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军队离退休老干部是我国现阶段一个特殊群体,做好他们的健康保健工作至关重要。根据我单位所保健的老干部情况,探讨离退休老干部的心理状况,为更好地做好离退休老干部的保健服务工作寻找理论支持。  相似文献   

军队离退休老干部是我国现阶段一个特殊群体,做好他们的健康保健工作至关重要。根据我单位所保健的老干部情况,探讨离退休老干部的心理状况,为更好地做好离退休老干部的保健服务工作寻找理论支持。  相似文献   

郭红  金玲  苏晓津  李东晓  张永久 《生物磁学》2014,(9):1737-1739,1778
目的:本文通过调查部分军队医院患者对护理工作的评价及需求,为提高军队医院的护理服务质量提供有利资料。方法:随机抽取四所三级甲等军队医院的380名住院患:考进行问卷调查,调查患者对护理工作的满意程度及需求。结果:患者对护理服务技术满意度为43.2%,对态度满意度为37.3%,对环境和健康教育满意度分别为59.5%和55%;患者最需要的知识为康复知识,占46.1%;患者对护理人员热情工作态度的期许和需求最高,达到38.2%;其次为熟练工作技能,占28.4%。结论:从患者角度出发,真正落实以民文本的原则,切实为患者服务,改善护理服务质量已经成为护理领域的核心内容,应得到各个军队医院的重视,落实优质护理服务工作。  相似文献   

目的:非现役文职作为军队疗养院的聘用制人员已成为医护工作的主要力量。本文通过调查军队疗养院非现役文职人员的工作满意度,分析其对自身职业的潜在需求,为提高医疗服务质量提出可行对策。方法:采用问卷调查的方式对我院聘用的100名非现役文职人员调查该群体工作满意度及对自身职业的潜在需求。结果:非现役文职人员对管理制度、工作环境、团队合作及人际关系等方面表示满意,其中最满意的是工作环境;而对工作压力、工资福利、奖惩制度、职称晋升及个人发展等方面表示不满,其中最不满意的是工资福利。非现役文职人员对优化人事编制、提高福利待遇及减轻工作负荷的需求度较高,而对职业情感、临床带教及军事知识的需求度较低。结论:军队疗养院的管理人员应完善管理机制,充分了解非现役护理队伍对职业的潜在需求,积极的为其创造良好的晋升政策和发展平台,建立绩效考核制度以提高该群体的工作满意度,进而提升军队疗养院护理服务的质量。  相似文献   

文章探讨了门诊与住院两大患者流的医疗服务需求特点。依据顾客需求,通过计划、整合后,进行生产转化并再输出到顾客的服务供应链原理,对现有医疗服务整合形成门诊一站式服务供应链和住院病人后勤保障“168”服务供应链两大服务集群,并应用于实践,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

通过对广州战区第181医院区域内6个体系部队的心理服务工作现状进行调查,分析存在的问题,提出相应的发展策略措施,为构建军队医院区域一体化心理服务体系提供参考。  相似文献   

随着部队医疗机构人事编制的调整,军队医院及疗养院为缓解人员严重短缺的问题,通过公开考核面向社会招聘具有专业资格的非现役文职人员。文职人员作为军队疗养院的聘用制人员已成为医护工作的主要力量。因此,完善文职人员的管理工作是提高医院医疗质量的重点。本文通过分析文职人员聘用、教育、生活福利待遇及公务事业、社会保险等文职人员管理制度,探讨各项管理制度的特点及作用,提出适合我院推行的文职人员管理制度,即充分利用社会人才资源,建立健全文职人员管理评价体系,提高文职人员献身部队、服务军队的积极性和创造性。  相似文献   

细菌感染会致病,这是一个常识。最早对这个事实的记载可以追朔到14世纪中叶,那时鞑靼可汗派兵包围了克里米亚的Cafa港,在双方坚持不下时,发源于中亚的传染病迅速蔓延到克里米亚并使可汗的军队大批死亡,迫使可汗不得不投降。据说这是第一个有关病菌与战争的记录...  相似文献   

周锡芳  杨中华  姜明 《蛇志》2002,14(1):74-75
随着现代化医学模式的转变和疗养事业的发展 ,疗养院的职能和服务手段也将发生显著变化。军队疗养院作为我军中高级干部和特勤人员的疗养康复基地 ,一方面要确保为军队人员的健康服务 ,努力满足部队卫生保健需要 ,另一方面要使广大疗养员不仅在疗养院得到修心养性 ,更希望得到自然因子综合治疗疗养服务 ,以达到疗养康复、增进健康的目的。这就要求疗养护理工作的内涵要不断地拓宽和充实 ,由单纯的以疾病为中心的护理向以疗养员为中心 ,以解决其内在和潜在的身心健康问题 ,实施健康教育为内容的整体护理方向发展 ,推行整体护理是对疗养院传统…  相似文献   

随着时代的进步和发展,我国综合国力得到了显著提升,向军队中开始渗透社会主义建设成果,在较大程度上提高了军队医疗保健工作水平和服务质量,逐步提升了保健对象健康水平。但是,因为受到了很多因素的影响,也有诸多问题存在于军队医疗保健工作中,需要采取一系列的措施,大力完善和发展。  相似文献   

目的:调查军队医院非现役编制医务人员的军事素质和卫勤保障意识,探讨提升该群体卫勤保障能力的重要性和必要性,为军队医院卫勤管理提供参考。方法:采用问卷调查的方式对我院154名非现役编制医务人员进行调查,主要包括军事理论、卫生勤务、突发事件应急管理及战伤急救等,分析非现役编制医务人员缺乏的基本军事素质,并提出针对性的加强军队医院文职人员卫生勤务保障能力的可行性培训计划,在培训结束时对医护人员的军事素质进行测评。结果:问卷调查结果:非现役文职人员的军事素质评分为(3.70±0.46)、卫生勤务能力评分为(2.48±0.91)、突发事件应急管理评分为(2.61±0.53)、战伤急救技能评分为(2.42±1.02)。测评结果:军事理论知识评分为(4.11±1.04)、卫生勤务能力评分为(4.78±1.37)、突发事件应急意识评分为(4.56±0.56)、战伤急救技能评分为(4.68±0.91)。培训后,非现役医务人员的卫勤保障能力显著提高,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:非现役文职作为军队医院的聘用制人员已成为医务工作的主要力量,因此军队医院应加强非现役医务人员的卫生勤务保障能力,提高我军后勤医疗保障的坚固力量。  相似文献   

医院后勤设备是保障医、教、研活动正常运转的基本条件,也是构成医院基础质量的基本要素。它不仅具有为医疗活动提供条件保障的一面,而且还具有为病人和医院职工提供生活服务的一面;不仅具有生产性的一面,而且还具有消耗性的一面。因此搞好医院后勤设备的管理,推行低碳经济建设,发挥后勤设备的功能和作用,使之更好地为医、教、研服务,为病人和医院职工服务,是医院管理的一个重要内容。  相似文献   

During the Second World War scientists and engineers were involved as never before in all technical phases of the war effort. It included intelligence, logistics and large scale automated computation. Much of this required team work which led to the adoption of interdisciplinary perspectives and found expression after the war in new fields of enquiry such as cybernetics, biophysics and artificial intelligence.  相似文献   

In the multiethnic Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croats and Muslims, attacked by the Yugoslav army and Serbs, had to employ rationally their poorly provisioned civilian health services so that they could respond to the extremely numerous and prompt needs of war conditions. The health services in the areas controlled by Croats and Muslims had to be reorganized twice because of sudden changes of wartime conditions. With further development of the situation, when all three sides participated in the conflict, the number of wounded increased rapidly. In the meantime, a large-scale population shift on an ethnic basis occurred in all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus giving rise, along with a greater number of the wounded, to a severe humanitarian crisis. Civilians were therefore another heavy burden to the wartime health services. This created enormous problems for the inadequately provisioned health services of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area under the control of Croats and Muslims. However, poorly equipped with personnel as well as everything else, the health services in the area controlled by Croats and Muslims, through appropriate reorganization, successfully accomplished their task in the wartime medical corps. Besides this correctly executed transformation from civilian health services into a wartime medical corps, high motivation of medical staff also greatly contributed to successful operation of the medical corps in the war zone despite the long duration of the war. In the majority of cases, the wounded were within 30-40 minutes from the moment of injury in the hands of a surgical team and within the next ten minutes were already in the operating theater. After primary wound dressing, the wounded were sent to one of the well-organized main war hospitals for further treatment. This resulted, along with secure evacuation routes, in a minimum number of lifelong invalidity among the wounded.  相似文献   

We estimate the correlates of death and injury in action during the First World War for a sample of 2400 non-officer British servicemen who were born in the 1890s. Among these 13.1% were killed in action and another 23.5% were wounded. Not surprisingly we find that the probability of death or wounding increases with time in the army and was higher among infantrymen. For a serviceman who enlisted in the infantry at the beginning of the war and continued in service, the probability of being killed in action was 29% and the probability of being either killed or wounded in action was 64%. We examine, for ordinary soldiers, the hypothesis that death and injury was more likely for those from higher socioeconomic backgrounds as is suggested in the literature on the ‘lost generation’. While such selectivity applies when comparing officers with other ranks it does not apply among the ordinary soldiers who comprised 95% of the army.  相似文献   

新安江流域生态系统服务演化过程及权衡协同关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李冬花  张晓瑶  王咏  张潇  李磊  陆林 《生态学报》2021,41(17):6981-6993
新安江流域作为长三角一体化发展的战略水源地与水源涵养区,其生态系统服务变化与权衡协同关系研究对于推进流域生态文明体制建设,促进人地关系协调发展具有重要意义。基于生态系统服务变化指数、相关系数及空间自相关等方法,对新安江流域1999-2019年生态系统服务价值及权衡协同关系进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)新安江流域生态系统服务价值整体呈波动下降态势,改善趋势渐显,生态补偿工作的系统实施强化了河流、湖泊的生态保护效应与地位;(2)新安江流域地均生态系统服务价值空间分布较为稳定,空间相关类型以正相关为主,生态系统服务价值增益相对明显地区多分布在上游安徽省境内;(3)协同关系是新安江流域生态系统服务间相关关系的主体,生态补偿试点工作实施后,水文调节服务与其他服务之间的相关关系发生明显转化,各乡镇单元生态系统服务的相关关系以协同关系为主。  相似文献   

Current routing services for sensor networks are often designed for specific applications and network conditions, thus have difficulty in adapting to application and network dynamics. This paper proposes an autonomic framework to promote the adaptivity of routing services in sensor networks. The key idea of this framework is to maintain some feature functions that are decoupled from originally-integrated routing services. This separation enables significant service changes to be done by only tuning these functions. Measures including parameterization are taken to save the energy for changing these functions. Further, this framework includes a monitoring module to support a policy-based collaborative adaptation. This paper shows an example autonomic routing service conforming to this framework. Some of this work was done while the author was at ISI  相似文献   

Many citizens from the Osijek-Baranja County, in order to survive, left their homes during the 1991/92 war in Croatia and spent between 5 and 7 years in exile. The aim of this pilot research was to assess the health status (physical, mental and social) of refugee /returnee population and their use of health services, to identify the factors influencing their adaptation, and to propose the health programs, psychological and social support, which could help foster integration into the social and community life, education and employment. The study was done on a randomized sample of 589 respondents using the 2003 Croatian Health Survey with an additional questionnaire related to the problems of returnees. The results of the study show good organization of health service in returnees' communities, with exception of gynecological and dental services. There was also a presence of health transportation problem and the problem in the supply of medicines. Finally, the results show that the returnees' communities were dominated by social problems such as lack of employment, lack of support for elderly, poverty, and concerns for children's prospects. This implies the necessity for intervention in both mental and social aspects. Measures to be undertaken in the next stage of the Project will be aimed at the work in the refugee communities and based on public health working methods such as organization of the community by stimulating intergenerational solidarity, education and raising awareness of self-help.  相似文献   




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