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The relationship between micronutrient efficiency of four wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, tolerance to take-all disease (caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx and Olivier var. tritici Walker), and bacterial populations in the rhizosphere was tested in soil fertilized differentially with Zn and Mn. Plant growth was reduced by Mn or Zn deficiency and also by take-all. There was an inverse relationship between micronutrient efficiency of wheat genotypes when grown in deficient soils and the length of take-all lesions on roots (efficient genotypes had shorter lesions than inefficient ones). In comparison to the rhizosphere of control plants of genotypes Aroona and C8MM receiving sufficient Mn and Zn, the total numbers of bacterial cfu (colony forming units) were greater in the rhizosphere of Zn-efficient genotype Aroona under Zn deficiency and in Mn-efficient genotype C8MM under Mn deficiency. These effects were not observed in other genotypes. Take-all decreased the number of bacterial cfu in the rhizosphere of fully-fertilized plants but not of those subjected to either Mn or Zn deficiency. In contrast, the Zn deficiency treatment acted synergistically with take-all to increase the number of fluorescent pseudomonads in the rhizosphere. Although numbers of Mn-oxidising and Mn-reducing bacteria were generally low, take-all disease increased the number of Mn reducers in the rhizosphere of Mn-efficient genotypes Aroona and C8MM. Under Mn-deficiency conditions, the number of Mn reducers in the rhizosphere increased in Aroona but not in C8MM wheat. The results suggest that bacterial microflora may play a role in the expression of Mn and Zn efficiency and tolerance to take-all in some wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

Effect of Ophiobolus graminis infection on the growth of wheat and barley   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glasshouse experiments are reported, in which the development of young wheat and barley plants was examined following inoculation with Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. The dry weight, leaf area, tiller number and water content of the shoot were reduced by infection. Reductions were equally severe in wheat and barley. The seminal root system of both was severely attacked and its growth retarded. Inoculated plants, however, translocated a greater proportion of their total assimilates to the root system and produced more adventitious roots than healthy plants. As a result there was an increase in both the number and proportion of healthy roots on these plants following the initial infection of their root systems. This effect was more pronounced in barley than in wheat. It is suggested that this may in part account for the reported relative tolerance of barley to take-all attack under field conditions.  相似文献   

Under a glasshouse crop of red clover, Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. in artificially colonized straws survived for longer on the soil surface than when buried, and for much longer when suspended above the soil; survival in buried straws was somewhat more prolonged in fallow soil than under clover. In field experiments with consecutive crops of winter wheat, under-sowing with red clover was not effective in reducing the incidence of take-all, possibly because of above-ground survival of the pathogen in unploughed straw. Early rotavation, however, significantly reduced disease incidence, probably because of enhanced microbial activity and competition for nitrogen in the well-aerated compost of soil and stubble.  相似文献   

There have been no studies of the effect of take-all on leaf gas-exchange rates, despite the fact that take-all severely restricts plant water and nutrient uptake, which results in significant biomass and grain yield reduction. Here we describe the effect of inoculation with Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) var. tritici (Ggt) on carbon assimilation rate (A) and biomass production of wheat plants grown under two water regimes. We show that the impact of Ggt inoculation on plant growth and leaf A may be through reduced photosynthetic capacity of the leaves and not water stress per se. The nature of this reduced photosynthetic capacity remains uncertain but may involve nutrient deficiency and different enzymes produced by the fungus. In each of the 3 years the experiment was conducted, Ggt significantly reduced A, i.e. at anthesis by 18% in 2000, 15% in 2001, and 12% in 2002. In agreement with other field studies, Ggt reduced tiller number and production of all plant components, mostly root dry mass and grain mass per plant. Highly significant negative correlations were found between disease rating and A in all years, showing that at disease ratings equal or higher than 3 (on a scale from 1 to 4) A could practically be zero. While A decreased, intercellular CO2 concentration increased or did not change, and stomatal conductance was relatively high. In addition, A was more reduced under high than under low soil moisture content. These results support the idea that water stress per se did not contribute to the observed reduction of A. The mechanism of photosynthetic capacity reduction due to the Ggt root-rotting fungus is of interest as it may lead to the molecular mechanisms of plant resistance and ultimately to the development of take-all resistant plants.  相似文献   

The presence of root tissue of the brassicas canola and Indian mustard inhibited growth of pure cultures of the fungal pathogen which causes take-all of wheat [Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) Arx and Oliver var.tritici, abbreviated as Ggt]. Ggt growth was generally inhibited more in the presence of Indian mustard roots than canola roots. Dried irradiated roots were consistently effective in reducing Ggt growth, but growth inhibition by young live roots and macerated roots was not consistent. The inhibitory compound(s) were shown to be volatile because the symmetry of Ggt growth was not affected by the proximity of theBrassica tissue. Volatile breakdown products from maceratedBrassica roots were identified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. The major compounds found were isothiocyanates (ITCs). Canola roots released mostly methyl ITC and Indian mustard roots released mostly phenylethyl ITC. Low concentrations of these and related compounds inhibited growth of Ggt in pure culture when supplied as the vapour of pure chemicals in concentrations within the range expected during breakdown ofBrassica roots in soil.  相似文献   

Assessments of Phialophora radicicola var. graminicola (PRG) and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (GGT) were made by culturing and by direct microscopic examination of pieces of seminal roots from 16 winter wheat crops grown in different cropping sequences and with different phosphate manuring. PRG occurred on all wheat crops, but was abundant only on wheat after grass, where it seemed to delay the onset of damaging take-all by 1 yr. Delayed occurrence of take-all by phosphate fertiliser was not related to differences in populations of PRG. Wheat grown in ‘take-all decline’ soils had only small amounts of PRG, indicating that the development and the decline of take-all epidemics may be influenced by different biological control mechanisms; breaking sequences of wheat crops by 1 yr grass leys might harness the advantages of both mechanisms.  相似文献   

Take-all is a world-wide root-rotting disease of cereals. The causal organism of take-all of wheat is the soil-borne fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var tritici (Ggt). No resistance to take-all, worthy of inclusion in a plant breeding programme, has been discovered in wheat but the severity of take-all is increased in host plants whose tissues are deficient for manganese (Mn). Take-all of wheat will be decreased by all techniques which lift Mn concentrations in shoots and roots of Mn-deficient hosts to adequate levels. Wheat seedlings were grown in a Mn-deficient calcareous sand in small pots and inoculated with four field isolates of Ggt. Infection by three virulent isolates was increased under conditions which were Mn deficient for the wheat host but infection by a weakly virulent isolate, already low, was further decreased. Only the three virulent isolates caused visible oxidation of Mn in vitro. The sensitivity of Ggt isolates to manganous ions in vitro did not explain the extent of infection they caused on wheat hosts. In a similar experiment four Australian wheat genotypes were grown in the same Mn-deficient calcareous sand and inoculated with one virulent isolate of Ggt. Two genotypes were inefficient at taking up manganese and were very susceptible to take-all, one was very efficient at taking up manganese and was resistant to take-all, and the fourth genotype was intermediate for both characters. All genotypes were equally resistant under Mn-adequate conditions.  相似文献   

Summary In glasshouse experiments,Microdochium bolleyi (Mb) significantly reduced infection of wheat roots by the take-all fungus,Gaeumannomyces graminis vartritici (Ggt), when inocula were dispersed in soil at ratios of 10∶1 (Mb:Ggt) or more. Spread of take-all lesions up roots from a layer of inoculum also was reduced when Mb was inoculated immediately below the crown. In contrast,Periconia macrospinosa did not control take-all even at an inoculum ratio of 100∶1. M. bolleyi interfered with growth on roots byPhialophora graminicola, a known biocontrol agent of take-all. It is suggested that this phenomenon and control of take-all by these fungi occur by competition for cortical cells that senesce in the normal course of root development.  相似文献   

In a replicated field experiment on light sandy loam at Woburn, where winter wheat is a very uncertain crop, Cappelle and Holdfast, grown after potatoes with dung, yielded 50 and 41 cwt./acre of grain, respectively, when given 6 cwt./acre of Nitro-Chalk in April, compared with 19 and 20 cwt./acre when unfertilized. The same fertilized plots yielded 29 and 19 cwt., respectively, in the second, and 25 and 17 cwt./acre, respectively, in the third year on the same land, whereas unfertilized plots of both varieties yielded only 9 and 5 cwt./acre. The decrease in mean yield from 27 cwt. in the first, to 15 and 10 cwt./acre in the second and third crops was associated with a decrease in ear number from 16.7 to 14.6 and 12.2, respectively, and with a striking decrease in weight of grain per ear, caused partly by a large increase in the proportion of small grains. Eyespot ( Cercosporella herpotrichoides Fron.) although present each year did not become prevalent; an increase in the percentage straws affected by take-all ( Ophiobolus graminis Sacc.) from 9 to 15 and 26%, respectively, and a severe increase in weed infestation ( Agrostis gigantea ) appeared to be the main factors reducing yield.
Nitro-Chalk applied in April yielded most grain every year, and wheat fertilized at this time had less eyespot and take-all than that fertilized in March. Fertilizer applied in May increased weed growth, failed to decrease take-all and yielded fewer ears, less grain, and a higher proportion of tailcorn than did earlier applications.  相似文献   

Soil treatment fungicides were tested against take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) in three field experiments with winter wheat. Fungicides were applied as drenches either before sowing in autumn, and incorporated by rotary harrowing, or to the crop in spring. The most effective treatments were autumn applied benomyl (20 kg/ha) and nuarimol (0·55-4·4 kg/ha). However, the highest nuarimol concentration depressed yield. Benomyl sometimes induced a resurgence of take-all in the second wheat crop after treatment. Nuarimol had no adverse effects in subsequent crops, and neither fungicide hindered the onset of take-all decline in a third crop after treatment. The possible value of soil treatment in future control strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

Antagonism tests on agar-plates and glasshouse screening indicated that three isolates of Trichoderma harzianum varied in their ability to antagonize the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici). Isolate 71 which was the most effective in suppressing take-all of wheat, produced two pyrones and other undetermined analogues. Isolates of T. koningii and T. hamatum shown to suppress take-all, produced a simple pyrone compound. Although T. harzianum isolates 70 and 73 did not produce any pyrones, they reduced the disease albeit to a much lesser extent than isolate 71; with isolate 73 showing distinct host growth promotion effects. It is proposed that the success of isolate 71 of T. harzianum was related to the pyrones it produces and that the ability of isolates 70 and 73 to reduce take-all may be related to mechanisms other than those involving antibiotics.  相似文献   

This research was initiated to determine whether soils suppressive to take-all of wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) occur in Montana, and to identify the organisms most likely involved in this suppression. From an initial screening of eight soils collected from different wheat growing areas of Montana, two were highly suppressive to take-all. Microbial characterization of these soils indicated that different mechanisms were involved in the suppression. In Larslan soil, mycoparasitism appeared to be the main mechanism. Two different fungi with exceptional ability to reduce the severity of take-all were isolated from this soil. One of these fungi could parasitize the hyphae of Ggt. Field tests with these fungi in Ggt infested soil showed increases of over 100% in both harvestble tillers and grain yield as compared to treatments without these two fungi. In tests with 48 different bacteria and 10 actinomycetes from Larslan soil, none were able to consistently reduce severity of take-all alone, or in mixtures. In Toston soil, antibiosis by actinomycetes and perhaps the involvement of Pseudomonas spp. in production of antibiotics and/or siderophores appeared to be the most likely mechanisms involved in take-all suppression. Increases in shoot dry weight over that in the Ggt infested control using mixtures of pseudomonads and actinomycetes ranged from 25% to 87%. Actinomycetes added individually or in mixtures to soil infested with Ggt consistently reduced the severity of the disease to a greater extent than did mixtures of Pseudomonas spp.  相似文献   

The biology and infection-behaviour of a typical isolate of Phialophora radicicola Cain have been compared with those of a representative isolate of Ophiobolus graminis (Sacc.) Sacc. Both species can utilize a nitrate source of nitrogen and both require thiamine and biotin for growth on inorganic nitro-gen; P. radicicola, but not O. graminis, was able to synthesize biotin when grown on asparagine as a nitrogen source. The pH range for good growth of P. radicicola in nutrient solution was narrower than that for O. graminis, and its growth rate on agar was only one-third. P. radicicola was the more active decomposer of cellulose, and its cellulolysis adequacy index was I.66 as com-pared with a value of 0.33 for 0. graminis. In agreement with prediction from Garrett's (I966) hypothesis on the cellulolysis adequacy index, saprophytic survival of P. radicicola in wheat straw was shortened by additional soil nitrogen, which prolongs survival of O. graminis.P. radicicola was found to spread ectotrophically over the roots of wheat, oats and barley by runner hyphae indistinguishable from those of O. graminis, but cortical infection caused no necrosis and no discernible check to growth of the infected cereals, nor any significant decrease in grain yield of inoculated wheat grown to maturity. Pre-existing infection of wheat roots by P. radicicola retarded spread of infection by O. graminis; inoculation of several grass species with P. radicicola reduced the extent of infection by O. graminis of wheat following the grasses.  相似文献   

Reduction of Take-all Inoculum by Rotation with Lupins, Oats or Field Peas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feasibility of use of lupins, oats and field peas as alternative rotation crops to reduce inoculum of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici) (under Western Australian field conditions) and disease in following wheat was investigated with a one year field trial, the soil from which was used in two succeeding pot experiments. The possible mechanisms of reduction of inoculum and disease by these crops were examined testing the soil for pathogen and disease suppression. Rotation with lupins or oats for two seasons reduced (P <0.05) inoculum of the take-all fungus and lupins, oats or field peas reduced (P <0.05) disease in following wheat. Lupins alone reduced inoculum and disease, (P <0.1) after one season. No apparent suppression of the pathogen in the absence of host plants was recorded after one season of rotation, but after two seasons, lupins, oats or field peas all suppressed (P <0.02) growth of the pathogen within soil. However only field pea soil suppressed take-all in comparison with the wheat control. Although after two seasons all rotation crops were effective in reducing inoculum and disease the mechanisms of reduction appear to differ between the rotation crops used in this study.  相似文献   

A root assessment tray was designed for the meticulous assessment of take-all on wheat seedling roots from soil bioassays. Subsequently, the detection of lateral root infections (in addition to the more obvious infections on main axes of seminal roots) resulted in increased estimates of propagule numbers of the take-all fungus (Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici) for 196 of the 368 soil samples bioassayed in a field study conducted in Western Australia between 1984 and 1986.  相似文献   

Field-caged populations of the rose-grain aphid Metopolophium dirhodum were established on winter wheat (cv. Bounty) during the summer of 1981. An early wheat growth stage (G.s.) (40 to 69) and a late (G.s. 65 to 73) aphid infestation treatment were compared; only the early infestation resulted in a significant reduction in grain weight (15%), although the infestation sizes were similar in the two treatments. Baking quality of the flour was unaffected by both treatments. Caged populations were also established on winter wheat (cv. Avalon) in 1982 but, in spite of aphid numbers as large as in 1981, no significant yield loss was recorded. An infection of take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis developed during the course of this experiment and may have masked the effect of the aphids.  相似文献   

All 17 examined Polish isolates of Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon [syn. F. verticillioides (Sacc.) Nirenberg], originating from wheat, maize and barley kernels, exhibited pathogenicity to wheat seedlings of the cultivar ‘Almari’ (5 isolates-very strong, 3 strong, 3 medium, 5 weak and only one very weak). The same isolates were able to produce the mycotoxins fumonisins on rice under laboratory conditions. Fumonisin B1 (FB1) was detected in concentrations ranging from 1.3 to 2240mg/kg and fumonisin B2(FB2) from 0.7 to 600 mg/kg. The yield of the fumonisins produced in vitro was not related to the pathogenicity of individual isolates.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24 is a biocontrol agent isolated from a wheat take-all decline soil in China. This strain produces several antifungal compounds, such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG), hydrogen cyanide and siderophore(s). Our recent work revealed that strain 2P24 employs a quorum-sensing system to regulate its biocontrol activity. In this study, we identified a quorum-sensing system consisting of PcoR and PcoI of the LuxR–LuxI family from strain 2P24. Deletion of pcoI from 2P24 abolishes the production of the quorum-sensing signals, but does not detectably affect the production of antifungal metabolites. However, the mutant is significantly defective in biofilm formation, colonization on wheat rhizosphere and biocontrol ability against wheat take-all, whilst complementation of pcoI restores the biocontrol activity to the wild-type level. Our data indicate that quorum sensing is involved in regulation of biocontrol activity in P. fluorescens 2P24.  相似文献   

The bacterial strain E1R-j, isolated as an endophyte from wheat roots, exhibited high antifungal activity to Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt). Strain E1R-j was identified as Bacillus subtilis based on morphological, physiological and biochemical methods as well as on 16S rDNA analysis. This strain inhibited mycelium growth in vitro of numerous plant pathogenic fungi, especially of Ggt, Coniothyrium diplodiella, Phomopsis sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In greenhouse experiments, soil drenches with cell densities of 106, 109 and 1012 CFU ml−1 E1R-j reduced significantly take-all disease, caused by Ggt, in wheat seedling by 62.6%, 68.6% and 70.7%, respectively, compared to the inoculated control, 4 weeks after sowing. Growth parameters such as lengths and fresh weights of roots and shoots of Ggt-inoculated control plants were significantly lower compared to Ggt-inoculated and E1R-j treated plants. Field experiments in the season 2006/2007, heights of wheat plants in the Ggt inoculated plots were significantly reduced compared to the non inoculated treatments. Yield parameters such as kernels per head and thousand kernel weight (TKW) in inoculated control plants were lower compared to the other treatments. In the experimental year 2007/2008, independent treatments with the bacterial strain E1R-j and the fungicide Triadimefon reduced take-all disease in wheat roots by 55.3% and 61.9%, compared to the inoculated control plants. In this season plant height in inoculated control was significantly lower and also the yield parameters seeds per head and especially TKW were drastically reduced compared to the other treatments. E1R-j treatment alleviated the detrimental effects of take-all on grain yield parameters to a similar extent as Triadimefon application. SEM studies revealed that in the presence of E1R-j, hyphae of Ggt showed leakage, appeared ruptured, swollen and shriveled. Following root drench, strain E1R-j was able to colonize endophytically roots and leaves of wheat seedlings. While the population of the bacterial strain in wheat roots steadily increased from the second to the fourth leaf stage, in the leaf tissue the population of the strain rapidly declined. TEM studies also showed that cells of E1R-j were present in roots of wheat seedlings and effectively retarded infection and colonization of Ggt in root tissue; suppression of Ggt by E1R-j was accompanied by disintegration of hyphal cytoplasm. In addition, in the presence of E1R-j cells in Ggt-infected root tissue morphological defense reactions were triggered such as formation of wall appositions and papillae. The results presented indicate that the endophytic strain E1R-j of B. subtilis meets demands required for biocontrol of take-all.  相似文献   

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