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RNA synthesis was studied at different phases of the cell cycle of chick embryo fibroblasts, which were synchronized by medium replacement in the confluent phase. The synthesis of DNA started at 4 hr and continued for 8 hr. RNA synthesis increased with time after medium change. The ratio of total amount of radioactivity in nuclear RNA prepared at 0, 2 and 8 hr was 1.0:1.03:5.05. The distribution of radioactive RNA in the sedimentation pattern was similar, showing remarkable incorporation in 45S region of ribosomal precursor RNA. The base composition of newly synthesized RNA, however, varied at different time intervals after medium replacement. Even within the G1 phase, the molar percentage of G and C was quite different. Treatment with actinomycin D at a concentration of 0.02 μg/ml for 1 hr specifically inhibited ribosomal RNA synthesis. At 2 hr after medium change, ribosomal and AU-rich RNA including larger than 28S were synthesized in about equal amounts.  相似文献   

—Dissociated cells from brains of 7-day chick embryos were grown in primary culture for as long as 20 days. Many of the plated cells grew out long processes. Others, which proliferated rapidly, formed a confluent layer of flat cells after 4-6 days. Total DNA and protein increased five-fold, and activity of choline acetyltransferase (EC2.3.1.6) increased about 40-fold in 20 days. Acetylcholinesterase (EC3.1.1.7) increased three-fold by the fourth day of culture and then declined. The pattern of increase for choline acetyltransferase was similar to that for the in vivo development of the enzyme. l -Thyroxine, cyclic AMP (adenosine-3′,5′-monophosphate) or theophylline promoted increased levels of both enzymes by 30-200 per cent. l -Thyroxine also increased the activity of acetylcholinesterase in vivo by 40 per cent. When overgrowth by flat cells was prevented by the addition of 10-3m -5-flourouracil, there was a decrease in the activity of choline acetyltransferase and an increase in the activity of acetylcholinesterase in comparison to control activities. The addition of 10-3m -morphine or cocaine produced a 30 per cent elevation in the activity of choline acetyltransferase, but this effect could be mimicked with equimolar concentrations of ammonium ion.  相似文献   

The distribution, ultrastructure, and chemistry of microfilaments in cultured chick embryo fibroblasts were studied by thin sectioning of flat-embedded untreated and glycerol-extracted cells, histochemical and immunological electron microscopic procedures, and the negative staining of cells cultured on electron microscopic grids. In these cultured cells, the microfilaments are arranged into thick bundles that are disposed longitudinally and in looser arrangements in the fusiform-shaped cells. In the latter case, they are concentrated along the margins of the flattened cell, on the dorsal surface, and particularly at the ends of the cell and its ventral surface, where contact is made with the plastic dish or with other cells. Extracellular filaments, presumably originating from within the cell, are found at these points of contact. The microfilaments are composed in part of an actin-like protein. These filaments are between 70 and 90 Å in diameter, they are stable in 50% glycerol, they have an endogenous ATPase (myosin-like?) associated with them, they bind rabbit muscle heavy meromyosin, and they specifically bind antibody directed against isolated actin-like protein. In the cultured chick embryo fibroblasts, the microfilaments are essential for the establishment and maintenance of form, and they are probably critical elements for adhesion and motility. The microfilaments might also serve as stabilizers of intramembranous particle fluidity.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and RNA synthesis during mitosis were studied by autoradiography on mammalian tissue culture cells. Protein synthesis was followed by incubating hamster epithelial and human amnion cells for 10 or 15 minutes with phenylalanine-C14. To study RNA synthesis the hamster cells were incubated for 10 minutes with uridine-C14. Comparisons of the synthetic capacity of the interphase and mitotic cells were then made using whole cell grain counts. The rate of RNA synthesis decreased during prophase and reached a low of 13 to 16 per cent of the average interphase rate during metaphase-anaphase. Protein synthesis in the hamster cells showed a 42 per cent increase during prophase with a subsequent return to the average interphase value during metaphase-anaphase. The human amnion cells showed no significant change at prophase but there was a 52 to 56 per cent drop in phenylalanine incorporation at metaphase-anaphase as compared to the average interphase rate. Colcemide was used on the hamster cells to study the effect of a prolonged mitotic condition on protein and RNA synthesis. Under this condition, uridine incorporation was extremely low whereas phenylalanine incorporation was still relatively high. The drastic reduction of RNA synthesis observed under mitotic conditions is believed to be due to the coiled condition of the chromosomes. The lack of a comparable reduction in protein synthesis during mitosis is interpreted as evidence for the presence in these cells of a relatively stable messenger RNA.  相似文献   

—Tritium-labelled RNA precursors were injected at 30 min intervals into the fourth ventricle of rats or rabbits. After 4 h the nuclei from neurones, astrocytes, and other glial cells were isolated and RNA extracted. Investigations were performed in order to establish optimum conditions for RNA extraction from this particular material. The sedimentation patterns obtained in sucrose gradients were similar to those of nuclear RNA from other mammalian tissues and showed the presence of RNA species with high specific activities in the region of the gradient between 10S and 16S and above 28S. All three types of nuclei contained a 45S and a 38S RNA. Moreover, a 32S component could be identified in astrocytic nuclei, a 35S fraction in neuronal nuclei, and both a 32S and 35S RNA in nuclei from glial cells. The nuclei from the various cell types also differ with respect to the rate of incorporation of the label into the nuclear RNA, being four times higher in astrocytic and neuronal nuclei than in those derived from the other glial cells.  相似文献   

Cortisol can prematurely induce glutamine synthetase activity in the chick embryo retina. Under appropriate conditions, this effect can be enhanced by addition of low levels of actinomycin D; this enhancement is reversibly inhibited by cycloheximide. The magnitude of the effect is a function of time of exposure to hormone as well as antibiotic and is also a function of the age of the embryo; within the limits of the present study it did not appear to be a function of actinomycin-D concentration. The data are discussed in terms of current ideas of possible control mechanisms in animal cells.  相似文献   

Culturing of chick embryo fibroblasts in the presence of colchicine or cytochalasin B with and without concanavalin A (Con A) demonstrated that colchicine induces greater neosynthesis of endocellular type I collagen, whereas cytochalasin B boosts secretion. The effects are modified by the addition of Con A, which increases α2more than a1 chain production.3H-thymidine incorporation is unaffected by cytochalasin B, but stimulated by colchicine. Con A neutralizes the stimulatory action of colchicine. It would therefore seem that Con A exerts transmembrane control of effects induced by colchicine and cytochalasin B by binding to cell surface receptors and so triggering rearrangement of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

鸡胚早期神经系统发育中凋亡细胞的分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究鸡胚18S(Stage)神经系统发育中凋亡细胞的分布及其生物学意义。采用HNK-1和TUNEL免疫组化双染及改变切片方向的方法观察了神经管和神经嵴的凋亡细胞,结果显示:凋亡的细胞在间隔10张横向切片上呈非均匀分布,但在矢状切面凋亡细胞有节段性分布趋势。体节处连续神经嵴没有发现凋亡细胞,而体节与体节之间神经嵴迁离神经管呈游离状并有凋亡细胞,神经管腹侧面体节处间充质细胞呈现细胞凋亡节段性分布。结果表明:鸡胚早期神经系统发育中选择性发生细胞凋亡作用。  相似文献   

Chinese hamster cells in the mitotic and G1 phases of the growth cycle were incubated for 30 or 60 min in suspension tissue culture and pulse-labeled with tritiated uridine. After appropriate chases, washes, and extractions, it was found that all incorporation into the nucleic acid may be accounted for by those cells in interphase. An average of 410 counts was found for incorporation into the cell population (approximately 2.0 x 105 cells) of which over 80% of the cells was initially in mitosis. The increasing number of cells leaving mitosis and entering interphase during the 30 min incubation was theoretically able to account for 470 counts. In addition, short-pulse labeling experiments have shown a consistent linear relationship between the percentage of cells in division and the incorporation of the isotope, which strongly suggests that, if 100% of the cells were in mitosis, the counts would be essentially zero. Thus, the entire label may be attributed to those cells in interphase where portions of the chromosomal material are known to be already extended.  相似文献   

–Acetylcholinesterase has been assayed at different stages of development to see whether changes in the activity of this enzyme are correlated in any way with the ontogenesis of electrical activity in the brain of growing chick embryo. The specific activity of the enzyme was highest in the synaptosomal fraction of the brain. The activity of the enzyme increased progressively with the age of the embryo. There were three isozymic forms of the enzyme in the 6-day-old embryo brain. A new isozyme appeared around the 9th day. The Km values of the enzyme for acetylthiocholine from 6- and 20-day-old embryo brains were 6.5 ± 10-5m and 3.3 ± 10-5m respectively. Enzyme preparations from 6-day-old embryos were found to lose 50 per cent of their activity when heated at 50°C for 10 min. Under similar conditions the loss in activity in 18-day-old embryo brain enzyme was 22 per cent.  相似文献   

Abstract— Primary cultures of glial cells prepared from brains of newborn rats were grown for 1 week and then exposed to 5 × 10−4 m -pentobarbital (PB) for 4 weeks. Compared with glial cells grown in drug-free medium throughout, exposure to PB significantly increased hexokinase activity, primarily in its mitochondrial form. Furthermore, cellular protein and RNA concentrations were significantly higher in barbiturate-cultivated than in control cells. Pulse labelling with [3H]thymidine after 4 weeks of PB exposure resulted in a significant increase (332%) in 3H incorporation into mitochondrial DNA while 3H incorporation into nuclear DNA was reduced by 58%. In addition, there was a time dependent increase in the size and number of mitochondria as determined in electron micrographs. These results are interpreted to reflect an increased mitochondrial metabolism in glial cells after chronic exposure to the barbiturate and may constitute a compensatory mechanism to the depressant action of this drug.  相似文献   

p-Fluorophenylalanine (PFPA), an analogue of phenylalanine which may be incorporated into proteins, increases the duration of mitosis. In the present experiments, based upon quantitative analyses of time-lapse cinemicrographic films, brief treatments of cells with PFPA are shown to affect the duration of metaphase in only those cells which enter division during or shortly after treatment. The offspring of cells with prolonged metaphases also tend to have prolonged metaphases. Analyses of the kinetics of the appearance of prolonged metaphases indicate that some protein specifically associated with mitosis is synthesized primarily during a period which corresponds closely to G2. The manner in which the defect is passed on to daughter cells indicates that the protein involved is conserved and reutilized by daughter cells for their subsequent divisions. Comparable experiments performed with low concentrations of puromycin indicate that the major effect of PFPA is due to its incorporation into protein rather than its ability to inhibit protein synthesis. The fact that puromycin-induced effects can also be passed on to daughter cells is interpreted to mean that cells make only specific amounts of some mitosis-associated proteins and that if a cell "inherits" a deficiency in such protein it is not able to compensate for the deficiency.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that cells in the 6-day old embryonic chick lens epithelium elongate in tissue culture. In the present study, the time course of elongation during the 1st day of cultivation has been examined histologically. Cultured epithelia were also treated with cycloheximide or colchicine in order to determine if cell elongation depends on new protein synthesis and on the utilization of microtubules, respectively. In the first 5 hr of culture, the mean cell length increased from 11 µ to 21 µ. Subsequently, elongation was slower; the mean cell length was 28 µ after 24 hr in culture. Continuous exposure to cycloheximide did not inhibit the initial doubling of cell length, but did prevent further elongation. By contrast, colchicine inhibited elongation almost immediately. When added after the cell length had doubled, cycloheximide and colchicine each inhibited further elongation; the treated cells remained columnar. Radioautographic and electrophoretic tests showed that protein synthesis was not appreciably affected by colchicine, but was suppressed by cycloheximide. Electron microscopic examination revealed that microtubules oriented along surface membranes were present in epithelia cultured with serum alone and with cycloheximide, but not in those incubated with colchicine. These results indicate that the early stages of cell elongation in the cultured lens epithelium require an initial assembly and organization of preexisting microtubular elements and that continued elongation depends, in addition, on the de novo synthesis of protein, possibly microtubule protein.  相似文献   

Abstract— Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity against tryptamine was compared in a number of continuous rodent lines, including neuroblastoma, hepatoma, melanoma, nephroma, sarcoma and L cells. Activities against tryptamine varied over 300-fold in homogenates of different lines, being highest in hepatoma line MH1C1 and lowest in a neuroblastoma line lacking hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) activity. The amount, but not the type, of MAO activity varied with the stage of growth in homogenates of neuroblastoma and hepatoma cells. Measurements of succinate-cytochrome c reductase (SCCR), another mitochondrial enzyme, also showed 20-fold variations between lines, being highest in neuroblastoma line N1E-115 and lowest in hepatoma line MH1C1; SCCR and MAO activities appeared to be regulated independently. The relative proportions of the A and B types of MAO activity were determined in homogenates and living cultures. Clorgyline inhibition of tryptamine deamination in homogenates indicated that in all lines except MH1C1, greater than 95% of the MAO activity was of the A type. In MH1C1 homogenates, using clorgyline or deprenyl, 40–70% of the activity appeared to be of the A type and 30-60% of the B type. In cultures of neuroblastoma N1E-115 cells, deamination of tryptamine and dopamine was sensitive to inhibition by low concentrations of clorgyline, indicating that the A type of activity is present intracellularly. as in homogenates. In MH1C1 hepatoma cultures, tryptamine deamination showed a biphasic sensitivity to clorgyline. We interpret this to mean that A and B types of MAO activity occur together in living hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

The 5 day chick embryo liver cell still lacks many of the ultrastructural features of the adult liver cell. During organ culture on rafts over Eagle's medium, it develops electron-opaque mitochondria with granules, biliary microvilli, and compact Golgi complexes containing what appears to be secretory material. Rough ER proliferates and free ribosomes become bound to membrane. Thus, the 5 day cell, exposed only to simple nutrients (glucose, amino acids, vitamins) develops the general appearance of the adult liver cell except for the continued absence of smooth ER and glycogen. The significance of this incomplete differentiation and the factors controlling development are discussed in the light of accompanying metabolic changes.  相似文献   

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