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Various models purporting to explain natural hybrid zones make different assumptions about the fitness of hybrids. One class of models assumes that hybrids have intrinsically low fitness due to genetic incompatibilities, whereas other models allow hybrid fitness to vary across natural environments. We used the intrinsic rate of increase to assess lifetime fitness of hybrids between two species of montane plants Ipomopsis aggregata and Ipomopsis tenuituba planted as seed into multiple field environments. Because fitness is predicted to depend upon genetic composition of the hybrids, we included F1 hybrids, F2 hybrids, and backcrosses in our field tests. The F2 hybrids had female fitness as high, or higher, than expected under an additive model of fitness. These results run counter to any model of hybrid zone dynamics that relies solely on intrinsic nuclear genetic incompatibilities. Instead, we found that selection was environmentally dependent. In this hybrid zone, cytoplasmic effects and genotype-by-environment interactions appear more important in lowering hybrid fitness than do intrinsic genomic incompatibilities between nuclear genes.  相似文献   

Natural hybrid zones between related species illustrate processes that contribute to genetic differentiation and species formation. A common viewpoint is that hybrids are essentially unfit, but they exist in a stable tension zone where selection against them is balanced by gene flow between the parent species. An alternative idea is that selection depends on the environment, for example, by favoring opposite traits in the two parental habitats or favoring hybrids within a bounded region. To determine whether selection of hybrids is environment dependent, we crossed plants of naturally hybridizing Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba in the Colorado Rocky Mountains and reciprocally planted the seed offspring into a suite of natural environments across the hybrid zone. All types of crosses produced similar numbers and weights of seeds. However, survival of the offspring after 5 years differed markedly among cross types. On average, the F1 hybrids had survival and growth rates as high as the average for their parents. But hybrid survival depended strongly on the direction of a cross, that is, on which species served as the maternal parent. This fitness difference between reciprocal hybrids appeared only in the parental environments, suggesting cytonuclear gene interactions that are environment specific. These results indicate that complex genotype-by-environment interactions can contribute to the evolutionary outcome of hybridization.  相似文献   

The evolutionary consequences of hybridization ultimately depend on the magnitude of reproductive isolation between hybrids and their parents. We evaluated the relative contributions of pre-and post-zygotic barriers to reproduction for hybrid formation, hybrid persistence and potential for reproductive isolation of hybrids formed between two Rhododendron species,R. spiciferum and R. spinuliferum. Our study established that incomplete reproductive isolation promotes hybrid formation and persistence and delays hybrid speciation.All pre-zygotic barriers to reproduction leading to hybrid formation are incomplete: parental species have overlapping flowering; they share the same pollinators;reciprocal assessments of pollen tube germination and growth do not differ among parents. The absence of post-zygotic barriers between parental taxa indicates that the persistence of hybrids is likely. Reproductive isolation was incomplete between hybrids and parents in all cases studied, although asymmetric differences in reproductive fitness were prevalent and possibly explain the genetic structure of natural hybrid swarms where hybridization is known to be bidirectional but asymmetric. Introgression, rather than speciation, is a probable evolutionary outcome of hybridization between the two Rhododendron taxa. Our study provides insights into understanding the evolutionary implications of natural hybridization in woody plants.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation is of fundamental importance for maintaining species boundaries in sympatry. In orchids, the wide variety of pollination systems and highly diverse floral traits have traditionally suggested a prominent role for pollinator isolation, and thus for prezygotic isolation, as an effective barrier to gene flow among species. Here, we examined the nature of reproductive isolation between Anacamptis morio and Anacamptis papilionacea, two sister species of Mediterranean food-deceptive orchids, in two natural hybrid zones. Comparative analyses of the two hybrid zones that are located on soils with volcanic origin and have different and well-dated ages consistently revealed that all hybrid individuals were morphologically and genetically intermediate between the parental species, but had strongly reduced fitness. Molecular analyses based on nuclear ITS1 and (amplified fragment length polymorphism) AFLP markers clearly showed that all examined hybrids were F1 hybrids, and that no introgression occurred between parental species. The maternally inherited plastid DNA markers indicated that hybridization between A. morio and A. papilionacea was bidirectional, as confirmed by the molecular analysis of seed families. The genetic architecture of the two hybrid zones suggests that the two parental species easily and frequently hybridize in sympatry as a consequence of partial pollinator overlap but that strong postzygotic barriers reduce hybrid fitness and prevent gene introgression. These results corroborate that chromosomal divergence is instrumental for reproductive isolation between these food-deceptive orchids and suggest that hybridization is of limited importance for their diversification.  相似文献   

Models of hybrid zones differ in their assumptions about the relative fitnesses of hybrids and the parental species. These fitness relationships determine the form of selection across the hybrid zone and, along with gene flow, the evolutionary dynamics and eventual outcome of natural hybridization. We measured a component of fitness, export and receipt of pollen in single pollinator visits, for hybrids between the herbaceous plants Ipomopsis aggregata and I. tenuituba and for both parental species. In aviary experiments with captive hummingbirds, hybrid flowers outperformed flowers of both parental species by receiving more pollen on the stigma. Although hummingbirds were more effective at removing pollen from anthers of I. aggregata, hybrid flowers matched both parental species in the amount of pollen exported to stigmas of other flowers. These patterns of pollen transfer led to phenotypic stabilizing selection, during that stage of the life cycle, for a stigma position intermediate between that of the two species and to directional selection for exserted anthers. Pollen transfer between the species was high, with flowers of I. aggregata exporting pollen equally successfully to conspecific and I. tenuituba flowers. Although this study showed that natural hybrids enjoy the highest quality of pollinator visits, a previous study found that I. aggregata receives the highest quantity of pollinator visits. Thus, the relative fitness of hybrids changes over the life cycle. By combining the results of both studies, pollinator-mediated selection in this hybrid zone is predicted to be strong and directional, with hybrid fitness intermediate between that of the parental species.  相似文献   

The process of natural hybridization may produce genotypes that establish new evolutionary lineages. However, many authors have concluded that natural hybridization is of little evolutionary importance because hybrids, in general, are unfit relative to their progenitors. Deciding between these alternative conclusions requires that fitness be measured for hybrid classes and parental species. Recent analyses have found that hybrids are not uniformly unfit, but rather are genotypic classes that possess lower, equivalent or higher levels of fitness relative to their parental taxa.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are found wherever two populations distinguishable on the basis of heritable characters overlap spatially and temporally and hybridization occurs. If hybrids have lower fitness than the parental types a tension zone may emerge, in which there is a barrier to gene flow between the two parental populations. Here we discuss a hybrid zone between two honeybee subspecies, Apis mellifera capensis and A. m. scutellata and argue that this zone is an example of a tension zone. This tension zone is particularly interesting because A. m. capensis can be a lethal social parasite of A. m. scutellata. However, despite its parasitic potential, A. m. capensis appears to be unable to increase its natural range unassisted. We propose three interlinked mechanisms that could maintain the South African honeybee hybrid zone: (1) low fitness of intercrossed and genetically mixed colonies arising from inadequate regulation of worker reproduction; (2) higher reproductive success of A. m. scutellata via both high dispersal rates into the hybrid zone and increased competitiveness of males, countered by (3) the parasitic nature of A. m. capensis.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is a crucial evolutionary process and a long-standing topic of study in evolutionary biology. Hybrid zones, where two congeneric species interact, can provide insight into the process of natural hybridization, especially with respect to how taxon diversity is maintained. In this study, we used double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing technology (ddRAD-seq) to examine genetic structure and estimate introgression in four hybrid zones of Ligularia tongolensis and Ligularia cymbulifera. Our analysis demonstrated that parental species were highly differentiated, whereas pairwise FST between parents and their hybrids was low, indicating that sympatric sites can form hybrid zones. As most F1 hybrid individuals were observed within these zones, our finding also implied the presence of substantial barriers to interbreeding. Furthermore, some individuals that possessed the typical morphology of the parental species belonged to the F1 generation. Genomic clines analysis revealed that a large fraction of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) deviated from a model of neutral introgression in the four hybrid zones, and most SNPs exhibited selection favoring the L. cymbulifera genotype. Bidirectional but asymmetric introgression was revealed as evident in the four hybrid zones. Habitat differences between the four hybrid zones may affect isolation barriers between both species. Taken together, these findings suggest that where incomplete reproductive barriers allow natural hybridization, the introgression between species generates rich genetic recombination that contributes to the fast adaptation and diversification of the widespread Ligularia in the Hengduan Mountains Region (HMR).  相似文献   

Steep clinal transitions in one or several inherited characters between genetically distinct populations are usually referred to as hybrid zones. Essentially two different mechanisms may maintain steep genetic clines. Either selection acts against hybrids that are unfit over the entire zone due to their mixed genetic origin (endogenous selection), or hybrids and parental types attain different fitness values in different parts of the cline (exogenous selection). Survival rate estimates of hybrids and parental forms in different regions of the cline may be used to distinguish between these models to assess how the cline is maintained. We used reciprocal transplants to test the relative survival rates of two parental ecotypes and their hybrids over microscale hybrid zones in the direct-developing marine snail Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) on the rocky shores of Galicia, Spain. One of the parental forms occupies upper and the other lower shores, and the hybrids are found at various proportions (1–38%) along with both parental forms in a midshore zone a few meters wide. The survival rate over one month was 39-52% of the native ecotype on upper shores, but only 2-8% for the lower-shore ecotype. In contrast, only 4-8% of the upper-shore ecotype but 53% of large (> 6 mm) and 8% of small (3-6 mm) native lower-shore ecotype survived in the lower shores. In the midshores, both the two parental ecotypes and the hybrids survived about equally well. Thus there is a considerable advantage for the native ecotypes in the upper and lower shores, while in the hybrid zone none of the morphs, hybrids included, are favored. This indicates that the dimorphism of L. saxatilis is maintained by steep cross-shore selection gradients, thus supporting the selection-gradient model of hybrid zones. We performed field and laboratory experiments that suggest physical factors and predation as important selective agents. Earlier studies indicate assortative mating between the two ecotypes in the midshore. This is unexpected in a hybrid zone maintained by selection gradients, and it seems as if the reproductive barrier compresses the hybrid zone considerably.  相似文献   

Natural hybrid zones provide a valuable tool to study introgressive hybridization, because they can contain a wide variety of genotypes that result from many generations of recombination. Here we used molecular markers and morphological variation to describe the structure of two natural hybrid zones between Silene latifolia and Silene dioica in the Swiss Alps. Populations in both hybrid zones consisted of few intermediate hybrids and were dominated by backcross hybrids. The latter were also found in the parental populations at the margins of the hybrid zones. Out of 209 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers scored in 390 individuals, only 7 (3.3%) were species specific. These results indicate that introgression between S. dioica and S. latifolia is extensive, and that hybrid zones act as bridges to gene flow between these two species. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium identified few populations in which hybridization is ongoing, whereas in most populations linkage disequilibrium has eroded. Where hybridization is ongoing, strong changes in species-specific marker frequencies and morphological traits were observed. Plastid introgression into the hybrid zone was found to be bidirectional, but only the S. latifolia plastid haplotype was found in a nuclear S. dioica background. This unidirectional plastid introgression from S. latifolia into S. dioica is most likely due to pollen-flow from S. dioica onto S. latifolia, and results in plastid capture. Comparisons between the molecular and the morphological hybrid indices revealed that morphology in this study system is useful for identifying hybrids, but not for detailed analysis of hybrid zone structure.  相似文献   

Hybrid fitness is an important parameter to predict the evolutionary consequences of a hybridization event and to characterize hybrid zones. We studied fitness parameters of F1 and later‐generation hybrids between the lowland species Salix purpurea and the alpine S. helvetica that have recently emerged during colonization of an alpine glacier forefield. Fruit production (number of capsules per catkin and fruit set) did not differ between hybrids and parents, but the number of seeds per capsule of F1 hybrids was slightly lower than that of later‐generation hybrids and of the parents. Germination rates and seedling growth were tested on three substrates (pH 4.5, 7.0, and 8.0). Germination rates of seeds collected from F1 hybrids were lower on acid and neutral substrates, but equal at pH 8.0 compared to all other groups, while the seeds from later‐generation hybrids performed as well as the parents on all three substrates. In seedling growth, the colonizer S. purpurea performed better than all other taxa on all three substrates, while hybrids resembled the subalpine species S. helvetica. Results suggest that endogenous selection acts against F1 hybrids, but favors fitter genotypes in later‐generation hybrids. Exogenous selection via soil pH appears to be weak during seedling establishment. The pioneer vegetation on the glacier forefield may offer sufficient niche space for hybrid seedlings. Owing to the relatively high fitness of the hybrids and the scattered distribution of hybrids and parental individuals on the glacier forefield, this hybrid zone can be assigned to a mosaic model, probably facilitating gene flow and introgression between the parental species. As establishment of the hybrid zone appears to be linked to a colonization process, we propose to call it a pioneer mosaic hybrid zone.  相似文献   

Hybridization and introgression are pervasive evolutionary phenomena that provide insight into the selective forces that maintain species boundaries, permit gene flow, and control the direction of evolutionary change. Poplar trees (Populus L.) are well known for their ability to form viable hybrids and maintain their distinct species boundaries despite this interspecific gene flow. We sought to quantify the hybridization dynamics and postzygotic fitness within a hybrid stand of balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera L.), eastern cottonwood (P. deltoides Marsh.), and their natural hybrids to gain insight into the barriers maintaining this stable hybrid zone. We observed asymmetrical hybrid formation with P. deltoides acting as the seed parent, but with subsequent introgression biased toward P. balsamifera. Native hybrids expressed fitness traits intermediate to the parental species and were not universally unfit. That said, native hybrid seedlings were absent from the seedling population, which may indicate additional selective pressures controlling their recruitment. It is imperative that we understand the selective forces maintaining this native hybrid zone in order to quantify the impact of exotic poplar hybrids on this native system.  相似文献   

Because they are ubiquitous and typically reduce the fitness of hosts, parasites may play important roles in hybrid zone dynamics. Despite much work on herbivores and hybrid plants, the effect of parasites on the fitness of animal hybrids is poorly known. In an attempt to partly fill this gap, we examined the prevalence of avian haemosporidians Haemoproteus in a hybrid zone between collared Ficedula albicollis and pied flycatchers F. hypoleuca . 40 species-informative genetic markers allowed us to identify F1 hybrids, thus avoiding problems inherent in many studies that group hybrid genotypes. Furthermore, naturally occurring extra-pair paternity allowed us to test the immune responses of pure and hybrid nestlings to a novel antigen (phytohaemagglutinin) in a shared environment. In contrast to previous suggestions that animal hybrids may more often display resistance against parasites than plant hybrids, F1 hybrids exhibited prevalence of parasitism and immune responses that were intermediate between the two parental species. We also detected differences between the two parental species in their prevalence of infection, with the competitively dominant species (collared flycatcher) being less often infected by Haemoproteus . Overall, our results contribute to other recent data supporting the idea that the resistance of animals to parasites is variously and unpredictably affected by hybridization, and that there is a concordance in the general patterns observed in plants and animals. Haemosporidians in avian hybrids provide a useful system for investigating the interactions between hosts and parasites that characterize host contact zones.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome duplication is considered an important speciation mechanism in plants. However, its effect on reproductive isolation between higher cytotypes is not well understood. We used backcrosses between different ploidy levels and surveys of mixed‐ploidy contact zones to determine how reproductive barriers differed with cytotype across a polyploid complex. We backcrossed F1 hybrids derived from 2X‐4X and 4X‐6X crosses in the Campanula rotundifolia autopolyploid complex, measured backcross fitness, and estimated backcross DNA cytotype. We then sampled four natural mixed‐ploidy contact zones (two 2X‐4X and two 4X‐6X), estimated ploidy, and genotyped individuals across each contact zone. Reproductive success and capacity for gene flow was markedly lower for 2X‐4X than 4X‐6X hybrids. In fact, 3X hybrids could not backcross; all 2X‐4X backcross progeny resulted from neotetraploid F1 hybrids. Further, no 3X individuals were found in 2X‐4X contact zones, and 2X and 4X individuals were genetically distinct. By contrast, backcrosses of 5X hybrids were relatively successful, particularly when crossed to 6X individuals. In 4X‐6X contact zones, 5X individuals and aneuploids were common and all cytotypes were largely genetically similar and spatially intermixed. Taken together, these results provide strong evidence that reproduction is low between 2X and 4X cytotypes, primarily occurring via unreduced gamete production, but that reproduction and gene flow are ongoing between 4X and 6X cytotypes. Further, it suggests whole‐genome duplication can result in speciation between diploids and polyploids, but is less likely to create reproductive barriers between different polyploid cytotypes, resulting in two fundamentally different potentials for speciation across polyploid complexes.

To assess the role of ploidy in determining reproductive isolation and speciation in polyploid contact zones, we used backcrosses between different ploidy levels and surveys of mixed‐ploidy contact zones to determine how reproductive barriers differed with cytotype across a polyploid complex. Reproductive success and capacity for gene flow was markedly higher for 4X‐6X hybrids than 2X‐4X hybrids, which was also seen in natural mixed‐ploidy contact zones. Our results suggest whole‐genome duplication can result in speciation between diploids and polyploids, but is less likely to create reproductive barriers between different polyploid cytotypes, resulting in two fundamentally different potentials for speciation across polyploid complexes.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and dynamics of hybrid zones provide crucial information for understanding the processes and mechanisms of evolutionary divergence and speciation. In general, higher levels of evolutionary divergence between taxa are more likely to be associated with reproductive isolation and may result in suppressed or strongly restricted hybridization. In this study, we examined two secondary contact zones between three deep evolutionary lineages in the common vole (Microtus arvalis). Differences in divergence times between the lineages can shed light on different stages of reproductive isolation and thus provide information on the ongoing speciation process in M. arvalis. We examined more than 800 individuals for mitochondrial (mtDNA), Y‐chromosome and autosomal markers and used assignment and cline analysis methods to characterize the extent and direction of gene flow in the contact zones. Introgression of both autosomal and mtDNA markers in a relatively broad area of admixture indicates selectively neutral hybridization between the least‐divergent lineages (Central and Eastern) without evidence for partial reproductive isolation. In contrast, a very narrow area of hybridization, shifts in marker clines and the quasi‐absence of Y‐chromosome introgression support a moving hybrid zone and unidirectional selection against male hybrids between the lineages with older divergence (Central and Western). Data from a replicate transect further support non‐neutral processes in this hybrid zone and also suggest a role for landscape history in the movement and shaping of geneflow profiles.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones have long intrigued evolutionary biologists and provide a natural laboratory to explore the evolution of reproductive isolation (speciation). Molecular characterization of hybrid zone dynamics can provide insight into the strength of reproductive isolation as well as the underlying evolutionary processes shaping gene flow. Approximately one-third of darter species naturally hybridize making this species-rich North American freshwater teleost fish clade an ideal system to investigate the extent and direction of hybridization. The objective of this study was to use diagnostic microsatellite markers to calculate genetic hybrid index scores of two syntopic, but distantly related darter species, Etheostoma bison and Etheostoma caeruleum. A combination of hybrid index scores, assignment tests, and mitochondrial haplotype profiles uncovered mixed ancestry in approximately 6 % of sampled adult individuals, supporting contemporaneous hybridization that was previously undocumented in E. bison. Moreover, hybrids were not limited to the F1 generation, but encompassed the entire suite of hybrid categories (F1, F2 and backcross hybrids). The low number of hybrids assigned to each hybrid category represents a bimodal hybrid zone, suggesting reproductive isolation is strong (but incomplete) and also advocates for the ability of hybrids to produce second-generation hybrids and backcross into both parental species, mediating introgression across species boundaries. To this end, cytonuclear profiles of the sampled parental species and hybrids were consistent with bidirectional gene flow, although there was an overall trend of asymmetric hybridization between E. caeruleum females and E. bison males. The spatiotemporal variation in hybridization rates and resulting cytonuclear patterns expanded on in this study provide a comparative genetic framework on which future studies can begin to elucidate the underlying processes that not only generate a mosaic hybrid zone, but maintain the distinctness of species in the face of gene flow.  相似文献   

The success or failure of hybrids and the factors that determine their fitness have ecological, evolutionary, medical, and economic implications. Hybrid fitness is a major determinant of the size of hybrid zones and the maintenance of related species with overlapping ranges. It also influences the evolution of emerging pathogens and the success of economically important crop species experimentally hybridized in search of strains with increased yields or disease resistance. Hybrid fitness may largely be determined by the pervasiveness of epistasis in the genome, as epistasis is known to debilitate hybrids through disrupted inter- and intragenic interactions. We identified two bacteriophages isolated from their natural environment, one the result of a past hybridization event involving an ancestor of the other phage and a third, unknown phage. By performing a reciprocal cross of the affected region of the genome, consisting of a single complete gene, we both approximately recreated and reversed this original hybridization event in two chimeric bacteriophage genomes. Subsequent adaptation of the hybrid phages allowed for the recovery of fitness losses incurred by the hybrid genotypes. Furthermore, adaptation led to the ascension of a substantially higher and previously inaccessible adaptive peak. We show that by allowing genotypes to take large leaps across the adaptive landscape rather than single mutational steps, hybridization can lead to huge long-term fitness gains in spite of short-term costs resulting from disrupted epistatic interactions, demonstrating that the success or failure of hybrids may be determined not by their initial fitness, but rather by their adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Here we tested two possible nonexclusive explanations for the maintenance of a hybrid swarm between Senecio jacobaea and Senecio aquaticus; first, that genotype-by-environment interactions involving water and nutrient clines are involved in hybrid fitness, and second, heterosis in early hybrid generations may provide an initial hybrid advantage that contributes to hybrid persistence. In three climate chamber studies, fitness and root growth were measured for parental species and natural and artificial F1 hybrids, in order to determine whether hybrids occur in habitats where they are more fit than parental species. Natural hybrids, which are generally back-crossed to S. jacobaea, always equaled S. jacobaea in growth characteristics. Maternal effects played a role in the fitness of F1 hybrids, with offspring from S. jacobaea mothers exhibiting higher fitness than those from S. aquaticus mothers, and compared with parental species and natural hybrids. Natural hybrids are not distributed in zones where they are most fit with respect to nutrient and water regimes. Superior fitness of early generation hybrids may contribute to hybrid swarm stability.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide interesting systems to study genetic and ecological interaction between different species. The correct identification of hybrids is necessary to understand the evolutionary process involved in hybridization. An oak species complex occurring in Mexico formed by two parental species, Quercus crassifolia H. & B. and Q. crassipes H. & B., and their putative hybrid species, Q. dysophylla, was analyzed with molecular markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA [RAPDs]) and morphological tools in seven hybrid zones (10 trees per taxa in each hybrid zone) and two pure sites for each parental species (20 trees per site). We tested whether geographic proximity of hybrid plants to the allopatric site of a parental species increases its morphological and genetic similarity with its parent. Seventeen morphological traits were measured in 8700 leaves from 290 trees. Total DNA of 250 individuals was analyzed with six diagnostic RAPD primers. Quercus crassifolia differed significantly from Q. crassipes in all the examined characters. Molecular markers and morphological characters were highly coincident and support the hypothesis of hybridization in this complex, although both species remain distinct in mixed stands. Clusters and a hybrid index (for molecular and morphological data) showed that individuals from the same parental species were more similar among themselves than to putative hybrids, indicating occasional hybridization with segregation in hybrid types or backcrossing to parents. Evidence does not indicate a unidirectional pattern of gene flow.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization can produce individuals that vary widely in fitness, depending upon the performance of particular genotypes in a given environment. In a hybrid zone with habitat heterogeneity, differences in physiological responses to abiotic conditions could influence the fitness and spatial distribution of hybrids and parental species. This study compared gas exchange physiology of Ipomopsis aggregata, I. tenuituba, and their natural hybrids in situ and assessed whether physiological differences were consistent with their native environmental conditions. We also produced reciprocal F2s in a greenhouse study to test for cytonuclear effects on water-use efficiency (WUE). The relative performance of natural hybrids and parentals was consistent with their native habitats: I. aggregata at the coolest, wettest locations had the lowest WUE, while hybrids from the most xeric sites had the highest WUE. In hybrids, the mechanism by which both natural and experimental hybrids achieved this high WUE depended on cytotype: those with I. tenuituba cytoplasm had reduced transpiration, while those with I. aggregata cytoplasm had an increased photosynthetic rate, consistent with patterns in the cytoplasmic parent. The high WUE in hybrids may contribute to their high survival in the dry center of the natural hybrid zone, consistent with environment-dependent models of hybrid zone dynamics.  相似文献   

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