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Pink fairy armadillos, Chlamyphorus truncatus, are poorly known fossorial mammals that are endemic to central Argentina. These smallest of all extant armadillos are rarely observed in the field and extremely difficult to maintain under captive conditions. This case study describes the husbandry of a male pink fairy armadillo that was maintained in an artificial environment for 8 months. A stable, undisturbed environment consisting of abundant compact sand and hiding places on the surface was the key to its successful maintenance. The artificial diet consisted of a semiliquid mixture of ground cat food, insectivore diet, mashed banana, vitamins, and minerals. Any slight modification to its environment or diet triggered a stress response. Zoo Biol 30:225–231, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hibernation and daily torpor in an armadillo, the pichi (Zaedyus pichiy)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hibernation and daily torpor are physiological strategies to cope with energetic challenges that occur in many mammalian and avian taxa, but no reliable information exists about daily torpor or hibernation for any xenarthran. Our objective was to determine whether the pichi (Zaedyus pichiy), a small armadillo (Xenarthra, Dasypodidae) that inhabits arid and semi-arid habitats in central and southern Argentina and Chile, enters shallow daily torpor or prolonged deep hibernation during winter when environmental temperature and food availability are low. We studied body temperature changes during winter in semi-captive pichis by means of temperature dataloggers implanted subcutaneously. All individuals entered hibernation, characterized by torpor events of 75 ± 20 h during which the subcutaneous temperature (Tsc) decreased to 14.6 ± 2.1 °C. These events were interrupted by periods of euthermia of 44 ± 38 h with a Tsc of 29.1 ± 0.7 °C. After the hibernation season, daily torpor bouts of 4 to 6 h occurred irregularly, with Tsc dropping to as low as 24.5 °C. We conclude that the pichi is a true hibernator and can enter daily torpor outside of the hibernation season.  相似文献   

Armadillos (Dasypodidae: Xenarthra) are the principal group of burrow-excavating mammals in Amazonian forest. Little is known about how the landscape's physical characteristics influence where these organisms choose to construct their burrows. We measured topographic characteristics of armadillo burrow placement and evaluated whether these variables affect overall burrow density. Our study took place on the study sites of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project in the central Amazon, Brazil. To determine if armadillos exhibit habitat use preferences in constructing their burrows, we quantified the declination and elevation of available terrain along transect lines on our study sites and compared this with the characteristics of areas containing burrows. We also tested whether topographic variables were related to burrow density. Armadillos preferentially build burrows on low elevation, inclined terrain, and declination was positively related to burrow density. Low, inclined areas correspond to slopes next to stream basins. It may require less effort for armadillos to excavate these areas, while also providing proximity to water. The results of this study indicate that topographic information is important to consider when using burrows to estimate habitat use and density of armadillos in terra-firme forests of the central Amazon.  相似文献   

Abstract. Prior to the mid 1850s armadillo dispersal may have been inhibited by native subsistence hunters, the Rio Grande acting as a physical hindrance, and natural habitat barriers posed by fire-maintained grasslands. European colonists settled south Texas in mass during the latter half of the 19th century and largely removed existing impediments to armadillo range expansion, effectively releasing the species into the United States. The speed of the armadillo's natural range expansion after 1850 was probably accelerated by human travel and commerce into and out of its historic range in south Texas on a proliferation of roadways and railroads. This translocation process will likely continue and, combined with natural dispersal, will provide the armadillo the opportunity to ultimately become established in any habitats in the United States in which it can survive.
Limits to future distribution will likely be determined by climatic factors, and may be bounded by regions receiving at least 38 cm annual precipitation and having mean January temperatures >−2°C, or fewer than 24 total annual freeze days. Armadillos may have already approached a precipitation-defined boundary to the west and a distribution on the Great Plains limited by winter temperature minima. They may be expected to continue their advance up the East Coast to about the region of 41° North Latitude, decreasing to 39° North Latitude across the midwestern states. Future introductions on the West Coast may result in the establishment of armadillo populations in suitable habitats from California to Washington, an event that has already taken place with another tropical mammal emigrant, the opossum.  相似文献   

The New World tropics represents the most diverse region for tachinid parasitoids (Diptera: Tachinidae), but it also contains the most narrowly defined, and possibly the most confusing, tachinid genera of any biogeographic region. This over-splitting of genera and taxonomic confusion has limited progress toward our understanding the family in this region and much work is needed to revise, redefine, and make sense of the profusion of finely split taxa. In a recent analysis of the Neotropical genus Erythromelana Townsend, two species previously assigned to this genus, Euptilodegeeria obumbrata (Wulp) and Myiodoriops marginalis Townsend were reinstated as monotypic genera. In the present study, we demonstrate that Euptilodegeeria obumbrata (Wulp), previously assigned to three different genera, represents in fact a species of the large New World genus Eucelatoria Townsend, in which females possess a sharp piercer for oviposition. We also show that the species Eucelatoria carinata (Townsend) belongs to the same species group as Eucelatoria obumbrata, which we here define and characterize as the Eucelatoria obumbrata species group. Additionally, we describe Eucelatoria flava sp. n. as a new species within the Eucelatoria obumbrata species group. Finally, we redescribe the genus Myiodoriops Townsend and the single species Myiodoriops marginalis Townsend.  相似文献   

A new species of dasypodid armadillo (Xenarthra, Cingulata), Anadasypus aequatorianus, from the late Miocene of Ecuador is described. The remains were collected in sediments of the Letrero Formation, Nabón Basin, which is part of several intermontane basins related to Andean uplift. The genus represents the oldest record of Dasypodini, which also encompasses Propraopus (Pleistocene–early Holocene) and Dasypus (?Miocene–Recent). The new species is based on several osteoderms, which show more derived features than Anadasypus hondanus, from the middle Miocene of Colombia. In order to test the affinities of A. aequatorianus within Dasypodini, we conducted a cladistic analysis of 24 morphological characters for 10 taxa. The most parsimonious tree supports the generic attribution of the new species and places Anadasypus basal to Propraopus and Dasypus, agreeing with the stratigraphic evidence. The faunas from tropical Andean areas differ noticeably from the better-known assemblages of the classic South American sequences. In the case of dasypodines, their geochronological distribution shows that they were historically restricted to tropical and subtropical environments and the main cladogenetic events of the group probably occurred at lower latitudes. In this context, the taxon described herein fills important temporal and geographic gaps of early Neogene armadillos from intertropical areas.http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9DC76603-D831-4E68-BE55-90113228E0F4  相似文献   

Vema levinae Warén, sp. n. is described from a submarine volcano off western Mexico. The type species of Rokopella and Veleropilina are redescribed, the usage of the names is discussed and Rokopella and Veleropilina are recognized as valid genera in Neopilinidae. Rokopella euglypta (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1897) is redescribed from shells and a single live specimen taken from seamounts south of the Azores, from a depth of 1200–1600 m. Tectura reticulata Seguenza, 1876 (Gastropoda, 'Acmaeidae', southern Italy, Upper Pliocene/Lower Pleistocene) is considered to have been based on the monoplacophoran species previously known as Neopilina zografi from the Mediterranean, and is classified in the genus Veleropilina. Veleropilina zografi (Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1896) is redescribed based on shells from several seamounts south of the Azores. It is considered distinct from Rokopella euglypta and classified in the genus Veleropilina. An undescribed species of Veleropilina from a seamount off southern Baja California is reported, figured and discussed but not formally described.  相似文献   

Two species of Orygmatobothrium were found inhabiting triakid sharks collected from the coast of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Orygmatobothrium schmittii from Mustelus schmitti is redescribed, including new information on the microtrich pattern. Orygmatobothrium juani n. sp. from Mustelus fasciatus can be distinguished from all other species in the genus using the following combination of characters: worm length, number of proglottids, number of testes, testes distribution, size of eggs, ornamented egg shell, shape of bothridial cleft at level of the marginal accessory sucker, and the extension of vitelline follicles. Species in Orygmatobothrium share a common microtrich pattern with the distal bothridial surface covered with maisiform microtriches interspersed with filiform microtriches, a proximal bothridial surface covered with trifid microtriches, with a medial projection conspicuously larger than the lateral basal projections interspersed with filiform microtriches, an inner and outer surface of the accessory sucker and glandulomuscular organ covered with short filiform microtriches, the scolex proper and cephalic peduncle surface covered with bladelike microtriches, and the germinative zone and entire strobila covered with scutes formed by densely packed filiform microtriches. This general configuration is basically similar to the microtrich pattern described in species of Orectolobicestus and Paraorygmatobothrium.  相似文献   

Carlos Parra-O 《Brittonia》2000,52(4):320-324
Morella chevalieri is described as new and is illustrated; it grows in the Andes in northern Argentina and southern and central Bolivia. A key that differentiates this new species from the monoeciousMyrica pubescens is presented. The dioecious Morella chevalieri is characterized by the following: leaf blade elliptic to narrowly elliptic, margin serrate (at least in the distal 2/3); staminate flowers with one or no secondary bracts (if present, linear or band-shaped) and secondary bracts in the pistillate flower 2–3 (seldom 4).
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra aMorella chevalieri como nueva especie; se distribuye en los Andes de la parte norte de Argentina y de las partes sur y central de Bolivia. Se presenta una clave que diferencia a esta nueva especie de la monóicaMyrica pubescens. La dióica Morella chevalieri se reconoce por los siguientes caracteres: lámina de la hoja elíptica o angostamente elíptica, margen aserrada (al menos en las dos terceras partes distales); flores estaminadas sin o con una bráctea secundaria (esta con forma linear o acintada) y brácteas secundarias de la flores pistiladas de 2 a 3 (raramente 4).

Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(3):141-151
I. elegans n.sp. from the Parana River, northeastern Argentina is proposed and its morphological features are compared with those of the apparently related I. agilis. Its outstanding characteristics are the long 2rd to 5th setae of ventral margin of the valves, the rudimentary nature of defensive setae, the low number of spines in the preanal lobe of postabdomen and the unequality of the length of the setae in the outer distal lobe of first trunk limbs.Finding of this new species suggests that I. agilis would be a complex of species and its records should be revised.  相似文献   

Uronychia clapsae sp. n. was discovered in an artificial channel that drains an endorheic area from the “sandy Pampa” into the upper basin of Salado River, Buenos Aires, Argentina. This euplotid measures 56–112 μm × 42–70 μm in vivo, is oval in shape and the buccal field is enormous, occupying ca. 80% of body length. It is characterized by having two macronuclear nodules and one micronucleus; usually 10 anterior and invariably three posterior membranelles; right end of paroral hook-like; buccal cirrus base about 3.5–6.0 μm long; invariably four frontal, two ventral, three left marginal, four transverse, and three caudal cirri; six dorsal kineties, kinety 1 with 15–22 dikinetids. Most Uronychia species were recorded in marine habitats, while this new isolate was found in a slightly saline, inland water body. Taxonomic and nomenclatorial concerns on some species assigned to Uronychia are also discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of the gobiid genus Gobius (Gobiidae, Perciformes), Gobius incognitus sp. nov. is described from the Mediterranean Sea, and its most morphologically similar species Gobius bucchichi is redescribed. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by: scales in lateral series 51–59; predorsal scales 25–35; opercle scaled in adults with 10–16 scales present; pectoral fin with ray count 18–20 and free tips on upper rays well developed and on the first ray longer than two thirds of the entire ray length; pelvic disc complete and with well‐developed anterior membrane without lateral lobes; anterior oculoscapular canal with pore α at rear of orbit; oculoscapular row x1 not extending forwards to pore β; suborbital row d discontinuous with large gap below suborbital rows 3 and 4; eye diameter 1·08–1·32 in snout length; by pigment rows on cheek and pigmentation on pectoral‐fin base.  相似文献   

The O. avara group of Oecetis is formally defined to include 4 described species, O. avara (Banks), O. disjuncta (Banks), O. elata Denning & Sykora, and O. metlacenis Bueno-Soria, and 15 new species. Oecetis marquesi Bueno-Soria, previously considered a member of the O. avara group, is treated as incertae sedis to species group, but is also redescribed and treated in the current work. New species described here (with their respective distributions) include: O. acciptrina (Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador), O. agosta (Mexico), O. angularis (Guatemala to Ecuador), O. apache (SW USA), O. campana (Ecuador), O. constricta (Mexico to Ecuador, Venezuela, and Trinidad), O. houghtoni (North America), O. maritza (Costa Rica), O. mexicana (Mexico to Ecuador), O. patula (Guatemala, Nicaragua), O. protrusa (Mexico to Ecuador), O. sordida (Mexico, USA, Canada), O. tumida (Costa Rica), O. uncata (Costa Rica), and O. verrucula (Mexico to Costa Rica). A key to the species is also provided.  相似文献   

A junior synonym of the parasitoid wasp genus Notiospathius Matthews and Marsh, Hansonorumsyn. n., with two new combinations, Notiospathius carolinae (Marsh) comb. n. and Notiospathius pauli (Marsh) comb. n., are proposed. Two species of Notiospathius from Brazil originally described in early twentieth century are redescribed, Notiospathius caudatus (Szépligeti) and Notiospathius diversus (Szépligeti). Five new species of Notiospathius from southern Brazil are also described: Notiospathius atrasp. n., Notiospathius johnlennonisp. n., Notiospathius novateutoniaesp. n., Notiospathius sulcatussp. n., and Notiospathius xanthofasciatussp. n. Most of the type specimens of the above new species were collected in the mid twentieth century in the Nova Teutonia region, which is now part of the municipality of Seara in the state of Santa Catarina.  相似文献   

Solanum homalospermum (Solanum subgen.Leptostemonum) is described and illustrated from central Argentina.Solanum homalospermum is characterized by having heteromorphic gynoecia, strongly flattened seeds, unequal anthers, and gemmiferous roots.  相似文献   

A new species from Argentina, Sogatella unidentatasp. nov. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is described and illustrated as belonging to the Sogatella furcifera group. The main distinctive characteristics are tegmen coloration, shape of aedeagus and number and dispositions of its teeth, and shape of parameres in males; length of the ovipositor, and shape of the gonapophysis IX in females. A key is included to facilitate the comparison of the new species with the closely allied. Furthermore, information on host plants and geographical distribution is provided. This is the southernmost record in the distribution of the S. furcifera group.  相似文献   

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