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To express human insulin-like growth factor-I (hIGF-I) in transformed Bombyx mori cultured cells and silk glands, the transgenic vector pigA3GFP-hIGF-ie-neo was constructed with a neomycin resistance gene driven by the baculovirus ie-1 promoter, and with the hIGF-I gene under the control of the silkworm sericin promoter Ser-1. The stably transformed BmN cells expressing hIGF-I were selected by using the antibiotic G418 at a final concentration of 700—800 μg/mL after the BmN cells were transfected with the piggyBac vector and the helper plasmid. The specific band of hIGF-I was detected in the transformed cells by Western blot. The expression level of hIGF-I, determined by ELISA, was about 7800 pg in 5×105 cells. Analysis of the chromosomal insertion sites by inverse PCR showed that exogenous DNA could be inserted into the cell genome randomly or at TTAA target sequence specifically for piggyBac element transposition. The transgenic vector pigA3GFP-hIGF-ie-neo was transferred into the eggs using sperm-mediated gene transfer. Finally, two transgenic silkworms were obtained after screening for the neo and gfp genes and verified by PCR and dot hybridization. The expression level of hIGF-I determined by ELISA was about 2440 pg/g of silk gland of the transgenic silkworms of the G1 generation.  相似文献   

The silkworm Bombyx mori represents an established in vivo system for the production of recombinant proteins. Baculoviruses have been extensively investigated and optimised for the expression of high protein levels inside the haemolymph of larvae and pupae of this lepidopteran insect. Current technology includes deletion of genes responsible for the activity of virus-borne proteases, which in wild-type viruses, cause liquefaction of the host insect and enhance horizontal transmission of newly synthesised virus particles. Besides the haemolymph, the silk gland of B. mori provides an additional expression system for recombinant proteins. In this paper, we investigated how silk gland can be efficiently infected by a Autographa californica multicapsid nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcMNPV). We demonstrated that the viral chitinase and the cysteine protease cathepsin are necessary to permit viral entry into the silk gland cells of intrahaemocoelically infected B. mori larvae. Moreover, for the first time, we showed AcMNPV crossing the basal lamina of silk glands in B. mori larvae, and we assessed a new path of infection of silk gland cells that can be exploited for protein production.  相似文献   

昆虫变态发育过程中,蜕皮激素通过一系列的激素相关转录因子进行信号的转导和放大,从而完成对生长变态发育的调控,其中蜕皮激素受体(EcR)及转录因子BR-C和E74A可能作为早期因子发挥作用.为了研究这3个早期转录因子在鳞翅目昆虫中的功能,本研究采用体外合成dsRNA的方法,将合成的dsRNA分别注射熟蚕期的家蚕Bomby...  相似文献   

To express human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) gene in the silk glands of transformation silkworm (Bombyx mori) based on gene-targeting, two fragments from fibroin heavy chain gene (fib-H) of silkworm were cloned and sequenced. One fragment contains the 1st exon and its downstream 1st intron’s partial sequence; and the other fragment contains the 1st intron’s partial sequence and the 2nd exon’s partial sequence. Then the two fragments, as homologous arm, were inserted into pSK to generate a gene-targeted vector, pSK-HL-A3GFP-FLP-GM-CSF-FLPA-HR in which a gfp gene driven by A3 promoter and an hGM-CSF gene under the control of fibroin light chain (fib-L) promoter were included. The vector was transferred into the silkworm eggs using sperm-mediated gene transfer. After being screened for green fluorescent, the transformation silkworm was obtained, whose genome was verified by PCR and dot hybridization to confirm whether the target genes had been integrated into the silkworm genome. Furthermore, in the posterior silk glands of the G4 generation transformation silkworms, a specific band with the molecular weight of 22 kDa could be detected by Western blotting with an antibody against hGM-CSF, and the expression level of the hGM-CSF estimated by ELISA was approximately 1.26 ng per gram fresh posterior silk gland.  相似文献   

The middle silk gland (MSG) of silkworm is thought to be a potential host for mass-producing valuable recombinant proteins. Transgenic MSG expression systems based on the usage of promoter of sericin1 gene (sericin-1 expression system) have been established to produce various recombinant proteins in MSG. However, further modifying the activity of the sericin-1 expression system to yield higher amounts of recombinant proteins is still necessary. In this study, we provide an alternative modification strategy to construct an efficient sericin-1 expression system by using the hr3 enhancer (hr3 CQ) from a Chongqing strain of the Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) and the 3′UTRs of the fibroin heavy chain (Fib-HPA), the fibroin light chain (Fib-LPA), and Sericin1 (Ser1PA) genes. We first analyzed the effects of these DNA elements on expression of luciferase, and found that the combination of hr3 CQ and Ser1PA was most effective to increase the activity of luciferase. Then, hr3 CQ and Ser1PA were used to modify the sericin1 expression system. Transgenic silkworms bearing these modified sericin1 expression vectors were generated by a piggyBac transposon mediated genetic transformation method. Our results showed that mRNA level of DsRed reporter gene in transgenic silkworms containing hr3 CQ and Ser1PA significantly increased by 9 fold to approximately 83 % of that of endogenous sericin1. As the results of that, the production of recombinant RFP increased by 16 fold to 9.5 % (w/w) of cocoon shell weight. We conclude that this modified sericin-1 expression system is efficient and will contribute to the MSG as host to mass produce valuable recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Tabe LM  Droux M 《Plant physiology》2002,128(3):1137-1148
The low sulfur amino acid content of legume seeds restricts their nutritive value for animals. We have investigated the limitations to the accumulation of sulfur amino acids in the storage proteins of narrow leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) seeds. Variation in sulfur supply to lupin plants affected the sulfur amino acid accumulation in the mature seed. However, when sulfur was in abundant supply, it accumulated to a large extent in oxidized form, rather than reduced form, in the seeds. At all but severely limiting sulfur supply, addition of a transgenic (Tg) sink for organic sulfur resulted in an increase in seed sulfur amino acid content. We hypothesize that demand, or sink strength for organic sulfur, which is itself responsive to environmental sulfur supply, was the first limit to the methionine (Met) and cysteine (Cys) content of wild-type lupin seed protein under most growing conditions. In Tg, soil-grown seeds expressing a foreign Met- and Cys-rich protein, decreased pools of free Met, free Cys, and glutathione indicated that the rate of synthesis of sulfur amino acids in the cotyledon had become limiting. Homeostatic mechanisms similar to those mediating the responses of plants to environmental sulfur stress resulted in an adjustment of endogenous protein composition in Tg seeds, even when grown at adequate sulfur supply. Uptake of sulfur by lupin cotyledons, as indicated by total seed sulfur at maturity, responded positively to increased sulfur supply, but not to increased demand in the Tg seeds.  相似文献   

The silk protein synthesis in silk glands of Galleria mellonella is preceded by the increase of total RNA content. The levels of the main RNA classes: 28S and 18S rRNA, tRNA as well as poly(A) + RNA change proportionally to the total RNA pool of glands. The fibroin-like silk protein of molecular weight of about 240 000 is characterized by the high content of four amino acids: glycine, alanine, serine and leucine, which account for more than 70% of amino acid residues. This fibroin-like protein is present in the posterior, middle and anterior parts of silk gland of the last instar larvae.  相似文献   

We have developed a new method for the transgenesis of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. This method couples the use of recombinant baculoviruses with the use of the piggyBac transposable element. One recombinant AcNPV, designated the helper virus, is designed to express the piggyBac transposase under the control of the Drosophila hsp70 promoter. Another recombinant AcNPV encoded the gene to be incorporated into the silkworm genome, in this case a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene, under the control of B. mori actin A3 promoter and franked by the piggyBac inverted terminal repeats. Preblastoderm eggs were inoculated with a fine needle coated with a mixture of these two recombinant baculoviruses. Most of the inoculated larvae hatched and a high proportion of the newly hatched G0 larvae expressed the GFP marker. Transgenesis was confirmed by Southern blot analysis of G1 insects, sequencing the insertion site junctions isolated by inverse PCR, and the marker segregated in Mendelian fashion, as evidenced by the appearance of green fluorescence in G2 insects. Thus, transgenic silkworms were easily and efficiently obtained using this new method.  相似文献   

Trehalase localization in silk glands of the silkworm, Bombyx mori has been studied during larval-pupal development. Subcellular distribution of the silk gland trehalase depends upon larval-pupal development. The activity increases in the soluble fraction with a concomitant decrease in the particle-bound fraction during larval-pupal development. The pH-optimum value of trehalase activity in the particle-bound fraction changes from 6.5 to 6.0, and in the soluble fraction from 5.5 to 4.5 in the course of the silk gland degeneration during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Xue R  Chen H  Cui L  Cao G  Zhou W  Zheng X  Gong C 《Transgenic research》2012,21(1):101-111
The silk gland of the silkworm is a highly specialized organ that has the wonderful ability to synthesize and secrete silk protein. To express human granucyto-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (hGM-CSF) in the posterior silk glands of gene-targeted silkworms, a targeting vector pSK-FibL-L-A3GFP-PH-GMCSF-LPA-FibL-R was constructed, harboring a 1.2 kb portion of the left homogenous arm (FibL-L), a 0.5 kb portion of the right homogenous arm (FibL-R), fibroin H-chain-promoter-driven hGM-CSF and silkworm actin 3-promoter-driven gfp. The targeting vector was then introduced into the eggs of silkworm, and the transgenic silkworms were verified by PCR and DNA hybridization after being screened for the gfp gene. Western blotting analysis using an antibody against hGM-CSF demonstrated a specific band with a molecular weight of 22 kD in the silk glands of the G3 generation transgenic silkworms. The level of expression of hGM-CSF in the posterior silk glands of the G3 generation transgenic silkworms was approximately 2.70 ng/g of freeze-dried powdered posterior silk gland. These results showed that the heterologous gene could be introduced into the silkworm genome and expressed successfully. Further more, the exogenous genes existing in the G5 transgenic silkworm identified by PCR confirmed its integration stability. In addition, the silk glands containing expressed hGM-CSF performed the function of significantly increasing leukocyte count of CY-treated mice in a time-and-dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is the causative agent of a highly contagious disease affecting young chickens and causes serious economic losses to the poultry industry worldwide. Development of subunit vaccine using its major caspid protein, VP2, is one of the promising strategies to protect against IBDV. This study aim to test the feasibility of using silkworm to produce recombinant VP2 protein (rVP2) derived from a very virulent strain of IBDV (vvIBDV). A total of 16 transgenic silkworm lines harboring a codon-optimized VP2 gene driven by the sericin1 promoter were generated and analyzed. The results showed that the rVP2 was synthesized in the middle silk gland of all lines and secreted into their cocoons. The content of rVP2 in the cocoon of each line was ranged from 0.07 to 16.10 % of the total soluble proteins. The rVP2 was purified from 30 g cocoon powders with a yield of 3.33 mg and a purity >90 %. Further analysis indicated that the rVP2 was able to tolerate high temperatures up to 80 °C, and exhibited specific immunogenic activity in mice. To our knowledge, this is the first report of overexpressing rVP2 in the middle silk gland of transgenic silkworm, which demonstrates the capability of silkworm as an efficient tool to produce recombinant immunogens for use in new vaccines against animal diseases.  相似文献   

家蚕前部丝腺特异表皮蛋白Bm11721的鉴定及表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
家蚕的丝腺是其丝蛋白合成和分泌的器官,根据其形态和功能的不同分为前部、中部和后部丝腺,前部丝腺不具有合成丝蛋白的能力,是丝蛋白构象发生转变的场所。剪切力在丝蛋白构象转变中起到重要的作用,其在家蚕前部丝腺主要由前部丝腺逐渐变细的管腔结构和富含几丁质及表皮蛋白的坚硬的内壁提供。鉴定家蚕前部丝腺新的几丁质结合蛋白,并调查其在家蚕幼虫不同组织的表达特征。通过几丁质亲和层析的方法在前部丝腺筛选并鉴定到一个新的具有几丁质结合功能的表皮蛋白Bm11721,其编码基因编号为BGIBMGA011721(Gen Bank Accession No.NM-001173285.1)。利用原核表达系统成功表达了该蛋白,通过Ni-NTA亲和层析的方法获得了Bm11721的重组蛋白并制备了多克隆抗体。组织表达分析发现无论是转录水平还是蛋白水平Bm11721均只在前部丝腺特异表达,且Bm11721蛋白在5龄期的前部丝腺中恒定表达。免疫荧光定位结果显示Bm11721蛋白定位在前部丝腺的内膜中,推测其可能与前部丝腺的机械硬度有关,为丝蛋白的构象转变提供剪切力。  相似文献   

Insects produce silk for a range of purposes. In the Lepidoptera, silk is utilized as a material for cocoon production and serves to protect larvae from adverse environmental conditions or predators. Species in the Saturniidae family produce an especially wide variety of cocoons, for example, large, golden colored cocoons and those with many small holes. Although gene expression in the silk gland of the domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) has been extensively studied, considerably fewer investigations have focused on members of the saturniid family. Here, we established expression sequence tags from the silk gland of the eri silkworm (Samia ricini), a saturniid species, and used these to analyze gene expression. Although we identified the fibroin heavy chain gene in the established library, genes for other major silk proteins, such as fibroin light chain and fibrohexamerin, were absent. This finding is consistent with previous reports that these latter proteins are lacking in saturniid silk. Recently, a series of fibrohexamerin‐like genes were identified in the Bombyx genome. We used this information to conduct a detailed analysis of the library established here. This analysis identified putative homologues of these genes. We also found several genes encoding small silk protein molecules that are also present in the silk of other Lepidoptera. Gene expression patterns were compared between eri and domestic silkworm, and both conserved and nonconserved expression patterns were identified for the tested genes. Such differential gene expression might be one of the major causes of the differences in silk properties between these species. We believe that our study can be of value as a basic catalogue for silk gland gene expression, which will yield to the further understanding of silk evolution.  相似文献   

Using a DNA construct, named Lama, derived from the murine parotid secretory protein (PSP) gene, we have obtained salivary gland specific gene expression in transgenic mice. Lama is a PSP minigene and allows analysis of the PSP gene 5' regulatory region by transgenesis. We show here that the regulatory region included in Lama with 4.6 kb of 5' flanking sequence is sufficient to direct expression specifically to the salivary glands. The expression level in the parotid gland is only about one percent of the PSP mRNA level, while that of the sublingual gland is near the PSP mRNA level. This suggests significant differences in the PSP gene regulation in the two glands. In addition, Lama is a secretory expression vector in which cDNAs or genomic fragments can be inserted. We demonstrate that the Lama construct can direct the expression of a heterologous cDNA encoding the C-terminal peptide of human factor VIII to salivary glands and that the corresponding peptide is secreted into saliva.  相似文献   

We constructed a new plasmid vector for the production of a modified silk fibroin heavy chain protein (H-chain) in the transgenic silkworm. The plasmid (pHC-null) contained the promoter and the 3' region of a gene encoding the H-chain and the coding regions for the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain of the H-chain. For the model protein, we cloned a foreign gene that encoded EGFP between the N-terminal domain and the C-terminal domain in pHC-null and generated transgenic silkworms that produced a modified H-chain, HC-EGFP. Transgenic silkworms produced HC-EGFP in the posterior part of silk gland cells, secreted it into the lumen of the gland, and produced a cocoon with HC-EGFP as part of the fibroin proteins. N-terminal sequencing of HC-EGFP localized the signal sequence cleavage site to between positions A((21)) and N((22)). These results indicate that our new plasmid successfully produced the modified H-chain in a transgenic silkworm.  相似文献   

Goncu E  Parlak O 《Autophagy》2008,4(8):1069-1072
Programmed cell death has been subdivided into two major groups: apoptosis and autophagic cell death. The anterior silk gland of Bombyx mori degenerates during larval-pupal metamorphosis. Our findings indicate that two types of programmed cell death features are observed during this physiological process. During the prepupal period, pyknosis of the nucleus, cell detachment,and membrane blebbing occur and they are the first signs of programmed cell death in the anterior silk glands. According to previous studies, all of these morphological appearances are common for both cell-death types. Autophagy features are also exhibited during the prepupal period. Levels of one of the lysosomal marker enzymes-acid phosphatase-are high during this period then decrease gradually. Vacuole formation begins to appear first at the basal surface of the cell, then expands to the apical surface just before the larval pupal ecdysis. After larval-pupal ecdysis, DNA fragmentation, which is the obvious biochemical marker of apoptosis, is detected in agarose gel electrophoresis, which also shows that caspase-like enzyme activities occur during the programmed cell death process of the anterior silk glands. Apoptosis and autophagic cell death interact with each other during the degeneration process of the anterior silk gland in Bombyx mori and this interaction occurs at a late phase of cell death. We suggest that apoptotic cell death only is not enough for whole gland degeneration and that more effective degeneration occurs with this cooperation.  相似文献   

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