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In flowering plants,the exine components are derived from tapetum.Despite its importance to sexual plant reproduction,little is known about the translocation of exine materials from tapetum to developing microspores.Here we report functional characterization of the arabidopsis WBC27 gene.WBC27 encodes an adenosine tri-phosphate binding cassette(ABC) transporter and is expressed preferentially in tapetum.Mutation of WBC27 disrupted the exine formation.The wbc27 mutant microspores began to degenerate once rel...  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins are integral to ribosome biogenesis, and function in protein synthesis. In higher eukaryotes, loss of cytoplasmic ribosomal proteins results in a reduced growth rate as well as developmental defects. To what extent and how ribosomal proteins affect development is currently not known. Here we describe a semi-dominant mutation in the cytoplasmic ribosomal protein gene RPL27aC that affects multiple aspects of plant shoot development, including leaf patterning, inflorescence and floral meristem function, and seed set. In the embryo, RPL27aC is required to maintain the growth rate and for the transition from radial to bilateral symmetry associated with initiation of cotyledons. rpl27ac-1d embryos undergo stereotypical patterning to establish a globular embryo. However, a temporal delay in initiation and outgrowth of cotyledon primordia leads to development of an enlarged globular embryo prior to apical domain patterning. Defects in embryo development are coincident with tissue-specific ectopic expression of the shoot meristem genes SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM) and CUP-SHAPED COTYLEDON2 (CUC2), in addition to delayed expression of the abaxial gene FILAMENTOUS FLOWER (FIL) and mis-regulation of the auxin efflux effector PIN-FORMED1 (PIN1). Genetic interactions with other ribosomal protein mutants indicate that RPL27aC is a component of the ribosome. We propose that RPL27aC regulates discrete developmental events by controlling spatial and temporal expression of developmental patterning genes via an as yet undefined process involving the ribosome.  相似文献   

Phytosulfokine (PSK) is a peptide growth factor that requires tyrosine sulfation carried out by tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST) for its activity. PSK is processed from precursor proteins encoded by five genes in Arabidopsis thaliana and perceived by receptor kinases encoded by two genes in Arabidopsis. pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 knockout mutants displayed reduced seed production, indicative of a requirement for PSK peptide signaling in sexual plant reproduction. Expression analysis revealed PSK precursor and PSK receptor gene activity in reproductive organs with strong expression of PSK2 in pollen. In support of a role for PSK signaling in pollen, in vitro pollen tube (PT) growth was enhanced by exogenously added PSK while PTs of pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and of tpst‐1 were shorter. In planta, growth of wild‐type pollen in pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 flowers appeared slower than growth in wild‐type flowers. But PTs did eventually reach the base of the style, suggesting that PT elongation rate may not be responsible for the reduced fertility. Detailed analysis of anthers, style and ovules did not reveal obvious developmental defects. By contrast, a high percentage of unfertilized ovules in pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and in tpst‐1 siliques displayed loss of funicular PT guidance, suggesting that PSK signaling is required to guide the PT from the transmitting tract to the embryo sac. Cross‐pollination experiments with wild‐type, pskr1‐3 pskr2‐1 and tpst‐1 male and female parents revealed that both the PT and the female sporophytic tissue and/or female gametophyte contribute to successful PT guidance via PSK signaling and to fertilization success.  相似文献   

The presence of the phenylpropanoid polymer lignin in plant cell walls impedes breakdown of polysaccharides to the fermentable sugars that are used in biofuel production. Genetically modified plants with altered lignin properties hold great promise to improve biomass degradability. Here, we describe the generation of a new type of lignin enriched in 5-hydroxy-guaiacyl units by over-expressing ferulate 5-hydroxylase in a line of Arabidopsis lacking caffeic acid O-methyltransferase. The lignin modification strategy had a profound impact on plant growth and development and cell-wall properties, and resulted in male sterility due to complete disruption of formation of the pollen wall. The modified plants showed significantly improved cell-wall enzymatic saccharification efficiency without a reduction in post-harvest biomass yield despite the alterations in the overall growth morphology. This study demonstrated the plasticity of lignin polymerization in terms of incorporation of unusual monomers that chemically resemble conventional monomers, and also revealed the link between the biosynthetic pathways of lignin and the pollen wall-forming sporopollenin.  相似文献   

The quartet (qrt) mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana produce tetrad pollen in which microspores fail to separate during pollen development. Because the amount of callose deposition between microspores is correlated with tetrad pollen formation in other species, and because pectin is implicated as playing a role in cell adhesion, these cell-wall components in wild-type and mutant anthers were visualized by immunofluorescence microscopy at different stages of microsporogenesis. In wild-type, callose was detected around the pollen mother cell at the onset of meiosis and around the microspores during the tetrad stage. Microspores were released into the anther locule at the stage where callose was no longer detected. Deposition and degradation of callose during tetrad pollen formation in qrt1 and qrt2 mutants were indistinguishable from those in wild-type. Enzymatic removal of callose from wild-type microspores at the tetrad stage did not release the microspores, suggesting that callose removal is not sufficient to disperse the microspores in wild-type. Pectic components were detected in the primary wall of the pollen mother cell. This wall surrounded the callosic wall around the pollen mother cell and the microspores during the tetrad stage. In wild-type, pectic components of this wall were no longer detectable at the time of microspore release. However, in qrt1 and qrt2 mutants, pectic components of this wall persisted after callose degradation. This result suggests that failure of pectin degradation in the pollen mother cell wall is associated with tetrad pollen formation in qrt mutants, and indicates that QRT1 and QRT2 may be required for cell type-specific pectin degradation to separate microspores.  相似文献   

ABCG11/WBC11, an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana, is a key component of the export pathway for cuticular lipids. Arabidopsis wbc11 T-DNA insertional knock-out mutants exhibited lipidic inclusions inside epidermal cells similar to the previously characterized wax transporter mutant cer5, with a similar strong reduction in the alkanes of surface waxes. Moreover, the wbc11 knock-out mutants also showed defects not present in cer5, including post-genital organ fusions, stunted growth and a reduction in cutin load on the plant surface. A mutant line previously isolated in a forward genetics screen, called permeable leaves 1 (pel1), was identified as an allele of ABCG11/WBC11. The double knock-out wbc11 cer5 exhibited the same morphological and biochemical phenotypes as the wbc11 knock-out. A YFP-WBC11 fusion protein rescued a T-DNA knock-out mutant and was localized to the plasma membrane. These results show that WBC11 functions in secretion of surface waxes, possibly by interacting with CER5. However, unlike ABCG12/CER5, ABCG11/WBC11 is important to the normal process of cutin formation.  相似文献   

Plant sexual reproduction involves the growth of tip-polarized pollen tubes through the female tissues in order to deliver the sperm nuclei to the egg cells. Despite the importance of this crucial step, little is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in this spatial and temporal control of the tube growth. In order to study this process and to characterize the structural composition of the extracellular matrix of the male gametophyte, immunocytochemical and biochemical analyses of Arabidopsis pollen tube wall have been carried out. Results showed a well-defined localization of cell wall epitopes with highly esterified homogalacturonan and arabinogalactan-protein mainly in the tip region, weakly methylesterified homogalacturonan back from the tip and xyloglucan and (1→5)-α-L-arabinan all along the tube. Here, we present complementary data regarding (1) the ultrastructure of the pollen tube cell wall and (2) the immunolocalization of homogalacturonan and arabinan epitopes in 16-h-old pollen tubes and in the stigma and the transmitting tract of the female organ. Discussion regarding the pattern of the distribution of the cell wall epitopes and the possible mechanisms of cell adhesion between the pollen tubes and the female tissues is provided.Key words: arabinan, cell adhesion, cell wall, homogalacturonan, pistil, pollen tube growth, transmitting tractFertilization of flowering plants requires the delivery of the two sperm cells, carried by the fast growing tip-polarized pollen tube, to the egg cell. At every stage of the pollen tube development within the stigma, style and ovary, pollen tubes are guided to the ovules via multiple signals that need to pass through the cell wall of the pollen tube to reach their targets.16The analysis of Arabidopsis pollen tube cell wall has recently been reported.7 Results showed a well-defined localization of cell wall epitopes with highly methylesterified homogalacturonan (HG) and arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) mainly in the tip region, weakly methylesterified HG back from the tip and xyloglucan and arabinan all along the tube. In addition, according to the one letter nomenclature of xyloglucan,8 the main motif of Arabidopsis pollen tube xyloglucan was XXFG harboring one O-acetyl group. In order to bring new information regarding the possible interaction between the pollen tubes and the female tissues, the ultrastructural organization of the pollen tube cell wall, the cytological staining and immunolocalization of the cell wall epitopes of the pistil and especially the transmitting tract (TT), a specialized tissue where pollen tubes grow, were carried out.  相似文献   

正Pollen wall is the most complicated cell wall in plant.It is composed of outer exine and inner intine with the exine further divided into sexine and nexine.The composition of intine layer is generally considered to be same as a plant cell wall which is mainly composed of cellulose.Nexine layer can only be observed under transmission electron microscope.Recent investigation suggested that the major composition of nexine is arabinogalactan proteins(Jia et al.,2015).The sexine layer is composed of sporopollenin which is quite stable  相似文献   

Wu Y  Yan J  Zhang R  Qu X  Ren S  Chen N  Huang S 《The Plant cell》2010,22(11):3745-3763
Actin cables in pollen tubes serve as molecular tracks for cytoplasmic streaming and organelle movement and are formed by actin bundling factors like villins and fimbrins. However, the precise mechanisms by which actin cables are generated and maintained remain largely unknown. Fimbrins comprise a family of five members in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, we characterized a fimbrin isoform, Arabidopsis FIMBRIN5 (FIM5). Our results show that FIM5 is required for the organization of actin cytoskeleton in pollen grains and pollen tubes, and FIM5 loss-of-function associates with a delay of pollen germination and inhibition of pollen tube growth. FIM5 decorates actin filaments throughout pollen grains and tubes. Actin filaments become redistributed in fim5 pollen grains and disorganized in fim5 pollen tubes. Specifically, actin cables protrude into the extreme tips, and their longitudinal arrangement is disrupted in the shank of fim5 pollen tubes. Consequently, the pattern and velocity of cytoplasmic streaming were altered in fim5 pollen tubes. Additionally, loss of FIM5 function rendered pollen germination and tube growth hypersensitive to the actin-depolymerizing drug latrunculin B. In vitro biochemical analyses indicated that FIM5 exhibits actin bundling activity and stabilizes actin filaments. Thus, we propose that FIM5 regulates actin dynamics and organization during pollen germination and tube growth via stabilizing actin filaments and organizing them into higher-order structures.  相似文献   

The shoot stem cell niche, contained within the shoot apical meristem (SAM) is maintained in Arabidopsis by the homeodomain protein SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM). STM is a mobile protein that traffics cell‐to‐cell, presumably through plasmodesmata. In maize, the STM homolog KNOTTED1 shows clear differences between mRNA and protein localization domains in the SAM. However, the STM mRNA and protein localization domains are not obviously different in Arabidopsis, and the functional relevance of STM mobility is unknown. Using a non‐mobile version of STM (2xNLS‐YFP‐STM), we show that STM mobility is required to suppress axillary meristem formation during embryogenesis, to maintain meristem size, and to precisely specify organ boundaries throughout development. STM and organ boundary genes CUP SHAPED COTYLEDON1 (CUC1), CUC2 and CUC3 regulate each other during embryogenesis to establish the embryonic SAM and to specify cotyledon boundaries, and STM controls CUC expression post‐embryonically at organ boundary domains. We show that organ boundary specification by correct spatial expression of CUC genes requires STM mobility in the meristem. Our data suggest that STM mobility is critical for its normal function in shoot stem cell control.  相似文献   

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