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通河林区黄鼬背中部与爪部冬季上毛的形态结构   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
哺乳动物被毛携带着遗传信息,样本亦容易获取,而且在通常情况下取样不伤害动物.故长期以来,被毛的形态结构特征被用于进行物种分类(Oli,1993;张伟,1994;Sachs,1997;崔雨新等,1998;孙中武等,2003).  相似文献   

林麝幼体的换毛序和胎毛、夏毛、冬毛的形态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐正强  徐玲  李波  徐宏发 《兽类学报》2006,26(1):101-104
被毛是哺乳动物最主要的特征之一,有关动物换毛序与环境关系的研究,是动物生态学研究的一个重要方面。从1853年Browne开始研究毛发结构以来,人们对毛发的形态学、分类学和种属关系等方面的研究已开展了大量工作,特别是随着电镜技术的应用,这些方面的工作在逐渐深入(曹汉民等,19  相似文献   

鹿类动物是现代占优势的两大陆生反刍食草兽类之一,种类多、分布广,栖息于森林、灌丛、沼泽以及北极冻原等各种生境。在长期适应环境变迁的过程中,鹿类动物特殊的被毛形态结构发挥了重要作用。本文综述了鹿类动物被毛形态学在动物的分类、物种鉴定以及保温保护功能形态学等主要方面的研究现状,并结合北京南海子麋鹿苑的麋鹿Elaphurus davidianus冬季被毛形态特征的显微观察予以分析。最后探讨了今后鹿类动物被毛形态学在系统进化与分类、趋同进化、被毛传热性能以及仿生学等方面的研究趋势。  相似文献   

同域分布的有蹄类动物面临食物资源竞争,而食物又是影响野生动物生存的关键因子之一,研究不同种类动物的食物构成可以反映其对栖息地条件的适应程度。本研究通过粪便显微分析法,对内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)的冬、夏季食物构成进行比较分析。结果显示,马鹿在夏季取食22科48种植物,中华斑羚取食15科31种植物;在冬季,马鹿取食17科32种植物,中华斑羚取食13科23种植物。Pianka重叠指数显示,夏季时马鹿与中华斑羚食物重叠度为85.4%,冬季重叠度为77.6%。使用Levins指数计算,夏季时马鹿与中华斑羚的营养生态位分别是13.71和5.34,冬季时分别是11.08和4.02。在同一季节,马鹿取食植物的丰富度和均匀度均大于中华斑羚。本研究结果表明,马鹿与中华斑羚的食物选择对季节性食物资源变化具有适应性,但马鹿对环境的适应性高于中华斑羚;鉴于马鹿的分布范围广、种群数量多,建议在对物种与栖息地的保护中侧重于中华斑羚。  相似文献   

荆璞  张伟  华彦  刘微 《生态学报》2013,33(16):5126-5131
为了解松鼠东北亚种(Sciurus vulgaris manchuricus)秋季换毛期的被毛性状与保温性能变化的关系,选取2011年9月25日至12月15日期间采集的在哈尔滨室内人工养殖的27张雌性松鼠东北亚种生皮为材料,对背臀部毛皮样本进行传热性能测试,同时对该部位的披针毛、绒毛的长度和毛根出现无髓样本比例进行测量计算。结果表明:1)随着秋季换毛期的时间后移,新生冬毛长度不断增加,毛皮传热系数不断减小。当被毛生长结束时,保温性能达到恒定。2)披针毛长度、绒毛长度、披针毛毛根无髓段比例、绒毛毛根无髓段比例这4个被毛性状因子两两呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),且此4个性状因子皆与毛皮传热系数呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。以上反映了在气温渐冷的秋季换毛期每时间阶段被毛的长度、生长程度、保温性能的具体变化及相互关系。  相似文献   

动物毛发石蜡切片的制作   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨哺乳动物针毛横断面的快速简易的制作方法,从毛发横断面上观察毛发微观结构。方法:取新疆部分哺乳动物(马鹿塔里木亚种Cervus elaphus yarkandensis,藏羚羊Pantholops hodgsoni,野双峰驼Camelus bactrianus,狍子Capreolus capreolus)的毛发,先将其清洗然后经浸蜡、包埋、切片、染色、封片等一系列过程的研究,得发毛横断面。结果:各动物毛发微观结构差异显著:马鹿塔里木亚种,毛皮质极薄,毛髓质占大多数;藏羚羊,由若干多边行空囊组成,内部中空;野双峰驼,毛皮质与毛髓质所占比例相当;狍子,毛皮质约占2/3,毛髓质约占1/3。结论:为利用哺乳动物毛发进行种属鉴定奠定一定科学理论基础。  相似文献   

王颖  孙长虹  张伟 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5623-5631
被毛在哺乳动物适应性进化过程中执行保温和保护两个重要功能,其形态结构上存在的功能适应性特征因所处的部位不同而表现出适应性分化现象,由动物体躯干至四肢末端呈显著的梯度变化。以黑龙江省通河林区黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica manchurica)冬季雌雄成体各10只完整毛皮对象,研究了背中部、腹中部和后肢下部3个部位的直针毛、披针毛、绒针毛、绒毛,以及后趾部硬毛的被毛性状因子,统计分析表明:通河林区黄鼬相同身体部位4种类型毛的长度和细度指标均为直针毛披针毛绒针毛绒毛,相同部位4种类型毛长度的相关性极显著,直针毛细度与披针毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),绒针毛细度与绒毛细度相关性极显著(P0.01),这种特征使得被毛在整体结构上为实施保温和保护功能奠定基础;同时,黄鼬被毛各性状的保温功能从背部向后趾部呈递减趋势,而保护功能则呈现递增趋势,被毛形态结构性状上的分化与动物机体异温性充分结合,对于黄鼬适应寒冷的森林生态环境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

缩短光照对貉冬毛生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
貉是一种季节性换毛动物。其毛被的生长受光因子的影响。自然光照条件下4—8月间冬季绒毛陆续脱落,新生绒毛于7—11月间生长和逐渐成熟。冬季针毛在6月开始脱落,同时新生针毛开始生长,于10月下旬成熟,因此貉在夏季是以稀疏、粗硬的针毛和稀短的绒毛组成毛被。本文用控光的方法研究了貉冬毛生长的规律,得到了缩短光照时间能诱导毛皮提前32天成熟的结果并表现出较自然光照条件下毛皮生长成熟期缩短的趋勢。  相似文献   

(续1997年第7期第23页)3.2.3生物形态学在法医物证检查中的应用生物固有的形态学理论与相应的检测技术不仅是法医病理学的基础,也常为法医生物物证检验所利用。(1)人毛与动物毛的检验在犯罪现场,死者手中、身上发现的毛发以及在可疑杀人、碎尸、藏尸现场或嫌疑人身上发现的可疑毛发,首先用肉眼辨认,进而用光学显微镜,根据其固有的形态特征判定是人毛还是动物毛以及哪种动物毛,必要时可用扫描电镜或免疫学方法鉴定。如是人毛,要进一步确认是人体那个部位的毛,如头发、阴毛、腋窝毛等。最后判定其型属,也可做毛发角蛋白分型测试…  相似文献   

哺乳动物被毛的作用在于发挥其保温、缓冲和隔离的功能,而这些功能会因动物分布地域、不同季节、不同身体部位等的毛形态结构差异,发生适应性变化(Johnson and Homby,1980;Moen and Severing.haus,1984;Chen and Wang,1991;张伟等,1997;汪玺,1998;徐正强等,2006;张伟等,2008).  相似文献   

To identify the sensory organs that are sensitive to water stimuli in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, cuticular structures on the legs and the number of sensory neurons innervating them were studied. Some small hair sensilla on the legs were innervated by 2-5 sensory neurons. All such sensilla had a tiny pore at the tip of their hairs. The diameter of the pore was approximately 0.2 mum. These findings suggest that these are chemosensitive hairs (LCS: leg chemosensillum). Of the three pairs of legs, the anterior legs (forelegs) possessed the largest number of LCSs. Of the five leg segments (i.e., coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia and tarsus), the tarsus possessed the largest number of LCSs on each leg. Electrophysiological investigation by tip recording revealed that some of the LCSs contained water-receptor cells. Because the basitarsus possessed a larger number of LCSs than the other tarsomeres, the distribution of water-receptor-containing LCSs in the basitarsus of a foreleg was investigated morphologically and electrophysiologically. LCSs that contained water-receptor cells were mainly distributed on the ventral surface of the basitarsus. There were two types of water receptor that showed different response patterns to a stimulus, that is, phasic- and tonic-type water receptors. From the distribution of LCSs on the legs, the roles of these different types of water receptors in behavioral selection, that is, the initiation of swimming and the inhibition of flying, will be discussed.  相似文献   

The responses of tactile hairs located on legs of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål) are modulated by nitric oxide (NO). There are two types of tactile hair on the tibia of the hind leg of the locust which differ in their thresholds for mechanical stimulation, their location on the leg and in the effect of NO on their responses to deflection. The spike response rates of mechanosensory neurons of low-threshold hairs decreased when exposed to elevated NO levels caused by perfusion of the leg with saline containing the NO donor PAPANONOate. In contrast, in high-threshold hairs, which show low responsiveness under control conditions, an increase in spike rates was observed during PAPANONOate application. These opposing effects of NO reduce the differences in the spike responses of the two types of tactile hairs to mechanical stimulation and are likely to have an impact on behaviours elicited by mechanical stimulation of the legs.  相似文献   

Hair microstructure of the first calf of the woolly rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis found in Sakha in 2014 (the neck and hind leg hair) was examined by the light and electron scanning microscopy. The calf hair features were compared with those of two adults studied earlier. The calf coat color was much lighter than in adults, from pale ashy to blond. The extent of hair differentiation, dimensional and pigmentation indices were lower in the calf than in adult rhinoceroses. There was no medulla in the calf hairs, while in those of adults it was occasionally found. The cortical and cuticular layer microstructure was similar in all the animals compared. In both calf and adult hairs, there were traces of mechanical damage.  相似文献   

黑龙江小兴安岭地区黄鼬夏冬季毛皮性状比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Coat characteristics of seasonal molting mammals reveal significant seasonal variation as an adaptive strategy to cope with seasonal climate changes. However, the adaptive significance of such morphological variation has not yet been addressed. We analyzed seasonal variation of microscopic indices of hair and skin of adult Siberian weasels (Mustela sibirica manchurica Brass) from the Tonghe forest area of the Xiaoxing’anling Mountains, Heilongjiang. Skins from 8 males and 8 females were collected from summe...  相似文献   

Summary Rows of long, smooth hair sensilla situated on both sides of the leg coxae were examined in the spider Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae). The hair shafts point into the space between adjacent legs and are deflected when the hairs of one coxa touch the cuticle of the neighboring coxa. 1. Unlike the serrated hair shafts of the ubiquitous tactile and chemosensitive setae of spiders, these hairs are entirely smooth. At their base they are articulated in a socket with an asymmetrical groove that determines the direction of hair deflection. Hair shafts are up to 1000 m long. The exact grouping of smooth hairs in rows is typical of the coxae for each pair of legs. 2. Unlike the other, multiply innervated cuticular sensilla of spiders, smooth hairs are supplied by only a single mechanosensitive neuron. This is confirmed by electrophysiological recordings from single hairs. Threshold deflection to elicit a spike response lies near 1°. The response to maintained, step-like stimuli declines rapidly. 3. All central endings of these hair receptors in the fused segmental ganglia are confined to dorsal neuropil of the ipsilateral neuromere. The specific arborization pattern resembles an elongated, three-pronged fork with a long central prong. Topography, natural stimulus situation, and the phasic response characteristic of smooth hairs suggest that spiders use these sensilla to monitor the relative distance between leg coxae during locomotion.  相似文献   

We analysed macro-and microscopic features of dorsal guard hairs in 21 specimens of wild and domestic sheep and goats. We integrated and extended the available data on hair morphology of wild species and provide a first comparative analysis of hair structure of domestic forms. Domestic sheep and goats, probably due to a convergence process under artificial selection, show similar medullary features to each other and different medullary structures from their relative wild relatives. Different breeds show a diverse alteration of the medullary structure probably correlated to the duration of the domestication process. Domestic sheep have a cuticular structure different from the relative wild ancestor, while domestic goats do not show clear differences in the cuticle from the related wild species. The strong artificial selection for wool production may have transformed the hair structure of the sheep, but not that of the goat. We described the effects of age on the microscopic structure of hair, which have not yet been investigated. The medullary structure and the cuticular pattern in domestic forms do not change with age, as seen in wild species, because juveniles characters are retained in adults due to domestication.  相似文献   

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