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Actin filaments and photoreceptor membrane turnover   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape and turnover of photoreceptor membranes appears to depend on associated actin filaments. In dipterans, the photoreceptor membrane is microvillar. It is turned over by the addition of new membrane at the bases of the microvilli and by subsequent shedding, mostly from the distal ends. Each microvillus contains actin filaments as a component of its cytoskeletal core. Two myosin I-like proteins co-localize with the actin filaments. It is suggested that one of the myosin I-like proteins might be linked to the microvillar membrane. By interacting with the actin filaments, this motor should move the membrane of a microvillus in a distal direction, thus providing a possible mechanism for the turnover of the membrane. A vertebrate photoreceptor cell contains a small cluster of actin filaments in its connecting cilium at the site where new transductive disk membranes are formed. Disruption of the actin filaments perturbs disk morphogenesis. The most likely explanation for this perturbation is that the process of initiating a new disk is inhibited. Conventional myosin (myosin II) is found in the connecting cilium with the same distribution as actin. A simple model is proposed to illustrate how the actin-myosin system of the connecting cilium might function to initiate the morphogenesis of a disk membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The cytological influence of light and dark adaptation (LA and DA) on the retinular cells of the spider crab Libinia emarginata has been studied by light and electron microscopy in four adaptive states: 17 hours darkness, 5 hours darkness, 5 hours diffuse light and 17 hours diffuse light. The rhabdom's fine structure is typical of decapods but its dual overall form and position mingle certain features of both apposition and superposition compound eye types. Distal and proximal retinal pigments both showed adaptive migration, but the distal pigment cells moved over a restricted range, and DA separated the retinular cell pigment granules into two groups, perinuclear and basilar.In the rhabdom no changes in its position, dimensions or microvillus fine structure were observed with LA or DA. But at the base of the rhabdom microvilli the rate of pinocytosis was strongly affected by the eye's adaptive state, being lowest after 17 hours DA and greatest after 17 hours LA; the wall of the 0.1 microvesicles so formed, looked like the membrane of the rhabdom microvillus and they were the same size as the vesicles in multivesicular bodies and in vesicular lamellar bodies.Three categories of complex cytoplasmic particles about 1 in diameter (multivesicular bodies, vesicular lamellar bodies and purely lamellar bodies) were all increased in number by decreased DA and by increased LA; similar quantitative effects occurred in the endoplasmic reticulum and in the ribosomes.The pinocytotic vesicles and the complex cytoplasmic bodies may represent part of an intracellular system to dispose of rhabdom metabolites whose production was initiated or increased by light absorption.Cytoplasmic and perirhabdomal vacuoles mainly distal in location, were also affected by light, but inversely; their maximal extent occurred after 17 hours DA; less DA or any LA significantly decreased their presence and aggregation.The data reported are of interest not only because they correlate retinal fine structure with the metabolism of vision but also because they provide a new and specific tool for distinguishing active from inactive neurosensory cells in the optic pathway.This research was initiated with the aid of U.S. Public Health Service Grant NB-03076 and has been continued with the support of U.S. Air Force Grant AFOSR-1064. The authors wish to thank Dr. Joseph G. Gall and Dr. William R. Adams for generously sharing their electron microscopic facilities; they are also grateful to Mrs. Mabelita Campbell for her collaboration on the light microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary The cross-sectional area of rhabdomeres in the compound eye of the blowfly, Lucilia, was found to remain constant under 12 h light/12 h dark cyclic lighting, and 10 days constant light or darkness. It was reduced only slightly during 3 h light after 10 days darkness (by 21%), or on exposure to 2h darkness + 1.5 h light after 10 days light (by 10%). Morphological evidence indicates that shedding of photoreceptor membrane during turnover is achieved by an extracellular route, and by pinocytosis from the bases of the microvilli. The photoreceptor membrane shed by both mechanisms appears to accumulate in multivesicular bodies. The amount of photoreceptor membrane shedding, as indicated by numbers of multivesicular bodies, is constant throughout the day and night on cyclic lighting, decreases in constant darkness, but returns to its normal level after an exposure to 3 h light subsequent to 10 days darkness.  相似文献   

An important recent advance in the understanding of vertebrate photoreceptor light adaptation has come from the discovery that as many as eight distinct molecular mechanisms may be involved, and the realization that one of the principal mechanisms is not dependent on calcium. Quantitative analysis of these mechanisms is providing new insights into the nature of rod photoreceptor light adaptation.  相似文献   

Compound eyes, nauplius eyes, frontal organs, intracerebral ocelli, and caudal photoreceptors are the main light and darkness detectors in crustaceans, but they need not be present all at once in an individual and in some crustaceans no photoreceptors whatsoever are known. Compound eye designs reflect on their functions and have evolved to allow the eye to operate optimally under a variety of environmental conditions. Dark-light-adaptational changes manifest themselves in pigment granule translocations, cell movements, and optical adjustments which fine-tune an eye's performance to rapid and unpredictable fluctuations in ambient light intensities as well as to the slower and predictable light level changes associated with day and night oscillations. Recycling of photoreceptive membrane and light-induced membrane collapse are superficially similar events that involve the transduction cascade, intracellular calcium, and membrane fatty acid composition, but which differ in aetiology and longterm consequence. Responses to intermittant illumination and linearly polarized light evoke in the eye of many crustaceans characteristic responses that appear to be attuned to each species' special needs. How the visual responses are processed more centrally and to what extent a crustacean makes behavioural use of e-vector discrimination and flickering lights are questions, however, that still have not been satisfactorily answered for the vast majority of all crustacean species. The degree of light-induced photoreceptor damage depends on a large number of variables, but once manifest, it tends to be progressive and irreversible. Concomittant temperature stress aggravates the situation and there is evidence that free radicals and lipid hydroperoxides are involved.  相似文献   

The process of light adaptation in vertebrate rod and cone photoreceptors is believed to involve a diffusible cytoplasmic messenger. Two lines of evidence indicate that photoreceptor light adaptation is mediated by a light-induced fall in cytoplasmic calcium concentration (Ca2+i). First, if changes in calcium concentration are slowed by the incorporation of calcium chelators into the photoreceptor cytoplasm then light adaptation is slowed also. Second, if the normal control of Ca2+i is prevented by simultaneously minimising calcium influx and efflux across the outer segment membrane by means of external solution changes, then all of the manifestations of light adaptation are abolished. Furthermore, recent results show that changes in Ca2+i imposed in the absence of light are sufficient to cause at least some of the manifestations of light adaptation. Together these results indicate that calcium acts as the messenger of light adaptation in the photoreceptors of both lower and higher vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary After intense orange adapting exposures that convert 80% of the rhodopsin in the eye to metarhodopsin, rhabdoms become covered with accessory pigment and appear to lose some microvillar order. Only after a delay of hours or even days is the metarhodopsin replaced by rhodopsin (Cronin and Goldsmith 1984). After 24 h of dark adaptation, when there has been little recovery of visual pigment, the photoreceptor cells have normal resting potentials and input resistances, and the reversal potential of the light response is 10–15 mV (inside positive), unchanged from controls. The log V vs log I curve is shifted about 0.6 log units to the right on the energy axis, quantitatively consistent with the decrease in the probability of quantum catch expected from the lowered concentration of rhodopsin in the rhabdoms. Furthermore, at 24 h the photoreceptors exhibit a broader spectral sensitivity than controls, which is also expected from accumulations of metarhodopsin in the rhabdoms. In three other respects, however, the transduction process appears to be light adapted: (i) The voltage responses are more phasic than those of control photoreceptors. (ii) The relatively larger effect (compared to controls) of low extracellular Ca++ (1 mmol/1 EGTA) in potentiating the photoresponses suggests that the photoreceptors may have elevated levels of free cytoplasmic Ca++. (iii) The saturating depolarization is only about 30% as large as the maximal receptor potentials of contralateral, dark controls, and by that measure the log V-log I curve is shifted downward by 0.54 log units. The gain (change in conductance per absorbed photon) therefore appears to have been diminished.  相似文献   

Dark adaptation requires timely deactivation of phototransduction and efficient regeneration of visual pigment. No previous study has directly compared the kinetics of dark adaptation with rates of the various chemical reactions that influence it. To accomplish this, we developed a novel rapid-quench/mass spectrometry-based method to establish the initial kinetics and site specificity of light-stimulated rhodopsin phosphorylation in mouse retinas. We also measured phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, regeneration of rhodopsin, and reduction of all-trans retinal all under identical in vivo conditions. Dark adaptation was monitored by electroretinography. We found that rhodopsin is multiply phosphorylated and then dephosphorylated in an ordered fashion following exposure to light. Initially during dark adaptation, transduction activity wanes as multiple phosphates accumulate. Thereafter, full recovery of photosensitivity coincides with regeneration and dephosphorylation of rhodopsin.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper have been to describe (1) the general structure of the compound eye of the spittle bug Philaenus spumarius, (2) the eye's post-embryonic development, (3) photomechanical changes upon dark/light adaptation in the eye, and (4) how leaving the semi-aquatic foam bubble and turning into an adult affects the organization of the eye. Spittle bugs, irrespective of size or sex, possess apposition type compound eyes. The eye's major components (i.e. facet, cornea, cone and rhabdom) grow rather isometrically from the smallest nymph to the adult. Photomechanical changes can occur during both nymphal and adult phases and manifest themselves through pigment granules and mitochondria migrating to and away from the rhabdom, and rhabdom diameters varying with time of day and ambient light level. When a nymph transforms into an adult, its compound eyes’ dorsoventral axes widen, facet diameters increase, facet shapes turn from circular to pentagonal and hexagonal, the cornea thickens and the rhabdoms become thinner. The agile adults, free from the foam that surrounds the nymphs, can be expected to need their vision more than the nymphs, and the changes in eye structure do, indeed, indicate that the adults have superior visual acuity. A thicker cornea in the adults reduces water loss and protects the compound eye from mechanical and light-induced damage: protection given to the nymphs by their foam bubbles.  相似文献   

Light stimulates rhodopsin in a retinal rod to activate the G protein transducin, which binds to phosphodiesterase (PDE), relieving PDE inhibition and decreasing guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) concentration. The decrease in cGMP closes outer segment channels, producing the rod electrical response. Prolonged exposure to light decreases sensitivity and accelerates response kinetics in a process known as light adaptation, mediated at least in part by a decrease in outer segment Ca2+. Recent evidence indicates that one of the mechanisms of adaptation in mammalian rods is down-regulation of PDE. To investigate the effect of light and a possible role of rhodopsin kinase (G protein–coupled receptor kinase 1 [GRK1]) and the GRK1-regulating protein recoverin on PDE modulation, we used transgenic mice with decreased expression of GTPase-accelerating proteins (GAPs) and, consequently, a less rapid decay of the light response. This slowed decay made the effects of genetic manipulation of GRK1 and recoverin easier to observe and interpret. We monitored the decay of the light response and of light-activated PDE by measuring the exponential response decay time (τREC) and the limiting time constant (τD), the latter of which directly reflects light-activated PDE decay under the conditions of our experiments. We found that, in GAP-underexpressing rods, steady background light decreased both τREC and τD, and the decrease in τD was nearly linear with the decrease in amplitude of the outer segment current. Background light had little effect on τREC or τD if the gene for recoverin was deleted. Moreover, in GAP-underexpressing rods, increased GRK1 expression or deletion of recoverin produced large and highly significant accelerations of τREC and τD. The simplest explanation of our results is that Ca2+-dependent regulation of GRK1 by recoverin modulates the decay of light-activated PDE, and that this modulation is responsible for acceleration of response decay and the increase in temporal resolution of rods in background light.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were obtained from rods in the Gekko gekko retina and the adaptation characteristics of their responses studied during light and dark adaptation. Steady background illumination induced graded and sustained hyperpolarizing potentials and compressed the incremental voltage range of the receptor. Steady backgrounds also shifted the receptor's voltage-intensity curve along the intensity axis, and bright backgrounds lowered the saturation potential of the receptor. Increment thresholds of single receptors followed Weber's law over a range of about 3.5 log units and then saturated. Most of the receptor sensitivity change in light derived from the shift of the voltage-intensity curve, only little from the voltage compression. Treatment of the eyecup with sodium aspartate at concentrations sufficient to eliminate the beta-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) abolished initial transients in the receptor response, possibly indicating the removal of horizontal cell feedback. Aspartate treatment, however, did not significantly alter the adaptation characteristics of receptor responses, indicating that they derive from processes intrinsic to the receptors. Dark adaptation after a strongly adapting stimulus was similarly associated with temporary elevation of membrane potential, initial lowering of the saturation potential, and shift of the voltage-intensity curve. Under all conditions of adaptation studied, small amplitude responses were linear with light intensity. Further, there was no unique relation between sensitivity and membrane potential suggesting that receptor sensitivity is controlled at least in part by a step of visual transduction preceding the generation of membrane voltage change.  相似文献   

Summary In the compound eye of the locust, Locusta, the cross-sectional area of the rhabdoms increases at dusk by 4.7-fold due to the rapid assembly of new microvillar membrane, and decreases at dawn by a corresponding amount as a result of pinocytotic shedding from the microvilli. The rhabdoms at night have more and longer photoreceptor microvilli than rhabdoms during the day. The orientations of the six rhabdomeres that comprise the distal rhabdom also change. The density of intramembrane particles on the P-face of the microvillar membrane, putatively representing mostly rhodopsin molecules, or aggregates thereof, does not change.An alteration in the size of the ommatidial field-stop, produced by the primary pigment cells, is concomitant with the change in rhabdom size. At night the increase in size of the field-stop must widen the angular acceptance of a rhabdom, increasing the capture of photons from an extended field. Conversely, during the day, when photons are more abundant, its decrease must narrow the acceptance angle, increasing angular resolution. Because of the presence of this field-stop, the optics of the ommatidium would not be greatly affected if the rhabdom were to remain always at its night size. It is argued, therefore, that the variable-size rhabdom must have resulted from some demand other than that of light/dark adaptation.Changes in size and organisation of the rhabdoms in response to various light regimes indicate that: (1) Rapid shedding of photoreceptor membrane is induced by the onset of light, but shedding also occurs slowly in darkness during the day. (2) Microvillar assembly is initiated by the onset of darkness, but also occurs at the normal time of dusk without a change in ambient lighting, provided there has been some light during the day. Therefore, both shedding and assembly of microvillar membrane are affected by the state of illumination, but also appear to be under some endogenous control.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenergic innervation of the juxtaglomerular complex was studied in kidneys from mice, rats, guinea-pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs, monkeys, and humans using fluorescence histochemistry of neuronal nor-adrenaline and autoradiography of 3H-noradrenaline. The localization of the nerves was established by phase contrast optics or by perfusing the vascular system with India ink. Adrenergic nerve terminals, exhibiting a formaldehyde-induced fluorescence and having the ability to take up and accumulate 3H-noradrenaline, were easily identified when they enclosed the glomerular afferent arteriole. They continued in between and close to the macula densa and lacis cells to supply the glomerular efferent arteriole. The nerves could be seen to accompany this arteriole for a considerable distance until they branched off to the vasa recta in the juxtamedullary region and to adjacent cortical veins. This innervation pattern was found to be a constant feature except in kidneys from guinea-pigs and cats, in which post-glomerular adrenergic nerves were not found in some of the superficial glomerular units. The fluorescence in all adrenergic fibres supplying the juxtaglomerular complex disappeared after removal of the aortico-renal ganglion, showing that they belong to a common system of renal sympathetic nerves.This work is dedicated to Professor Wolfgang Bargmann in honour of his seventieth birthday, January 26, 1976  相似文献   

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