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According to the free radical theory, aging can be considered as a progressive, inevitable process partially related to the accumulation of oxidative damage into biomolecules -- nucleic acids, lipids, proteins or carbohydrates -- due to an imbalance between prooxidants and antioxidants in favor of the former. More recently also the pathogenesis of several diseases has been linked to a condition of oxidative stress. In this review we focus our attention on the evidence of oxidative stress in aging brain, some of the most important neurodegenerative diseases -- Alzheimer's disease (AD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Parkinson's disease (PD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Huntington's disease (HD) -- and in two common and highly disabling vascular pathologies--stroke and cardiac failure. Particular attention will be given to the current knowledge about the biomarkers of oxidative stress that can be possibly used to monitor their severity and outcome.  相似文献   

A common feature in the early stages of many neurodegenerative diseases lies in mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and reduced levels of synaptic transmission. Many genes associated with neurodegenerative diseases are now known to regulate either mitochondrial function, redox state, or the exocytosis of neurotransmitters. Mitochondria are the primary source of reactive oxygen species and ATP and control apoptosis. Mitochondria are concentrated in synapses and significant alterations to synaptic mitochondrial localization, number, morphology, or function can be detrimental to synaptic transmission. Mitochondrial by-products are capable of regulating various steps of neurotransmission and mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress occur in the early stages of many neurodegenerative diseases. This mini-review will highlight the prospect that mitochondria regulates synaptic exocytosis by controlling synaptic ATP and reactive oxygen species levels and that dysfunctional exocytosis caused by mitochondrial abnormalities may be a common underlying phenomenon in the initial stages of some human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   


Mutation in two genes deglycase gene (DJ-1) and retromer complex component gene (VPS35) are linked with neurodegenerative disorder such as Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and Alzheimer's disease. DJ-1 gene located at 1p36 chromosomal position and involved in PD pathogenesis through many pathways including mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative injury. VPS35 gene located at 16q13-q21 chromosomal position and the two pathways, the Wnt signaling pathway, and retromer-mediated DMT1 missorting are proposed for basis of VPS35 related PD. The study focuses on identifying most deleterious SNPs through computational analysis. Result obtained from various bioinformatics tools shows that D149A is most deleterious in DJ-1 and A54W, R365H, and V717M are most deleterious in VPS35. To understand the functionality of protein comparative modeling of DJ-1 and VPS35 native and mutants was done by MODELLER. The generated structures are validated by two web servers–ProSa and RAMPAGE. Molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) analysis done for the most validated structures to know the functional and structural nature of native and mutants protein of DJ-1 and VPS35. Native structure of DJ-1 and VPS35 show more flexibility through MDS analysis. DJ-1 D149A mutant structures become more compact which shows the structural perturbation and loss of DJ-1 protein function which in turn are probable cause for PD. A54W, R365H, and V717M mutant protein of VPS35 also shows compactness which cause structure perturbation and absence of retromer function which likely to be linked to PD pathogenesis. This in silico study may provide a new insight for fundamental molecular mechanism involved in Parkinson’s disease.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Calorie-enriched diet and lack of exercise are causing a worldwide surge of obesity, insulin resistance and lipid accretion in liver (i.e. hepatic steatosis), which can lead to steatohepatitis. Steatosis and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can also be induced by drugs such as amiodarone, tamoxifen and some antiretroviral drugs, including stavudine and zidovudine. There is accumulating evidence that mitochondrial dysfunction (more particularly respiratory chain deficiency) plays a key role in the physiopathology of NASH whatever its initial cause. In contrast, the mitochondrial beta-oxidation of fatty acids can be either increased (as in insulin resistance-associated NASH) or decreased (as in drug-induced NASH). However, in both circumstances, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the damaged respiratory chain can be augmented. ROS generation in an environment enriched in lipids in turn induces lipid peroxidation which releases highly reactive aldehydic derivatives (e.g. malondialdehyde) that have diverse detrimental effects on hepatocytes and other hepatic cells. In hepatocytes, ROS, reactive nitrogen species and lipid peroxidation products further impair the respiratory chain, either directly or indirectly through oxidative damage to the mitochondrial genome. This consequently leads to the generation of more ROS and a vicious cycle occurs. Mitochondrial dysfunction can also lead to apoptosis or necrosis depending on the energy status of the cell. ROS and lipid peroxidation products also increase the generation of several cytokines (TNF-alpha, TGF-beta, Fas ligand) playing a key role in cell death, inflammation and fibrosis. Recent investigations have shown that some genetic polymorphisms can significantly increase the risk of steatohepatitis and that several drugs can prevent or even reverse NASH. Interestingly, most of these drugs could exert their beneficial effects by improving directly or indirectly mitochondrial function in liver. Finding a drug, which could fully prevent oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in NASH is a major challenge for the next decade.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRs) are small RNAs modulating gene expression and creating intricate regulatory networks that are dysregulated in many pathological states, including neurodegenerative disorders. In silico analyses denote a multifunctional kinase glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3) as a putative target of numerous miRs identified in neural tissue. GSK3 is engaged in almost all aspects of neuronal development and functioning. Moreover, there is an autoregulatory feedback between GSK3 and miRNAs as the kinase can influence biogenesis of miRs. Members of the miR-GSK3 axes might thus represent convenient therapeutic targets in neuropathologies that display its abnormal regulation. This review summarizes the present knowledge about direct interactions of GSK3 and miRs in brain, and their putative roles in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: GSK-3 and related kinases in cancer, neurological and other disorders edited by James McCubrey, Agnieszka Gizak and Dariusz Rakus.  相似文献   

While it has been proposed in several taxa that the mitochondrial genome is associated with adaptive evolution to different climatic conditions, making links between mitochondrial haplotypes and organismal phenotypes remains a challenge. Mitonuclear discordance occurs in the small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus, with one mitochondrial haplogroup (HGI) more common in the cold climate region of China relative to another form (HGII) despite strong nuclear gene flow, providing a promising model to investigate climatic adaptation of mitochondrial genomes. We hypothesized that cold adaptation through HGI may be involved, and considered mitogenome evolution, population genetic analyses, and bioassays to test this hypothesis. In contrast to our hypothesis, chill‐coma recovery tests and population genetic tests of selection both pointed to HGII being involved in cold adaptation. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that HGII is nested within HGI, and has three nonsynonymous changes in ND2, ND5 and CYTB in comparison to HGI. These molecular changes likely increased mtDNA copy number, cold tolerance and fecundity of SBPH, particularly through a function‐altering amino acid change involving M114T in ND2. Nuclear background also influenced fecundity and chill recovery (i.e., mitonuclear epistasis) and protein modelling indicates possible nuclear interactions for the two nonsynonymous changes in ND2 and CYTB. The high occurrence frequency of HGI in the cold climate region of China remains unexplained, but several possible reasons are discussed. Overall, our study points to a link between mtDNA variation and organismal‐level evolution and suggests a possible role of mitonuclear interactions in maintaining mtDNA diversity.  相似文献   

Nakamura T  Gu Z  Lipton SA 《Aging cell》2007,6(3):351-359
Glutamatergic hyperactivity, associated with Ca2+ influx and consequent production of nitric oxide (NO), is potentially involved in both normal brain aging and age-related neurodegenerative disorders. Many neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by conformational changes in proteins that result in their misfolding and aggregation. Normal protein degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system can prevent accumulation of aberrantly folded proteins. Our recent studies have linked nitrosative stress to protein misfolding and neuronal cell death. In particular, molecular chaperones - such as protein disulfide isomerase, glucose regulated protein 78, and heat shock proteins - can provide neuroprotection from misfolded proteins by facilitating proper folding and thus preventing aggregation. Here, we present evidence for the hypothesis that NO contributes to normal brain aging and degenerative conditions by S-nitrosylating specific chaperones that would otherwise prevent accumulation of misfolded proteins.  相似文献   



In a previous work we showed for the first time that human tumor cells secrete Hsp60 via exosomes, which are considered immunologically active microvesicles involved in tumor progression. This finding raised questions concerning the route followed by Hsp60 to reach the exosomes, its location in them, and whether Hsp60 can be secreted also via other mechanisms, e.g., by the Golgi. We addressed these issues in the work presented here.

Principal Findings

We found that Hsp60 localizes in the tumor cell plasma membrane, is associated with lipid rafts, and ends up in the exosomal membrane. We also found evidence that Hsp60 localizes in the Golgi apparatus and its secretion is prevented by an inhibitor of this organelle.


We propose a multistage process for the translocation of Hsp60 from the inside to the outside of the cell that includes a combination of protein traffic pathways and, ultimately, presence of the chaperonin in the circulating blood. The new information presented should help in designing future strategies for research and for developing diagnostic-monitoring means useful in clinical oncology.  相似文献   

Brain inflammation is a complex cellular and molecular response to stress, injury or infection of the CNS in attempt to defend against insults, clear dead and damaged neurons and return the CNS to a normal state. Inflammation in the CNS is driven by the activation of resident microglia, astrocytes and infiltrating peripheral macrophages, which release a plethora of anti- and pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines, neurotransmitters and reactive oxygen species. This inflammatory state inadvertently causes further bystander damage to neurons and produces both detrimental and favorable conditions for neurogenesis. Inflammatory factors have varying effects on neural progenitor cell proliferation, migration, differentiation, survival and incorporation of newly born neurons into the CNS circuitry. The unique profile of inflammatory factors, which depends on the severity of inflammation, can have varying consequences on neurogenesis. Inflammatory factors released during mild acute inflammation usually stimulate neurogenesis; where as the factors released by uncontrolled inflammation create an environment that is detrimental to neurogenesis. This review will provide a summary of current progress in this emerging field and examine the potential mechanisms through which inflammation affects neurogenesis during neurological complications.  相似文献   

Two dramatic phenomena of human adolescence are sexual maturation and a steep decline in the delta EEG of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. It has long been speculated that these developmental changes are causally related. Here, we present the first longitudinal data on this issue. Cohorts of 9- and 12-year-old children (n = 31, 38) were studied with in-home sleep EEG recordings at 6-mo intervals over 2 years. Pubertal (Tanner) stage, height, and weight were obtained at each time point. NREM delta power density (DPD) did not change significantly over ages 9-11 years, and its level did not differ in boys and girls. DPD declined by 25% between ages 12 and 14 years. This decline was parallel in the two sexes, but levels were lower in girls, suggesting that their DPD decline began earlier. Mixed effect analyses demonstrated that DPD was strongly related to age with Tanner stage, height, weight and body mass index controlled but that none of these measures of physical and sexual development was related to DPD with age controlled. NREM delta is the sleep EEG component homeostatically related to prior waking duration and the intensity of waking brain activity. We hypothesize that the DPD decline is caused by age-programmed synaptic pruning that decreases waking brain metabolic rate. This reduced rate would decrease the "substrate" for delta homeostasis. Whether or not this interpretation proves correct, these longitudinal data demonstrate that the delta decline in adolescence reflects brain processes that are not predicted by physical growth or sexual maturation.  相似文献   

In a recent study demonstrating the cell-free reconstitution of the pp60v-src-hsp90 complex, we found that the tyrosine kinase-hsp90 complex is stabilized by molybdate (Hutchison, K. A., Brott, B. K., De Leon, J. H., Perdew, G. H., Jove, R., and Pratt, W. B. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 2902-2908). In this paper, we examine in detail the stabilization of this protein-protein interaction by transition metal oxyanions. The pp60v-src-hsp90 complex is stabilized by sodium molybdate with the same concentration dependence as the glucocorticoid receptor-hsp90 complex. As with the steroid receptor heterocomplexes, vanadate and tungstate also stabilize the pp60v-src-hsp90 interaction. Passage of cytosol through a Chelex-100 metal-chelating resin destabilizes the native pp60v-src-hsp90 complex, suggesting that the complex is normally stabilized by an endogenous metal factor. Readdition of either the heat-stable components of cytosol or a partially purified endogenous metal factor stabilizes the metal-depleted complex. Molybdate also stabilizes the presence of p50, a known hsp90-associated protein, in the pp60v-src heterocomplex. Given the identical effects of transition metal oxyanions on both pp60v-src- and steroid receptor-hsp90 complexes and the lack of any sequence homology between pp60v-src and the receptors, it seems very likely that it is the common component, hsp90, that contains the site of the metal interaction.  相似文献   

The human 13q32-q33 region has been linked to both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Before completion of the draft sequences, we developed an approximately 15-Mb comprehensive map for the region extending from D13S1300 to ATA35H12. This map was assembled using publicly available mapping data and sequence-tagged site (STS)-based PCR confirmation. We then compared this map with the NCBI, Celera Genomics, and UCSC Golden Path data in February, June, and September 2001. All data sets showed gaps, misassignment of STSs, and errors in orientation and marker order. Surprisingly, the completed sequences of many bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) had been truncated. Of 21 gaps that were detected, 4 were present in both the NCBI and Celera databases. All gaps could be filled using 1-2 BAC clones. A total of 39 loci mapped to additional sites within the human genome, providing evidence of segmental duplications. Additionally, 61 unique cDNA clones were sequenced to increase available transcribed sequence, and 11,353 reference single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with an average density of 1 SNP/3720 bases were identified. Overall, integration of the data from multiple sources is still needed for complete assembly of the 13q32-q33 region. (c)  相似文献   

Mitochondria, in addition to energy transformation, play a role in important metabolic tasks such as apoptosis, cellular proliferation, heme/steroid synthesis as well as in the cellular redox state regulation. The mitochondrial phosphorylation process is very efficient, but a small percentage of electrons may prematurely reduce oxygen forming toxic free radicals potentially impairing the mitochondria function. Furthermore, under certain conditions, protons can reenter the mitochondrial matrix through different uncoupling proteins (UCPs), affecting the control of free radicals production by mitochondria. Disorders of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, overgeneration of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipoperoxides or impairments in antioxidant defenses have been reported in situations of obesity and type-2 diabetes. On the other hand, obesity has been associated to a low degree pro-inflammatory state, in which impairments in the oxidative stress and antioxidant mechanism could be involved. Indeed, reactive oxygen species have been attributed a causal role in multiple forms of insulin resistance. The scientific evidence highlights the importance of investigating the relationships between oxidative stress and inflammation with obesity/diabetes onset and underlines the need to study in mitochondria from different tissues, the interactions of such factors either as a cause or consequence of obesity and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(24):4647-4663.e8
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Previous studies suggested that adults respond differently than pubertal male rats to cold stress. To test the role of androgens in this difference, we adrenalectomized and replaced with corticosterone either 60- or 40-day-old male rats, then sham gonadectomized (Intact), gonadectomized (GDX), or GDX and replaced with testosterone (T; GDX+T) or dihydrotestosterone (DHT). One-half remained at room temperature (RT), and one-half lived in cold for 5 days. Cold reduced T in adult but not in pubertal Intacts. In 60-day-old rats, GDX with or without T replacement had minor effects on body weight (BW) and food intake (FI) at RT and cold. In 40-day-old rats at RT, androgens had slight effects; however, androgens affected almost all variables in cold. Separation of 40-day-old T-treated rats into two groups (moderate T levels, 1.4 ng/ml; high T levels, 1.9 ng/ml) revealed major differences between the groups. Moderate T (and DHT) prevented cold-induced loss of BW and increased FI. No T and high T induced decreased BW and FI in cold. We conclude that at 40 days of age, partial resistance to stress-induced reduction of T and high sensitivity to small changes in T have markedly positive effects on threatened energy balance.  相似文献   

Pantothenate kinase (PanK) catalyzes the first step in CoA biosynthesis and there are three human genes that express four isoforms with highly conserved catalytic core domains. Here we report the homodimeric structures of the catalytic cores of PanK1alpha and PanK3 in complex with acetyl-CoA, a feedback inhibitor. Each monomer adopts a fold of the actin kinase superfamily and the inhibitor-bound structures explain the basis for the allosteric regulation by CoA thioesters. These structures also provide an opportunity to investigate the structural effects of the PanK2 mutations that have been implicated in neurodegeneration. Biochemical and thermodynamic analyses of the PanK3 mutant proteins corresponding to PanK2 mutations show that mutant proteins with compromised activities and/or stabilities correlate with a higher incidence of the early onset of disease.  相似文献   

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