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The presence of Triatoma infestans in habitats treated with insecticides constitutes a frequent problem in endemic areas. Basing our study on the hypothesis that descendants of a residual population should be more similar to the pre-treatment population than to any other, we compared the indications of two quantitative morphological approaches. This study seeks to find the origin of 247 T. infestans from three populations found in two chicken coops and a goat corral after treatment with insecticides. The results obtained by quantitative morphology suggest that the T. infestans found between three-34 months after the application of insecticides formed mixed populations with insects derived from residual foci and neighbouring habitats. Our analyses also showed the presence of a phenotype which does not resemble neither the pre-treatment phenotype nor the one from neighbouring populations, suggesting the presence of a particular post-treatment phenotype. The heads size showed some variations in males from different populations and remained unchanged in females, which reinforces the hypothesis of an intraspecific competition for food with priority for females. This article presents, for the first time, the combined analysis of geometric morphometry of heads and antennal phenotypes to identify the composition of reinfesting populations.  相似文献   



Fifty years of residual insecticide spraying to control Triatoma infestans in the Gran Chaco region of northern Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia shows that vertically coordinated interventions aiming at full coverage have limited effects and are unsustainable. We quantified the spatial distribution of T. infestans domestic infestation at the district level, identified environmental factors associated with high infestation and then explored the usefulness of risk maps for the spatial stratification of interventions.

Methods and Findings

We performed spatial analyses of house infestation data collected by the National Chagas Service in Moreno Department, northern Argentina (1999–2002). Clusters of high domestic infestation occurred in the southwestern extreme of the district. A multi-model selection approach showed that domestic infestation clustered in areas of low elevation, with few farmlands, high density of rural houses, high mean maximum land surface temperature, large NDVI, and high percentage of degraded and deforested lands. The best model classified 98.4% of the communities in the training dataset (sensitivity, 93.3%; specificity, 95.4%). The risk map evidenced that the high-risk area only encompassed 16% of the district. By building a network-based transportation model we assessed the operational costs of spatially contiguous and spatially targeted interventions. Targeting clusters of high infestation would have reached ∼80% of all communities slated for full-coverage insecticide spraying, reducing in half the total time and economic cost incurred by a spatially contiguous strategy.

Conclusions and Significance

In disperse rural areas where control programs can accomplish limited coverage, consideration of infestation hot spots can contribute to the design and execution of cost-effective interventions against Chagas disease vectors. If field validated, targeted vertical control in high risk areas and horizontal control in medium to low risk areas may provide both a logistically and economically feasible alternative to blanket vertical insecticide spraying when resources are limited.  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of the presence of chickens on population density of the bug Triatoma infestans , principal vector of Chagas disease, were investigated by standardized sampling (indoors and peridomestically) from sixty-eight houses of three rural communities in north-west Argentina, during March 1992.
The domiciliary density of T. infestans increased linearly with the percentage of bugs that fed on chickens, as identified by agar double-diffusion tests. Bug density was significantly higher in houses where hens usually nested indoors than in those where they did not, as determined by concurrent direct observations and interviews of householders. Multiple linear regression analysis of domiciliary bug density on (a) the total number of people, dogs and cats per house; (b) the percentage of domiciliary bugs that fed on chickens, or (c) the indoor-brooding habit of hens, showed the two variables (b, c) related to chickens as significant predictors in each regression model. Inclusion both variables representing chickens increased the fit significantly. Addition of other potentially confounding factors (domestic insecticide use, type of roof and walls of house) did not affect the significant variables retained in the best-fitting regression model.
Peridomestic infestation was positively associated with the household number of fowls. Chickens were the main bloodmeal source of peridomestic T.infestans populations. Human-fed bugs were detected in peridomestic sites of sixteen houses, indicating active dispersal of adults and large nymphal instars from bedroom areas.
Exclusion of hens from domiciliary areas and promotion of chicken sheds, of an appropriate design that would not harbour bug populations, should limit the triatomine population growth rate and reduce the risk of infestation.  相似文献   

The Health Administration Agencies of many municipalities in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) receive frequent reports on triatomines in houses. The aim of this work was to identify and describe the dispersal foci of Triatoma infestans in an urban neighborhood of GBA, and contribute to the knowledge of the epidemiological situation in the region. In June 1998, potentially infested places were entomologically evaluated. T. infestans was only detected in a hen building for egg production, which housed approximately 6,000 birds. A total of 2,930 insects were collected. Density was about 9 triatomines/m(2). The proportions of fifth instar nymphs and adults were significantly higher than those of the other stages (p<0.001). The number of triatomines collected largely exceeded the highest domestic infestation found in one house from rural endemic areas of Argentina. Though triatomines were negative for Trypanosoma cruzi, they could acquire the parasite by coming in contact with infected people living in GBA. Besides, the numerous and widely distributed places housing hens and chickens, would favor the settlement of the vector. Together, both facts may constitute a risk of parasitic vectorial transmission. It is recommended to intensify systematic activities of vector search and case detection in GBA.  相似文献   

Riojasuchus tenuisceps Bonaparte 1967 is currently known from four specimens, including two complete skulls, collected in the late 1960s from the upper levels of the Los Colorados Formation (Late Triassic), La Rioja, Argentina. Computed tomography (CT) scans of the skulls of the holotype and a referred specimen of Riojasuchus tenuisceps and the repreparation of the latter allows recognition of new features for a detailed analysis of its cranial anatomy and its comparison with a wide variety of other archosauriform taxa. The diagnosis of Riojasuchus tenuisceps is emended and two autapomorphies are identified on the skull: (1) a deep antorbital fossa with its anterior and ventral edges almost coinciding with the same edges of the maxilla itself and (2) a suborbital fenestra equal in size to the palatine-pterygoid fenestra. Also, the first digital 3D reconstruction of the encephalon of Riojasuchus tenuisceps was carried out to study its neuroanatomy, showing a shape and cranial nerve disposition consistent to that of other pseudosuchians.  相似文献   

We examined the environmental correlates and the spatial pattern of infestation by Triatoma infestans, a vector of Chagas disease, in a rural area of Argentina five years following an insecticidal campaign. Patterns of infestation were identified in an entomological survey, as mapped with high-resolution satellite imagery and analyzed in a geographic information system. Logistic regression was used to relate infestation to observed household characteristics as well as the location and density of households. Location was the most significant predictor of infestation for domiciles. For peridomestic structures surrounding the domiciles, the combination of location and the presence/absence of goat pens was most significant. In considering any infestation, whether domiciliary or peridomestic, the combination of location, presence/absence of animal pens, and the type of household construction were found to be most significant. Using these statistical relationships to back-classify the field data resulted in accuracies between 85% and 87%. A map of infestation probability for the town of Chancaní was developed from the logistic regression.  相似文献   

The biting rate of Triatoma infestans in Argentina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The daily proportion of fed individuals in a population of the reduviid bug Triatoma infestans (Klug), maintained under natural climatic conditions in experimental chicken houses in central Argentina, was estimated from the proportion of bugs retaining colourless urine in the rectum. 2. From the estimates of feeding frequency throughout a 1 year period, it was shown that temperature has a dominant effect on biting rate, but density-dependent effects became apparent during the warmest months. 3. These and other data on the determinants of blood consumption by T. infestans, were incorporated into a detailed hypothesis of density regulation in this species.  相似文献   

The flight dispersal of Triatoma infestans Klug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is one of the main mechanisms determining community re-infestation after control interventions. An empirical model of flight initiation coupled with data from a longitudinal study predicted that the flight dispersal of T. infestans would peak in summer. To test this prediction, longitudinal light trap collections were conducted during 3-8 nights in March (late summer), July (winter) and November (spring) 2003, and in March 2004 in a rural community in north-west Argentina. Following each light-trapping collection date, all peridomestic sites around light traps were inspected to assess the relative abundance and nutritional status of T. infestans at each site. A total of 21 adult and five nymph T. infestans, six Triatoma guasayana Wygodzinsky & Abalos, and nine Triatoma garciabesi Carcavallo et al. were collected in 96 light-trapping nights, whereas 696 T. infestans were collected from the peridomestic sites that surrounded the light traps. The arrival of T. infestans in the light traps occurred in 64% of catch stations and peaked in the summer surveys (10-14 bugs) compared with spring and winter surveys. When winds were < 5 km/h, the arrival of adult T. infestans at the light traps was significantly associated with maximum temperature and relative humidity. This is the first field report of seasonal variations in the flight dispersal activity of T. infestans.  相似文献   

Male and female T. infestans were released on two consecutive nights in the salinas of Cordoba Province, Argentina, when air temperatures during the flying period averaged 28.5 degrees C. 136 males (43% of the total released) and 170 females (57%) flew on the first night, and 6 males (18%) and 7 females (27%) on the second. Of these, we recovered 23 males and 14 females within 100 m, and a further female within 200 m, all from the first night's release. The remainder appear to have flown more than 100 m and possibly more than 200 m. In support of this conclusion 4 male and 5 female bugs were recovered in an abandoned brick house 550 m from the release point. Since the proportion of bugs apparently flying more than 200 m is considerably greater than that deduced from previous experiments at lower temperatures (Lehane & Schofield, 1981) it is possible that temperature influences not only the proportion of bugs flying but also the distance flown. Flight appears to be affected by wind speed. On the first night, when there was negligible wind, 43% of male and 57% of female bugs flew. On the second night, with winds gusting at 4-5 m/s, only 18% of the male and 27% of the female bugs flew.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans is the main vector of Chagas' disease in South America between latitudes 10°S and 46°S. A multilocus microsatellite data set of 836 individuals from 27 populations of T. infestans, from all its range of distribution in Argentina, was analyzed. Our results favor the hypothesis of two independent migration events of colonization in Argentina and secondary contacts. The majority of the populations of the western provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan and the west of Cordoba province, had almost no shared ancestry with the rest of the populations analyzed. Probably those populations, belonging to localities close to the Andean region, could have been established by the dispersal line of T. infestans that would have arrived to Argentina through the Andes, whereas most of the rest of the populations analyzed may have derived from the dispersal line of T. infestans in non-Andean lowlands. Among them, those from the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe shared different percentages of ancestry and presented lower degree of genetic differentiation. The migratory movement linked to regional economies and possibly associated with passive dispersal, would allow a higher genetic exchange among these populations of T. infestans. This study, using microsatellite markers, provides a new approach for evaluating the validity of the different hypotheses concerning the evolutionary history of this species. Two major lineages of T. infestans, an Andean and non-Andean, are suggested.  相似文献   

We assessed the distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in peridomestic triatomines collected manually at a district-wide scale in rural villages around Olta, Western Argentina, and typed the isolated strains according to their pathogenicity to laboratory mice. Of 1623 triatomines examined, only 14 (0.9%) were infected with T. cruzi based on microscopical examination of feces. The prevalence of T. cruzi infection was 0.8% in Triatoma infestans, 2.3% in T. guasayana, and nil in T. garciabesi, T. platensis, and T. eratyrusiformis. Local transmission occurred in kitchens, store-rooms and goat corrals or nearby, though at very low levels. T. cruzi was detected by at least one parasitological method in 11 (79%) of 14 microscope-positive bugs. Hemoculture was the most sensitive method (67%) followed by culture of organ homogenates, histopathology or xenodiagnosis of inoculated suckling mice (55-58%), and culture of microscope-positive bug feces (46%). The evidence suggests that most of the isolated T. cruzi strains would be myotropic type III. Our study establishes for the first time that peridomestic, microscope-positive T. guasayana nymphs were actually infected with T. cruzi, and may be implicated as a putative secondary vector of T. cruzi in domestic or peridomestic sites.  相似文献   

Deltamethrin and other pyrethroids have been extensively used in Argentina since 1980, for the chemical control of Triatoma infestans Klug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Recently, resistance to deltamethrin was detected in field populations by the survival of bugs exposed by topical application to the diagnostic dose estimated on the CIPEIN susceptible strain. Results of the current study showed low resistant ratios (RRs) to deltamethrin for the resistant populations (RR ranged from 2.0 for San Luis colony to 7.9 for Salta colony). Biochemical studies were made on the most resistant colony (Salta) and the susceptible strain (CIPEIN), in order to establish the importance of degradative mechanisms as a cause of the detected resistance. Esterase activity was measured on 3 days old first instars through phenylthioacetate and a-naphtyl acetate activities. The results showed a significant difference in no cholinesterase esterase activity from susceptible (7.6 +/- 0,7 micro M S./i.min.) and Salta resistant colony (9.5 +/- 0.8 microM S./i.min.). Cytochrome p450 mono-oxygenase (p450) activity was measured on individual insects through ethoxycoumarine deethylase (ECOD) activity using a fluorescence microplate reader. The dependence of ECOD activity on age and body region of the nymphs, and pH and time of incubation were studied in order to optimize the measurement. As a result, comparative studies were performed on abdomens of 2 days old first instars at pH 7.2 and 4 h incubation time. ECOD activity of first nymphs was significantly lower in the susceptible colony (61.3 +/- 9.08 pg ECOD/ insect) than in the resistant one (108.1+/- 5.7 pg ECOD/ insect). These results suggest that degradative esterases (no-cholinesterase) and mono-oxygenases cytochrome p450, play an important role in the resistance to deltamethrin in Salta colony from Argentina.  相似文献   

An improved device for detecting peridomestic Triatoma infestans consisting of one-liter recycled Tetra Brik milk boxes with a central structure was tested using a matched-pair study design in two rural areas in Argentina. In Olta (La Rioja), the boxes were installed beneath the thatched roofs and on the vertical wooden posts of each peridomestic structure. After a 5-month exposure, at least one of the recovered boxes detected 88% of the 24 T. infestans-positive sites, and 86% of the 7 negative sites by timed manual collections at baseline. In Amamá (Santiago del Estero), the boxes were paired with the best performing prototype tested before (shelter unit). After 3 months, some evidence of infestation was detected in 89% (boxes) and 79% (shelters) of 18-19 sites positive by timed collections, whereas 19% and 16% of 32 negative sites were positive, respectively. Neither device differed significantly in the qualitative or quantitative collection of every sign of infestation. The installation site did not modify significantly the boxes' sampling efficiency in both study areas. As the total cost of each box was half as expensive as each shelter unit, the boxes are thus the most cost-effective and easy-to-use tool for detecting peridomestic T. infestans currently available.  相似文献   



Transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi by Triatoma infestans remains a major public health problem in the Gran Chaco ecoregion, where understanding of the determinants of house infestation is limited. We conducted a cross-sectional study to model factors affecting bug presence and abundance at sites within house compounds in a well-defined rural area in the humid Argentine Chaco.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Triatoma infestans bugs were found in 45.9% of 327 inhabited house compounds but only in 7.4% of the 2,584 sites inspected systematically on these compounds, even though the last insecticide spraying campaign was conducted 12 years before. Infested sites were significantly aggregated at distances of 0.8–2.5 km. The most frequently infested ecotopes were domiciles, kitchens, storerooms, chicken coops and nests; corrals were rarely infested. Domiciles with mud walls and roofs of thatch or corrugated tarred cardboard were more often infested (32.2%) than domiciles with brick-and-cement walls and corrugated metal-sheet roofs (15.1%). A multi-model inference approach using Akaike''s information criterion was applied to assess the relative importance of each variable by running all possible (17,406) models resulting from all combinations of variables. Availability of refuges for bugs, construction with tarred cardboard, and host abundance (humans, dogs, cats, and poultry) per site were positively associated with infestation and abundance, whereas reported insecticide use showed a negative association. Ethnic background (Creole or Toba) adjusted for other factors showed little or no association.


Promotion and effective implementation of housing improvement (including key peridomestic structures) combined with appropriate insecticide use and host management practices are needed to eliminate infestations. Fewer refuges are likely to result in fewer residual foci after insecticide spraying, and will facilitate community-based vector surveillance. A more integrated perspective that considers simultaneously social, economic and biological processes at local and regional scales is needed to attain effective, sustainable vector and disease control.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Gran Chaco ecoregion, a hotspot for Chagas and other neglected tropical diseases, is home to >20 indigenous peoples. Our objective was to identify the main ecological and sociodemographic determinants of house infestation and abundance of Triatoma infestans in traditional Qom populations including a Creole minority in Pampa del Indio, northeastern Argentina.MethodsA cross-sectional survey determined house infestation by timed-manual searches with a dislodging aerosol in 386 inhabited houses and administered questionnaires on selected variables before full-coverage insecticide spraying and annual vector surveillance. We fitted generalized linear models to two global models of domestic infestation and bug abundance, and estimated coefficients via multimodel inference with model averaging.

Principal Findings

Most Qom households were larger and lived in small-sized, recently-built, precarious houses with fewer peridomestic structures, and fewer livestock and poultry than Creoles’. Qom households had lower educational level and unexpectedly high residential mobility. House infestation (31.9%) was much lower than expected from lack of recent insecticide spraying campaigns and was spatially aggregated. Nearly half of the infested houses examined had infected vectors. Qom households had higher prevalence of domestic infestation (29.2%) than Creoles’ (10.0%), although there is large uncertainty around the adjusted OR. Factors with high relative importance for domestic infestation and/or bug abundance were refuge availability, distance to the nearest infested house, domestic insecticide use, indoor presence of poultry, residential overcrowding, and household educational level.

Conclusions and Significance

Our study highlights the importance of sociodemographic determinants of domestic infestation such as overcrowding, education and proximity to the nearest infested house, and corroborates the role of refuge availability, domestic use of insecticides and household size. These factors may be used for designing improved interventions for sustainable disease control and risk stratification. Housing instability, household mobility and migration patterns are key to understanding the process of house (re)infestation in the Gran Chaco.  相似文献   

The Bolivian Chaco is part of the endemic region of Chagas disease and an area where pyrethroid resistant Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations has been reported. The World Health Organization identified these resistant populations as an important focus for research. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual effect of a micro-encapsulated formulation containing organophosphate active ingredients and a juvenile hormone analogue (Inesfly 5A IGR) on the mortality of T. infestans. Studies took place in rural houses of the Bolivian Chaco that were treated up to 34 months before and evaluated the susceptibility to pyrethroids of the offspring of field collected insects. Thirty houses were randomly selected within three communities to carry out wall bio-assays with T. infestans nymphs. Mortality was recorded 24, 48 and 72 h after wall contact. Eggs laid by females collected in the area were used to obtain first-instar nymphs and carry out pyrethroid susceptibility tests. The wall bio-assays showed that the micro-encapsulated insecticide eliminates T. infestans populations and produces detectable mortality of insects exposed to walls treated 34 months prior to the tests. The discriminant dose of deltamethrin (0.01 mg/mL) showed 65% nymph survival, whereas at the highest tested dose (1.0 mg/mL) 14% of the nymphs survived. These results show that Inesfly 5A IGR is an appropriate tool for the elimination of intradomestic and peridomestic populations of T. infestans resistant to pyrethroids.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Variation in the mtDNA 16S ribosomal RNA gene in populations of Triatoma infestans (Klug) was surveyed. DNA sequence comparisons yielded 18 haplotypes among 130 individuals from 16 localities that represent a large proportion of the range of T. infestans in Argentina. The most common genotype in all populations was found in 76.9% of individuals and two other haplotypes were shared among different populations. The remaining 15 haplotypes were present exclusively in one of the populations, suggesting currently low levels of genetic exchange. Analysis of mtDNA 16S sequences uncovered substantial genetic variation among T. infestans populations. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities varied among populations, from 0% to 0.84% and 0% to 0.29%, respectively. It appears that this locus has a low mutation rate. Uncorrected pairwise differences of T. infestans haplotypes ranged from 0% to 1.2%. The molecular phylogeny supported the monophyly of T. infestans haplotypes and clustered two different pairs of haplotypes with a moderate degree of bootstrap support (∼ 60%). Mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic differentiation was not evident, suggesting a recent rapid spread of the species. Analysis of molecular variance showed hierarchical structure in the data. Considerably less variation was found among T. infestans populations from the northwest and northeast regions than among those belonging to the central area. Such a lack of variation may be indicative of one or more past population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1981,11(6):653-656
When radiolabelled ecdysone was injected into Triatoma infestans it was converted to 20-hydroxyecdysone and to four other fractions (I, II, IV and VI) separated by thin layer chromatography. The pattern of ecdysone metabolites found 16 days after a blood meal was different from that found at 30 days. Peak I was isolated and further separated to give two main fractions. The results obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of this peak showed it to be a mixture of glucosides, glucuronides and sulphate conjugates.  相似文献   

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