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The biggest male grayling present on a spawning area was strongly territorial and developed more aggressive behaviours than smaller males. However, its spawning frequency was similar to that of Smaller males.  相似文献   

An important aim of organic animal production is to allow natural animal behaviour. Regarding reproduction techniques, artificial insemination is permitted but natural mating is preferred. The outdoor multi-sire system, where the sows are placed in large paddocks with a group of boars, is one example of a service system, which complies well with the organic ideals of facilitating natural animal behavior. However, very little knowledge is available about such system. Seven groups of in total of 47 sows and 31 boars were observed to study the mating behavior in an outdoor multi-sire mating system and the subsequent reproduction results. The time of start of courtship, behavior and the cause of disruption if the courtship was terminated, were recorded each time a boar courted a sow. All aggressive interactions between the boars were also recorded to estimate the boar ranking order. The observations revealed numerous poor quality matings, a huge variation in the number of times sows are mated, and overworked boars. Only 35% of all copulations lasted 2 min or more and 63% of all copulations were disrupted, mainly by competitor boars. The higher social status of the boar, the more copulations did it disrupt (p < 0.05). The outcome was an unacceptable variation in reproduction results. Only 71% of all estrus sows conceived, corresponding to a pregnancy rate of 77% of all mated sows. A large inter-group variation in reproduction performance was observed, indicating scope for improvements. In some groups all sows showed estrus and all sows conceived. Recommendations for improvement of the system are proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The mating behaviour of Cotesia flavipes Cameron, 1891 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was observed under laboratory conditions. The results demonstrate that chemical stimuli play an important role in bringing males and females together for mating. Females from this species release chemical compounds to attract males, which exhibit a distinct courtship behaviour divided into three main steps: (i) antennation, (ii) lateral bouncing and (iii) wing fluttering. Ethological tests using hexane extracts from two different parts of the female's body (head plus thorax and abdomen) demonstrate that males are more attracted and also display a courtship behaviour when a filter paper containing hexane extracts from the abdomen is presented to them, indicating that the abdomen is the source of the sex pheromone of this species. Naive males of this species respond to hexane extracts of this gland by displaying courtship behaviour. Furthermore, additional tests show that C. flavipes females mate only once, whereas virgin males do not show any preference for virgin or mated females, suggesting that mated females of this species continue to produce sex attractants after mating.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of Agromyza frontella was studied under laboratory conditions. Adults were able to mate on the day of emergence, with no evident periodicity throughout the photophase. The host plant was essential for mating to occur, its presence affecting female receptivity rather than male copulatory behavior. Males generally entered a stationary phase once in the proximity of a female, before undertaking a final approach. This stationary behavior frequently resulted in male aggregations around a female, and under such conditions males exhibited a characteristic wing vibrating behavior. As male wing vibration was not an essential behavior for successful mating, and rarely occurred during male encounters in the absence of females or when only one male was near a female, it was considered as being primarily a male-male signal. The majority of females that mated exhibited an ovipositor pumping behavior that stimulated the male approach. However, such behavior was not essential to attract mates, as dead females elicited the entire sequence of male mating behavior. This suggested the presence of a cuticular sex pheromone, as reported for other species of higher Diptera. Whole virgin female (<24- h or 3- day-old) hexane extracts applied to male cadavers increased the time males spent on the plant, the number of contacts with the treated cadavers, the incidence of attempted copulations, and the wing vibrating behavior between males compared with controls using untreated cadavers. The results obtained indicate that females control copulation in A. frontella and that both semiochemical and visual cues are important in eliciting male mating behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of male and female body size, and correlated characteristics, on male mating behaviour were investigated in the western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis . Because larger females typically have larger broods in Gambusia sp., it was predicted that males would attempt more copulations with larger females. Two-way ANOVA showed that female body size was a significant predictor of male mating behaviour but male size was not. The effects of a suite of additional traits (both male and female) on male mating attempts were also tested. In a stepwise multiple regression, female standard length ( L S), size of the female gravid spot and male testes mass were significant predictors of male mating attempts, accounting for c. 27% of variation in male mating. Path analysis showed that differences between male and female L S, male body condition and male testes mass were significant predictors of male mating attempts, and also accounted for 27% of the variation in male mating attempts. The two statistical models were very similar in their predictive power, but differed slightly in significant predictor variables. Results confirm that factors other than female size are important predictors of male mating behaviour in the western mosquitofish.  相似文献   

Two predatory fly species, Lispe consanguinea Loew, 1858 and L. tentaculata DeGeer, 1776, inhabit the supralittoral zone at the shore of a fresh-water reservoir. Both species look alike and possess similar "badges," reflective concave silvery scales on the face. Flies occupy different lek habitats. Males of the first species patrol the bare wet sand on the beach just above the surf. Males of the second species reside on the more textured heaps of algae and stones. Courtship and aggressive behaviour of males was video-recorded and analysed frame by frame. Visual stimuli provided by the conspecific partner were computed in the body-fixed space of a fly observer. Males of L. consanguinea perform long pedestrian dances of pendulating circular arcs (frequency 2 s(-1), median radius 2.5 cm, linear velocity 0.130 m/s). Right and left side runs are equally probable. Circular runs are interrupted by standby intervals of average duration 0.35 s. The female views the male as a target covering 2 by 2 ommatidia, moving abruptly with the angular velocity over 200 degrees/s in a horizontal direction down the path of about 50 degrees till the next standpoint. Dancing is evenly distributed around the female. On the contrary, the male fixates the image of the female within the narrow front sector (median +/-10 degrees); the target in his view has 6-7 times less angular velocity and angular span of oscillations, and its image in profile overlays 6-8 by 2 ommatidia. If the female walks, the male combines tracking with voluntary circular dances. Rival males circle about one another at a distance shorter than 15 mm, but not in close contact. Males of L. tentaculata are capable of similar circular courting dances, but do so rarely. Usually they try to mount any partner immediately. In the latter species, male combat consists of fierce wrestling. Flies of both species often walk sideward and observe the partner not in front but at the side.  相似文献   

Abstract. Male euglossine bees (Apidae: Euglossini) collect volatile substances (fragrances) from floral and nonfloral sources and store them in hair‐filled cavities in their hind tibiae. Over time, males accumulate large quantities of complex and species‐specific blends of fragrances. Various hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour, including the idea that fragrance stores reflect the genetic quality of individual males and have evolved through sexual selection and female choice. Clear support of this hypothesis is lacking, largely because male–female interactions are both rare and difficult to observe in nature. Here, we report a flight cage experiment performed in Panama that permitted mating between virgin females (raised from brood cells) and males captured in the forest at fragrance baits. In the cage, eight individually marked males defended small territories around vertical perch sites and showed a characteristic display, which included a previously unreported ‘leg‐crossing’ movement, possibly related to fragrance release. A total of six copulations and three copulatory attempts by Euglossa hemichlora were observed and partly recorded on video. The copulations, all of which were initiated by the female landing on a male perch, were short (4–10 s) and showed no signs of the transfer of chemical substances from male to female. In some cases, the male hovered directly over the female before descending to mount her, possibly facilitating fragrance evaluation by the female. After the experiment, the contents of the males' hind legs were analysed by gas chromatography‐mass spectroscopy, which detected complex mixtures of terpenoids and aromatics (totalling 70 different compounds) dominated by hexahydrofarnesyl acetone, farnesene epoxide, ocimene and p‐dimethoxy benzene. Individual total amounts of fragrances were neither related to display activity or perch occupancy by given males, nor to the frequency of matings achieved. Display activity was the only positive correlate of mating frequency. Generally, individuals had uniformly large amounts of stored fragrances in comparison to a previous study of three other species of Panamanian Euglossa.  相似文献   

雌性信息素在麻点豹天牛成虫交尾行为中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对麻点豹天牛Coscinesthes salicisGressitt成虫交尾行为的观察,发现雌、雄成虫间明显存在着性引诱物质的诱导现象,作者采用溶剂从雌虫体上提取出该物质,并对其生物活性及雄虫的感应方式进行检测,结果证明该信息素提取物在成虫的交尾行为中起着较为关键的作用,雄虫依靠此信息物来寻找和识别雌虫。应用提取物对雄虫所诱发的交尾行为反应与正常状态下的行为相似,经测定雄虫对该性信息素提取物的感应方式主要是接触感应。  相似文献   

Abstract. The mode of reproduction of tsetse flies, by adenotrophic viviparity, is unusual among the Diptera and is associated with many unique aspects of the tsetse's mating system. Tsetse exist at relatively low densities in the environment but a combination of olfactory and visual stimuli brings males and virgin females together on or around host animals. The behavioural repertoire associated with mate location and identification, courtship and copulation is regulated by external physical and chemical stimuli as well as by internal physiological mechanisms. With a view to identifying stimuli that could be used to manipulate tsetse behaviour and exploited for control purposes, much progress has been made in recent years in elucidating the mating behaviour of tsetse and its regulatory mechanisms. This progress and the current state of understanding of tsetse mating behaviour is reviewed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In laboratory trials, mating behaviour of males of Lobesia botrana Den. and Schiff. (Lep., Tortricidae) was investigated after treatment with an electrostatically chargeable powder, EntostatTM. Male moths were powdered with either blank Entostat or Entostat containing sex pheromone. Significantly more Entostat adhered to L. botrana males when sex pheromone was added to the powder compared with blank Entostat. Powdering male moths with Entostat, with or without sex pheromone, caused a significant reduction in antennal response when antennae were placed 2 cm away in downwind direction, while there was little effect when antennae were placed 25–100 cm from the EAG in downwind direction. In a flight study, powdering males of L. botrana caused significant increase in time before flight initiation and reduction in proportion of males making contact with calling females compared with untreated males. In a mating experiment in Petri dishes (to minimize required search time to locate female), significantly fewer females mated successfully (based on dissection of bursa copulatrix) when males had been treated with pheromone-loaded powder. Overall, powdering males of L. botrana caused considerable suppression of mating behaviour on various levels, and these suppressing effects were increased after adding sex pheromone to Entostat.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour in Lutzomyia longipalpis Lutz and Neiva (Diptera: Psychodidae) was examined to determine the sequence of behaviours that occur prior to copulation. Courtship consisted of a series of male and female touching and wing-flapping behaviours, with males performing a greater variety of wing-flapping behaviours than previously described. Occurrence of male approach-flapping, semi-circling and female stationary-flapping were all predictors of eventual copulation, and may coincide with the dispersal of pheromones or the production of auditory signals important to courtship. Touching occurred in the majority of observations, with contact most often made with the tips of the legs and antennae. This behaviour, not previously described in sandflies, was initiated by males and females, and may indicate the use of contact pheromones, a form of communication previously overlooked in L. longipalpis. Future studies are required to separate the auditory and chemical signals associated with wing-flapping, and to confirm whether L. longipalpis possesses cuticular hydrocarbons capable of inducing behavioural responses. The identification of signals that inhibit sexual behaviour during courtship may be particularly relevant to developing mating disruption techniques against L. longipalpis.  相似文献   

Courtship behaviour of males of the Afrotropical sandfly Phlebotomus duboscqi Neveu-Lemaire (Diptera: Psychodidae) involved mounting the female and clasping her 'waist' with the male coxites placed between the female's thorax and abdomen. This behaviour, which we call 'piggy-backing', was preceded by male wing beating, perhaps involving mate recognition and contact pheromones. It did not seem to be pre- or postcopulatory mate guarding. Piggy-backing was attempted by P. duboscqi males on females of other species (P. papatasi and P. perniciosus) and even on other male P. duboscqi. The majority of female P. duboscqi piggy-backed by males were already inseminated, and most of the courting did not lead to copulation. This, coupled with the presence of a mating plug (semen) in each spermatheca of inseminated females, suggests that female P. duboscqi are monogamous for at least the first gonotrophic cycle. Male courtship with piggy-backing was more intense when females could feed on a hamster than when a hamster was present but the females were denied access to the host. It is suggested that, when a hamster was available to the females, the conditions in the laboratory are similar to those in rodent holes, the natural habitat of P. duboscqi.  相似文献   

The mating success of individually identified males of a stream goby, Rhinogobius sp. CB (cross‐band type), was recorded over one breeding season. One to 3 year‐old males were active in mating, but 3 year‐old males, which accounted for 36% of the population, amounted to c . 70% of the total males guarding eggs in the nest. Three quarters of the breeding males had only one brooding cycle, but the others had two or three. All the latter males changed their nest sites between cycles within a riffle. In 1 and 2 year‐old males, the number of brooding cycles contributed more to the mating success than egg mass size in one brooding cycle. For mating success of 3 year‐old males, the egg mass size in one brooding cycle, which can be enhanced by spawning with a large female or multiple females, was as important as the number of brooding cycles. These male reproductive tactics could be attributed to the age‐related ability of nest construction and mate acquisition.  相似文献   

The magnitude of inbreeding depression is often larger in traits closely related to fitness, such as survival and fecundity, compared to morphological traits. Reproductive behaviour is also closely associated with fitness, and therefore expected to show strong inbreeding depression. Despite this, little is known about how reproductive behaviour is affected by inbreeding. Here we show that one generation of full‐sib mating results in a decrease in male reproductive performance in the least killifish (Heterandria formosa). Inbred males performed less gonopodial thrusts and thrust attempts than outbred males (δ = 0.38). We show that this behaviour is closely linked with fitness as gonopodial performance correlates with paternity success. Other traits that show inbreeding depression are offspring viability (δ = 0.06) and maturation time of males (δ = 0.19) and females (δ = 0.14). Outbred matings produced a female biased sex ratio whereas inbred matings produced an even sex ratio.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Contact chemoreception is important in female recognition by Teleogryllus oceanicus (Le Guillou) males. Antennal contact of female conspecifics, body regions, detached antennae and conditioned substrate elicited mostly courtship responses including courtship songs. Aggressive acts were produced only in response to male conspecifics. Male body regions, detached antennae and conditioned substrate elicited very few courtship or aggressive acts and no songs. This suggests that one or several communication modes, in addition to chemical communication, are necessary to elicit aggressive responses. Acheta domesticus (L.) males cannot rely upon chemical cues for recognition of either sex. Responses to conspecifics suggest that A. domesticus males produce aggressive acts immediately after antennal contact with either sex. Aggressive response to males usually persists, but response to females often switches to courtship. Responses to body regions, detached antennae, and conditioned substrate were few, with courtship and aggressive responses elicited by both male- and female-generated stimuli. The importance of contact chemoreception in cricket communication is suggested by (1) failure of hexane-washed antennae to elicit aggressive or courtship acts, and (2) males spending more time in contact with body regions and conditioned substrates than with corresponding controls. Lack of response to male or female odour-laden air suggests that chemical signals are used by males only if directly contacted. Chemical and other signals supplement the obvious use of acoustic signals for intra- and intersexual communication in these crickets. The importance of multimodal communication in sex recognition is discussed.  相似文献   

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