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Purified lipid-depleted cytochrome oxidase, at purity of 12--14 nmol heme a per mg protein, has been shown to contain seven non-identical subunits in the ratio of unity. Their molucular weights on polyacrylamide gel are, in thousands, 40, 21, 14.8, 13.5, 11.6, 9.5, and 7.6 from gel electrophoresis after dissociation in sodium dodecyl sulfate and beta-mercaptoethanol. The molar ratio is determined by the amino acid composition of each subunit obtained from direct hydrolysis of the stained polyacrylamide gel slices. The amino acid composition of the isolated subunits I and II determined by regular hydrolysis method is found practically the same as that from direct hydrolysis of gel slices. The heme-associated polypeptides are identified with subunits of molecular weights of 40.10(3) and 11.6.10(3). One of the two coppers associated with the polypeptide of molecular weight of 21 000. The second copper may be associated with heme in the subunit of 40.10(3). Evidence of the existence of interpolypeptide disulfide linkages is presented.  相似文献   

A method was developed for large scale isolation of AGY-specific serine tRNA (tRNASerAGY) from bovine heart mitochondria. By this method, 5 A260 units of tRNASerAGY were recovered from 6.3 kg of bovine hearts. The nucleotide sequence was identical to that reported previously. tRNASerAGY showed abnormal melting profiles, as was predicted from its unique primary sequence. Its secondary and/or tertiary structure was analyzed by nuclease digestion method. It was suggested that three extra base pairs could occur in the anticodon stem region, with one adenosine residue protruding. The T loop was quite sensitive to nuclease S1, suggesting that the T loop doesn't interact with other regions. This finding is consistent with the model proposed by Sundaralingam (1980). tRNASerAGY was aminoacylated in vitro with only mitochondrial enzyme but not with the enzymes from E. coli and yeast. The aminoacylation rate of tRNASerAGY with mitochondrial enzyme was much faster than that of cytosolic tRNASerUCN, perhaps reflecting differences due to the presence and absence of the D arm of the tRNAs.  相似文献   

Subunits located near the cardiolipin binding sites of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) were identified by photolabeling with arylazido-cardiolipin analogues and detecting labeled subunits by reversed-phase HPLC and HPLC-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Two arylazido-containing cardiolipin analogues were synthesized: (1) 2-SAND-gly-CL with a nitrophenylazido group attached to the polar headgroup of cardiolipin (CL) via a linker containing a cleavable disulfide; (2) 2',2'-bis-(AzC12)-CL with two of the four fatty acid tails of cardiolipin replaced by 12-(N-4-azido-2-nitrophenyl) aminododecanoic acid. Both arylazido-CL derivatives were used to map the cardiolipin binding sites within two types of detergent-solubilized CcO: (1) intact 13-subunit CL-containing CcO (three to four molecules of endogenous CL remain bound per CcO monomer); (2) 11-subunit CL-free CcO (subunits VIa and VIb are missing because they dissociate during CL removal). Upon the basis of these photolabeling studies, we conclude that (1) subunits VIIa, VIIc, and possibly VIII are located near the two high-affinity cardiolipin binding sites, which are present in either form of CcO, and (2) subunit VIa is located adjacent to the lower affinity cardiolipin binding site, which is only present in the 13-subunit form of CcO. These data are consistent with the recent CcO crystal structure in which one cardiolipin is located near subunit VIIa and a second is located near subunit VIa (PDB ID code referenced in Tomitake, T. et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100, 15304-15309). However, we propose that a third cardiolipin is bound between subunits VIIa and VIIc near the entrance to the D-channel. Cardiolipin bound at this location could potentially function as a proton antenna to facilitate proton entry into the D-channel. If true, it would explain the CcO requirement of bound cardiolipin for full electron transport activity.  相似文献   

Preparation and properties of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cytochrome c oxidase is isolated from bovine heart by a procedure that involves differential precipitation, fractionation with ammonium sulfate in 0.5% cholate, and removal of residual cholate by molecular sieve chromatography. The oxidase is highly active and is unusually soluble in phosphate buffer without added detergent; solutions with several millimolar concentrations, yet low viscosities, are readily prepared. The preparation contains ca. 20% lipid with a Cu to Fe ratio of 1:1. Intensities of visible and Soret bands in oxidized and reduced states are ca. 25% lower than in the presence of detergent (0.75% Tween 20). Oxidized cytochrome c inhibits and binds more tightly than does the reduced species (KI, 18 μM; KM, 25 μM) as noted in mitochondria.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the six cytochrome c oxidase subunits in the inner membrane of bovine heart mitochondria was investigated. The experiments were carried out in three steps. In the first step, exposed subunits were coupled to the membrane-impermeant reagent p-diazonium benzene [32S]sulfonate. In the second step, the membranes were lysed with cholate anc cytochrome c oxidase was isolated by immunoprecipitation. In the third step, the six cytochrome c oxidase subunits were separated from each other by dodecyl sulfate-acrylamide gel electrophoresis and scanned for radioactivity. Exposed subunits on the outer side of the mitochondrial inner membrane were identified by labeling intact mitochondria. Exposed subunits on the matrix side of the inner membrane were identified by labeling sonically prepared submitochondrial particles in which the matrix side of the inner membrane is exposed to the suspending medium. Since sonic irradiation leads to a rearrangement of cytochrome c oxidase in a large fraction of the resulting submitochondrial particles, an immunochemical procedure was developed for isolating particles with a low content of displaced cytochrome c oxidase. With mitochondria, subunits II, V, and VI were labeled, whereas in purified submitochondrial particles most of the label was in subunit III. The arrangement of cytochrome c oxidase in the mitochondrial inner membrane is thus transmembraneous and asymmetric; subunits II, V, and VI are situated on the outer side, subunit III is situated on the matrix side, and subunits I and IV are buried in the interior of the membrane. In a study of purified cytochrome c oxidase labeled with p-diazonium benzene [32S]sulfonate, the results were similar to those obtained with the membrane-bound enzyme. Subunits I and IV were inaccessible to the reagent, whereas the other four subunits were accessible. In contrast, all six subunits became labeled if the enzyme was dissociated with dodecyl sulfate before being exposed to the labeling reagent.  相似文献   

The isolation and purification of cytochrome c1 from bovine heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large-scale isolation method for cytochrome c1 from beef heart is presented, based in principle on the procedure of Yu et al. (Yu, C.A., Yu, L. and King, T.E. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247, 1012--1019). Optimal solubilization of cytochrome c1 from succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase was achieved with 15% beta-mercaptoethanol, 1.5% cholate, 0.5% deoxycholate in 8% saturated ammoniun sulphate. The protein is purfied to a higher degree by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Ultrogel AcA 44. The method is reproducible and gives highly purified cytochrome c1 with a yield from succinate-cytochrome c oxidoreductase of 40%. The purified cytochrome c1 contains 32 nmol of heme/mg protein and has a spectral heme-to-protein ratio (Ared417nm/Ax276nm) of 2.7. Reduced cytochrome c1 is oxidized very rapidly by ferricytochrome c (k = 3 . 10(7) M-1 . S-1 at 10 degrees C, 100 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.0) and 1% Tween 20). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate shows that the isolated protein consists of one peptide, with a molecular weight of 31 000, carrying the chromophore. In the presence of 1% sodium cholate or 1% Tween 80, cytochrome c1 is in the monomeric state, whereas at lower concentrations of detergent the protein aggregates. The aggregation of cytochrome c1 is found to be reversible.  相似文献   

The 1.9 A resolution X-ray structure of the O2 reduction site of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase in the fully reduced state indicates trigonal planar coordination of CuB by three histidine residues. One of the three histidine residues has a covalent link to a tyrosine residue to ensure retention of the tyrosine at the O2 reduction site. These moieties facilitate a four electron reduction of O2, and prevent formation of active oxygen species. The combination of a redox-coupled conformational change of an aspartate residue (Asp51) located near the intermembrane surface of the enzyme molecule and the existence of a hydrogen bond network connecting Asp51 to the matrix surface suggest that the proton-pumping process is mediated at Asp51. Mutation analyses using a gene expression system of the Asp51-containing enzyme subunit yield results in support of the proposal that Asp51 plays a critical role in the proton pumping process.  相似文献   

The beef heart cytochrome oxidase (EC has been purified by hydrophobic chromatography. The enzyme has been resolved into 11 different polypeptides by SDS/urea gel-electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A protocol has been worked out for separating all thirteen different polypeptides in the beef heart cytochrome c oxidase complex from a single aliquot of enzyme. This involves an initial separation of polypeptides by gel filtration on a Biogel P-60 column in SDS, a step which purifies subunits CIV and CVIII and gives mixtures of CV + CVI, ASA, AED and STA, as well as CVII, CIX and IHQ. These mixtures are then resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The separation procedures have been applied to fetal heart cytochrome c oxidase of gestation between 100 and 200 days. No differences were found in the N-terminal sequences of any of the cytoplasmically made subunits or in the entire sequence of CIX between late fetal and adult forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Among the X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO), reported thus far, the highest resolution is 1.8?. CcO includes 13 different protein subunits, 7 species of phospholipids, 7 species of triglycerides, 4 redox-active metal sites (Cu(A), heme a (Fe(a)), Cu(B), heme a(3) (Fe(a3))) and 3 redox-inactive metal sites (Mg(2+), Zn(2+) and Na(+)). The effects of various O(2) analogs on the X-ray structure suggest that O(2) molecules are transiently trapped at the Cu(B) site before binding to Fe(a3)(2+) to provide O(2)(-). This provides three possible electron transfer pathways from Cu(B), Fe(a3) and Tyr244 via a water molecule. These pathways facilitate non-sequential 3 electron reduction of the bound O(2)(-) to break the OO bond without releasing active oxygen species. Bovine heart CcO has a proton conducting pathway that includes a hydrogen-bond network and a water-channel which, in tandem, connect the positive side phase with the negative side phase. The hydrogen-bond network forms two additional hydrogen-bonds with the formyl and propionate groups of heme a. Thus, upon oxidation of heme a, the positive charge created on Fe(a) is readily delocalized to the heme peripheral groups to drive proton-transport through the hydrogen-bond network. A peptide bond in the hydrogen-bond network and a redox-coupled conformational change in the water channel are expected to effectively block reverse proton transfer through the H-pathway. These functions of the pathway have been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of bovine CcO expressed in HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Proton-transfer reactions on the surface of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase were investigated by combining a laser-induced proton-pulse technique with molecular modeling. The experimental approach simultaneously monitors the state of pyranine protonation in the bulk phase and that of a fluorescein indicator specifically attached to the native Cys(III-115) residue of subunit III of cytochrome oxidase. The reversible dynamics of the acid-base equilibration between the surface and the bulk phase were measured with submicrosecond time resolution and analyzed by numerical integration of coupled nonlinear differential rate equations. Kinetic analysis shows that carboxylates on the surface of the protein act as a proton-collecting antenna, which is able to rapidly transfer protons to nearby histidines that function as a local proton reservoir. These properties enable cytochrome oxidase to carry out its redox-linked proton translocation. Molecular modeling of the fluorescein-binding site indicates that, in addition to the covalent bond, the dye is anchored through a hydrogen bond to the hydroxyl moiety of Tyr(VII-50). The protonation of the dye is mediated through three residues that shuttle protons between the bulk and the dye. A correlation between the measured kinetic properties of the bound fluorescein and the different configurations of the dye allows us to predict the identity of the proton-binding sites in the fluorescein-binding domain.  相似文献   

Liposomes containing bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (COV) prepared by the cholate dialysis technique were purified from those devoid of the enzyme using discontinuous sucrose density ultra centrifugation to eliminate interference in proton-pumping assays. This technique was also used to purify liposomes containing cytochrome c oxidase depleted in subunit III (COV-III), a COX enzyme preparation with altered subunit structure, to assess if the technique could be applied to COX enzymes in which structural and functional changes have occurred. Upon discontinuous sucrose density ultra gradient ultracentrifugation, either COV or COV-III were separated into two bands. Liposomes devoid of enzyme sedimented into the 12% sucrose layer, whereas enzyme-containing liposomes (pCOV or pCOV-III) were found in the 13% sucrose layer. The yield of both pCOV or pCOV-III was greater than 60% (based on heme aa(3) content), suggesting a similar distribution of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and subunit III-depleted enzyme (COX-III) in the purified liposomes. The number of COX or COX-III molecules per phospholipid vesicle in purified fractions was estimated to be two. Removal of subunit III (M(r)=29,918) from COX resulted in a 30% decrease in electron transfer activity (either in COV-III or pCOV-III) when compared with COV and pCOV, respectively. Both pCOV and pCOV-III exhibited low endogenous proton permeability, as assessed by possessing high respiratory control ratios (14 and greater) and by having similar valinomycin concentration dependencies for stimulation of electron transfer activity in the presence of saturating amounts of CCCP. COV-III and pCOV-III exhibited a 39-44% decrease in proton-pumping activity when compared with COV and pCOV. These results showed that the separation of COX containing liposomes from those lacking enzyme by sucrose density gradient centrifugation can be used to characterize the biophysical properties of these liposomes.  相似文献   

X-ray structures of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase at 1.8/1.9 A resolution in the oxidized/reduced states exhibit a redox coupled conformational change of an aspartate located near the intermembrane surface of the enzyme. The alteration of the microenvironment of the carboxyl group of this aspartate residue indicates the occurrence of deprotonation upon reduction of the enzyme. The residue is connected with the matrix surface of the enzyme by a hydrogen-bond network that includes heme a via its propionate and formyl groups. These X-ray structures provide evidence that proton pumping occurs through the hydrogen bond network and is driven by the low spin heme. The function of the aspartate is confirmed by mutation of the aspartate to asparagine. Although the amino acid residues of the hydrogen bond network and the structures of the low spin heme peripheral groups are not completely conserved amongst members of the heme-copper terminal oxidase superfamily, the existence of low spin heme and the hydrogen bond network suggests that the low spin heme provides the driving element of the proton-pumping process.  相似文献   

G Goodman  J S Leigh 《Biochemistry》1985,24(9):2310-2317
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) at 15 K was used to probe the magnetic interaction between the visible copper CuA2+ and ferric cytochrome a in the carbon monoxide compound of beef heart cytochrome oxidase. At pH 8.6, the midpoint potentials (Em's) for one-electron oxidation of CuA+ and cytochrome a2+ were found to be 195 and 235 mV, respectively. Because the Em of CuA is well below that of cytochrome a under these conditions, the microwave power saturation of CuA could be measured as a function of percentage cytochrome a oxidized. Although progressive power saturation data directly provide only the product of the spin-lattice and transverse relaxation rates delta [1/(T1T2)], Castner's theory for the saturation of inhomogeneously broadened lines [Castner, T.G., Jr. (1959) Phys. Rev. 115 (6), 1506-1515], along with our own theoretical formulation of the dipolar T2, enabled us to determine the change in T1 of CuA due to dipolar relaxation by cytochrome a. The orientation of the principal g values of CuA with respect to those of cytochrome a was evaluated in partially oriented membranous multilayers. When allowance was made for uncertainties in the relative CuA-cytochrome a configuration and in the dipolar axis-magnetic field orientation, a range for the spin-spin distance r was calculated on the basis of the dipolar T1 of the gx component of CuA. This distance range was further restricted by consideration of T1 for the nonunique orientations of CuA giving rise to the gy signal. Only those values of r are possible for which the calculated T1 ratio (gx/gy) is equal to the experimentally determined ratio.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) was inactivated by the lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with pseudo-first-order kinetics. Cytochrome c oxidase electron transport activity decreased by as much as 50% when the enzyme was incubated for 2 h at room temperature with excess HNE (300-500 microM). HNE-modified CcO subunits were identified by two mass spectrometric methods: electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI/MS) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). All of the experimentally determined molecular masses were in excellent agreement with published sequence values with an accuracy of approximately 1 part per 10000 mass units for subunits smaller than 20 kDa and approximately 1 part per 1000 mass units for the three subunits larger than 20 kDa. Both MS methods detected six CcO subunits with an increased mass of 156 Da after reaction with HNE (subunits II, IV, Vb, VIIa, VIIc, and VIII); this result indicates a single Michael-type reaction site on either a lysine or histidine residue within each subunit. Reaction of HNE with either subunit VIIc or subunit VIII (modified approximately 30% and 50-75%, respectively) must be responsible for CcO inhibition. None of the other subunits were modified more than 5% and could not account for the observed loss of activity. Reaction of HNE with His-36 of subunit VIII is most consistent with the approximately 50% inhibition of CcO: (1) subunit VIII is modified more than any other subunit by HNE; (2) the time dependence of subunit VIII modification is consistent with the percent inhibition of CcO; (3) His-36 was identified as the HNE-modified amino acid residue within subunit VIII by tandem MS analysis.  相似文献   

A subunit which retains heme has been isolated and purified up to a homogenous form on polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic column in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and β-mercaptoethanol from cytochrome oxidase. The separation of the subunit does not rely on any detergent except cholate used in the preparation of cytochrome oxidase. The purification involves a reaction with pyridine, pH precipitation, and DEAE-cellulose column chromatography. The purified subunit has a molecular weight of 11,600 daltons and contains more than 40 nmol Fe per mg protein; the lower iron content than the calculated value is apparently due to the loss of heme a in the course of the purification. The subunit is freely soluble in aqueous solution at neutral pH to give a dark green color. Spectral properties and amino acid composition of this subunit have been studied.  相似文献   

The polypeptide subunits of cytochrome c oxidase (E.C. isolated from beef heart which react with 203[Hg]Cl2 have been identified. A rapid and simple method for identifying and numbering the subunits is described which is independent of the type of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel system employed to separate them.  相似文献   

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