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Structural plugs at microtubule ends may regulate polymer dynamics in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microtubules contain in their lumens distinct structures (plugs) that influence their dynamic behavior in vitro. As observed by electron microscopy, plugs are stain-occluding structures 10-30 nm in length that occur along the lengths and at the ends of microtubules. Plugs occur at a frequency of 20-40% at the ends of microtubules assembled from cycled microtubule protein containing MAPs. While the composition of plugs is not known, preliminary evidence suggests that they are accretions of tubulin, that they are labile, and that they are more common in preparations containing MAPs. When polymers are induced to depolymerize by endwise subunit dissociation, the frequency of plugged microtubule ends increases transiently, suggesting that plugs temporarily stabilize microtubules. The functional significance of plugs may be that they prevent the sudden complete loss of microtubules through catastrophic disassembly. It is possible that plugs, by slowing the rate of disassembly, enable a polymer to add GTP-tubulin subunits, thereby forming a stabilizing GTP-cap. These observations suggest that plugs may stabilize polymers and account for the frequent transitions from shortening to growing phases that characterize dynamic instability.  相似文献   

M A Jordan  L Wilson 《Biochemistry》1990,29(11):2730-2739
We have investigated the effects of vinblastine at micromolar concentrations and below on the dynamics of tubulin exchange at the ends of microtubule-associated-protein-rich bovine brain microtubules. The predominant behavior of these microtubules at polymer-mass steady state under the conditions examined was tubulin flux, i.e., net addition of tubulin at one end of each microtubule, operationally defined as the assembly or A end, and balanced net loss at the opposite (disassembly or D) end. No dynamic instability behavior could be detected by video-enhanced dark-field microscopy. Addition of vinblastine to the microtubules at polymer-mass steady state resulted in an initial concentration-dependent depolymerization predominantly at the A ends, until a new steady-state plateau at an elevated critical concentration was established. Microtubules ultimately attained the same stable polymer-mass plateau when vinblastine was added prior to initiation of polymerization as when the drug was added to already polymerized microtubules. Vinblastine inhibited tubulin exchange at the ends of the microtubules at polymer-mass steady state, as determined by using microtubules differentially radiolabeled at their opposite ends. Inhibition of tubulin exchange occurred at concentrations of vinblastine that had very little effect on polymer mass. Both the initial burst of incorporation that occurs in control microtubule suspensions following a pulse of labeled GTP and the relatively slower linear incorporation of label that follows the initial burst were inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by vinblastine. Both processes were inhibited to the same extent at all vinblastine concentrations examined. If the initial burst of label incorporation represents a low degree of dynamic instability (very short excursions of growth and shortening of the microtubules at one or both ends), then vinblastine inhibits both dynamic instability and flux to similar extents. The ability of vinblastine to inhibit tubulin exchange at microtubule ends in the micromolar concentration range appeared to be mediated by the reversible binding of vinblastine to tubulin binding sites exposed at the polymer ends. Determination by dilution analysis of the effects of vinblastine on the apparent dissociation rate constants for tubulin loss at opposite microtubule ends indicated that a principal effect of vinblastine is to decrease the dissociation rate constant at A ends (i.e., it produces a kinetic cap at A ends), whereas it has no effect on the D-end dissociation rate constant.  相似文献   

Mitra A  Sept D 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(7):3252-3258
Taxol is a commonly used antitumor agent that hyperstabilizes microtubules and prevents cell division. The interaction of Taxol with tubulin and the microtubule has been studied through a wide array of experimental techniques; however, the exact molecular mechanism by which Taxol stabilizes microtubules has remained elusive. In this study, through the use of large-scale molecular simulations, we show that Taxol affects the interactions between the M and H1-S2 loops of adjacent tubulin dimers leading to more stable interprotofilament interactions. More importantly, we demonstrate that Taxol binding leads to a significant increase in the dynamics and flexibility of the portion of β-tubulin that surrounds the bound nucleotide and makes contact with the α-monomer of the next dimer in the protofilament. We conclude that this increase in flexibility allows the microtubule to counteract the conformational changes induced by nucleotide hydrolysis and keeps the protofilaments in a straight conformation, resulting in a stable microtubule.  相似文献   

The length dynamics both of microtubule-associated protein (MAP)-rich and MAP-depleted bovine brain microtubules were examined at polymer mass steady state. In both preparations, the microtubules exhibited length redistributions shortly after polymer mass steady state was attained. With time, however, both populations relaxed to a state in which no further changes in length distributions could be detected. Shearing the microtubules or diluting the microtubule suspensions transiently increased the extent to which microtubule length redistributions occurred, but again the microtubules relaxed to a state in which changes in the polymer length distributions were not detected. Under steady-state conditions of constant polymer mass and stable microtubule length distribution, both MAP-rich and MAP-depleted microtubules exhibited behavior consistent with treadmilling. MAPs strongly suppressed the magnitude of length redistributions and the steady-state treadmilling rates. These data indicate that the inherent tendency of microtubules in vitro is to relax to a steady state in which net changes in the microtubule length distributions are zero. If the basis of the observed length redistributions is the spontaneous loss and regain of GTP-tubulin ("GTP caps") at microtubule ends, then in order to account for stable length distributions the microtubule ends must reside in the capped state far longer than in the uncapped state, and uncapped microtubule ends must be rapidly recapped. The data suggest that microtubules in cells may have an inherent tendency to remain in the polymerized state, and that microtubule disassembly must be induced actively.  相似文献   

End binding 1 (EB1) is a plus-end-tracking protein (+TIP) that localizes to microtubule plus ends where it modulates their dynamics and interactions with intracellular organelles. Although the regulating activity of EB1 on microtubule dynamics has been studied in cells and purified systems, the molecular mechanisms involved in its specific activity are still unclear. Here, we describe how EB1 regulates the dynamics and structure of microtubules assembled from pure tubulin. We found that EB1 stimulates spontaneous nucleation and growth of microtubules, and promotes both catastrophes (transitions from growth to shrinkage) and rescues (reverse events). Electron cryomicroscopy showed that EB1 induces the initial formation of tubulin sheets, which rapidly close into the common 13-protofilament-microtubule architecture. Our results suggest that EB1 favours the lateral association of free tubulin at microtubule-sheet edges, thereby stimulating nucleation, sheet growth and closure. The reduction of sheet length at microtubule growing-ends together with the elimination of stressed microtubule lattices may account for catastrophes. Conversely, occasional binding of EB1 to the microtubule lattice may induce rescues.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of microtubule dynamic instability is controversial, but is thought to be related to a "GTP cap." A key prediction of the GTP cap model is that the proposed labile GDP-tubulin core will rapidly dissociate if the GTP-tubulin cap is lost. We have tested this prediction by using a UV microbeam to cut the ends from elongating microtubules. Phosphocellulose-purified tubulin was assembled onto the plus and minus ends of sea urchin flagellar axoneme fragments at 21-22 degrees C. The assembly dynamics of individual microtubules were recorded in real time using video microscopy. When the tip of an elongating plus end microtubule was cut off, the severed plus end microtubule always rapidly shortened back to the axoneme at the normal plus end rate. However, when the distal tip of an elongating minus end microtubule was cut off, no rapid shortening occurred. Instead, the severed minus end resumed elongation at the normal minus end rate. Our results show that some form of "stabilizing cap," possibly a GTP cap, governs the transition (catastrophe) from elongation to rapid shortening at the plus end. At the minus end, a simple GTP cap is not sufficient to explain the observed behavior unless UV induces immediate recapping of minus, but not plus, ends. Another possibility is that a second step, perhaps a structural transformation, is required in addition to GTP cap loss for rapid shortening to occur. This transformation would be favored at plus, but not minus ends, to account for the asymmetric behavior of the ends.  相似文献   

1. Significant levels of total phospholipid phosphate were detected in highly purified microtubule protein preparations. 2. While the phospholipid profiles of total microtubule proteins and microtubule-associated proteins showed both similarities and differences to that of a whole brain homogenate, purified tubulin was associated only with phospholipids that were not detectable in the latter. 3. Phosphatidyl ethanolamine, found exclusively in a fraction of microtubule associated proteins, stimulated microtubule assembly in vitro.  相似文献   

Taxol binds to polymerized tubulin in vitro   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Taxol, a natural plant product that enhances the rate and extent of microtubule assembly in vitro and stabilizes microtubules in vitro and in cells, was labeled with tritium by catalytic exchange with (3)H(2)O. The binding of [(3)H]taxol to microtubule protein was studied by a sedimentation assay. Microtubules assembled in the presence of [(3)H]taxol bind drug specifically with an apparent binding constant, K(app), of 8.7 x 19(-7) M and binding saturates with a calculated maximal binding ration, B(max), of 0.6 mol taxol bound/mol tubulin dimer. [(3)H]Taxol also binds and assembles phosphocellulose-purified tubulin, and we suggest that taxol stabilizes interactions between dimers that lead to microtubule polymer formation. With both microtubule protein and phosphocellulose- purified tubulin, binding saturation occurs at approximate stoichiometry with the tubulin dimmer concentration. Under assembly conditions, podophyllotoxin and vinblastine inhibit the binding of [(3)H]taxol to microtubule protein in a complex manner which we believe reflects a competition between these drugs, not for a single binding site, but for different forms (dimer and polymer) of tubulin. Steady-state microtubules assembled with GTP or with 5’-guanylyl-α,β-methylene diphosphonate (GPCPP), a GTP analog reported to inhibit microtubule treadmilling (I.V. Sandoval and K. Weber. 1980. J. Biol. Chem. 255:6966-6974), bind [(3)H]taxol with approximately the same stoichiometry as microtubules assembled in the presence of [(3)H]taxol. Such data indicate that a taxol binding site exists on the intact microtubule. Unlabeled taxol competitively displaces [(3)H]taxol from microtubules, while podophyllotoxin, vinblastine, and CaCl(2) do not. Podophyllotoxin and vinblastine, however, reduce the mass of sedimented taxol-stabilized microtubules, but the specific activity of bound [(3)H]taxol in the pellet remains constant. We conclude that taxol binds specifically and reversibly to a polymerized form of tubulin with a stoichiometry approaching unity.  相似文献   

End binding protein 1 (EB1) and cytoplasmic linker protein of 170 kDa (CLIP-170) are two well-studied microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs) that target growing microtubule plus ends in the form of comet tails and regulate microtubule dynamics. However, the mechanism by which they regulate microtubule dynamics is not well understood. Using full-length EB1 and a minimal functional fragment of CLIP-170 (ClipCG12), we found that EB1 and CLIP-170 cooperatively regulate microtubule dynamic instability at concentrations below which neither protein is effective. By use of small-angle X-ray scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation, we found that ClipCG12 adopts a largely extended conformation with two noninteracting CAP-Gly domains and that it formed a complex in solution with EB1. Using a reconstituted steady-state mammalian microtubule system, we found that at a low concentration of 250 nM, neither EB1 nor ClipCG12 individually modulated plus-end dynamic instability. Higher concentrations (up to 2 μM) of the two proteins individually did modulate dynamic instability, perhaps by a combination of effects at the tips and along the microtubule lengths. However, when low concentrations (250 nM) of EB1 and ClipCG12 were present together, the mixture modulated dynamic instability considerably. Using a pulsing strategy with [γ(32)P]GTP, we further found that unlike EB1 or ClipCG12 alone, the EB1-ClipCG12 mixture partially depleted the microtubule ends of stably bound (32)P(i). Together, our results suggest that EB1 and ClipCG12 act cooperatively to regulate microtubule dynamics. They further indicate that stabilization of microtubule plus ends by the EB1-ClipCG12 mixture may involve modification of an aspect of the stabilizing cap.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus ends are dynamically regulated by a wide variety of proteins for performing diverse cellular functions. Here, we show that the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe uncharacterized protein mcp1p is a microtubule plus-end tracking protein which depends on the kinesin-8 klp6p for transporting along microtubules towards microtubule plus ends. In the absence of mcp1p, microtubule catastrophe and rescue frequencies decrease, leading to an increased dwell time of microtubule plus ends at cell tips. Thus, these findings suggest that mcp1p may synergize with klp6p at microtubule plus-ends to destabilize microtubules.  相似文献   

Proline–alanine-rich Ste20-related kinase (PASK, also referred to as SPAK) has been linked to ion transport regulation. Here, we report two novel activities of PASK: binding to tubulin and microtubules and the promotion of microtubule assembly. Tubulin binding assay showed that full-length PASK and its kinase domain bound to purified tubulin whereas the N-terminal or C-terminal non-catalytic domains of PASK did not. The full-length PASK and its kinase domain were sedimented with paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules by ultracentrifugation. These results indicate that the kinase domain of PASK can interact directly with both microtubules and soluble tubulin in vitro. Truncated PASK lacking the N-terminal non-catalytic domain promoted microtubule assembly at a subcritical concentration of purified tubulin. FLAG–PASK expressed in COS-7 cells translocated to the cytoskeleton when the cells were stimulated with hypertonic sodium chloride, and stabilized microtubules against depolymerization by nocodazole. Our findings suggest that PASK may regulate the cytoskeleton by modulating microtubule stability.  相似文献   

Microtubules (MTs) composed of αβ-tubulin heterodimers are highly dynamic polymers, whose stability can be regulated by numerous endogenous and exogenous factors. Both the antimitotic drug Taxol and microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) stabilize this dynamicity by binding to and altering the conformation of MTs. In the current study, amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange coupled with mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) was used to examine the structural and dynamic properties of the MT complex with the microtubule binding domain of MAP4 (MTB-MAP4) in the presence and absence of Taxol. The changes in the HDX levels indicate that MTB-MAP4 may bind to both the outside and the luminal surfaces of the MTs and that Taxol reduces both of these interactions. The MTB-MAP4 binding induces conformational rearrangements of α- and β-tubulin that promote an overall stabilization of MTs. Paradoxically, despite Taxol's negative effects on MAP4 interactions with the MTs, its binding to the MTB-MAP4-MT complex further reduces the overall deuterium incorporation, suggesting that a more stable complex is formed in the presence of the drug.  相似文献   

Nod, a nonmotile kinesin-like protein, plays a critical role in segregating achiasmate chromosomes during female meiosis. In addition to localizing to oocyte chromosomes, we show that functional full-length Nod-GFP (Nod(FL)-GFP) localizes to the posterior pole of the oocyte at stages 9-10A, as does kinesin heavy chain (KHC), a plus end-directed motor. This posterior localization is abolished in grk mutants that no longer maintain the microtubule (MT) gradient in the oocyte. To test the hypothesis that Nod binds to the plus ends of MTs, we expressed and purified both full-length Nod (Nod(FL)) and a truncated form of Nod containing only the motor-like domain (Nod318) from Escherichia coli and assessed their interactions with MTs in vitro. Both Nod(FL) and Nod318 demonstrate preferential binding to the ends of the MTs, displaying a strong preference for binding to the plus ends. When Nod318-GFP:MT collision complexes were trapped by glutaraldehyde fixation, the preference for binding to plus ends versus minus ends was 17:1. Nod(FL) and Nod318 also promote MT polymerization in vitro in a time-dependent manner. The observation that Nod is preferentially localized to the plus ends of MTs and stimulates MT polymerization suggests a mechanism for its function.  相似文献   

Microtubule-based motility in the cell is directly associated with changes in microtubule numbers through nucleation and growth and shrinkage of the polymer from the ends. Recent analysis of spindle pole bodies and kinetochores in yeast reveal how the cell builds specialized structures for association with the ends of microtubules.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated the presence of a protein factor [tubulin polymerization perturbing protein (TPPP)] in brain and neuroblastoma cell but not in muscle extract that uniquely influences the microtubule assembly. Here we describe a procedure for isolation of this protein from the cytosolic fraction of bovine brain and present evidence that this protein is a target of both tubulin and microtubules in vitro. The crucial step of the purification is the cationic exchange chromatography; the bound TPPP is eluted at high salt concentrations, indicating the basic character of the protein. By IDA-nanoLC-MS analysis of the peptides extracted from the gel-digested purified TPPP, we show the presence of a single protein in the purified fraction that corresponds to p25, a brain-specific protein the function of which has not been identified. Circular dichroism data have revealed that, on one hand, the alpha-helix content of p25 is very low (4%) with respect to the predicted values (30-43%), and its binding to tubulin induces remarkable alteration in the secondary structure of the protein(s). As shown by turbidimetry, pelleting experiments, and electron microscopy, p25 binds to paclitaxel-stabilized microtubules and bundles them. p25 induces formation of unusual (mainly double-walled) microtubules from tubulin in the absence of paclitaxel. The amount of aberrant tubules formed depends on the p25 concentration, and the process occurs at substoichiometric concentrations. Our in vitro data suggest that p25 could act as a unique MAP in vivo.  相似文献   

DeLuca JG 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(22):R966-R969
A recent study describes a novel role for the centrosomal protein Cep57 in attaching spindle microtubules to both kinetochores and centrosomes, suggesting similar mechanisms may be used for generating these two distinct linkages in mitosis.  相似文献   

The microtubule cytoskeleton consists of a highly organized network of microtubule polymers bound to their accessory proteins: microtubule-associated proteins, molecular motors, and microtubule-organizing proteins. The microtubule subunits are heterodimers composed of one alpha-tubulin polypeptide and one beta-tubulin polypeptide that should undergo a complex folding processing before they achieve a quaternary structure that will allow their incorporation into the polymer. Due to the extremely high protein concentration that exists at the cell cytoplasm, there are alpha- and beta-tubulin interacting proteins that prevent the unwanted interaction of these polypeptides with the surrounding protein pool during folding, thus allowing microtubule dynamics. Several years ago, the development of a nondenaturing electrophoretic technique made it possible to identify different tubulin intermediate complexes during tubulin biogenesis in vitro. By these means, the cytosolic chaperonin containing TCP-1 (CCT or TriC) and prefoldin have been demonstrated to intervene through tubulin and actin folding. Various other cofactors also identified along the alpha- and beta-tubulin postchaperonin folding route are now known to have additional roles in tubulin biogenesis such as participating in the synthesis, transport, and storage of alpha- and beta-tubulin. The future characterization of the tubulin-binding sites to these proteins, and perhaps other still unknown proteins, will help in the development of chemicals that could interfere with tubulin folding and thus modulating microtubule dynamics. In this paper, current knowledge of the above postchaperonin folding cofactors, which are in fact chaperones involved in tubulin heterodimer quaternary structure achievement, will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Microtubule assembly in vivo was studied by hapten-mediated immunocytochemistry. Tubulin was derivatized with dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein (DTAF) and microinjected into living, interphase mammalian cells. Sites of incorporation were determined at the level of individual microtubules by double-label immunofluorescence. The haptenized tubulin was localized by an anti-fluorescein antibody and a second antibody conjugated with fluorescein. Total microtubules were identified by anti-tubulin and a secondary antibody conjugated with rhodamine. Contrary to recent studies (Salmon, E. D., et al., 1984, J. Cell Biol., 99:2165-2174; Saxton, W. M., et al., 1984, J. Cell Biol., 99:2175-2186) which suggest that tubulin incorporates all along the length of microtubules in vivo, we found that microtubule assembly in interphase cells was in vivo, as in vitro, an end-mediated process. Microtubules that radiated out toward the cell periphery incorporated the DTAF-tubulin solely at their distal, that is, their plus ends. We also found that a proportion of the microtubules connected to the centrosomes incorporated the DTAF-tubulin along their entire length, which suggests that the centrosome can nucleate the formation of new microtubules.  相似文献   

HURP is a newly discovered microtubule-associated protein (MAP) required for correct spindle formation both in vitro and in vivo. HURP protein is highly charged with few predicted secondary and tertiary folding domains. Here we explore the effect of HURP on pure tubulin, and describe its ability to induce a new conformation of tubulin sheets that wrap around the ends of intact microtubules, thereby forming two concentric tubes. The inner tube is a normal microtubule, while the outer one is a sheet composed of tubulin protofilaments that wind around the inner tube with a 42.5° inclination. We used cryo-electron microscopy and unidirectional surface shadowing to elucidate the structure and conformation of HURP-induced tubulin sheets and their interaction with the inner microtubule. These studies clarified that HURP-induced sheets are composed of anti-parallel protofilaments exhibiting P2 symmetry. HURP is a unique MAP that not only stabilizes and bundles microtubules, but also polymerizes free tubulin into a new configuration.  相似文献   

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