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Two strains of Escherichia coli K-12, a lac + wild type and a lac- auxotroph, were grown both as pure and mixed cultures, using a serial transfer procedure. Four different growth media were employed, consisting of the same minimal salts solution, but different total concentrations of the sugars lactose, arabinose, and glucose (in proportions 5:4:1). Population densities and genotypic frequencies were assayed every 48 hours, at the time of transfer. Population density of the pure lac+ culture was greater than that of the pure lac- culture for all media; this was expected, since the latter cannot utilize lactose. Mixed cultures quickly approached the same density as the corresponding lac+ controls, and the frequency of the lac+ genotype increased steadily for all media. Trajectories of Λ = log (P ÷ Q) were strictly nonlinear, indicating a dependence of the selective differential on population density and genotypic frequency. The rate of substitution decreased slightly with increasing sugar concentration, contrary to theoretical expectation. It was speculated that either the generation interval was longer for denser cultures (higher substrate concentrations) or that buildup of organic by-products reduced the selective differential in denser cultures. For a single medium, however, the behavior of competing genotypic strains was reasonably well predicted by theoretical models of frequency and density-dependent selection, the parameters of which may be related to the experimental inputs.  相似文献   

The distribution of RNA in cells of E. coli 15 T-U- labeled with uridine-H3 was studied by methods involving the analysis of radioautographic grain counts over random thin cross-sections and serial sections of the cells. The results were correlated with electron microscope morphological data. Fractionation and enzyme digestion studies showed that a large proportion of the label was found in RNA uracil and cytosine, the rest being incorporated as DNA cytosine. In fully labeled cells the distribution of label was found to be uniform throughout the cell. The situation remained unchanged when labeled cells were subsequently treated with chloramphenicol. When short pulses of label were employed a localization of a large proportion of the radioactivity became apparent. The nuclear region was identified as the site of concentration. Similar results were obtained when cells were exposed to much longer pulses of uridine-H3 in the presence of chloramphenicol. If cells were subjected to a short pulse of cytidine-H3, then allowed to grow for a while in unlabeled medium, the label, originally concentrated to some extent in the nuclear region, was found dispersed throughout the cell. The simplest hypothesis which accounts for these results is that a large fraction of the cell RNA is synthesized in a region in or near the nucleus and subsequently transferred to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The effect of shifting zygotes from a rich medium into a poor medium (shift-down) on the frequency of recombination has been examined; our results suggest that protein syntheses other than those required for growth may be involved. Experiments with chloramphenicol support this notion, and further suggest that there is a competition between genetic integration and degradation in the recipient cells. By inhibiting protein synthesis one can shift the competition in favor of either integration or segregation, depending on the physiological state of the zygotes. By calculating the time required for segregation as one generation, we conclude that the recombination chromosome is homozygous at the time of integration.  相似文献   

Jonathan T. Ou 《Genetics》1975,80(3):401-419
At pH 6.8, a substantial fraction of recombinant colonies obtained from conjugation with an HfrH donor contained multiple recombinant classes in a single colony (polygenotype colony). In contrast, when the conjugation was performed at pH 7.6, the number of polygenotypic colonies was drastically reduced, and the recombinant colonies were predominantly monogenotypic or digenotypic. Genetic analysis revealed that the digenotypic recombinants differ in those donor markers near the origin of DNA replication but share those donor markers near the terminus. This integration pattern suggests that the formation of digenotypic recombinants involves recombination of a single copy of the exogenome with a partially replicated recipient DNA molecule. This suggestion was supported by examination of the genotype of recombinant colonies recovered from crosses with an HfrKL96 donor which was derived from HfrH but transfers its chromosome in the reverse direction.  相似文献   

Cellular copper homeostasis requires transmembrane transport and compartmental trafficking while maintaining the cell essentially free of uncomplexed Cu2+/+. In bacteria, soluble cytoplasmic and periplasmic chaperones bind and deliver Cu+ to target transporters or metalloenzymes. Transmembrane Cu+-ATPases couple the hydrolysis of ATP to the efflux of cytoplasmic Cu+. Cytosolic Cu+ chaperones (CopZ) interact with a structural platform in Cu+-ATPases (CopA) and deliver copper into the ion permeation path. CusF is a periplasmic Cu+ chaperone that supplies Cu+ to the CusCBA system for efflux to the extracellular milieu. In this report, using Escherichia coli CopA and CusF, direct Cu+ transfer from the ATPase to the periplasmic chaperone was observed. This required the specific interaction of the Cu+-bound form of CopA with apo-CusF for subsequent metal transfer upon ATP hydrolysis. As expected, the reverse Cu+ transfer from CusF to CopA was not observed. Mutation of CopA extracellular loops or the electropositive surface of CusF led to a decrease in Cu+ transfer efficiency. On the other hand, mutation of Met and Glu residues proposed to be part of the metal exit site in the ATPase yielded enzymes with lower turnover rates, although Cu+ transfer was minimally affected. These results show how soluble chaperones obtain Cu+ from transmembrane transporters. Furthermore, by explaining the movement of Cu+ from the cytoplasmic pool to the extracellular milieu, these data support a mechanism by which cytoplasmic Cu+ can be precisely directed to periplasmic targets via specific transporter-chaperone interactions.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The development of three 8-liter and four 12-liter cultures of the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Gonyaulax monilata was followed for 4 months. Weekly estimates were made of population levels of this chain-forming flagellate, along with incidence of cells in chains and toxicity to fish. Guppies ( Lebistes reticulatus ) were used to assay toxicity. Populations reached a peak when cultures were 3–5 weeks old, declined during weeks 6–10, and tended to stabilize thereafter thru the 17th (final week). The percentage of cells in chains was related to the slope of the population curve; rapidly increasing populations had the highest proportion of long chains, suggesting that incidence of chains is an index of the growth phase in G. monilata. Peak toxicity was not reached until culture populations had been steadily declining for a month, indicating that most toxin is released by autolysis. The reproducibility of culture population and toxicity levels recommend the methods used for future studies.  相似文献   

An extracellular nuclease from Bacillus firmus VKPACU-1 was multifunctional enzyme, this nuclease hydrolyzed poly U rapidly and more preferentially than the other homopolyribonucleotides. Hydrolysis of RNA this enzyme released mononucleotides in the order 5′UMP > 5′AMP > 5′GMP where as in hydrolysis of DNA the mononucleotides in the order of 5′dAMP > 5′dGMP > 5′dTMP and oligonucleotides. Uridylic linkages in RNA and adenylic linkages in DNA were preferentially cleaved by the nuclease. Nuclease produced oligonucleotides having only 3’ hydroxyl and 5’ phosphate termini. Present nuclease hydrolyzed RNA and DNA released oligonucleotides as major end products and mononucleotides, suggesting an endo mode of action.  相似文献   

The clinical course of tetanus is notable, in addition to its often dramatic clinical presentation, by the long duration of the neuromuscular symptoms. Survivors may have tetanic manifestations for several weeks after the onset of the disease. In this article we correlate the duration of specific electrophysiologic effects produced by tetanus toxin with the degradation of cell-associated toxin in primary cultures of mouse spinal cord neurons. From these studies we can conclude that the toxin has a half-life of 5-6 days. Both the heavy and the light chains of tetanus toxin degrade at similar rates. Labeled toxin, visualized by radioautography, is associated with neuronal cell bodies and neurites, and its distribution is not altered during a 1-week period following toxin exposure. Blockade of synaptic activity persists for weeks at the concentration of radiolabeled toxin used in these studies. This blockade of transmission is reversed as the toxin is degraded, suggesting that degradation of toxin may be a sufficient mechanism for recovery from tetanus.  相似文献   

Population dynamics, rate of root penetration, and external root feeding behavior of Pratylenchus agilis (Pa) in monoxenic cultures of intact corn seedlings and root explants of corn, tomato, and soybean were studied. In descending order of suitability as hosts were I. O. Chief corn, Rutgers tomato, and Williams soybean. Soybean entries Kent, Pickett 71, PI 90763, and Essex were poor hosts. Numbers of eggs and vermiform Pa in the agar medium indicated total fecundity and host suitability. Agar, sand, or soil as support media did not appear to affect Pa root penetration, but the rate of corn root growth did. Whereas most vermiform Pa and eggs were in roots, substantial numbers appeared able to feed and complete their life cycle as ectoparasites on root epidermal cells and root hairs.  相似文献   

Male fertility in Plantago lanceolata is controlled by the interaction of cytoplasmic and nuclear genes. Different cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) types can be either male sterile or hermaphrodite, depending on the presence of nuclear restorer alleles. In three CMS types of P. lanceolata (CMSI, CMSIIa, and CMSIIb) the number of loci involved in male fertility restoration was determined. In each CMS type, male fertility was restored by multiple genes with either dominant or recessive action and capable either of restoring male fertility independently or in interaction with each other (epistasis). Restorer allele frequencies for CMSI, CMSIIa and CMSIIb were determined by crossing hermaphrodites with ``standard' male steriles. Segregation of male steriles vs. non-male steriles was used to estimate overall restorer allele frequency. The frequency of restorer alleles was different for the CMS types: restorer alleles for CMSI were less frequent than for CMSIIa and CMSIIb. On the basis of the frequencies of male steriles and the CMS types an ``expected' restorer allele frequency could be calculated. The correlation between estimated and expected restorer allele frequency was significant.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeveral genetic variants including PSCA rs2294008 C>T and rs2976392 G>A, MUC1 rs4072037 T>C, and PLCE1 rs2274223 A>G have shown significant association with stomach cancer risk in the previous genome-wide association studies (GWASs).MethodsTo evaluate associations of these SNPs in the Han Chinese, an independent hospital based case-control study was performed by genotyping these four polymorphisms in a total of 692 stomach cancer cases and 774 healthy controls acquired by using frequency matching for age and gender. False-positive report probability (FPRP) analysis was also performed to validate all statistically significant findings.ResultsIn the current study, significant association with stomach cancer susceptibility was observed for all the four polymorphisms of interest. Specifically, a significant increased stomach cancer risk was associated with PSCA rs2294008 (CT vs. CC: adjusted OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.07–1.74, and CT/TT vs.CC: adjusted OR = 1.30, 95% CI = 1.03–1.63), PSCA rs2976392 (AG vs. GG: adjusted OR = 1.30, 95% CI = 1.02–1.65, and AG/AA vs. GG: adjusted OR = 1.26, 95% CI = 1.00–1.59), or PLCE1 rs2274223 (AG vs. AA: adjusted OR = 1.48, 95% CI = 1.15–1.90, and AG/GG vs. AA: adjusted OR = 1.45, 95% CI = 1.14–1.84), respectively. In contrast, MUC1 rs4072037 was shown to decrease the cancer risk (CT vs. TT: adjusted OR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.60–0.98). Patients with more than one risk genotypes had significant increased risk to develop stomach cancer (adjusted OR = 1.30, 95% CI = 1.03–1.64), when compared with those having 0–1 risk genotypes. Stratified analysis indicated that the increased risk was more pronounced in younger subjects, men, ever smokers, smokers with pack years ≤ 27, patients with high BMI, or non-cardia stomach cancer.ConclusionsThis study substantiated the associations between four previous reported genetic variants and stomach cancer susceptibility in an independent Han Chinese population. Further studies with larger sample size and different ethnicities are warranted to validate our findings.  相似文献   

We investigated the possibility of using starter cultures in sauerkraut fermentation and thereby reducing the quantity of salt used in the process. This, in turn, would reduce the amount of waste salt that would enter in our water resources. Phage, naturally present in sauerkraut fermentation, could potentially affect the starter cultures introduced. Thus, a mechanistic mathematical model was developed to quantify the growth kinetics of the phage and starter cultures. The model was validated by independent experiments with two Leuconostoc mesenteroides strains isolated from sauerkraut and their corresponding phage. Model simulations and experimental evidence showed the presence of phage-resistant cell populations in starter cultures which replaced phage-sensitive cells, even when the initial phage density (P0) and multiplicity of infection (MOI) were low (P0 < 1 × 103 PFU/ml; MOI < 10−4) in the MRS media. Based on the results of model simulation and parameter optimization, it was suggested that the kinetic parameters of phage-host interaction, especially the adsorption rate, vary with the initial phage and host densities and with time. The model was validated in MRS broth. Therefore, the effects of heterogeneity and other environmental factors, such as temperature and pH, should be considered to make the model applicable to commercial fermentations.  相似文献   

Within an isogenic microbial population in a homogenous environment, individual bacteria can still exhibit differences in phenotype. Phenotypic heterogeneity can facilitate the survival of subpopulations under stress. As the gram-positive bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum grows, it acidifies the growth medium to a low pH. We have examined the growth of L. plantarum microcolonies after rapid pH downshift (pH 2 to 4), which prevents growth in liquid culture. This acidification was achieved by transferring cells from liquid broth onto a porous ceramic support, placed on a base of low-pH MRS medium solidified using Gelrite. We found a subpopulation of cells that displayed phenotypic heterogeneity and continued to grow at pH 3, which resulted in microcolonies dominated by viable but elongated (filamentous) cells lacking septation, as determined by scanning electron microscopy and staining cell membranes with the lipophilic dye FM4-64. Recovery of pH-stressed cells from these colonies was studied by inoculation onto MRS-Gelrite-covered slides at pH 6.5, and outgrowth was monitored by microscopy. The heterogeneity of the population, calculated from the microcolony areas, decreased with recovery from pH 3 over a period of a few hours. Filamentous cells did not have an advantage in outgrowth during recovery. Specific regions within single filamentous cells were more able to form rapidly dividing cells, i.e., there was heterogeneity even within single recovering cells.  相似文献   

BackgroundGenetic variants of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein (NOD) may influence the outcome of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection and gastric carcinogenesis. To explore genetic variants of NOD1 and NOD2 in association with gastric cancer (GC) and its precursors, a population-based study was conducted in Linqu County, China.MethodsTagSNPs of NOD1 and NOD2 were genotyped by Sequenom MASS array in 132 GCs, and 1,198 subjects with precancerous gastric lesions, and were correlated with evolution of gastric lesions in 766 subjects with follow-up data.ResultsAmong seven tagSNPs, NOD1 rs2709800 and NOD2 rs718226 were associated with gastric lesions. NOD1 rs2709800 TG genotype carriers had a decreased risk of intestinal metaplasia (IM, OR: 0.53; 95% CI: 0.31–0.92), while NOD2 rs718226 G allele (AG/GG) showed increased risks of dysplasia (DYS, OR: 2.96; 95% CI: 1.86–4.71) and GC (OR: 2.35; 95% CI: 1.24–4.46). Moreover, an additive interaction between rs718226 and H. pylori was found in DYS or GC with synergy index of 3.08 (95% CI: 1.38–6.87) or 3.99 (95% CI: 1.55–10.22), respectively. The follow-up data indicated that NOD2 rs2111235 C allele (OR: 0.52; 95% CI: 0.32–0.83) and rs7205423 G allele (OR: 0.56; 95% CI: 0.35–0.89) were associated with decreased risk of progression in H. pylori-infected subjects.ConclusionsNOD1 rs2709800, NOD2 rs718226, rs2111235, rs7205423 and interaction between rs718226 and H. pylori infection may be related to risk of gastric lesions.  相似文献   

Research on hMLH1 and hMSH2 mutations tend to focus on Lynch syndrome (LS) and LS-like colorectal cancer (CRC). No studies to date have assessed the role of hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes in mass sporadic CRC (without preselection by MSI or early age of onset). We aimed to identify novel hMLH1 and hMSH2 DNA variants, to determine the mutation frequencies and sites in both sporadic and LS CRC and their relationships with clinicopathological characteristics of CRC in Northeast of China. 452 sporadic and 21 LS CRC patients were screened for germline and somatic mutations in hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes with PCR–SSCP sequencing. We identified 11 hMLH1 and seven hMSH2 DNA variants in our study cohort. Six of them were novel: four in hMLH1 gene (IVS8-16 A>T, c.644 GAT>GTT, c.1529 CAG>CGG and c.1831 ATT>TTT) and two in hMSH2 gene (−39 C>T, insertion AACAACA at c.1127 and deletion AAG at c.1129). In sporadic CRC, germline and somatic mutation frequencies of hMLH1/hMSH2 gene were 15.59% and 17.54%, respectively (p = 0.52). Germline mutations present in hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes were 5.28% and 10.78%, respectively (p<0.01). Somatic mutations in hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes were 6.73% and 11.70%, respectively (p = 0.02). In LS CRC, both germline and somatic mutation frequencies of hMLH1/hMSH2 gene were 28.57%. The most prevalent germline mutation site in hMSH2 gene was c.1168 CTT>TTT (3.90%), a polymorphism. Somatic mutation frequency of hMLH1/hMSH2 gene was significantly different in proximal, distal colon and rectal cancer (p = 0.03). Our findings elucidate the mutation spectrum and frequency of hMLH1 and hMSH2 genes in sporadic and LS CRC, and their relationships with clinicopathological characteristics of CRC.  相似文献   

The phenotype of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying rho-15 in the genetic background DW319 ilv lacZ::IS1 is described. Seventy-eight percent (70/90) of Ilv+ transductants acquired the following phenotype: temperature-sensitive growth on minimal salts medium, Ts+ growth on complex medium and suppression of the lac polar mutation. At 42 degrees on minimal medium, the rho-15 transductants were cross-fed by a substance diffusing from Rho+ transductants or controls. The requirement for this substance was satisfied by methionine or cystathionine, but not by any other single amino acid or combination of amino acids, by spermidine, or by mono- or divalent cationic salts.--Transduction of rho-15 into four other Ilv- recipients revealed two phenotypic patterns. Recipients with rpsL or rpsE ribosomes yielded rho-15 transductants that were Ts on all media, or Ts on minimal medium whether or not methionine was present. The effect of the ribosome on expression of rho-15 was confirmed by transduction of appropriate rps alleles into DW319, followed by co-transduction of rho-15 with Ilv+. The growth rate of double rho-15 rpsL or rho-15 rpsE strains was severely reduced at 42 degrees in comparison with strains carrying any of these single mutations. Models for rho and ribosome interaction are presented.  相似文献   

The effects of amino acid variants encoded by the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II on the development of classical type 1 diabetes (T1D) and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) have not been fully elucidated. We retrospectively investigated the HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 genes of 72 patients with classical T1D and 102 patients with LADA in the Japanese population and compared the frequencies of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 alleles between these patients and the Japanese populations previously reported by another institution. We also performed a blind association analysis with all amino acid positions in classical T1D and LADA, and compared the associations of HLA-DRB1 and -DQB1 amino acid positions in classical T1D and LADA. The frequency of DRß-Phe-13 was significantly higher and those of DRß-Arg-13 and DQß-Gly-70 were significantly lower in patients with classical T1D and LADA than in controls. The frequencies of DRß-His-13 and DQß-Glu-70 were significantly higher in classical T1D patients than in controls. The frequency of DRß-Ser-13 was significantly lower and that of DQß-Arg-70 was significantly higher in LADA patients than in controls. HLA-DRß1 position 13 and HLA-DQß1 position 70 could be critical amino acid positions in the development of classical T1D and LADA.  相似文献   

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