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Krul et al. (1) have identified two truncated species of apolipoprotein B-100 in a kindred with familial hypobetalipoproteinemia. Five family members were identified who produce either one or both of two truncated apolipoprotein B-100 proteins estimated to be 40% and 90% the amino-terminal end of apolipoprotein B-100. Low density lipoprotein with the apolipoprotein B-90 binds more strongly to the low density lipoprotein-receptor on cultured fibroblasts. In this present study, we have identified the DNA mutations leading to these truncated apolipoprotein B-100 variants in this kindred. Sequencing of amplified DNA from the proband revealed that deletions of one or two nucleotide bases produced frameshift mutations and generated premature stop codons in both cases. Apolipoprotein B-40 (Val1829----Cys-TERM) is the result of a dinucleotide (TG) deletion in exon 26 that generates a stop codon at position 1830 and produces a protein with a predicted molecular mass of 207.14 kDa. The other truncated apolipoprotein B Glu4034----Arg-Gln-Leu-Leu-Ala-Cys-TERM) is due to a single nucleotide (G) deletion in exon 29. This results in a protein with 4039 amino acids and a predicted molecular mass of 457.6 kDa that is now designated apolipoprotein B-89. Mechanisms by which the removal of the last 497 amino acids might increase the binding of the apoB-89 to the LDL-receptor are discussed.  相似文献   

We have identified a mutation of apolipoprotein B (apoB) in a kindred with hypobetalipoproteinemia. Four affected members had plasma concentrations of total cholesterol of 115 +/- 14, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-C of 48 +/- 11, and apoB of 28 +/- 9 (mg/dl mean +/- SD). The values correspond to approximately 30% the values for unaffected relatives. Triglyceride and high density lipoprotein (HDL)-C concentrations were 92 +/- 50 and 49 +/- 4, respectively, neither significantly different from unaffected relatives. Western blots of plasma apoB of affected subjects showed two major bands: apoB-100 and an apoB-75 (mol wt of approximately 418,000). DNA sequencing of the appropriate polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified genomic DNA segment revealed a deletion of the cytidine at nucleotide position 10366, resulting in a premature stop codon at amino acid residue 3387. In apoB-75/apoB-100 heterozygotes, two LDL populations containing either apoB-75 or apoB-100 could be distinguished from each other by gel permeation chromatography and by immunoblotting of nondenaturing gels using monoclonal antibodies B1B3 (epitope between apoB amino acid residues 3506-3635) and C1.4 (epitope between residues 97-526). ApoB-75 LDL were smaller and more dense than apoB-100 LDL. To determine whether the low concentration of apoB-75 was due to its enhanced LDL-receptor-mediated removal, apoB-75 LDL were isolated from the proband's d 1.063-1.090 g/ml fraction (which contained most of the apoB-75 in his plasma) by chromatography on anti-apoB and anti-apoA-I immunoaffinity columns. The resulting pure apoB-75 LDL fraction interacted with the cells 1.5-fold more effectively than apoB-100 LDL (d 1.019-1.063 g/ml). To determine the physiologic mechanism responsible for the hypobetalipoproteinemia, in vivo kinetic studies were performed in two affected subjects, using endogenous labeling of apoB-75 and apoB-100 with [13C]leucine followed by multicompartmental kinetic analyses. Fractional catabolic rates of apoB-75 VLDL and LDL were 2- and 1.3-fold those of apoB-100 very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL, respectively. Production rates of apoB-75 were approximately 30% of those for apoB-100. This differs from the behavior of apoB-89, a previously described variant, whose FCRs were also increased approximately 1.5-fold relative to apoB-100, but whose production rates were nearly identical to those of apoB-100. Thus, in contrast to the apoB-89 mutation, the apoB-75 mutation imparts two physiologic defects to apoB-75 lipoproteins that account for the hypobetalipoproteinemia, diminished production and increased catabolism.  相似文献   

A new, large kindred with hypobetalipoproteinemia and a previously undescribed truncated form of apolipoprotein B (apoB) has been identified. The asymptomatic, Caucasian male proband (CK, aged 37 years) has total plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein-(LDL) cholesterol, high density lipoprotein- (HDL) cholesterol, and apoB concentrations of 108, 131, 32, 50, and 16 mg/dl, respectively. Plasma samples of 11 family members spanning three generations, which had less than 5th percentile concentrations of LDL-cholesterol, contained three apoB bands detected on immunoblots: the normal apoB-100 and apoB-48 and an unusual band of apparent molecular mass of 299,356 +/- 9580 daltons (approximately 54% the molecular weight of apoB-100). Additional immunoblotting experiments using several different anti-apoB monoclonal antibodies showed that the carboxyl terminal of apoB-100 had been deleted somewhere between amino acid residues 2148-2488. A segment of genomic DNA from the proband was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) between nucleotides 7491-7791 of Exon 26 of the apoB gene. The DNA segment was cloned into pGEM3Zf(-) and sequenced. A C----T transition was found at nucleotide 7665, resulting in a premature stop codon at amino acid residue 2486 corresponding to apoB-54.8. These results were confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR products from three apoB-54.8 positive and three apoB-54.8 negative kindred members. Allele-specific oligonucleotides were used to identify other affected family members. Cosegregation of apoB-54.8 with the C----T transition occurred in all cases. Based on haplotypes constructed from restriction fragment length polymorphism, variable number of tandem repeats, and 5' insertion/deletion analyses and from the presence or absence of apoB-54.8, it was possible to assign a single allele of apoB to the mutation throughout the family. In contrast with other shorter truncations such as apoB-31, apoB-40, and apoB-46, which are found with particles in the HDL density range, and apoB-89 that is found primarily with LDL, apoB-54.8 was found primarily in very low density lipoproteins, much less in LDL, and was virtually absent in HDL. This suggests that the length of the truncation may significantly affect the metabolism of the associated lipoprotein particles.  相似文献   

Mutations in apolipoprotein B (APOB) may reduce binding of low density lipoprotein (LDL) to the LDL receptor and cause hypercholesterolemia. We showed that heterozygotes for a new mutation in APOB have hypobetalipoproteinemia, despite a reduced binding of LDL to the LDL receptor. APOB R3480P heterozygotes were identified among 9,255 individuals from the general population and had reduced levels of apoB-containing lipoproteins. Most surprisingly, R3480P LDL bound with lower affinity to the LDL receptor than non-carrier LDL in vitro, and these results were confirmed by turnover studies of LDL in vivo. In very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) turnover studies, the amount of VLDL converted to LDL in R3480P heterozygotes was substantially reduced, suggesting that this was the explanation for the hypobetalipoproteinemia observed in these individuals. Our findings emphasized the importance of combining in vitro studies with both human in vivo and population-based studies, as in vitro studies often have focused on very limited aspects of complex mechanisms taken out of their natural context.  相似文献   

We report the clinical phenotype in three kindreds with familial heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia (FHBL) carrying novel truncated apolipoprotein Bs (apoBs) of different sizes (apoB-8.15, apoB-33.4 and apoB-75.7). In D.A. kindred, we found three carriers of a C-deletion in exon 10 leading to the synthesis of apoB-8.15 not detectable in plasma. They showed steatorrhea and fatty liver. In N.L. kindred, the proband is heterozygous for a nonsense mutation in exon 26, leading to the formation of apoB-33.4. He had premature cerebrovascular disease and fatty liver; two apoB-33.4 carriers in this kindred showed only fatty liver. In B.E. kindred, the proband is heterozygous for a T-deletion in exon 26, which converts tyrosine at codon 3435 into a stop codon, resulting in apoB-75.7. The proband, a heavy alcohol drinker, had steatohepatitis, whereas his teetotaller daughter, an apoB-75.7 carrier, had no detectable fatty liver. This study suggests that: i) fatty liver invariably develops in FHBL carriers of short and medium-size truncated apoBs (< apoB-48), but its occurrence needs additional environmental factors in carriers of longer apoB forms; ii) intestinal lipid malabsorption develops only in carriers of short truncated apoBs, which are not secreted into the plasma; and iii) cerebrovascular disease due to premature atherosclerosis may occur even in FHBL subjects.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a deletion mutant of human apoB [apoB (Thr26_Tyr27del)] in a subject with primary hypobetalipoproteinemia. The present study determined the effect of Thr26_Tyr27del mutation on apoB secretion using transfected McA-RH7777 cells. Transient or stable transfection of apoB-48 containing the Thr26_Tyr27del mutation showed drastically reduced secretion of the mutant as compared to wild-type apoB-48. No lipoproteins containing the mutant apoB-48 were secreted into the medium. Incubation of transfected cells in a lipid-rich medium in the presence of cycloheximide showed rapid turnover of cell-associated mutant apoB-48 as compared to that of wild-type apoB-48. Immunofluorescence experiments showed that the mutant apoB-48 was mostly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Treatment with the proteasomal inhibitor MG132 markedly attenuated the turnover of cell-associated mutant apoB-48, whereas treatment with inhibitors of autophagosomal/lysosomal function (e.g. 3-MA or ammonium chloride) had no effect. Taken together, these results indicated that the defective secretion of the Thr26_Tyr27del mutant was associated with increased intracellular degradation of apoB through the proteasome-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Haplotype analysis was conducted on the mutant allele of 14 unrelated subjects heterozygous for a mutation in the codon for amino acid 3500 of human apolipoprotein B100. This mutation is associated with defective binding of low-density lipoprotein to the low-density lipoprotein receptor and with moderate hypercholesterolemia. Ten markers were used for haplotyping: eight diallelic markers within the structural gene and two hypervariable loci flanking the gene. Seven of eight unequivocally deduced haplotypes were identical, and one revealed only a minor difference at one of the hypervariable loci. The genotypes of the six other affected subjects were consistent with this same assigned haplotype. These data are consistent with a common ancestral chromosome and provide no evidence for a recurrent mutation at this potentially hypermutable CG dinucleotide, despite the fact that this mutation is not rare.  相似文献   

We have identified a new species of apolipoprotein (apo) B in an individual with heterozygous hypobetalipoproteinemia. The new apo B (apo B-32) is the result of a single point mutation (1450 Gln----Stop) in the apo B gene that prevents full length translation. Apo B-32 is predicted to contain the 1449 amino-terminal amino acids of apo B-100 and is associated with a markedly decreased low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level. The density distribution of apo B-32 in the plasma lipoproteins makes it unique amongst other truncated apo B species. Normally, apo B-100 is found in both very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL particles. However, the majority of the apo B-32 protein was found in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) and lipoprotein-deplete (d greater than 1.21 g/ml) fractions, suggesting that it was mainly assembled into abnormally dense lipoprotein particles. A small amount of apo B-32 was also found in the LDL, making it the shortest known apo B variant capable of forming particles in this density range. Apo B-32 was undetected in VLDL. The apo B-32 mutation further defines the minimum length of the apo B protein that is required for the assembly of LDL.  相似文献   

ORP10/OSBPL10 is a member of the oxysterol-binding protein family, and genetic variation in OSBPL10 is associated with dyslipidemias and peripheral artery disease. In this study we investigated the ligand binding properties of ORP10 in vitro as well as its localization and function in human HuH7 hepatocytes. The pleckstrin homology (PH) domain of ORP10 selectively interacts with phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, while the C-terminal ligand binding domain binds cholesterol and several acidic phospholipids. Full-length ORP10 decorates microtubules (MT), while the ORP10 N-terminal fragment (aa 1-318) localizes at Golgi membranes. Removal of the C-terminal aa 712-764 of ORP10 containing a predicted coiled-coil segment abolishes the MT association, but allows partial Golgi targeting. A PH domain-GFP fusion protein is distributed mainly in the cytosol and the plasma membrane, indicating that the Golgi affinity of ORP10 involves other determinants in addition to the PH domain. HuH7 cells expressing ORP10-specific shRNA display increased accumulation of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100), but not of albumin, in culture medium, and contain reduced levels of intracellular apoB-100. Pulse-chase analysis of cellular [(35)S]apoB-100 demonstrates enhanced apoB-100 secretion by cells expressing ORP10-specific shRNA. The apoB-100 secretion phenotype is replicated in HepG2 cells transduced with the ORP10 shRNA lentiviruses. As a conclusion, the present study dissects the determinants of ORP10 association with MT and the Golgi complex and provides evidence for a specific role of this protein in β-lipoprotein secretion by human hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Familial defective apolipoprotein B-100 is a genetic disorder of apolipoprotein B-100 that causes moderate to severe hypercholesterolemia. A single amino acid mutation in apolipoprotein B diminishes the ability of low density lipoproteins to bind to the low density lipoprotein receptor. Low density lipoproteins accumulate in the plasma because their efficient receptor-mediated catabolism is disrupted. This mutation has been identified in the United States, Canada, and Europe and is estimated to occur at a frequency of approximately 1/500 in these populations. Thus, it appears that this newly described disorder may be a significant genetic cause of hypercholesterolemia in Western societies.  相似文献   

The structural relationship between apolipoprotein B-100 (apo-B-100) and apolipoprotein B-48 (apo-B-48) has not been elucidated. A peptide fragment (MDB-18) of approximately 6 kDa was isolated from a tryptic digest of apo-B-100. The sequence of the first 22 amino acids of MDB-18 was determined by Edman degradation. A 15-residue peptide corresponding to this sequence was synthesized by the solid-phase method and was utilized to develop a sequence-specific polyclonal antibody. On immunoblot analysis, the antibody recognized both intact apo-B-100 and apo-B-48. In addition, preincubating the antibody with the synthetic peptide abolished the recognition of both apo-B-100 and apo-B-48. These data are interpreted as indicating that there is an amino acid sequence homology between apo-B-100 and apo-B-48. Since the MDB-18 peptide is located in the carboxyl region of the B-100 molecule, we propose apo-B-100 and apo-B-48 share a common carboxyl region sequence.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated two proteins which can reduce phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide (PC-OOH) from human blood plasma and identified one of the proteins as apolipoprotein A-I (Mashima, R. , et al. (1998) J. Lipid Res. 39, 1133-1140). In the present study we have identified the other protein as apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100) by amino acid sequence analysis of its tryptic peptides. The reactivity of lipid hydroperoxides with apo B-100 decreased in the order of PC-OOH > linoleic acid hydroperoxide > cholesteryl ester hydroperoxide under our experimental conditions. Pretreatment of apo B-100 with chloramine T, an oxidant of methionine, diminished the PC-OOH-reducing activity, indicating that some of 78 methionines are responsible for the reduction of PC-OOH. Despite the presence of 6 methionines in albumin, albumin was inactive to reduce PC-OOH. Free methionine was also inactive. These data suggest that the accessibility and binding of lipid hydroperoxides to the protein methionine residues are crucial for reduction of lipid hydroperoxides.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100) is the protein ligand in low-density lipoproteins that binds to a specific cell-surface receptor. Its molecular mass has been a subject of controversy. We have determined the molecular mass of the protein by a chemical approach. After complete CNBr cleavage, the C-terminal fragment of apo B-100 was purified by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. Amino acid N- and C-terminal analyses confirm that this peptide represents the C-terminal peptide as deduced from the DNA sequence of a human apo B-100 cDNA clone. A chemically synthesized peptide was used to determine the recovery of the peptide (74.72%). On the basis of these data, the molecular mass of apo B-100 was determined to be 496.82 +/- 24.84 kDa.  相似文献   

Rabbit plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) contains one major apolipoprotein of apparent molecular weight of 320 kDa, designated apolipoprotein (apo) Bh, while another component termed apoB1 of apparent molecular weight of 220 kDa is found in chylomicrons. The fragments generated by thrombin digestion of the protein moieties of rabbit and human LDL were separated by polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis and compared. As in the human species, the enzyme produced limited cleavage patterns of rabbit LDL apoB. Within the first 2 h, two fragments (Tr1 and Tr2, with apparent molecular weights 280,000 and 44,000, respectively) appeared. Longer incubations led to the production of two additional peptides, Tr3 and Tr4 (apparent molecular weights 180,000 and 96,000, respectively). Ten monoclonal antibodies, developed against rabbit LDL and designated P01 to P10, were found to react with rabbit apoB. Some also cross-reacted with human apoB. Epitope mapping, performed with these antibodies, showed that Tr3 and Tr4 were derived from the further degradation of Tr1. The rabbit is one of the most frequently used animals in atherosclerosis research. Its LDL receptor has been characterized and there exists a strain of homozygous LDL receptor-deficient rabbits referred to as WHHL rabbits. Despite this, little has been done to characterize the structure of rabbit apoB; only a short region has been sequenced and shown to be the carboxyl-terminal region, the rabbit apoB1. The molecular weight of human apoB (550,000) is much larger than rabbit apoBh. In both species, a primary and secondary thrombin cleavage occur, but the size of the fragments produced is very different between the two species. Identification of the thrombolytic fragments of the rabbit apoB have afforded the opportunity to compare the structures of both apoB species.  相似文献   

The amino-terminal thrombolytic fragment (residues 1-191) of human apolipoprotein (apo) E was previously shown to be fully active in binding to the low density lipoprotein receptor. In this study, truncated apoE variants with progressive deletions at the carboxyl terminus were produced in Escherichia coli by linker-insertion mutagenesis to define the minimum amino-terminal structure necessary for full receptor binding. These truncated forms of apoE, comprising residues 1-166, 1-170, 1-174, or 1-183, were combined with the phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine and tested for their ability to bind to low density lipoprotein receptors on human fibroblasts. All of the truncated variants formed typical discoidal particles when combined with the phospholipid, and the particles could be isolated by density gradient ultracentrifugation. The 1-166 and 1-170 variants had very little receptor binding activity (1%), whereas the 1-183 variant had nearly full activity (85%). The 1-174 variant had 19% activity. We conclude that the 171-183 region of apoE is important for receptor binding, either by contributing one or more residues essential for receptor binding or, more likely, by stabilizing or aligning the region known to be crucial for receptor binding, in the vicinity of residues 140-160.  相似文献   

The transport of apolipoprotein B (apoB) between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi was studied in puromycin-synchronized HepG2 cells, using an antibody that could distinguish between apoB in ER and Golgi compartments. In cells with normal ER-to-Golgi transport, both albumin and apoB colocalized throughout the ER and appeared as intense, compact signals in Golgi. When ER-to-Golgi transport was blocked with brefeldin A, apoB and albumin remained colocalized in the ER network and three-dimensional constructed images showed more intense signals for both proteins in a central, perinuclear region of the ER. When protein synthesis was stopped in cells with brefeldin A-inhibited ER-to-Golgi transport, apoB degradation was visualized as a homogeneous decrease in fluorescence signal intensity throughout the ER that could be slowed with clasto-lactacystin beta-lactone, a proteasome inhibitor. Incubation of cells with CP-10447, an inhibitor of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, inhibited apoB, but not albumin, transport from ER to Golgi. Nanogold immunoelectron microscopy of digitonin-permeabilized cells showed proteasomes in close proximity to the cytosolic side of the ER membrane. Thus, newly synthesized apoB is localized throughout the entire ER and degraded homogeneously, most likely by neighboring proteasomes located on the cytosolic side of the ER membrane. Although albumin is colocalized with apoB in the ER, as expected, it was not targeted for ER-associated proteasomal degradation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein B-100, the major protein constituent of human plasma low-density lipoproteins (LDL), was carboxyamidomethylated, digested with trypsin and the water-soluble tryptic peptides were coincubated with liposomes of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC). At 24.3 degrees C the peptides induced lipid solubilization as evidenced by optical clearing of the lipid-peptide mixture. Lipid-peptide complexes were isolated by density-gradient ultracentrifugation in KBr and had the following properties: DMPC/peptide ratio of 5.6 (w/w); buoyant density of 1.07-1.09 g/ml; discoidal morphology (51 +/- 4 X 260 +/- 28 A) as determined by electron microscopy; and molecular weight of 1.5 X 10(6) as determined by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Compared to liposomes and sonicated vesicles of DMPC, the lipid-peptide complexes had a more rigid structure as assessed by fluorescence polarization. Whereas intact LDL had 42% alpha-helix and 15% beta-pleated sheet, the lipid-peptide complexes contained 70% alpha-helix and less than 5% beta-pleated sheet. The lipid-peptide complexes did not bind to the fibroblast high-affinity LDL receptor. These results show that specific regions in apolipoprotein B-100 which interact with phospholipid have an amphipathic character and may represent primary sites for lipid-protein interaction in LDL.  相似文献   

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