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We have previously shown that, in the myelin-deficient jimpy mutant mouse, 74 nucleotides are absent from the mRNA for proteolipid protein (PLP) as a result of aberrant RNA processing. To define the exact site of the jimpy mutation, we have analyzed the PLP gene obtained from a jimpy mouse genomic library. We find that the nucleotide sequence that is absent from jimpy PLP mRNA is fully preserved in the jimpy PLP gene. The missing segment corresponds to a separate exon, equivalent to exon 5 of the human PLP gene. The nucleotide sequence at the 3' end of intron 4 in the jimpy PLP gene contains a single point mutation. A base change A----G in the 3' acceptor splice site has altered a position that is 100% conserved in all published splice acceptor sequences. We conclude that the primary genetic defect of the jimpy mouse is a single base change in the PLP gene disabling an invariant recognition sequence of RNA splicing.  相似文献   

Recovery of Proteolipid Protein in Mice Heterozygous for the Jimpy Gene   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We have measured levels and synthesis of proteolipid protein (PLP) and its transport into myelin in female mice heterozygous for the jimpy gene and in their normal female littermates. In both cord and cerebrum, jimpy carriers show deficits in PLP during development followed by compensation in adulthood. Recovery of PLP occurs earlier in cord than in brain. At 13 days levels of PLP in carriers compared to controls are reduced to 0.60 and 0.44, respectively, in cord and cerebrum. By 100 days, normal levels of PLP are attained in cord (1.13) whereas levels of PLP in cerebrum are only 0.78 of control. By 200 days full recovery occurs in cerebrum, with a ratio of 1.21, suggesting a possible over-compensation. The yield of myelin from cerebrum was reduced to 0.78 in carriers compared to controls at 17 days. In brain slices, incorporation of [3H]leucine into homogenate PLP from carriers is the same as in controls, whereas [3H]leucine incorporation into myelin PLP is reduced to 0.68 of control. These results indicate that synthesis of PLP in the carriers is normal at 17 days, but transport of PLP into myelin is reduced. Similarly, acylation of homogenate PLP is normal, whereas acylation of myelin PLP is reduced, as measured by incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid. Transport of PLP into myelin was compared to transport of MBP; transport of both proteins was equally decreased as indicated by the similar ratio of labeled PLP to MBP in myelin from carriers compared to noncarriers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Expression of myelin proteins was studied in the brains of 21-day-old normal mice and three dysmyelinating mutants-jimpy, quaking, and shiverer. Total brain polyribosomes and poly(A)+ mRNA were translated in two cell-free systems and the levels of synthesis of the myelin basic proteins (MBPs) and proteolipid protein (PLP) were determined. Synthesis of the MBPs in quaking homozygotes was at or above normal levels but PLP synthesis was significantly reduced to approximately 15% of control values, indicating independent effects on the expression of these proteins in this mutant. Immunoblot analysis of 21-day-old quaking brain homogenates showed a reduction in the steady-state levels of MBPs and PLP, suggesting a failure of newly synthesized MBPs to be incorporated into a stable membrane structure such as myelin. In the shiverer mutant very little synthesis of MBPs was observed, whereas greater synthesis of PLP occurred (approximately 50% of control). Almost no MBP, and low levels of PLP, were detected in the immunoblots, suggesting the possibility of a partial failure of PLP to be assembled into myelin in shiverer. In the jimpy mutant, low levels of MBP synthesis were observed in vitro (approximately 26% of controls) and very little synthesis of PLP was evident. The immunoblots of 21-day jimpy brain homogenates revealed no appreciable steady-state levels of PLP or MBP, again indicating that most newly synthesized MBPs were not incorporated into a stable membrane structure in this mutant. In sum, the data show that in the three cases examined, the mutation appears to affect the expression of the MBPs and PLP independently. Furthermore, regardless of their absolute levels of synthesis these proteins may or may not be assembled into myelin.  相似文献   

Abstract: Expression of the jimpy gene in heterozygous females was analyzed by measuring galactolipid synthesis in brain during early myelination. Sulfatide labeling in brains of heterozygous females at 13–14 days is decreased to 40–80% that of female littermates who do not carry the jimpy gene. The activities of ceramide galactosyl transferase and cerebroside sulfotransferase and levels of myelin basic protein were similarly depressed. Since the jimpy gene was maintained with the Tabby gene in these studies, the effect of the Tabby gene on these parameters was examined and found to have no effect. These biochemical findings indicate that myelination is retarded in the brains of heterozygous jimpy females during the second week of development. However, at 18 days and thereafter, sulfatide labeling is less reduced, suggesting that the oligodendrocytes in brain attempt to compensate, in agreement with morphologic studies which show that myelin is decreased in brain during early development, but appears normal in adult animals.  相似文献   

Brainstem slices prepared from 22-day-old rats were employed to study the intracellular translocation of radioactively labeled myelin proteolipid protein (PLP). Double-isotope and short pulse-chase procedures allowed us to demonstrate the flux of PLP through nine different subcellular membrane fractions that were isolated on the basis of their particle size and buoyant density. Tagged PLP was rapidly depleted from microsomes, showed transient passage through a number of presumably intermediate membranous pools, and accumulated in myelin. On the basis of the kinetics of PLP labeling and isotope ratios, the membranes can be arranged as they participate in the intracellular translocation of PLP and consistently show a pattern indicating possible precursor-product relationships.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) is known to contain long-chain, covalently bound fatty acids. Previous studies, including our own, have suggested the occurrence of an oxyester type of linkage between fatty acids and PLP. However, we found that protein-SH groups are required in the acylation reaction, suggesting the possible presence of thioesters. In the present study, we have examined the nature of the acyl-PLP linkages by determining whether free thiol groups are generated on removal of fatty acids. Incubation of reduced and carboxyamidomethylated proteolipid apoprotein (RCM-APL) with 0.2 M hydroxylamine and [14C]iodoacetamide at pH 7.5 and 37 degrees C resulted in the release of fatty acids and the concomitant labeling of newly formed thiol groups. Incubation with Tris or methylamine at pH 7.5 failed to remove fatty acids and generate free -SH groups. The possibility that on treatment buried thiol groups became exposed was essentially excluded because (1) similar results were obtained in 2-chloroethanol, a solvent in which acylated and deacylated PLP have the same conformation, and (2) small PLP peptides were labeled only in the presence of hydroxylamine. On incubation with [14C]methylamine at pH 9.0, RCM-APL was not labeled, thus excluding the occurrence of intramolecular thiol esters. On the other hand, fatty acids were released as radioactive N-methyl fatty acylamide, indicating the presence of intermolecular thioesters between fatty acids and protein. These results demonstrate that a large proportion of fatty acids covalently bound to PLP are liked to -SH groups.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) is an acylated protein which contains approximately 2 mol of ester-bound fatty acids. In this study, the amount and composition of fatty acids covalently bound to human myelin PLP were determined during development and in peroxisomal disorders. Palmitic, oleic, and stearic acids accounted for most of the PLP acyl chains. However, in contrast to PLP in other species, human PLP contains relatively more very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA). The fatty acid composition remained essentially unchanged between 1 day and 74 years of age. The total amount of fatty acid bound to PLP was not altered in any of the pathological cases examined. However, in the peroxisomal disorder adrenoleukodystrophy, the proportions of saturated and, to a lesser extent, monounsaturated VLCFA bound to PLP were increased at the expense of oleic acid. Smaller, but significant, changes were observed in adrenomyeloneuropathy. The reduction in the levels of oleic acid was also observed in two other peroxisomal disorders, the cerebrohepatorenal (Zellweger) syndrome and neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, as well as in the lysosomal disorder Krabbe globoid cell leukodystrophy. However, in these disorders, the decrease in oleic acid occurred at the expense of stearic acid, and not VLCFA. The results indicate that, although a characteristic PLP fatty acid pattern is normally maintained, changes in the acyl chain pool can ultimately be reflected in the fatty acid composition of the protein. The altered PLP-acyl chain pattern in peroxisomal disorders may contribute to the pathophysiology of these devastating disorders.  相似文献   

Myelin proteolipid protein is known to contain covalently bound fatty acid. To determine the contribution of the fatty acid to the multiple bands observed on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the electrophoretic parameters of the proteolipid protein were compared with those of the deacylated form. The relative mobility and proportion of each band, as well as the retardation coefficient and free electrophoretic mobility, were not altered by removal of the fatty acid moiety. Furthermore, the acylated and deacylated forms bound the same amounts of sodium dodecyl sulfate. These data demonstrate that the presence of covalently bound fatty acids does not account for the electrophoretic heterogeneity of the proteolipid.  相似文献   

Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) activity, myelin basic protein (BP), and proteolipid protein (PLP) were quantitated in the brains of 20-day-old Jimpy and control mice. The levels of MAG, CNPase, and BP in Jimpy brains were 5.3%, 9.7%, and 1.9% of those in control brains, respectively. Immunoblotting analysis did not reveal an increased apparent Mr for MAG in the Jimpy mouse, as has been observed in some other hypomyelinating murine mutants. PLP was reduced more than the other proteins, as it was not detected by an immunoblotting technique that was capable of detecting 0.5% of the control level.  相似文献   

Expression of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) was examined in the nuclei and polysomes of 12-27-day-old quaking, jimpy, and shiverer mouse brains and in 2-27-day-old normal brains and compared with expression of the myelin basic proteins (MBPs). Northern blots showed the presence of multiple mouse PLP RNAs, the developmental expression of which coincided with myelination. Two major mouse PLP RNAs, 3.5 and 2.6 kilobases in length, were observed in both cytoplasmic polyribosomes and nuclei, and, in addition, a larger 4.6-kilobase PLP RNA was observed in nuclei. Quantitative measurements with slot blot analyses showed that the levels of PLP and MBP RNAs peaked simultaneously at 18 days in nuclei but that maximal levels of PLP RNA lagged behind MBP RNA by several days in the polysomes. The developmental expression of both major classes of myelin protein mRNAs was affected in all three mutants. In shiverer brains, the levels of PLP mRNA in polysomes and nuclei were only 30-55% of control levels after 15 days. Thus, the deletion of a portion of the MBP gene appeared to have a major effect on the expression of the PLP gene in this mutant. In jimpy mice, where the mutation has been shown to involve the PLP gene, expression of MBP mRNA was also severely reduced, to less than 25% of control values. In quaking brains, the expression of each gene followed its own developmental course, different from each other and different from the normal mouse. The extent to which the expression of PLP and MBP was affected by the quaking mutation depended on the age at which it was examined.  相似文献   

The shaking pup is an X-linked canine mutant with a severe hypomyelination of the CNS. Proteolipid protein (PLP) and the related DM-20 protein were examined in this mutant by densitometric scanning of Western blots stained with PLP antiserum. In the spinal cord of 4-week-old mutants, PLP was reduced to less than 1% of the control level, which is a greater deficiency than was found for other myelin proteins. On Western blots of control spinal cord, PLP stained much more intensely than DM-20. However, on Western blots of the mutant spinal cord, a component with the electrophoretic mobility of DM-20 stained slightly more intensely with PLP antiserum than PLP itself. This component was shown to be DM-20 by its lack of reactivity with an antiserum raised to a synthetic peptide corresponding to part of the PLP sequence that is missing in DM-20. Thus PLP and DM-20 are expressed in approximately equal and greatly reduced amounts in the mutant spinal cord. Although PLP or DM-20 could not be detected in brain from the 4-week-old mutant, similar disproportional expression of these two proteins was demonstrated in both spinal cord and brain from a 10-week-old mutant pup. Immunostaining of tissue sections showed that the small amounts of PLP and/or DM-20 synthesized in the mutant are present in the thin myelin sheaths. The results suggest that the shaking pup could have a primary defect in the PLP gene leading to a severe deficiency of PLP and DM-20 as well as disproportional expression of these two proteins.  相似文献   

The acylation of rat brain proteolipid protein (PLP) with tritiated palmitic, oleic, and myristic acids was studied in vivo and in vitro and compared with the acylation of lipids. Twenty-four hours after intracranial injection of [3H]myristic acid, only 16% of the PLP-bound label appeared as myristic acid, with 66% as palmitic, 9% as stearic, and 6% as oleic acid, whereas greater than 63% of the label in total or myelin phospholipid was in the form of myristic acid. In contrast, after labelling with [3H]palmitic or oleic acids, 75% and 86%, respectively, of the radioactivity in PLP remained in the original form. When brain tissue slices were incubated for short periods of time, the incorporation of palmitic and oleic acids into PLP exceeded that of myristic acid by a factor of 8. In both systems and with all precursors studied, the label associated with PLP was shown to be in ester linkage. The results suggest a preferential acylation of PLP with palmitic and oleic acids as compared with myristic acid. This is consistent with the fatty acid composition of the isolated PLP.  相似文献   

Several genetic disorders that occur in animals and in humans result in an inability to synthesize normal myelin. Some of these disorders are inherited in an X-linked manner. The localization of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) gene to the X chromosome has directed the study of X-linked myelination disorders toward PLP. The myelin-deficient rat is one such X-linked dysmyelinating mutant. From a cDNA library constructed from myelin-deficient rat brain mRNA, we have isolated and sequenced cDNAs corresponding to PLP and its alternatively spliced isoform, DM-20. An A to C transition was detected in these cDNAs, which results in a threonine to proline change at amino acid 74 in both PLP and DM-20. No other substitutions were seen in the cDNA sequences. Polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing of the corresponding genomic regions were used to confirm the single base change. This substitution occurs in a highly hydrophobic portion of the protein that is thought to be an alpha-helical transmembrane segment. The presence of a helix-breaking amino acid such as proline in this segment is likely to influence the ability of the protein to interact with the membrane.  相似文献   

The protein and glycoprotein compositions of CNS myelin from the living coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An unglycosylated component of 25 kilodaltons showed substantially stronger immunoblot reactivity with antibodies against mammalian proteolipid protein (PLP) than lungfish glycosylated PLP. DM-20 (intermediate protein) was not detectable in either fish. The presence of unglycosylated PLP in CNS myelin of the actinistian coelacanth contradicts an association with cartilaginous fishes but supports tetrapod affinities closer than those of lungfish.  相似文献   

Immunochemical analysis of the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) has identified the carboxyl terminal amino acid phenylalanine 276 as the only PLP epitope conserved between the PLP components of rat and lungfish, species representing the phylogenetically most widely separated groups that synthesise typical CNS myelin. Immunoblotting using a rabbit antiserum raised against the carboxyl terminal sequence of rat PLP (residues 257-276) identified this epitope on the PLP components of both tetrapod (rat, chicken, lizard, and frog) and lobe-finned fish (coelacanth and lungfish) CNS myelin, including the DM-20 isoform of PLP, which is restricted to rat, chicken, and lizard CNS myelin. The conservation of the carboxyl terminus of PLP during evolution suggests this structure may play an important role in maintaining the organisation and function of PLP in the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

Both the iron mobilization protein transferrin and iron itself are found predominantly in oligodendrocytes in the brain and consequently have been hypothesized to have a role in myelination. This study is designed to begin to understand the mechanism(s) that control the expression of transferrin at the gene level in the nervous system using a hypomyelinating murine mutant (jimpy mouse). With this animal model it is possible to determine if transferrin gene expression in the nervous system is dependent on the presence of a mature oligodendrocytic population. The results demonstrate that normally expression of the transferrin gene increases from postnatal day 5 to 22-25 and then levels off in the adult. In the jimpy mouse, the relative amount of transferrin gene expression is less than that of littermate controls at 5 days of age. Furthermore, transferrin gene expression does not increase with age beyond the level observed at postnatal day 5 in the jimpy mouse. It is concluded from this study that the majority of the transferrin mRNA in the mouse brain is expressed by and/or requires the presence of a mature oligodendrocytic population.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mutations in the myelin proteolipid protein (PLP) gene, such as that found in the jimpy mouse, result in an abnormal structure of the myelin, severe dysmyelination, and a reduction in the number of mature oligodendrocytes. To examine the functions of the two alternatively spliced isoforms of proteolipid protein, transgenic mice were generated that express either PLP or DM20 cDNAs placed under control of the PLP upstream regulatory region. The transgenes were bred into jimpy mice, and the effect of the transgenes on the dysmyelinating phenotype was analyzed. Neither the PLP transgene nor the DM20 transgene alone had an effect on myelination in the jimpy mice. Combining the two transgenes substantially increased the number of myelinated axons, suggesting that the two alternatively spliced products of the PLP locus perform distinct functions in oligodendrocytes. The enhanced myelination was not sufficient, however, for completely correcting the dysmyelinating phenotype of the jimpy mice, nor was it accompanied by the restoration of normal levels of myelin gene expression. The inability to rescue the jimpy phenotype is most likely attributable to a dominant negative action of the abnormal proteolipid proteins present in jimpy mice. These results demonstrate the complexity of proteolipid protein function in myelination.  相似文献   

Brain and spinal cord of female mice heterozygous for the jimpy gene were analyzed during development for activity of ceramide galactosyl transferase (CGT) and for levels of myelin basic protein (MBP). CGT activity was low at 13-14 days in brains of heterozygous jimpy females but showed normal levels by 31-36 days, in agreement with our earlier study of this enzyme. In cord, CGT activity was normal or slightly above normal at all ages studied, from 13-14 days into adulthood. In both brain and cord, decreased levels of MBP were observed at 13 days; by 100 days, amounts of MBP approached normal levels. Proven female carriers of the jimpy gene also showed normal levels of CGT activity, MBP, and isolated myelin at 200-250 days of age in both brain and cord. These biochemical findings agree with previous morphologic measurements in cord demonstrating deficits in myelin at early ages but compensation by 100 days. Our results show that compensation occurs earlier in cord than in brain and that levels of MBP show a closer correlation than CGT activity with amounts of myelin, as measured by either morphometric analysis or direct isolation.  相似文献   

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