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This study describes the behavioral repertoire of a mature colony of Ectatomma opaciventre Roger. Twenty-eight different behavioral acts were recorded from 4538 individual observations. There was evidence of age polyethism, with young workers performing significantly more brood care and allogrooming than older workers. Experiments were also performed to investigate the behavioral organization of nest relocation in E. opaciventre. This complex social behavior was regulated by a few workers which specialized in transporting nestmates, including other workers, winged gynes, males, and the queen. Winged gynes were also observed performing adult transport. The carrying posture utilized in E. opaciventre is similar to that in other ponerines, although some idiosyncratic features were detected.  相似文献   

Summary This study provides quantitative field data on the natural history and foraging behaviour of the Neotropical bromeliad-nesting ant Gnamptogenys moelleri (Ponerinae) in a sandy plain forest in Southeast Brazil. The ant nested on different bromeliad species and the nests were more frequently found in bigger bromeliads. The species used a wide array of invertebrates in its diet, hunting for live prey and scavenging the majority of the items from dead animals. The food items varied greatly in size (1 to 26 mm). Hunting was always performed by solitary workers. Retrieving was performed by solitary workers (small items), or by a group of 3 to 12 workers recruited to the food source (large items). Almost all G. moelleri foraging activity was restricted to the nest bromeliad. In the warm period more ants left the nest to forage, and foraging trips achieved greater distances compared to the cool season. Trap data revealed that overall availability of arthropod prey is higher in the summer than in the winter. The opportunism in nest site use and in foraging behaviour, the small foraging area, as well as the seasonal differences in foraging activity are discussed and compared with other tropical ants.Received 30 May 2003; revised 22 September 2003; accepted 3 October 2003.  相似文献   

Summary During laboratory experiments, two categories of prey-foraging workers were found inEctatomma ruidum: stingers and transporters. When numerous live drosophila were offered to the ants, one group of hunters specialized in killing the prey and another in transporting simultaneously the dead drosophila to the nest. Sometimes, there was a transfer of prey by a stinger towards a transporter, after an active soliciting of the transporter by antennation or by using the forelegs. We found high positive correlations between the colony size and the number of ants in each subcaste. A negative correlation existed between the colony size and the proportion of hunters. However, the proportion of workers in the two behavioral subcastes of hunters was stable in spite of differences in colony size. The phylogenetic interest of this type of cooperative predation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We examined division of labor and colony demography in the antPonera pennsylvannica. Observation of three colonies with individually marked workers revealed a high degree of interindividual behavioral variation and a rough but consistent division of labor between brood tenders and foragers. This division was present both in colonies consisting entirely of workers produced in the previous summer and in colonies containing freshly eclosed ants. Two colonies showed typical age-based polyethism, with young ants focusing on brood care and overwintered ants on foraging. No such age basis was detected in the third colony. This difference may relate to variability in brood production schedules. Colonies showing temporal polyethism had two peaks of brood production and thus had relatively large brood populations when the first young workers eclosed, while the third colony had only one peak and little brood for the young workers to tend. Even if young ants have a lower threshold for brood care, it may have been concealed in the latter situation. Demographic data indicate that natural colonies produce one brood per year and that workers typically eclose into colonies with relatively low brood care demands. This suggests that overwintered workers do most of a colony's work and that the division of labor among overwintered ants is the more important one under natural conditions. The basis of this division is as yet unknown. These results also suggest that small colony size, univoltine brood schedule and a close association between foraging and brood care do not preclude division of labor among specialized castes, as has been suggested for another ponerine species (Traniello 1978).  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes the food recruitment strategy of the antTetramorium bicarinatum, at both the individual and collective levels. The general organisation of recruitment used by this species during the exploitation of sucrose solutions shows similarities with group recruitment described for other species. However, our experiments demonstrate that inT. bicarinatum, the first trail laid by a recruiter during its return trip to the nest is more efficient than in other species using group recruitment, for exampleTetramorium impurum. Moreover, the efficiency of the first trail of aT. bicarinatum recruiter is comparable with that ofTapinoma erraticum, a species that uses mass recruitment. Despite the efficiency of the trail, choice experiments show that the recruited workers prefer to follow the leader rather than the first trail, suggesting the emission of a more attractive signal by the leader on its way back to the food. The function of the leader in this strategy is discussed in terms of collective decisions.  相似文献   

Summary Centromyrmex bequaerti is a ponerine ant of the African equatorial forest which nests in the termitaries of diverse Termitinae and Macrotermitinae, occupying several chambers and galleries of the termitaries and preying on their guests. This species presents four traits convergent with termitolestic Myrmicinae: a parasitic nesting habit (but shelters directly in the cavities of the termitaries and not in the walls), blind workers, a strong dimorphism between the queens (20 mm in length) and the workers (from 5.75 to 12 mm total length) and polymorphism in the worker caste. We recorded two other traits considered as evolutionarily-derived: oligogyny, a kind of polygyny (the societies include up to 13 queens, but each queen lives in a separate cavity of the termitary) and large colon size. Behavioural observations show that there is a relationship between worker size and polyethism in this species. Although workers of all size classes participate in hunting, the media are more often engaged in this activity and the largest workers guard the nest entrance.  相似文献   

F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):163-167
Summary Group recruitment during foraging was observed in a primitive ponerine ant,Amblyopone sp. (reclinata group) under laboratory condition. Workers searched for prey singly; however, if a item of prey was stung by a worker, other ants joined the attack. After the prey became immobile, one of the workers laid a trail directly toward the nest. This scout worker recruited additional workers (between 3 and 33). They formed a single file procession to the point of prey capture, and cooperatively transported the prey. A scout worker could stimulate nest workers to leave the nest without direct contact, and the recruited workers could trace the trail without guidance by the scout worker. This is the first report of recruitment behavior during foraging in the primitive antAmblyopone.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of marked individuals of Ectatomma ruidum and E. tuberculatum (Formicidae: Ponerinae) was observed on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, in order to determine whether learning of orientation and timing is involved when foraging on patchy resources on the forest floor. Foraging experiments under seminatural conditions were designed to control for the spatiotemporal distribution of resources at one or two preying sites. Using both single- and multi–event past experience, individual foragers of E. ruidum and (although less significantly) E. tuberculatum made directional and temporal adjustments to their behavior in response to previous differential foraging success. In spite of considerable individual variation in foraging efficiency, it is hypothesized that the observed differences in cognitive abilities can be invoked to explain ecological differences among both species.  相似文献   

Summary Little information is available regarding the raiding behavior in nature of dulotic ants belonging to the tribeLeptothoracini. Between July 17 and 24, 1991, several raids ofChalepoxenus muellerianus (Finzi) were observed in nature near Tignale/Lago di Garda, Italy. Apparently, this species raids frequently during its summer raiding season (5 raids were observed during 7 days spent observing 8 colonies). A singleChalepoxenus colony sometimes raids more than one host colony more or less simultaneously. Observations during which oneChalepoxenus colony raided another and captured slavemaker brood indicate that intraspecific raids can occur either accidentally, or as a result of competition or territoriality when there is a sufficient dense slavemaker population.  相似文献   

Summary Colony composition and behavior of queens in the ponerine antOdontomachus rixosus were investigated in Bogor (West Java) and Ulu Gombak (Penisular Malaysia). The colonies had multiple dealate queens, with a maximum of 82 queens per colony. Majority of queens (92.4%) were inseminated and laid eggs, however, the degree of ovarian development slightly varied among individual queens. Queen behavior was observed for one colony in laboratory. Reproductive condition of individual queens was related with behavioral profiles. Virgin queens and mated queens having less developed ovaries engaged in foraging, larval care and grooming workers while fertile mated queens performed egg care and grooming queens. Aggressive interactions among coexisting queens were not observed.  相似文献   

By presenting different kinds of food sources to colonies ofM. sabuleti, we have demonstrated that this species regulates its foraging activity by altering the proportion of scouts that return to the nest to recruit nestmates after discovering a food source and by varying the number of nestmates recruited by a scout. These two parameters are related to the kind of food discovered. Our behavioral experiments showed that the probability that a scout returned to the nest decreased with a decreasing quantity of sucrose solution. In contrast, the number of returned scouts that elicited recruitment from the nest and the mean number of nestmates recruited by one of these scouts were independent of the quantity of the sucrose solution. Recruitment even occurred toward a 1- or 0.25-µl droplet of sucrose solution. When a scout discovered a large dead prey, a large drop of prey juice, a cluster of 30 dead fruit flies, or 1 isolated fruit fly, it always went back to the nest, but it elicited recruitment only when the food source was a large dead prey or a large drop of prey juice. No recruitment occurred when the food source was a single fruit fly and recruitment occurred only once in 30 trials when a cluster of 30 fruit flies was discovered.  相似文献   

Summary Leptogenys sp. 13 (nearkraepelini) exclusively hunts on earwigs (Gonolabis electa andParalabis sp.). This unusual kind of prey specialization is shown by field data, prey midden investigations, and prey selection experiments. The adaptive value of the species' prey specialization is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Leptogenys propefalcigera Roger in southeastern Brazil feeds exclusively on oniscid isopods, showing a strong preference for one of two species. The ant shows a conspicuous nomadic behavior, with frequent nest relocations. The significance of these features is compared with other species ofLeptogenys and specialized predatory ants.  相似文献   

Summary. In central Mexico, the ant Brachymyrmex obscurior Forel feeds on nectar produced by extrafloral nectaries of Acacia pennatula (Schlecht. & Cham.) Benth. However, no studies have determined whether the ants visitation is related to plant nectar availability and whether ants protect A. pennatula from herbivory. The objectives of this 2-yr study (2000–2001) were to assess whether seasonal changes in ant visitation coincide with extrafloral nectar productivity in A. pennatula and to determine whether ants protect the plant. At the end of the dry season (April–June) B. obscurior was the only ant species on A. pennatula and extrafloral nectar production is limited to this period. Exclusion experiments, performed at the end of the dry season showed that A. pennatula did not receive a protective benefit when visited by ants. Branches with ants and branches where ants are excluded had similar numbers of the nonmyrmecophile leafhopper Sibovia sp. which was the only herbivore observed under natural conditions.Received 24 March 2004; revised 4 September 2004; accepted 8 September 2004.  相似文献   

Foragers of the ant Formica schaufussitend to return to and search at a site of a previous food find. The search tactic employed by a forager on its return trip is related to the type of food previously encountered: search is more persistent in response to carbohydrate than to protein food. Using different reinforcement schedules with carbohydrate and protein food rewards, we show that, on a short-term as well as on a long-term basis, the basic pattern of search observed in naive foragers is only slightly modified through foraging experience. Foragers do not increase their search effort or adjust their search pattern when either type of food is systematically renewed on a fixed reward schedule and thus do not seem to be able to learn to assess the food predictability. Collective responses that could compensate for this lack of individual flexibility and increase foraging efficiency at the colony level are discussed.  相似文献   

Ants (Formicidae) perform two distinct search behaviors for resources: on the ground they use irregular, almost random alternating looping, and on branches and leaves they resort to outline-tracing (arboreal systematic search), whereby the individual systematically turns to one side at bifurcations and to the opposite side when turning about at end points. Experiments with searching Formica pallidefulva and Crematogaster cerasion artificial stick mazes under seminatural conditions demonstrated that bifurcations and end points only trigger turn decisions, whereas an intrinsic mechanism specifies the handedness of such turns. Arboreal homing differs from arboreal searching by a much stronger tendency to rectify paths by counterturning. The theory is advanced that searching on branches by outline-tracing is evolutionarily derived from ranging search by superposing a sustained intrinsic turn bias and by suppressing random turns.  相似文献   

We present field experiments and analyses that test both the assumptions and the predictions of a model that showed how the swarm raids of the army ant Eciton burchellimight be self-organizing, i.e., based on hundreds of thousands of interactions among the foraging workers rather than a central administration or hierarchical control. We use circular mill experiments to show that the running velocity of the ants is a sigmoidal function of the strength of their trail pheromones and provide evidence that the swarm raid is structured by the interaction between outbound and inbound forager traffic mediated by the pheromones produced by both of these sets of ants. Inbound traffic is also affected by the distribution of prey, and hence, sites of prey capture alter the geometry of the raid. By manipulating the prey distributions for E. burchelliswarms, we have made them raid in a form more typical of other army ant species. Such self-organization of raids based on an interaction between the ants and their environment has profound consequences for interpretations of the evolution of army ant species.  相似文献   

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