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Solid-phase syntheses of the hydrophobic peptides Neu(TM35) ((1)EQRASPVTFIIATVVGVLLFLILVVVVGILIKRRR(35)) and Neu*(TM35) ((1)EQRASPVTFIIATVEGVLLFLILVVVVGILIKRRR(35)), corresponding to the native and mutated (V15E) transmembrane domain of the neu/erbB-2 tyrosine kinase receptor, respectively, were accomplished using Fmoc chemistry. The use of a new resin and cleavage and purification conditions led to large increases in yields and peptide purity. Two (15)N-labelled versions of both wild type and mutated peptides were also synthesized. Approximately 20-40 mg of peptide was obtained using a small-scale synthesis, whereas ca 100 mg of pure peptide was collected on a medium scale. Peptide purity, as monitored by HPLC and mass spectrometry, ranged from 95 to 98% for the six peptides synthesized. Secondary structure as determined by UV circular dichroism (CD) in trifluoroethanol (TFE) showed ca 74% alpha-helical content for the native peptide and ca 63% for that bearing the mutation. Secondary structure of Neu(TM35) was retained in DMPC (dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine)/DCPC (dicaproylphosphatidylcholine) membrane bicelles, and evidences for dimers/oligomers in the lipid bilayer were found.  相似文献   

The conformational preference of alpha-D-Manp-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Manp-(1-->O)-L-Ser has been investigated by one-dimensional (1)H,(1)H T-ROESY experiments and molecular-dynamics simulations with CHARMM22 type of force fields and water as explicit solvent. Proton-proton distances were obtained from the simulations and subsequently experimentally determined distances could be derived. Measurements were performed on the title compound as well as on selectively deuterium-substituted analogues synthesized as part of this study to alleviate possible NMR spectroscopic difficulties. A very good agreement was present between the separate NMR experiments. In the subsequent analysis a key nuclear Overhauser effect between the anomeric protons in the two sugar residues was used to assess the conformational dynamics revealed by the molecular simulations. The combined results support a model in which two states are significantly populated as a result of flexibility around the bond defined by the glycosidic torsion angle psi.  相似文献   

The condensation of DNA by the C-terminal domain of histone H1 has been studied by circular dichroism in physiological salt concentration (0.14 M NaF). As the intact H1 molecule, its C-terminal domain induces the so-called psi state of DNA that is characterized by a nonconservative circular dichroism spectrum which is currently attributed to ordered aggregation of the DNA molecules. On a molar basis, intact H1 and its C-terminal domain give spectra of similar intensity. Neither the globular domain of H1 nor an N-terminal fragment, that includes both the globular and N-terminal domains, has any effect on the conservative circular dichroism of DNA. From these results it is concluded that the condensation of DNA mediated by histone H1 is mainly due to its C-terminal domain. The effect of the salt concentration and the size of DNA molecules on the circular dichroism of the complexes are also examined.  相似文献   

The neu/erbB-2 protooncogene encodes a transmembrane tyrosine kinase homologous to receptors for polypeptide growth factors. The oncogenic potential of the presumed receptor is released through multiple genetic mechanisms including a point mutation, truncation of non-catalytic sequences and overexpression. The latter mechanism appears to be relevant to human cancers as elevated expression of the neu/erbB-2 gene is frequently observed in solid tumors of various adenocarcinomas. It is therefore conceivable that strategies aimed at the biochemical mechanism of action of the neu/erbB-2 tyrosine kinase may contribute to the treatment of certain human cancers. To this aim we undertook a multiple research approach consisting of the following directions: (i) The neu/erbB-2 ligand--a systematic screening of potential biological sources of the hypothetical hormone molecule, that presumably binds to the neu/erbB-2 protein, resulted in detection of a candidate activity in the medium of certain cultured transformed cells. Partial purification indicated that the factor is a 30-35 kDa glycoprotein. Further studies revealed several biochemical characteristics of the factor that may be helpful for complete purification and structural analysis of this novel hormone. (ii) Signal transduction by neu/erbB-2--using a chimeric receptor approach and various mutants we found that all the oncogenic forms of the neu/erbB-2 are constitutively coupled, both physically and functionally, to a multi-protein complex of signaling molecules. The latter includes the phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C gamma and a phosphatidylinositol kinase. Thus, the metabolism of inositol lipids is probably a major biochemical pathway utilized by the neu/erbB-2 tyrosine kinase. (iii) Tumor inhibitory antibodies--we generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies to the presumed receptor. Surprisingly, some antibodies almost completely inhibited the growth of tumor cells in athymic mice, whereas one antibody significantly accelerated the rate of tumor growth in animals. Interestingly, the inhibitory antibodies conferred a mature phenotype to cultured breast cancer cells, implicating terminal differentiation in tumor retardation.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic helix domain (fourth cytoplasmic loop, helix 8) of numerous G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) such as rhodopsin and the beta-adrenergic receptor exhibit unique structural and functional characteristics. Computer models also predict this structure for the cannabinoid CB2 receptor, another member of the GPCR superfamily. In our study, a peptide corresponding to helix 8 of the CB2 receptor was synthesized chemically and its secondary structure determined by circular dichroism (CD) and (1)H NMR spectroscopy. NMR and CD revealed an alpha-helical structure in this region in both dodecylphosphocholine micelles and dimethylsulfoxide, in contrast to a random coil configuration found in aqueous solvent. This finding is in good agreement with other previous GPCR structural studies including X-ray crystallography. By combining our finding with other studies, we further hypothesize that the amphipathic nature of helix 8 can play a significant role in the function and regulation of CB receptors as well as other GPCRs in general.  相似文献   

Far-UV CD, 1H-NMR, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy are three of the most commonly used methods for the determination of protein secondary structure composition. These methods are compared and evaluated as a means of establishing isostructural metal substitution in metalloproteins, using the crystallographically defined rubredoxin from Desulfovibrio gigas and its well-characterized cadmium derivative as a model system. It is concluded that analysis of the FTIR spectrum of the protein amide I resonance represents the most facile and generally applicable method of determining whether the overall structure of a metalloprotein has been altered upon metal reconstitution. This technique requires relatively little biological material (ca. 300 micrograms total protein) and, unlike either CD or 1H-NMR spectroscopy, is unaffected by the presence of different metal ions, thus allowing the direct comparison of FTIR spectra before and after metal substitution.  相似文献   

The ability of three anionic cosolutes (sulfate, thiocyanate, and chloride) in modulating the (1)H/(2)H exchange rates for backbone amide protons has been investigated using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for two different proteins: the IGg-binding domain of protein L (ProtL) and the glucose-galactose-binding protein (GGBP). Our results show that moderate anion concentrations (0.2 M-1 M) regulate the exchange rate following the Hofmeister series: Addition of thiocyanate increases the exchange rates for both proteins, while sulfate and chloride (to a less extent) slow down the exchange reaction. In the presence of the salt, no alteration of the protein structure and minimal variations in the number of measurable peaks are observed. Experiments with model compounds revealed that the unfolded state is modulated in an equivalent way by these cosolutes. For ProtL, the estimated values for the local free energy change upon salt addition (m (3,DeltaG )) are consistent with the previously reported free energy contribution from the cosolute's preferential interaction/exclusion term indicating that nonspecific weak interactions between the anion and the amide groups constitute the dominant mechanism for the exchange-rate modulation. The same trend is also found for GGBP in the presence of thiocyanate, underlining the generality of the exchange-rate modulation mechanism, complementary to more investigated effects like the electrostatic interactions or specific anion binding to protein sites.  相似文献   

The (1)H chemical shifts, coupling constants, temperature coefficients, exchange rates, and inter-residual ROEs have been measured, in aqueous solution, for the hydroxy and amine/amide proton resonances of a set of beta-D-Galp-(1-->4)-beta-D-GlcpNAc-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Manp-(1-->O)(CH(2))(7)CH(3) analogues. From the structural data, a few significant structural features could be ascertained, such as a preferential anti-conformation for the amide protons of the N-acetyl and N-propionyl groups. The introduction of systematic modifications at Gal 2-C and Gal 6-C resulted in alterations of the Gal 4-OH, Gal 3-OH, and GlcNAc 3-OH areas, since variations in chemical shifts and temperature coefficient were observed. In order to verify the possibility of hydrogen bonds, molecular dynamics simulations in the gas phase and explicit solvent were performed and correlated with the experimental data. A network of hydrogen bonds to solvent molecules was observed, but no strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding was observed.  相似文献   

B Borah  F B Howard  H T Miles  J S Cohen 《Biochemistry》1986,25(23):7464-7470
Proton one- and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (1D and 2D NOE) spectroscopy has been used to demonstrate that poly(d2NH2A-d5IU) and poly(d2NH2A-d5BrU) are converted from the B to the A conformation in high salt, as found previously for poly(d2NH2A-dT) [Borah, B., Cohen, J. S., Howard, F. B., & Miles, H. T. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 7456-7462]. The 2D NOE and 1D NOE spectra exhibit strong base proton (H8,H6)-H3' cross relaxation, suggesting short interproton distances. These results are indicative of a C3'-endo sugar pucker for both purine and pyrimidine residues in an A or closely related structure. The circular dichroism and UV spectra are consistent with the interpretation of an A conformation in high salt.  相似文献   

The dissociative photoionization of a single-enantiomer chiral molecule by circularly polarized synchrotron radiation was investigated, for the first time, in the gas phase. Photoion mass spectra were produced by the interaction of (+)-(S)-, (-)-(R)- and rac-2-amino-l-butanol with circularly polarized light. Comparison of these spectra places an upper bound of approximately 2% on circular dichroism in the dissociative photoionization of 2-amino-l-butanol at 21 eV, which may have consequences for the theory that the origin of biological homochirality was predominantly enantioselective photofragmentation by circularly polarized light. We have also identified and elucidated many of the difficulties of performing gas phase CD measurements in crossed beam experiments.  相似文献   

S100a is a heterodimeric, acidic calcium-binding protein that interacts with calmodulin antagonists in a Ca2+-dependent manner. In order to study the behavior of the hydrophobic domain on S100a when bound to Ca2+, its interaction with trifluoperazine (TFP) was investigated using16F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The dissociation constant (K d) values of TFP, as estimated from the chemical shifts of19F NMR, were 191 and 29 μm in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, and were similar to those previously reported for S100b. However, the TFP linewidth in the presence of Ca2+-bound S100a was 65 Hz greater than in the presence of Ca2+-bound S100b. This suggests a slower TFP exchange rate for S100a than for S100b. Thus, the TFP linewidths observed for each isoform may reflect differences in structural and modulatory properties of the Ca2+-dependent hydrophobic domains on S100a and S100b. Additionally, the presence of magnesium had no effect on the observed Ca2+-induced TFP spectral changes in S100a solutions. Circular dichroism studies indicate that Ca2+ induces a small transition from α-helix to random coil in S100a; in contrast, the opposite transition is reported for calmodulin (Hennesseyet al., 1987). However, TFP did not significantly alter the secondary structure of Ca2+-bound S100a; this observation is similar to the effect of TFP on Ca2+-bound calmodulin and troponin C (Shimizu and Hatano, 1984; Gariépy and Hodges, 1983). It is, therefore, proposed that TFP binds to a hydrophobic domain on S100a in a fashion similar to other calcium-modulated proteins.  相似文献   

Conformational studies of nociceptin (NC-NH2), its fully active fragment, NC(1-13)-NH2, and two significantly less potent fragments, NC(1-13)-OH and NC(1-11)-OH, were conducted in water and TFE solutions by the employment of circular dichroism, and in DMSO-d6 by 2DNMR spectroscopy in conjunction with theoretical conformational analysis. The conformations of all thepeptides studied were calculated taking two approaches. The first assumes multiconformational equilibrium of the peptide studied, which is characterized by a set of conformations (and their statistical weight values)obtained from a global conformational analysis using three methods: the electrostatically driven Monte-Carlo (EDMC) with the ECEPP/3 force field, the simulated annealing (SA) protocols in the AMBER and CHARMM force fields. The second approach incorporates the interproton distance and dihedral angle constraints into the starting conformation. Calculations were performed using the distance geometry and SA protocol in the CHARMM force field implemented in the X-PLOR program. The CD experiments indicated that for the active peptides, hydrophobic solvents induced a significantly higher (compared with those remaining)content order, probably a helical structure. Unfortunately, as a result of the conformational flexibility of thepeptides, the analysis of conformations obtained with both approaches and different force fields did not alllow the selection of any structural elements of the NC peptides that might be connected with their bioactivity. The only common element found in most conformations of the active peptides was a helical character of fragment 8-13, which allowed the side chains of basic amino acid residues to be exposed to the outside of the molecule and probably to interact with the ORL1 receptor.  相似文献   

The imino proton resonances of 15N labeled tRNA appear as asymmetric doublet signals, the asymmetry being dependent on the applied magnetic field strength. Assuming a tautomerism of the type N-H...N not equal to N...H-N in the base pairs the line shapes can be simulated. The most important parameters fitted in the simulation are the rate constants of the proton transfer and the mole fractions of either tautomeric state. The rate constants are of the order of 100s-1 and the mole fractions of the non dominant tautomer about 0.1 depending on the temperature and on the nature of the base pairing. The observations are attributed to a double proton transfer in the base pairs. The unexpectedly slow rates of the double proton transfer process may be connected with a concomitant conformational change of the duplex structure.  相似文献   

Galanin and its newly discovered relative galanin-like peptide (GALP) are neuropeptides that are implicated in the neuroendocrine regulation of body weight and reproduction. GALP encompasses within its sequence the first 13 residues of galanin, known to be crucial to binding and activation of galanin receptor (GalR) subtypes. Using 2D-NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy we demonstrated that GALP does not adopt a preferred conformation in pure water alone. However, it shows characteristics of transient turn-like structures in two distinct regions of its sequence, 11-23 and 41-49. These transient ordered structures, nascent helices, probably form stable helical structures upon addition of the helix-inducing solvent, trifluoroethanol, as determined by circular dichroism studies. Secondary structure prediction methods also predict the presence of two helical regions in the sequence of GALP overlapping reasonably with those regions identified as nascent helical structures by experimental methods.  相似文献   

EF-hand peptides have been shown to bind calcium and dimerize to form an intact protein domain [Shaw, G.S., Hodges, R.S. & Sykes, B.D. (1990). Science, 249, 280-283]. A synthetic 33-residue EF-hand peptide with the sequence of carp parvalbumin CD site demonstrated a seven-fold increase in the apparent calcium dissociation constant with a eight-fold decrease in peptide concentration when fit to a single-site calcium-binding model. This observation is consistent with EF-hand dimerization. This paper describes a method to determine the dimerization dissociation constant and the calcium dissociation constants for both the monomer and dimer forms of this EF-hand peptide using circular dichroism techniques. By monitoring the increase in negative molar ellipticity at 222 nm with increasing peptide concentration under calcium-saturating conditions the dimerization dissociation constant for the synthetic parvalbumin CD site was determined to be 55.68+/-10.76 microM. Using the dimerization constant, the calcium dissociation constants for both the monomer and dimer forms of this peptide were determined by monitoring the change in ellipticity of peptide solutions on addition of increasing amounts of calcium. A fit of this data to a mathematical model that takes into account dimerization results in calcium dissociation constants of 421.3+/-21.56 and 47.06+/-6.72 microM for the monomer and dimer forms, respectively.  相似文献   

S100a is a heterodimeric, acidic calcium-binding protein that interacts with calmodulin antagonists in a Ca2+-dependent manner. In order to study the behavior of the hydrophobic domain on S100a when bound to Ca2+, its interaction with trifluoperazine (TFP) was investigated using16F nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. The dissociation constant (K d) values of TFP, as estimated from the chemical shifts of19F NMR, were 191 and 29 m in the absence and presence of Ca2+, respectively, and were similar to those previously reported for S100b. However, the TFP linewidth in the presence of Ca2+-bound S100a was 65 Hz greater than in the presence of Ca2+-bound S100b. This suggests a slower TFP exchange rate for S100a than for S100b. Thus, the TFP linewidths observed for each isoform may reflect differences in structural and modulatory properties of the Ca2+-dependent hydrophobic domains on S100a and S100b. Additionally, the presence of magnesium had no effect on the observed Ca2+-induced TFP spectral changes in S100a solutions. Circular dichroism studies indicate that Ca2+ induces a small transition from -helix to random coil in S100a; in contrast, the opposite transition is reported for calmodulin (Hennesseyet al., 1987). However, TFP did not significantly alter the secondary structure of Ca2+-bound S100a; this observation is similar to the effect of TFP on Ca2+-bound calmodulin and troponin C (Shimizu and Hatano, 1984; Gariépy and Hodges, 1983). It is, therefore, proposed that TFP binds to a hydrophobic domain on S100a in a fashion similar to other calcium-modulated proteins.  相似文献   

Deuterium labeled monostearoylglycerols with fully ([2H(35)]-MSG) and selectively ([11-(2)H(2)]-MSG) deuterated chains have been synthesized and used as a probe for 2H NMR. At low temperature monoglyceride-water systems form the coagel or crystalline phase, which transforms with increasing temperature subsequently into the gel, liquid crystalline and cubic phase. The 2H NMR spectra exhibit characteristic features representative of these phases. The gel phase is metastable and gradually transforms into the coagel at temperatures below 40 degrees C. The undercooled cubic phase transforms into the liquid crystalline phase during days. In the liquid crystalline phase, the chain order profile indicates an increase of the chain flexibility towards the methyl group. In the liquid crystalline phase, bilayers spontaneously align in a magnetic field with their normal perpendicular to the field. The results demonstrate that 2H NMR can serve as a convenient tool to study both structure and dynamics of different monoglyceride-water phases.  相似文献   

Visible absorption, circular dichroism (CD) and magnetic circular dichroism spectra have been recorded for the Ca2+-Co2+ derivatives of the lentil (CCoLcH) and pea (CCoPSA) lectins (Co2+ at the S1 sites and Ca2+ at the S2 sites) and shown to be very similar for both proteins. The visible absorption and magnetic circular dichroism spectra indicate similar octahedral geometries for high spin Co2+ at S1 in both proteins, as found in the Ca2+-Co2+ complex of concanavalin A (CCoPL) (Richardson, C. E., and Behnke, W. D. (1976) J. Mol. Biol. 102, 441-451). The visible CD data, however, indicate differences in the environment around S1 of CCoLcH and CCoPSA compared to CCoPL. 1H NMR spectra at 90 MHz of the Co2+ and Ni2+ derivatives of the lectins show a number of isotropically shifted signals which arise from protons in the immediate vicinity of the S1 sites. Analysis of the spectra of the Co2+ derivatives in H2O and D2O has permitted resonance assignments of the side chain ring protons of the coordinated histidine at S1 in the lectins. Differences are observed in the H-D exchange rate of the histidine NH proton at S1 in concanavalin A compared to the lentil and pea lectins. NMR data of the Ni2+-substituted proteins, together with spectra of the Co2+ derivatives, also indicate that the side chains of a carboxylate ligand and of the histidine residue at S1 are positioned differently in concanavalin A than in the other two lectins. These results appear to account, in part, for the differences observed in the visible CD spectra of the Co2+-substituted proteins. In addition, binding of monosaccharides does not significantly perturb the spectra of the lectins. An unusual feature in the 1H NMR spectra of all three Co2+-substituted lectins is the presence of two exchangeable downfield shifted resonances which appear to be associated with the two protons of a slowly exchanging water molecule coordinated to the Ca2+ ion at S2. T1 measurements of CCoLcH have provided an estimation of the distances from the Co2+ ion to these two protons of 3.7 and 4.0 A.  相似文献   

VDJ genes were cloned from leukemic B cells of an a1/a2 heterozygous Emu-cmyc transgenic rabbit. Restriction mapping and nucleotide sequence analysis indicated that one clone, 5C3, had a VHa1-encoding gene segment functionally rearranged to a JH gene segment from the a2 chromosome. This VDJ gene may be the result of a trans recombination between a VH gene on the a1 chromosome and a JH gene segment on the a2 chromosome or, it may be the result of a cis recombination if the a2 chromosome contains VHa1-encoding gene segments.  相似文献   

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