. Rett syndrome is caused by mutations within methyl CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. Over 270 individual nucleotide changes which cause pathogenic mutations have been reported. However, eight most commonly occurring missense and nonsense mutations account for almost 70% of all patients. We screened 90 individuals with Rett syndrome phenotype. A total of 19 different MECP2 mutations and polymorphisms were identified in 27 patients. Of the 19 mutations, we identified 7 (37%) frameshift, 6 (31%) nonsense, 14 (74%) missense mutations and one duplication (5%). The most frequent pathogenic changes were: missense p.T158M (11%), p.R133C (7.4%), and p.R306C (7.4%) and nonsense p.R168X (11%), p.R255X (7.4%) mutations. We have identified two novel mutations namely p.385-388delPLPP present in atypical patients and p.Glu290AlafsX38 present in a classical patient of Rett syndrome. Sequence homology for p.385-388delPLPP mutation revealed that these 4 amino acids were conserved across mammalian species. This indicated the importance of these 4 amino acids in structure and function of the protein. A novel variant p.T479T has also been identified in a patient with atypical Rett syndrome.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing greatly enhances the diversity of proteins encoded by eukaryotic genomes, and is also important in gene expression control. In contrast to the great depth of knowledge as to molecular mechanisms in the splicing pathway itself, relatively little is known about the regulatory events behind this process. The 5′-UTR and 3′-UTR in pre-mRNAs play a variety of roles in controlling eukaryotic gene expression, including translational modulation, and nearly 4000 of the roughly 14,000 protein coding genes in Drosophila contain introns of unknown functional significance in their 5′-UTR. Here we report the results of an RNA electrophoretic mobility shift analysis of Drosophila rnp-4f 5′-UTR intron 0 splicing regulatory proteins. The pre-mRNA potential regulatory element consists of an evolutionarily-conserved 177-nt stem-loop arising from pairing of intron 0 with part of adjacent exon 2. Incubation of in vitro transcribed probe with embryo protein extract is shown to result in two shifted RNA–protein bands, and protein extract from a dADAR null mutant fly line results in only one shifted band. A mutated stem-loop in which the conserved exon 2 primary sequence is changed but secondary structure maintained by introducing compensatory base changes results in diminished band shifts. To test the hypothesis that dADAR plays a role in intron splicing regulation in vivo, levels of unspliced rnp-4f mRNA in dADAR mutant were compared to wild-type via real-time qRT-PCR. The results show that during embryogenesis unspliced rnp-4f mRNA levels fall by up to 85% in the mutant, in support of the hypothesis. Taken together, these results demonstrate a novel role for dADAR protein in rnp-4f 5′-UTR alternative intron splicing regulation which is consistent with a previously proposed model.  相似文献   

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