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Summary In late February, seven box turtles were collected with body temperatures between 7 and 9°C. Ventilation, gas exchange and end-tidal and were recorded at 5, 10, 15 and 25°C, the animals being at each temperature for 2 to 3 weeks. There was a pronounced diurnal rhythm of breathing frequency at all temperatures. At 5°C the mean 24-h frequency was only 3.7 breaths h–1. At 15°C the frequency was 16 times higher with a 17-fold increase of ventilation. Oxygen uptake only changed from 3.4 to 12.7 ml·kg–1·h–1. Consequently, the ratio (ventilation, ml BTPS/O2 uptake, ml STPD) increased from 12.5 at 5°C to 48 at 15°C, but decreased to 24 at 25°C. The decrease of this ratio during cold exposure contrasts with an increase of the ratio during cooling earlier reported for fresh water turtles,Pseudemys. Cutaneous CO2 elimination was important at low temperature. This caused a decrease of the pulmonary gas exchange ratio so that end-tidal remained low at 5°C in spite of an end-tidal of only 54 Torr.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Eight ornate box turtles, Terrapene ornata, were heated and cooled in water at 35 and 15°C respectively.
  • 2.2. Thermal time constants were calculated and no significant differences were found (t-test; 0.05 level) between warming and cooling rates.
  • 3.3. Heart-rate data indicated slightly higher, but non-significant, mean values during warming.
  • 4.4. It was concluded that T. ornata is not able to physiologically alter rates of heat exchange in water significantly and must rely on behavioral mechanisms to maintain body temperature.

In spite of several studies of the locomotor performances of reptiles, we know as yet relatively little about the mechanical forces involved. The present investigation examined the effects of substrate, slope and temperature on the pulling forces exerted by ornate box turtles tethered to a force transducer. These forces increased with body mass in a nearly isometric manner. The forces exerted during the initial effort were greatest on a styrofoam substrate, whereas maximum forces generated were greatest on pea gravel. Both forces progressively increased as slope decreased from +30 degrees to -30 degrees. The rate of force generation (N/s) was greatest at intermediate slopes. Contact force tended to increase as normal force increased, and was strongly influenced by slope, increasing from -30 degrees to +30 degrees. Surprisingly, we found no significant effects of temperature on tether forces, contraction times, or rates. This evaluation of pulling forces associated with box turtle locomotion revealed some interesting, and at times unexpected, relationships.  相似文献   

A free-ranging eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) was referred to the Wildlife Center of Virginia with a three-month history of marked swelling of the right hind limb initially diagnosed as chromomycosis by histopathology. Hematology revealed severe anemia (9%), leukocytosis (12.8 cells x 10(3)/microl), heterophilia (6.14 cells x 10(3)/microl), and monocytosis (0.51 cells x 10(3)/microl). Gross necropsy revealed a firm, encapsulated 3 x 1 cm subcutaneous mass filled with dark brown-black, friable necrotic material of the distal right hind limb. Microscopically, the mass was characterized by a granulomatous inflammatory process with numerous multinucleated histiocytic giant cells. Fungal elements were present within necrotic centers and associated with multinucleated cells. Special stains revealed numerous phaeoid hyphae and yeast; Exophiala jeanselmei was isolated by routine mycologic culture. Phaeohyphomycosis was diagnosed based on the histologic appearance of the fungal elements within the mass and culture results. There was no histopathological evidence of systemic infection. This is the first report of phaeohyphomycosis caused by fungi of the genus Exophiala in free-living reptiles.  相似文献   

Ectotherms can adjust their thermoregulatory set points in response to bacterial infection; the result may be similar to endothermic fever. We examined the influence of dose on the set point of body temperature (T(b)) in Terrapene carolina. After acclimating postprandial turtles to 20 degrees C, we injected them with two doses of bacterial endotoxin (LPS; lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli), 0.0025 or 0.025 mg LPS/g nonshell body mass, or with reptilian saline (control group). We placed the animals singly in linear thigmothermal gradients and recorded their T(b)'s for 48 h. The turtles showed dose-influenced thermal selection. Turtles injected with the high dose had T(b)'s significantly higher than control turtles, whereas low-dose turtles had T(b)'s significantly lower than control turtles. Also, there was a low daily effect on the T(b) of the turtles injected with the high dose. High-dose turtles had significantly higher T(b)'s than the control turtles during the first day but not during the second. Our results support the prediction of Romanovsky and Székely that an infectious agent may elicit opposite thermoregulatory responses depending on quality and quantity of the agent and the host health status.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for a Texas population of three-toed box turtle, Terrapene carolina triunguis, using a refined hybridization capture procedure. All eight primer pairs amplified successfully at all loci in seven Texas ornate box turtles (T. ornata ornata). Due to the decline and conservation concerns of North American box turtles, these isolated microsatellites may be a most valuable tool for evaluating baseline population genetic structure for threatened box turtle populations.  相似文献   

Among vertebrates, turtles are able to tolerate exceptionally low oxygen tensions. We have investigated the compensatory mechanisms that regulate respiration and blood oxygen transport in snapping turtles during short exposure to hypoxia. Snapping turtles started to hyperventilate when oxygen levels dropped below 10% O(2). Total ventilation increased 1.75-fold, essentially related to an increase in respiration frequency. During normoxia, respiration occurred in bouts of four to five breaths, whereas at 5% O(2), the ventilation pattern was more regular with breathing bouts consisting of a single breath. The increase in the heart rate between breaths during hypoxia suggests that a high pulmonary blood flow may be maintained during non-ventilatory periods to improve arterial blood oxygenation. After 4 days of hypoxia at 5% O(2), hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration and multiplicity and intraerythrocytic organic phosphate concentration remained unaltered. Accordingly, oxygen binding curves at constant P(CO(2)) showed no changes in oxygen affinity and cooperativity. However, blood pH increased significantly from 7.50+/-0.05 under normoxia to 7.72+/-0.03 under hypoxia. The respiratory alkalosis will produce a pronounced in vivo left-shift of the blood oxygen dissociation curve due to the large Bohr effect and this is shown to be critical for arterial oxygen saturation.  相似文献   

Eimeria ornata n. sp. is described from the feces of 6/16 (37.5%) ornate box turtles, Terrapene ornata ornata , in northcentral Texas. Endogenously sporulated oocysts are ellipsoid 17.9 × 15.7(16-21 × 14-18) μm, with a thin, single-layered wall; shape index 1.14 (1.0-1.3). A micropyle is absent but a polar granule was present in one third of the oocysts. An oocyst residuum was present, consisting of numerous small globules situated either in a distinct mass or scattered within the oocyst. The sporocysts are elongate, 11.1 × 5.4 (9-13 × 5-6) μm, with an indistinct Stieda body at 1 pole. A sporocyst residuum is present, consisting either as a compact mass or as scattered granules. The sporozoites are elongate, 9.5 × 2.0 (8-12 × 2) μm, in situ, with spherical anterior and posterior refractile bodies. The new species is distinguished from the similar Eimeria carri Ernst & Forrester, 1973, from eastern box turtles, T. Carolina , by slight differences in oocyst morphology and endogenous sporulation.  相似文献   

A study of lung gas exchange in the fresh water turtle Mauremys caspica leprosa at normal physiological body temperatures (15, 25 and 35 °C) was extended to extreme temperatures (5 and 40 °C) to determine whether the direct relationship between body temperature and ventilatory response found in many lung-breathing ectotherms including other chelonian species was maintained. From 5 to 35 °C the lung ventilation per unit of O2 uptake and CO2 removed declined with temperature. Consequently, lung CO2 partial pressure increased with temperature. Its value was maintained within narrow limits at each thermal constant, suggesting a suitable control throughout the complete ventilatory cycle. At 40 °C the ventilatory response showed the opposite trend. The ratios of ventilation to lung gas exchange increased compared to their values at 35 °C. The impact of this increased breathing-lowering the estimated mean alveolar CO2 partial pressure-was nevertheless less than expected due to an increase in calculated physiological dead space. This suggests that the relative hyperventilation in response to hyperthermia found in Mauremys caspica leprosa is related to evaporative heat loss.Abbreviations BTPS body temperature, ambient pressure, saturated with water vapour - CTM critical thermal maximum - FN2 fractional concentration of nitrogen - PA CO2or PL CO2 alveolar or lung CO2 pressure - PAO2or PLO2 alveolar or lung O2 pressure - PIO2 inspired O2 pressure - R respiratory exchange ratio - STPD standard temperature, standard pressure, dry - T a ambient temperature - T b body temperature - VA alveolar ventilation - VA/VCO2 relative alveolar ventilation (alveolar ventilation per unit of CO2 removed) - VO2 O2 uptake - VCO2 CO2 output - V D anatomical dead space volume - V D physiological dead space volume - VE/VO2 ventilatory equivalent for O2 - VE pulmonary ventilation or expiratory minute volume - VE/VCO2 ventilatory equivalent for CO2 - V T tidal volume  相似文献   

A free-ranging adult female eastern box turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) was presented to the University of Tennessee in October 2003 because of suspected trauma and blindness. Physical examination revealed lethargy, clear ocular and nasal discharges, and white oral and laryngeal plaques. Intracytoplasmic inclusions within heterophils and large mononuclear leukocytes were observed on routine blood smear examination. Postmortem findings included necrosis of epithelial and parenchymal cells with intracytoplasmic inclusions. Ultrastructurally, the leukocyte inclusions consisted of variably electron-dense granular material and viral particles consistent with the Iridoviridae family of viruses. The virus shared 100% sequence identity to a 420-base pair sequence of frog virus 3 (family Iridoviridae, genus Ranavirus) as determined by polymerase chain reaction and gene sequencing targeting a portion of the Ranavirus major capsid protein gene.  相似文献   

An exposure to ambient temperature of 25 degrees C had no perceptible effect on interrenal function but further increase of temperature to 35 degrees C caused nuclear hypertrophy with increase of nuclear diameter, RNA concentration, acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities, accompanied by quantitative depletions of cholesterol (free, esterified and total) and ascorbic acid levels in the interrenal gland of the soft-shelled turtle Lissemys p. punctata. Similar manifestations of stimulation, except in the nucleus, were marked after exposure to 38 degrees C, but the degree of response in respect of esterified and free cholesterol levels was higher at 38 degrees C than at 35 degrees C. Moreover, withdrawal of 38 degrees C temperature and subsequently maintaining at 25 degrees C for 15 days showed reverse manifestations to those of 35 degrees C/38 degrees C, leading to a tendency towards normalcy. It is suggested that high a ambient temperature of 35 degrees C significantly stimulates interrenal function of Lissemys turtles, but further increase of 38 degrees C does not cause further overall stimulation, and withdrawal of higher temperature (38 degrees C) shows a tendency towards normalcy. It is also suggested that (a) high ambient temperature causes thermal stress, (b) it is reversible and (c) it acts on interrenal activity presumably via CRF-ACTH-axis in turtles.  相似文献   

We measured microclimate, field metabolic rates (FMRs), water flux, and activity patterns of telemetered box turtles (Terrapene carolina) in South Carolina from September 1987 to October 1988. Turtles were inactive for most of the winter and were active only sporadically during the rest of the year. Using the doubly labeled water method, we found that water flux averaged 8.8, 18.9, and 26.4 mL kg(-1) d(-1) in winter, spring, and summer/fall, respectively. FMR for the same periods averaged 0.028, 0.065, and 0.124 mL CO(2) g(-1) h(-1). Differences in FMR among seasons were significant but not between sexes. Using operative temperatures, we predicted standard and maximum metabolic rates of turtles. In winter, FMR was elevated above standard metabolic rates and close to maximum metabolic rates, whereas in spring and summer/fall, FMR fell midway between standard and maximum metabolic rates. We used a model to predict metabolic rates, geographical distribution, and potential reproductive output of box turtles across latitudes in eastern North America. Low FMR and low annual reproductive output may allow box turtles to survive and flourish in unpredictable resource environments by minimizing costs and risks, thereby maintaining greater lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Summary We administered the diuretics furosemide and ethacrynic acid to conscious freshwater turtles to assess changes in renal function and plasma renin activity (PRA) in an animal which lacks a loop of Henle. Furosemide (2 and 5 mg/kg) produced no changes in blood pressure, hematocrit, plasma electrolytes, glomerular filtration rate (GFR), or PRA. Furosemide doubled urine volume while sodium excretion increased 20-fold and chloride and potassium excretion increased 12-fold (P<0.05 in each case). Net potassium secretion was observed. Ethacrynic acid (2 and 5 mg/kg) also produced no changes in blood pressure, hematocrit, plasma electrolytes, or PRA. At the lower dose GFR increased by 40% and urine volume nearly doubled (P<0.05 in each case). Sodium, chloride, and potassium excretion increased roughly 10-fold (P<0.05 in each case). At the higher dose, GFR increased by 80% and urine volume more than doubled (P<0.05 in each case). Sodium excretion rose 40-fold, chloride excretion rose 25-fold, and potassium excretion rose 10-fold (P<0.05 in each case). At both doses net potassium secretion occurred. The results demonstrate that both drugs inhibit tubular reabsorption in the turtle, acting primarily on distal segments of the nephron. The failure of either drug to alter PRA suggests that the turtle lacks a tubular mechanism for alterig renin release.Abbreviations GFR glomerular filtration rate - PRA plasma renin activity Supported by the University of Delaware Honors Program, American Heart Association of Delaware, NIH Biomedical Support Program, and USPHS #HL2808401  相似文献   

We have performed the first study of neuronal activity in freely-moving reptiles. 23 brainstem units were recorded from areas throughout the reticular formation, during wakefulness and quiescence in the box turtle. These units responded to various sensory stimuli and increased firing rates in relation to motor activity during wakefulness. All but one unit showed significant decreases in discharge during quiescence. Group I cells (32%) fired mostly during active movements and exhibited silent periods of 5 min or longer during quiescence while group II cells (68%) maintained slow tonic activity in quiescence. Polygraphic data showed no consistent, cyclically occurring phasic events during quiescence.  相似文献   

Four extant subspecies of Terrapene carolina in eastern North America, Terrapene carolina bauri, Terrapene carolina carolina, Terrapene carolina triunguis, and Terrapene carolina major, are recognized based on morphological studies. A fifth subspecies, Terrapene carolina putnami, has been described from Pleistocene deposits but is very similar morphologically to T. c. major. Questions concerning the relationship of the Gulf Coast box turtle (T. c. major) to other box turtles have been pervasive ever since it was described. We used a combined morphological and genetic analysis to address the status of T. c. major and other T. carolina lineages. Terrapene c. bauri, T. c. carolina, and T. c. triunguis are distinct based on a discriminate function analysis of 25 morphological characters, including characters traditionally used to assign subspecies. The results of the present study confirm that box turtles phenotypically diagnosed as T. c. bauri, T. c. carolina, and T. c. triunguis all occur within the hypothesized range of T. c. major, and that the latter does not possess a diagnosable morphology. The three morphological lineages also possess divergent mitochondrial haplotypes that are present within the hypothesized range of T. c. major. In addition, a fourth distinct mtDNA lineage co‐occurs within the putative range of T. c. major. This unique lineage may include mitochondrial DNA variation from the Pleistocene T. c. putnami. Analysis of nine nuclear DNA microsatellites revealed no population structure in box turtles currently assigned to T. c. major from the Florida Panhandle, suggesting a complete admixture of lineages in this region. The results of the present study indicate that box turtles traditionally assigned to T. c. major based on phenotype are the result of introgression between eastern extant (predominantly T. c. carolina) and an extinct subspecies, T. c. putnami. Published 2011. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 889–901.  相似文献   

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