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Short DNA duplexes that contain a N4C-ethyl-N4C interstrand cross-link were prepared on controlled pore glass supports using a DNA synthesizer. The C-C cross-link was introduced via a convertible nucleoside on the support or by using a protected C-C cross-link phosphoramidite. An orthogonal protection scheme allowed selective chain growth in either a 3'-->5' or 5'-->3' direction. The cross-linked duplexes were purified by HPLC and characterized by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and/or by enzymatic digestion.  相似文献   

Several proteins that specifically bind to DNA modified by cisplatin, including those containing HMG-domains, mediate antitumor activity of this drug. Oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplexes containing a single, site-specific interstrand cross-link of cisplatin were probed for recognition by the rat chromosomal protein HMGB1 and its domains A and B using the electrophoretic mobility-shift assay. It has been found that the full-length HMGB1 protein and its domain B to which the lysine-rich region (seven amino acid residues) of the A/B linker is attached at the N-terminus (the domain HMGB1b7) specifically recognize DNA interstrand cross-linked by cisplatin. The affinity of these proteins to the interstrand cross-link of cisplatin is not very different from that to the major 1,2-GG intrastrand cross-link of this drug. In contrast, no recognition of the interstrand cross-link by the domain B lacking this region or by the domain A with or without this lysine-rich region attached to its C-terminus is noticed under conditions when these proteins readily bind to 1,2-GG intrastrand adduct. A structural model for the complex formed between the interstrand cross-linked DNA and the domain HMGB1b7 was constructed and refined using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics techniques. The calculated accessible areas around the deoxyribose protons correlate well with the experimental hydroxyl radical footprint. The model suggests that the only major adaptation necessary for obtaining excellent surface complementarity is extra DNA unwinding (approximately 40 degrees ) at the site of the cross-link. The model structure is consistent with the hypothesis that the enhancement of binding affinity afforded by the basic lysine-rich A/B linker is a consequence of its tight binding to the sugar-phosphate backbone of both DNA strands.  相似文献   

cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cisplatin) is a powerful anti-tumor drug whose target is cellular DNA. In the reaction between DNA and cisplatin, covalent intrastrand and interstrand cross-links (ICL) are formed. Two solution structures of the ICL have been published recently. In both models the double-helix is bent and unwound but with significantly different angle values. We solved the crystal structure at 100K of a double-stranded DNA decamer containing a single cisplatin ICL, using the anomalous scattering (MAD) of platinum as a unique source of phase information. We found 47 degrees for double-helix bending and 70 degrees for unwinding in agreement with previous electrophoretic assays. The crystals are stabilized by intermolecular contacts involving two cytosines extruded from the double-helix, one of which makes a triplet with a terminal G.C pair. The platinum coordination is nearly square and the platinum residue is embedded into a cage of nine water molecules linked to the cross-linked guanines, to the two amine groups, and to the phosphodiester backbone through other water molecules. This water molecule organization is discussed in relation with the chemical stability of the ICL.  相似文献   

The anticancer drug cisplatin reacts with DNA leading to the formation of interstrand and intrastrand cross-links that are the critical cytotoxic lesions. In contrast to cells bearing mutations in other components of the nucleotide excision repair apparatus (XPB, XPD, XPG and CSB), cells defective for the ERCC1-XPF structure-specific nuclease are highly sensitive to cisplatin. To determine if the extreme sensitivity of XPF and ERCC1 cells to cisplatin results from specific defects in the repair of either intrastrand or interstrand cross-links we measured the elimination of both lesions in a range of nucleotide excision repair Chinese hamster mutant cell lines, including XPF- and ERCC1-defective cells. Compared to the parental, repair-proficient cell line all the mutants tested were defective in the elimination of both classes of adduct despite their very different levels of increased sensitivity. Consequently, there is no clear relationship between initial incisions at interstrand cross-links or removal of intrastrand adducts and cellular sensitivity. These results demonstrate that the high cisplatin sensitivity of ERCC1 and XPF cells likely results from a defect other than in excision repair. In contrast to other conventional DNA cross-linking agents, we found that the repair of cisplatin adducts does not involve the formation of DNA double-strand breaks. Surprisingly, XRCC2 and XRCC3 cells are defective in the uncoupling step of cisplatin interstrand cross-link repair, suggesting that homologous recombination might be initiated prior to excision of this type of cross-link.  相似文献   

The effect of the single, site-specific interstrand cross-link formed by cisplatin or transplatin on the thermal stability and energetics of a 20-base pair DNA duplex is reported. The cross-linked or unplatinated 20-base pair duplexes were investigated with the aid of differential scanning calorimetry, temperature-dependent UV absorption, and circular dichroism. The cross-link of both platinum isomers increases the thermal stability of the modified duplexes by changing the molecularity of denaturation. The structural perturbation resulting from the interstrand cross-link of cisplatin increases entropy of the duplex and in this way entropically stabilizes the duplex. This entropic cross-link-induced stabilization of the duplex is partially but not completely compensated by the enthalpic destabilization of the duplex. The net result of these enthalpic and entropic effects is that the structural perturbation resulting from the formation of the interstrand cross-link by cisplatin induces a decrease in duplex thermodynamic stability, with this destabilization being enthalpic in origin. By contrast, the interstrand cross-link of transplatin is enthalpically almost neutral with the cross-link-induced destabilization entirely entropic in origin. These differences are consistent with distinct conformational distortions induced by the interstrand cross-links of the two isomers. Importantly, for the duplex cross-linked by cisplatin relative to that cross-linked by transplatin, the compensating enthalpic and entropic effects almost completely offset the difference in cross-link-induced energetic destabilization. It has been proposed that the results of the present work further support the view that the impact of the interstrand cross-links of cisplatin and transplatin on DNA is different for each and might also be associated with the distinctly different antitumor effects of these platinum compounds.  相似文献   

The DNA duplex d(CTCTCG*AGTCTC).d(GAGAC-TC*GAGAG) containing a single trans- diammine-dichloroplatinum(II) interstrand cross-link (where G* and C* represent the platinated bases) has been studied by two-dimensional NMR. All the exchangeable and non-exchangeable proton resonance lines were assigned (except H5'/H5") and the NOE intensities were transformed into distances via the RELAZ program. By combining the NOESY and COSY data (330 constraints) and NMR-constrained molecular mechanics using JUMNA, a solution structure of the cross-linked duplex has been determined. The duplex is distorted over two base pairs on each side of the interstrand cross-link and exhibits a slight bending of its axis ( approximately 20 degrees ) towards the minor groove. The platinated guanine G* adopts a syn conformation. The rotation results in a Hoogsteen-type pairing between the complementary G(6)* and C(19)* residues which is mediated by the platinum moiety and is stabilized by a hydrogen bond between O6(G(6)*) and N4H(C(19)*). The rise between the cross-linked residues and the adjacent residues is increased owing to the interaction between these adjacent residues and the ammine groups of the platinum moiety. These results are discussed in relation to the slow rate of closure of the monofunctional adducts into interstrand cross-links.  相似文献   

Nitrous acid is a mutagenic agent. It can induce interstrand cross-links in duplex DNA, preferentially at d(CpG) steps: two guanines on opposite strands are linked via a single shared exocyclic imino group. Recent synthetic advances have led to the production of large quantities of such structurally homogenous cross-linked duplex DNA. Here we present the high resolution solution structure of the cross-linked dodecamer [d(GCATCCGGATGC)]2 (the cross-linked guanines are underlined), determined by 2D NMR spectroscopy, distance geometry, restrained molecular dynamics and iterative NOE refinement. The cross-linked guanines form a nearly planar covalently linked 'G:G base pair' with only minor propeller twisting, while the cytidine bases of their normal base pairing partners have been flipped out of the helix and adopt well defined extrahelical positions in the minor groove. On the 5'-side of the cross-link, the minor groove is widened to accommodate these extrahelical bases, and the major groove becomes quite narrow at the cross-link. The cross-linked 'G:G base pair' is well stacked on the spatially adjacent C:G base pairs, particularly on the 3'-side guanines. In addition to providing the first structure of a nitrous acid cross-link in DNA, these studies could be of major importance to the understanding of the mechanisms of nitrous acid cross-linking and mutagenicity, as well as the mechanisms responsible for its repair in intracellular environments. It is also the shortest DNA cross-link structure to be described.  相似文献   

The processing of stalled forks caused by DNA interstrand cross-links (ICLs) has been proposed to be an important step in initiating mammalian ICL repair. To investigate a role of the XPF-ERCC1 complex in this process, we designed a model substrate DNA with a single psoralen ICL at a three-way junction (Y-shaped DNA), which mimics a stalled fork structure. We found that the XPF-ERCC1 complex makes an incision 5' to a psoralen lesion on Y-shaped DNA in a damage-dependent manner. Furthermore, the XPF-ERCC1 complex generates an ICL-specific incision on the 3'-side of an ICL. The ICL-specific 3'-incision, along with the 5'-incision, on the cross-linked Y-shaped DNA resulted in the separation of the two cross-linked strands (the unhooking of the ICL) and the induction of a double strand break near the cross-linked site. These results implicate the XPF-ERCC1 complex in initiating ICL repair by unhooking the ICL, which simultaneously induces a double strand break at a stalled fork.  相似文献   

Linker DNA bending induced by the core histones of chromatin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Yao  P T Lowary  J Widom 《Biochemistry》1991,30(34):8408-8414
We have previously reported that ionic conditions that stabilize the folding of long chromatin into 30-nm filaments cause linker DNA to bend, bringing the two nucleosomes of a dinucleosome into contact [Yao, J., Lowary, P. T., & Widom, J. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 7603-7607]. Dinucleosomes are studied because they allow the unambiguous detection of linker DNA bending through measurement of their nucleosome-nucleosome distance. Because of the large resistance of DNA to bending, the observed compaction must be facilitated by the histones. We have now tested the role of histone H1 (and its variant, H5) in this process. We find that dinucleosomes from which the H1 and H5 have been removed are able to compact to the same extent as native dinucleosomes; the transition is shifted to higher salt concentrations. We conclude that histone H1 is not essential for compacting the chromatin filament. However, H1 contributes to the free energy of compaction, and so it may select a single, ordered, compact state (the 30-nm filament, in long chromatin) from a family of compact states which are possible in its absence.  相似文献   

Blank and Goodman [(1997): Bioelectromagnetics 18:111–115] suggest that weak extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields affect intracellular DNA directly. We show that such a conclusion is not in accord with physical principles. Bioelectromagnetics 19: 136–137, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Repair of interstrand DNA cross-links (ICLs) in Escherichia coli can occur through a combination of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination. However, an alternative mechanism has been proposed in which repair is initiated by NER followed by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and completed through another round of NER. Using site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotides that serve as a model for potential repair intermediates following incision by E. coli NER proteins, the ability of E. coli DNA polymerases (pol) II and IV to catalyze TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs was determined. No biochemical evidence was found suggesting that pol II could bypass these lesions. In contrast, pol IV could catalyze TLS when the nucleotides that are 5' to the cross-link were removed. The efficiency of TLS was further increased when the nucleotides 3' to the cross-linked site were also removed. The correct nucleotide, C, was preferentially incorporated opposite the lesion. When E. coli cells were transformed with a vector carrying a site-specific N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICL, the transformation efficiency of a pol II-deficient strain was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. However, the ability to replicate the modified vector DNA was nearly abolished in a pol IV-deficient strain. These data strongly suggest that pol IV is responsible for TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs.  相似文献   

The C4'-oxidized abasic site (C4-AP) forms two types of interstrand cross-links with the adjacent nucleotides in DNA. Previous experiments revealed that dG does not react with the lesion and that formation of one type of cross-link is catalyzed by the opposing dA. iso-Guanosine·dC and 2-aminopurine·dT base pairs were used to determine why dG does not cross-link with C4-AP despite its well known reactivity with other bis-electrophiles. 7-Deaza-2'-deoxyadenosine was used to probe the role of the nucleotide opposite C4-AP in the catalysis of interstrand cross-link formation.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA interstrand cross-links is a multistep process, critical to which is production of incisions at the site of the lesion resulting in the unhooking of the cross-link from DNA. We have previously shown that XPF is involved in production of incisions at the site of a psoralen interstrand cross-link and that in Fanconi anemia, complementation group A (FA-A) cells, there is a deficiency in these incisions. We now demonstrate that in FA complementation group B, C, D2, F, and G cells there is also a deficiency in production of these incisions. Involvement of FA proteins in this process is demonstrated by the ability of FA cells, corrected with the appropriate FANC cDNAs, to produce these incisions and by inhibition of these incisions by antibodies against these proteins. This incision deficiency correlates with reduced levels of DNA repair synthesis in these cells and is not due to reduced levels of XPF. FA proteins could be influencing this incision process by interacting either with proteins involved in the unhooking step or with damaged DNA, acting as a damage sensor. The results also demonstrate that FA cells are undergoing apoptosis by 12 h after interstrand cross-link damage. It is thus proposed that the single-strand breaks known to be created in DNA during apoptosis could mask the deficiency in ability of FA cells to incise cross-linked DNA and could account for the reported discrepancy as to whether FA cells are deficient in the incision step of the repair process.  相似文献   

Interstrand DNA cross-link damage is a severe challenge to genomic integrity. Nucleotide excision repair plays some role in the repair of DNA cross-links caused by psoralens and other agents. However, in mammalian cells there is evidence that the ERCC1-XPF nuclease has a specialized additional function during interstrand DNA cross-link repair, beyond its role in nucleotide excision repair. We placed a psoralen monoadduct or interstrand cross-link in a duplex, 4-6 bases from a junction with unpaired DNA. ERCC1-XPF endonucleolytically cleaved within the duplex on either side of the adduct, on the strand having an unpaired 3' tail. Cross-links that were cleaved only on the 5' side were purified and reincubated with ERCC1-XPF. A second cleavage was then observed on the 3' side. Relevant partially unwound structures near a cross-link may be expected to arise frequently, for example at stalled DNA replication forks. The results show that the single enzyme ERCC1-XPF can release one arm of a cross-link and suggest a novel mechanism for interstrand cross-link repair.  相似文献   

Proteins that discriminate between cisplatin-DNA adducts and oxaliplatin-DNA adducts are thought to be responsible for the differences in tumor range, toxicity, and mutagenicity of these two important chemotherapeutic agents. However, the structural basis for differential protein recognition of these adducts has not been determined and could be important for the design of more effective platinum anticancer agents. We have determined high-resolution NMR structures for cisplatin-GG and undamaged DNA dodecamers in the AGGC sequence context and have compared these structures with the oxaliplatin-GG structure in the same sequence context determined previously in our laboratory. This structural study allows the first direct comparison of cisplatin-GG DNA and oxaliplatin-GG DNA solution structures referenced to undamaged DNA in the same sequence context. Non-hydrogen atom rmsds of 0.81 and 1.21 were determined for the 15 lowest-energy structures for cisplatin-GG DNA and undamaged DNA, respectively, indicating good structural convergence. The theoretical NOESY spectra obtained by back-calculation from the final average structures showed excellent agreement with the experimental data, indicating that the final structures are consistent with the NMR data. Several significant conformational differences were observed between the cisplatin-GG adduct and the oxaliplatin-GG adduct, including buckle at the 5' G6.C19 base pair, opening at the 3' G7.C18 base pair, twist at the A5G6.T20C19 base pair step, slide, twist, and roll at the G6G7.C19C18 base pair step, slide at the G7C8.C18G17 base pair step, G6G7 dihedral angle, and overall bend angle. We hypothesize that these conformational differences may be related to the ability of various DNA repair proteins, DNA binding proteins, and DNA polymerases to discriminate between cisplatin-GG and oxaliplatin-GG adducts.  相似文献   

The human PMS2 gene encodes one of the bacterial mutL homologs that is associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). One of the interesting features of the hPMS2 gene is that it is part of a multiple gene family which is localized on chromosome bands 7p22, 7p12-p13, 7q11, and 7q22. Here we report four newly identified hPMS2-like (PMS2L) genes. All four novel members of the PMS2L gene family encode relatively short polypeptides composed of the amino-terminal portion of hPMS2 and are expressed ubiquitously except in the heart. To clarify whether the PMS2L polypeptides contribute to the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway through an interaction with hMLH1, we have performed a yeast two-hybrid assay and an immunoprecipitation study using an hPMS2 mutant cell line, HEC-1-A. Our results clearly indicate that hMLH1 does not interact with two representative PMS2Ls, whereas the carboxyl-terminal portion of hPMS2, not the amino-terminal portion, does interact with hMLH1. Thus, PMS2Ls are not likely to participate in the MMR pathway through association with hMLH1; they must play some other roles in the living cells.  相似文献   

Cisplatin [cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) or cis-DDP], but not its stereoisomer transplatin, is suggested to be among the most powerful anticancer agents. It is believed that its therapeutic activity results from its interaction with DNA forming intra- and interstrand crosslinks. During our earlier investigations, we have observed a prominent preference of the linker histone H1 for binding to cis-platinated DNA (containing several different cross-links along the DNA fragment) compared with unmodified or transplatin-modified DNA. This report presents our recent experimental data obtained by band-shift analysis on the binding of H1 to a cisplatin-modified synthetic 34 bp DNA fragment containing a single target d(GG/CC) for 1,2 cis-intra-platination. Results obtained with another nuclear protein with similar DNA-binding properties, HMGB1, are also presented. The experimental data throw light on the precise preference of histone H1 for binding to different types of cisplatin-created cross-links in DNA.  相似文献   

The diepoxide mycotoxin (2R, 3R, 8R, 9R)-4,6-decadiyne-2,3:8,9-diepoxy-1,10-diol (repandiol) was both isolated from the mushroom Hydnum repandum and synthesized de novo. Repandiol was found to form interstrand cross-links within a restriction fragment of DNA, linking deoxyguanosines on opposite strands primarily within the 5'-GNC and 5'-GNNC sequences preferred by diepoxyoctane. However, repandiol was a significantly less efficient cross-linker than either of the diepoxyalkanes (diepoxyoctane and diepoxybutane) to which it was compared.  相似文献   

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