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Translational control plays a major role in early development, differentiation and the cell cycle. In this review, we focus on the four main mechanisms of translational control by 3' untranslated regions: 1. Cytoplasmic polyadenylation and deadenylation; 2. Recruitment of 4E binding proteins; 3. Regulation of ribosomal subunit binding; 4. Post-initiation repression by microRNAs. Proteins with conserved functions in translational control during development include cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding proteins (CPEB/Orb), Pumilio, Bruno, Fragile X mental retardation protein and RNA helicases. The translational regulation of the mRNAs encoding cyclin B1, Oskar, Nanos, Male specific lethal 2 (Msl-2), lipoxygenase and Lin-14 is discussed.  相似文献   

Animal genomes contain hundreds of microRNAs (miRNAs), small regulatory RNAs that control gene expression by binding to complementary sites in target mRNAs. Some rules that govern miRNA/target interaction have been elucidated but their general applicability awaits further experimentation on a case-by-case basis. We use here an assay system in transgenic nematodes to analyze the interaction of the Caenorhabditis elegans lsy-6 miRNA with 3' UTR sequences. In contrast to many previously described assay systems used to analyze miRNA/target interactions, our assay system operates within the cellular context in which lsy-6 normally functions, a single neuron in the nervous system of C. elegans. Through extensive mutational analysis, we define features in the known and experimentally validated target of lsy-6, the 3' UTR of the cog-1 homeobox gene, that are required for a functional miRNA/target interaction. We describe that both in the context of the cog-1 3' UTR and in the context of heterologous 3' UTRs, one or more seed matches are not a reliable predictor for a functional miRNA/target interaction. We rather find that two nonsequence specific contextual features beyond miRNA target sites are critical determinants of miRNA-mediated 3' UTR regulation. The contextual features reside 3' of lsy-6 binding sites in the 3' UTR and act in a combinatorial manner; mutation of each results in limited defects in 3' UTR regulation, but a combinatorial deletion results in complete loss of 3' UTR regulation. Together with two lsy-6 sites, these two contextual features are capable of imparting regulation on a heterologous 3' UTR. Moreover, the contextual features need to be present in a specific configuration relative to miRNA binding sites and could either represent protein binding sites or provide an appropriate structural context. We conclude that a given target site resides in a 3' UTR context that evolved beyond target site complementarity to support regulation by a specific miRNA. The large number of 3' UTRs that we analyzed in this study will also be useful to computational biologists in designing the next generation of miRNA/target prediction algorithms.  相似文献   

T cell activation results from the integration of signals generated through the T cell antigen receptor-CD3 complex with those from additional positive and negative regulatory pathways mainly mediated by the engagement of costimulatory receptors on T cells. Disruption of this balance leads to a defective immune response or alternative over-activation of the immune system. CTLA-4 plays a critical role in downregulating T cell responses. Autoimmune diseases have shown genetic linkage to the CTLA4 locus. In this report we demonstrate that the 3' UTR of CTLA4 regulates firefly luciferase reporter gene expression, can confer instability to CTLA4 mRNA and can influence its translation efficiency in vitro.  相似文献   

杨秀芹  刘慧  郭丽娟  关庆芝  许尧  刘娣 《遗传》2008,30(6):741-746
以野猪、民猪和大白猪为研究对象, 根据网上公布的序列设计了7对引物, 采用测序、PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP方法对CAPN1基因的部分外显子和3′UTR区进行了单核苷酸多态性检测和基因型分析, 探讨CAPN1基因多态性与瘦肉率和嫩度的关系。研究发现11个SNPs, 其中5个位于外显子, 4个位于内含子, 2个位于3′UTR区, 外显子中的突变有一处是错义突变, 导致了蛋白质多肽链第260位氨基酸发生了M/V的替代。群体遗传学分析表明, 在所检测的各多态位点上, 野猪、民猪、大白猪3个品种间不同基因型的分布都存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01), 而野猪和民猪之间各基因型的分布差异不显著(P>0.05), 民猪和大白猪之间各基因型的分布存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01)。结合品种特性分析表明, P4、P6引物和3′ UTR区HinfⅠ位点所检测的不同基因型和瘦肉率具有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

以野猪.民猪和大白猪为研究对象,根据网上公布的序列设计了7对引物,采用测序,PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP方法对CAPN1基因的部分外显子和3'UTR区进行了单核苷酸多态性检测和基因型分析,探讨CAPN1基因多态性与瘦肉率和嫩度的关系.研究发现11个SNPs,其中5个位于外显子,4个位于内含子,2个位于3'UTR区,外显子中的突变有一处是错义突变,导致了蛋白质多肽链第260位氨基酸发生了M/V的替代.群体遗传学分析表明,在所检测的各多态位点上,野猪、民猪、大白猪3个品种间不同基因型的分布都存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01),而野猪和民猪之间各基因型的分布差异不显著(P>0.05),民猪和大白猪之间各基因型的分布存在着极显著的差异(P<0.01).结合品种特性分析表明,P4、P6引物和3'UTR区Hinf1位点所检测的不同基因型和瘦肉率具有一定的相关性.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the possible influence of a 3' untranslated region (3' UTR) polymorphism of the IL12B gene in susceptibility to Trypanosoma cruzi infection or in the development to cardiomyopathy in Chagas' disease (CD). We determined the IL12B 3' UTR genotypes in a sample of 200 seronegative individuals and 260 serologically positive patients (130 with Chagasic cardiomyopathy and 130 asymptomatic). All individuals are from a Colombian region where T. cruzi infection is endemic. Genotyping was performed by the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) method. The overall distribution of the IL12B 3' UTR alleles and genotypes in seronegative compared with seropositive individuals was not statistically significant. Interestingly, we found that the IL12B 3' UTR CC genotype was significantly increased among cardiomyopathic patients when compared to asymptomatic individuals (16% versus 5%; P=0.005; P(c)=0.015; OR=3.39; 95% CI 1.3-9.15). In addition, we observed that the IL12B 3' UTR C allele was present at significantly higher frequency in cardiomyopathic (33% versus 22%; P=0.008; P(c)=0.016; OR=1.69; 95% CI 1.12-2.55) as compared to asymptomatic. Our results suggest that IL12B 3' UTR gene polymorphisms may influence the susceptibility to develop Chagasic cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibits insulin signaling and, when overexpressed, plays a role in insulin resistance (Ahmad et al. 1997). We identified, in the 3' untranslated region of the PTP1B gene, a 1484insG variation that, in two different populations, is associated with several features of insulin resistance: among male individuals, higher values of the insulin resistance HOMA(IR) index (P=.006), serum triglycerides (P=.0002), and total/HDL cholesterol ratio (P=.025) and, among female individuals, higher blood pressure (P=.01). Similar data were also obtained in a family-based association study by use of sib pairs discordant for genotype (Gu et al. 2000). Subjects carrying the 1484insG variant showed also PTP1B mRNA overexpression in skeletal muscle (6,166 plus minus 1,879 copies/40 ng RNA vs. 2,983 plus minus 1,620; P<.01). Finally, PTP1B mRNA stability was significantly higher (P<.01) in human embryo kidney 293 cells transfected with 1484insG PTP1B, as compared with those transfected with wild-type PTP1B. Our data indicate that the 1484insG allele causes PTP1B overexpression and plays a role in insulin resistance. Therefore, individuals carrying the 1484insG variant might particularly benefit from PTP1B inhibitors, a promising new tool for treatment of insulin resistance (Kennedy and Ramachandran 2000).  相似文献   

Inconsistent with prevailing models for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) in mammals, the mRNA levels of immunoglobulin-mu (Ig-mu) genes with premature termination codons (PTCs) in the penultimate exon are still reduced by NMD when the intron furthest downstream is deleted. As in yeast, this exon junction complex-independent NMD of Ig-mu mRNAs depends on the distance between the termination codon and the poly(A) tail and suggests an evolutionarily conserved mode of PTC recognition.  相似文献   

Prediction of splice sites in non-coding regions of genes is one of the most challenging aspects of gene structure recognition. We perform a rigorous analysis of such splice sites embedded in human 5' untranslated regions (UTRs), and investigate correlations between this class of splice sites and other features found in the adjacent exons and introns. By restricting the training of neural network algorithms to 'pure' UTRs (not extending partially into protein coding regions), we for the first time investigate the predictive power of the splicing signal proper, in contrast to conventional splice site prediction, which typically relies on the change in sequence at the transition from protein coding to non-coding. By doing so, the algorithms were able to pick up subtler splicing signals that were otherwise masked by 'coding' noise, thus enhancing significantly the prediction of 5' UTR splice sites. For example, the non-coding splice site predicting networks pick up compositional and positional bias in the 3' ends of non-coding exons and 5' non-coding intron ends, where cytosine and guanine are over-represented. This compositional bias at the true UTR donor sites is also visible in the synaptic weights of the neural networks trained to identify UTR donor sites. Conventional splice site prediction methods perform poorly in UTRs because the reading frame pattern is absent. The NetUTR method presented here performs 2-3-fold better compared with NetGene2 and GenScan in 5' UTRs. We also tested the 5' UTR trained method on protein coding regions, and discovered, surprisingly, that it works quite well (although it cannot compete with NetGene2). This indicates that the local splicing pattern in UTRs and coding regions is largely the same. The NetUTR method is made publicly available at www.cbs.dtu.dk/services/NetUTR.  相似文献   

Many cytokine mRNAs exhibit a conserved, AU-rich motif in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of the molecule. Such sequence elements have been implicated in the regulation of mRNA turnover and as potential translational regulators. We report on the identification of a 3 base pair insertion which disrupts the AU motif of the TNF-alpha gene in the NZW, B10.KPA44, SM/J and Mus spretus mice and an insertion of an 8 base pair sequence into the 3' AU motif of the IL-10 gene in the Mus Spretus mouse. The mutation in the AU motif of the TNF-alpha gene correlates with reduced production of this cytokine by peritoneal macrophages from these mouse strains.  相似文献   

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