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 The variation at loci with similarity to DRB class II major histocompatibility complex loci was assessed in 313 beluga collected from 13 sampling locations across North America, and 11 narwhal collected in the Canadian high Arctic. Variation was assessed by amplification of exon 2, which codes for the peptide binding region, via the polymerase chain reaction, followed by either cloning and DNA sequencing or single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis. Two DRB loci were identified in beluga: DRB1, a polymorphic locus, and, DRB2, a monomorphic locus. Eight alleles representing five distinct lineages (based on sequence similarity) were found at the beluga DRB1 locus. Although the relative number of alleles is low when compared with terrestrial mammals, the amino acid variation found among the lineages is moderate. At the DRB1 locus, the average number of nonsynonymous substitutions per site is greater than the average number of synonymous substitutions per site (0.0806 : 0.0207, respectively;P<0.01). Most of the 31 amino acid substitutions do not conserve the physiochemical properties of the residue, and 21 of these are located at positions implicated as forming pockets responsible for the selective binding of foreign peptide side chains. Only DRB1 variation was examined in 11 narwhal, revealing a low amount of variation. These data are consistent with an important role for the DRB1 locus in the cellular immune response of beluga. In addition, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions is similar to that among primate alleles, arguing against a reduction in the balancing selection pressure in the marine environment. Two hypotheses may explain the modest amount of Mhc variation when compared with terrestrial mammals: small population sizes at speciation or a reduced neutral substitution rate in cetaceans. Received: 15 July 1997 / Revised: 24 March 1998  相似文献   

We describe the annual distribution of beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Bristol Bay, Alaska, using data from 31 satellite‐linked transmitters during 2002–2011. Bristol Bay has one of the largest and best studied Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) fisheries in the world, allowing us to link the seasonal distribution of belugas to that of salmon. During salmon migrations, beluga movements were restricted to river entrances. Belugas generally did not relocate to different river entrances or change bays during peak salmon periods. However, the location of belugas was not related to the number of salmon passing counting towers, suggesting that belugas were either selecting locations that were good for catching salmon or there were simply more salmon than belugas needed to supply their nutritional needs. The distribution of belugas expanded after salmon runs ended, and was greatest in winter when belugas ranged beyond the inner bays, traveling as far west as Cape Constantine. Belugas continued to frequent the inner bays in winter whenever sea ice conditions allowed, e.g., when winds moved sea ice offshore; however, they were never located south of the southern ice edge in open water or outside of Bristol Bay.  相似文献   

Cook Inlet beluga whales (CIBs) are an endangered population residing in Cook Inlet, Alaska. We characterized the calling behavior of CIBs to improve our understanding of sounds produced by this population. Bottom‐moored hydrophones were deployed at Eagle Bay in summer 2009 and at Trading Bay in summer and winter 2009. CIB sounds were qualitatively analyzed and categorized as a whistle, pulsed call, or click train. A total of 4,097 calls were analyzed, and 66 unique whistle contours were identified. Whistles were quantitatively analyzed using a custom Matlab program. A chi‐square test showed the call category usage at Eagle Bay during summer 2009 and those at Trading Bay during summer 2009 and winter 2009–2010 differed significantly (P < 0.001). Pulsed calls were more common during summer months, and click trains within the frequency band (12.5 kHz) were more common in Eagle Bay. The variation in calling behavior suggests differences in habitat usage or in the surrounding environment, including background noise. With the proposed development projects in Cook Inlet and the potential increase in ambient noise level due to ocean acidification, it is important to understand how this endangered population uses sound, and what anthropogenic factors may influence that use.  相似文献   

The beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) has a rich and complicated vocal repertoire. However, different populations use similar and common types of signals. We studied physical features of one of these types, “vowels,” in three Russian populations: the White Sea population (European North), the Chukotka population (the Bering Sea, Chukotka), and the Okhotsk Sea population (Russian Far East) as well as in four summer aggregations of the White Sea belugas over several years in duration. The pulse repetition rate (PRR) at half of the duration of the signal was measured. We found that the PRR of “vowels” collected in the same summer aggregation during different years is stable in time but varies between locations. The degree of variation corresponds with the geographic distance between different locations. Significant differences were discovered between populations separated by thousands of kilometers, and to a lesser extent, between summer aggregations inhabiting different bays of the White Sea. The variation in PRR between the locations can be caused by the divergence of signals owing to the accumulation of random errors during transmission of these signals from generation to generation, which progressed independently in different summer aggregations and populations.  相似文献   

Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) are sentinel species in the Arctic and to investigate marine food web changes from 1982–2011 we examined diet using fatty acids, δ15N, and δ13C, in narwhals from Baffin Bay (BB) and northern Hudson Bay (NHB). We predicted temporal changes would be greater in NHB due to a significant reduction in summer ice cover. In NHB, δ15N significantly increased, δ13C displayed a parabolic trend, and fatty acids gradually shifted, albeit not significantly, over time. δ15N was stable, δ13C decreased, and fatty acids significantly changed over time in BB. Stable isotope mixing models indicated a dietary reduction in capelin and increase in Greenland halibut from 1994–2000 to 2006–2011 in BB, while capelin was an important dietary component for narwhals in NHB in recent years (2006–2011). These dietary changes may be attributed to changes in sea ice and narwhal migration. Seasonal dietary changes, as evidenced by changes in blubber fatty acids and skin and muscle stable isotopes, were not as apparent in the NHB population, which may be indicative of a reduced migratory distance. Long‐term monitoring of narwhal diet and migratory patterns associated with reduced sea ice provides invaluable information about how the marine ecosystem will redistribute with global warming.  相似文献   

The behavioral and environmental context of animal calls provides insights into their functions. Narwhals are a highly vocal species and, like other social cetaceans, rely on acoustic signals to communicate. We characterize and categorize narwhal whistles and pulsed calls, as well as investigate variation in these calls under different contexts (behavior, herd, and year) using recordings made during the month of August 2006–2008, in Koluktoo Bay (72°04′N, 80°32′W). We detected similarities among whistles but not pulsed calls that were produced under a similar behavioral context. Both whistles and pulsed calls recorded within the same herd were more similar than whistles and pulsed calls recorded within different herds. We did not find any type of whistle to be associated with a specific behavior although some acoustical features might be behavior specific. Both whistles and pulsed calls show properties that are consistent with the hypothesis that narwhals produce group‐ or individual‐specific calls.  相似文献   

In order to assess levels of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) variation within the St Lawrence beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) the variation at the beluga Mhc DRB1 class II locus was assessed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of the peptide-binding region for 313 whales collected from 13 sampling locations across North America. In addition, samples from west Greenland and the St Lawrence were also typed at the DQB locus, allowing comparison to a previous study and assessment of linkage disequilibrium of alleles at the two loci. Comparisons of DRB1 and DQB allele frequencies among all sampling locations indicated genetic structure (α < 0.005). Most of this structure resulted from differences between the different wintering groups. Significant genetic structure (α = 0.05) exists among each pair of the following groups at both the DRB1 and DQB loci; St Lawrence, Hudson Strait, Bering Sea, Cunningham Inlet, and Davis Strait (minus Cunningham Inlet), except the St Lawrence and Hudson Strait for the DQB locus. In the St Lawrence population, six of the eight DRB1 alleles are present representing all five known allelic lineages. Evidence of linkage disequilibrium between the DRB1 and DQB is present in two sampling locations, the St Lawrence and Nuussuaq (α = 0.05). Analysis of probable DRB1DQB haplotypes among groups of beluga suggests a haplotype reduction in the St Lawrence.  相似文献   

Marine mammals often exhibit significant sexual segregation in their diet and habitat use but these differences have not been studied systematically in historic or ancient populations due to the difficulties associated with determining the sex of skeletal elements based on gross morphology. Using a combined ancient DNA and stable isotope approach, we document a sexual difference in the foraging ecology of late 19th century beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Canadian High Arctic. Using two PCR assays that coamplify fragments of the Y-linked SRY and X-linked ZFX genes, we assigned reproducible sex identities to 35 beluga specimens. This provided a basis for investigating sex-specific differences in foraging ecology using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bone collagen. These isotopic data demonstrate that although both males and females primarily consumed Arctic cod, males utilized a wider range of prey than females, feeding on high trophic level benthic prey (sculpins) to a greater extent. Because bone collagen integrates prey isotopic compositions over the course of several years these sex-based differences in beluga bone collagen isotopic compositions reflect long-term and sustained sexual differences in foraging.  相似文献   

Coral‐associated fauna is a relatively understudied topic. Hence, the nature of the relationship between an associated organism and its host is usually unknown. In the present study, the obligate associations between gall crabs (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) and mushroom corals (Scleractinia: Fungiidae) are reviewed from a phylogenetic perspective. Based on field surveys, examination of museum material and a literature review, a total of 35 fungiid species have been found that act as hosts for four gall crab species. Fungiid‐associated gall crabs appear to be more geographically widespread than previously known, with new records showing their occurrences from the Red Sea and western Indian Ocean all the way to the central Pacific Ocean. The obligate nature of the association between cryptochirids and their hosts makes them an ideal model taxon to test for possible cospeciation events. The congruence between their phylogenies was tested by using the program Jane 4.0, resulting in cospeciation and duplication events between the crabs and their host corals. The sharing of several closely related host coral species by the same gall crab species or genus may provide support to models indicating phylogenetic relationships within the Scleractinia.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is an almost ubiquitous phospholipid in eukaryotic algae and plants but is not found in a few species, for example Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. We recently found that some species of the genus Chlamydomonas possess PC. In the universal pathway, PC is synthesized de novo by methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) or transfer of phosphocholine from cytidine diphosphate (CDP)‐choline to diacylglycerol. Phosphocholine, the direct precursor to CDP‐choline, is synthesized either by methylation of phosphoethanolamine or phosphorylation of choline. Here we analyzed the mechanism of PC biosynthesis in two species of Chlamydomonas (asymmetrica and sphaeroides) as well as in a red alga, Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Comparative genomic analysis of enzymes involved in PC biosynthesis indicated that C. merolae possesses only the PE methylation pathway. Radioactive tracer experiments using [32P]phosphate showed delayed labeling of PC with respect to PE, which was consistent with the PE methylation pathway. In Chlamydomonas asymmetrica, labeling of PC was detected from the early time of incubation with [32P]phosphate, suggesting the operation of phosphoethanolamine methylation pathway. Genomic analysis indeed detected the genes for the phosphoethanolamine methylation pathway. In contrast, the labeling of PC in C. sphaeroides was slow, suggesting that the PE methylation pathway was at work. These results as well as biochemical and computational results uncover an unexpected diversity of the mechanisms for PC biosynthesis in algae. Based on these results, we will discuss plausible mechanisms for the scattered distribution of the ability to biosynthesize PC in the genus Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

Nuptial gifts are material donations given from male to female before or during copulation and are subject to sexual selection in a wide variety of taxa. The harvestman genus Leiobunum has emerged as a model system for understanding the evolution of reproductive morphology and behavior, as transitions between solicitous and antagonistic modes of courtship have occurred multiple times within the lineage and are correlated with convergence in genital morphology. We analyzed the free amino acid content of nuptial gift secretions from five species of Leiobunum using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Multivariate analysis of the free amino acid profiles revealed that, rather than clustering based on phylogenetic relationships, nuptial gift chemical composition was better predicted by genital morphology and behavior, suggesting that convergent evolution has acted on the chemical composition of the nuptial gift. In addition, we found that, species with solicitous courtship produce gifts consisting of a 19% larger proportion of essential amino acids as compared to those with more antagonistic courtship interactions. This work represents the first comparative study of nuptial gift chemistry within a phylogenetic framework in any animal group and as such contributes to our understanding of the evolution of reproductive diversity and the participant role of nuptial gift chemistry in mating system transitions.  相似文献   

Males can typically increase their lifetime reproductive success by mating with multiple females. However, recent studies across a broad range of species have demonstrated physiological constraints on male multiple mating. In this study, we investigate male mating capacity in Extatosoma tiaratum, a facultative parthenogenetic phasmatid. Sperm limitation is thought to be one factor favouring the evolution and maintenance of parthenogenetic reproduction, but studies on male mating ability in facultative parthenogenetic species are extremely rare. To explore whether male mating success varies with mating history, we provided males with weekly mating opportunities with different females throughout their lives. We then observed mating success, and the variation in ejaculate size and quality within each mating. We showed that most, but not all, males can mate multiply, however the amount of ejaculate produced is variable and depends upon male body mass and mating history.  相似文献   

Primates possess remarkably variable color vision, and the ecological and social factors shaping this variation remain heavily debated. Here, we test whether central tenants of the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy hold for the foraging ecology of howler monkeys. Howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) and paleotropical primates (Parvorder: Catarrhini) have independently acquired routine trichromacy through fixation of distinct mid‐ to long‐wavelength‐sensitive (M/LWS) opsin genes on the X‐chromosome. The presence of routine trichromacy in howlers, while other diurnal neotropical monkeys (Platyrrhini) possess polymorphic trichromacy, is poorly understood. A selective force proposed to explain the evolution of routine trichromacy in catarrhines—reliance on young, red leaves—has received scant attention in howlers, a gap we fill in this study. We recorded diet, sequenced M/LWS opsin genes in four social groups of Alouatta palliata, and conducted colorimetric analysis of leaves consumed in Sector Santa Rosa, Costa Rica. For a majority of food species, including Ficus trees, an important resource year‐round, young leaves were more chromatically conspicuous from mature leaves to trichromatic than to hypothetical dichromatic phenotypes. We found that 18% of opsin genes were MWS/LWS hybrids; when combined with previous research, the incidence of hybrid M/LWS opsins in this species is 13%. In visual models of food discrimination ability, the hybrid trichromatic phenotype performed slightly poorer than normal trichromacy, but substantially better than dichromacy. Our results provide support for the folivory hypothesis of routine trichromacy. Similar ecological pressures, that is, the search for young, reddish leaves, may have driven the independent evolution of routine trichromacy in primates on separate continents. We discuss our results in the context of balancing selection acting on New World monkey opsin genes and hypothesize that howlers experience stronger selection against dichromatic phenotypes than other sympatric species, which rely more heavily on cryptic foods.  相似文献   



Climate change is fundamentally altering habitats, with complex consequences for species across the globe. The Arctic has warmed 2–3 times faster than the global average, and unprecedented sea ice loss can have multiple outcomes for ice‐associated marine predators. Our goal was to assess impacts of sea ice loss on population‐specific habitat and behaviour of a migratory Arctic cetacean.


Arctic Ocean.


Using satellite telemetry data collected during summer‐fall from sympatric beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) populations (“Chukchi” and “Beaufort” belugas), we applied generalized estimating equations to evaluate shifts in sea ice habitat associations and diving behaviour during two periods: 1993–2002 (“early”) and 2004–2012 (“late”). We used resource selection functions to assess changes in sea ice selection as well as predict trends in habitat selection and “optimal” habitat, based on satellite‐derived sea ice data from 1990 to 2014.


Sea ice cover declined substantially between periods, and Chukchi belugas specifically used significantly lower sea ice concentrations during the late than early period. Use of bathymetric features did not change between periods for either population. Population‐specific sea ice selection, predicted habitat and the amount of optimal habitat also generally did not change during 1990–2014. Chukchi belugas tracked during 2007–2012 made significantly more long‐duration and deeper dives than those tracked during 1998–2002.

Main conclusions

Taken together, our results suggest bathymetric parameters are consistent predictors of summer‐fall beluga habitat rather than selection for specific sea ice conditions during recent sea ice loss. Beluga whales were able to mediate habitat change despite their sea ice associations. However, trends towards prolonged and deeper diving possibly indicate shifting foraging opportunities associated with ecological changes that occur in concert with sea ice loss. Our results highlight that responses by some Arctic marine wildlife can be indirect and variable among populations, which could be included in predictions for the future.

The frequency of hybrid formation in angiosperms depends on how and when heterospecific pollen is transferred to the stigma, and on the success of that heterospecific pollen at fertilising ovules. We applied pollen mixtures to stigmas to determine how pollen interactions affect siring success and the frequency of hybrid formation between two species of Mediterranean deceptive orchid. Plants of Orchis italica and O. anthropophora were pollinated with conspecific and heterospecific pollen (first conspecific pollen then heterospecific pollen and vice versa) and molecular analysis was used to check the paternity of the seeds produced. In this pair of Mediterranean orchids, competition between conspecific and heterospecific pollen functions as a post‐pollination pre‐zygotic barrier limiting the frequency of the formation of hybrids in nature. Flowers pollinated with heterospecific pollen can remain receptive for the arrival of conspecific pollen for a long time. There is always an advantage of conspecific pollen for fruit formation, whether it comes before or after heterospecific pollen, because it overtakes the heterospecific pollen. The conspecific pollen advantage exhibited in O. italica and O. anthropophora is likely to result from the reduced germination of heterospecific pollen or retarded growth of heterospecific pollen tubes in the stigma and ovary. Overall, the results indicate that our hybrid zone represents a phenomenon of little evolutionary consequence, and the conspecific pollen advantage maintains the genetic integrity of the parental species.  相似文献   

A common male adaptation to prevent sperm competition is the placement of a mating plug. Such plugs are considered as an extreme investment if they comprise parts of the genital systems and render the male sterile. Genital mutilation occurs in monogynous spiders of several families and may co‐occur with permanent sperm depletion, meaning that sperm production is terminated once males become mature. Within the orb‐web spider genus Nephila, monogynous mating strategies are considered ancestral, although some species have reverted to a polygynous mating strategy. Although genital mutilation does not occur in these species, permanent sperm depletion (PSD) remained. We compared investment in sperm between an effectively plugging (Nephila fenestrata Thorell, 1859) and a closely‐related nonplugging species [Nephila senegalensis (Walckenaer, 1841)]. Sperm investment should be higher in N. senegalensis because males are able to mate with several females, whereas N. fenestrata males can only achieve a maximum of two copulations, generally performed with the same female. The absence of a plugging mechanism in N. senegalensis and the inability to monopolize females by means of mating plugs results in a higher risk of sperm competition. Thus, we predicted higher investment in sperm producing tissue and larger sperm storage organs in males of N. senegalensis compared to N. fenestrata. We examined the testes and deferent ducts of both species for size and cell‐quality differences using light and transmission electron microscopy and analyzed the volume of the sperm reservoir in the male copulatory organ (i.e. spermophor) using X‐ray microcomputed tomography. In contrast to our prediction, the lumen of testes, deferent ducts, and spermophor of N. senegalensis males were significantly smaller than in N. fenestrata.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the diatom genus Amphora is one of a broad early morphological concept resulting in the inclusion of a diversity of taxa, followed by an extended period of revision and refinement. The introduction of molecular systematics has increased the pace of revision and has largely resolved the relationships between the major lineages, indicating homoplasy in the evolution of amphoroid symmetry. Within the two largest monophyletic lineages, the genus Halamphora and the now taxonomically refined genus Amphora, the intrageneric morphological and ecological relationships have yet to be explored within a phylogenetic framework. Critical among this is whether the range of morphological features exhibited within these diverse genera are reflective of evolutionary groupings or, as with many previously studied amphoroid features, are nonhomologous when examined phylogenetically. Presented here is a four‐marker molecular phylogeny that includes 31 taxa from the genus Amphora and 77 taxa from the genus Halamphora collected from fresh, brackish, and salt waters from coastal and inland habitats of the United States and Japan. These phylogenies illustrate complex patterns in the evolution of frustule morphology and ecology within the genera and the implications of this on the taxonomy, classification, and organization of the genera are discussed.  相似文献   

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