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Translation of mRNA into protein is a unidirectional information flow process. Analysing the input (mRNA) and output (protein) of translation, we find that local protein structure information is encoded in the mRNA nucleotide sequence. The Coding Sequence and Structure (CSandS) database developed in this work provides a detailed mapping between over 4000 solved protein structures and their mRNA. CSandS facilitates a comprehensive analysis of codon usage over many organisms. In assigning translation speed, we find that relative codon usage is less informative than tRNA concentration. For all speed measures, no evidence was found that domain boundaries are enriched with slow codons. In fact, genes seemingly avoid slow codons around structurally defined domain boundaries. Translation speed, however, does decrease at the transition into secondary structure. Codons are identified that have structural preferences significantly different from the amino acid they encode. However, each organism has its own set of ‘significant codons’. Our results support the premise that codons encode more information than merely amino acids and give insight into the role of translation in protein folding.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation is a major post‐translational modification that plays a central role in signaling pathways. Protein kinases phosphorylate substrates (phosphoproteins) by adding phosphate at Ser/Thr or Tyr residues (phosphosites). A large amount of data identifying and describing phosphosites in phosphoproteins has been reported but the specificity of phosphorylation is not fully resolved. In this report, data of kinase‐substrate pairs identified by the Kinase‐Interacting Substrate Screening (KISS) method were used to analyze phosphosites in intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) of intrinsically disordered proteins. We compared phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated IDRs and found that the phosphorylated IDRs were significantly longer than nonphosphorylated IDRs. The phosphorylated IDR is often the longest IDR (71%) in a phosphoprotein when only a single phosphosite exists in the IDR, and when the phosphoprotein has multiple phosphosites in an IDR(s), the phosphosites are primarily localized in a single IDR (78%) and this IDR is usually the longest one (81%). We constructed a stochastic model of phosphorylation to estimate the effect of IDR length. The model that accounted for IDR length produced more realistic results when compared with a model that excluded the IDR length. We propose that the IDR length is a significant determinant for locating kinase phosphorylation sites in phosphoproteins.  相似文献   

Large portions of higher eukaryotic proteomes are intrinsically disordered, and abundant evidence suggests that these unstructured regions of proteins are rich in regulatory interaction interfaces. A major class of disordered interaction interfaces are the compact and degenerate modules known as short linear motifs (SLiMs). As a result of the difficulties associated with the experimental identification and validation of SLiMs, our understanding of these modules is limited, advocating the use of computational methods to focus experimental discovery. This article evaluates the use of evolutionary conservation as a discriminatory technique for motif discovery. A statistical framework is introduced to assess the significance of relatively conserved residues, quantifying the likelihood a residue will have a particular level of conservation given the conservation of the surrounding residues. The framework is expanded to assess the significance of groupings of conserved residues, a metric that forms the basis of SLiMPrints (short linear motif fingerprints), a de novo motif discovery tool. SLiMPrints identifies relatively overconstrained proximal groupings of residues within intrinsically disordered regions, indicative of putatively functional motifs. Finally, the human proteome is analysed to create a set of highly conserved putative motif instances, including a novel site on translation initiation factor eIF2A that may regulate translation through binding of eIF4E.  相似文献   

More than 60 prediction methods for intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) have been developed over the years, many of which are accessible on the World Wide Web. Nearly, all of these predictors give balanced accuracies in the ~65%–~80% range. Since predictors are not perfect, further studies are required to uncover the role of amino acid residues in native IDP as compared to predicted IDP regions. In the present work, we make use of sequences of 100% predicted IDP regions, false positive disorder predictions, and experimentally determined IDP regions to distinguish the characteristics of native versus predicted IDP regions. A higher occurrence of asparagine is observed in sequences of native IDP regions but not in sequences of false positive predictions of IDP regions. The occurrences of certain combinations of amino acids at the pentapeptide level provide a distinguishing feature in the IDPs with respect to globular proteins. The distinguishing features presented in this paper provide insights into the sequence fingerprints of amino acid residues in experimentally determined as compared to predicted IDP regions. These observations and additional work along these lines should enable the development of improvements in the accuracy of disorder prediction algorithm.  相似文献   

Recently defined family of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) includes proteins lacking rigid tertiary structure meanwhile fulfilling essential biological functions. Here we show that apo-state of pike parvalbumin (alpha- and beta-isoforms, pI 5.0 and 4.2, respectively) belongs to the family of IDP, which is in accord with theoretical predictions. Parvalbumin (PA) is a 12-kDa calcium-binding protein involved into regulation of relaxation of fast muscles. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements of metal-depleted form of PA revealed the absence of any thermally induced transitions with measurable denaturation enthalpy along with elevated specific heat capacity, implying the lack of rigid tertiary structure and exposure of hydrophobic protein groups to the solvent. Calcium removal from the PAs causes more than 10-fold increase in fluorescence intensity of hydrophobic probe bis-ANS and is accompanied by a decrease in alpha-helical content and a marked increase in mobility of aromatic residues environment, as judged by circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). Guanidinium chloride-induced unfolding of the apo-parvalbumins monitored by CD showed the lack of fixed tertiary structure. Theoretical estimation of energetics of the charge-charge interactions in the PAs indicated their pronounced destabilization upon calcium removal, which is in line with sequence-based predictions of disordered protein chain regions. Far-UV CD studies of apo-alpha-PA revealed hallmarks of cold denaturation of the protein at temperatures below 20 degrees C. Moreover, a cooperative thermal denaturation transition with mid-temperature at 10-15 degrees C is revealed by near-UV CD for both PAs. The absence of detectable enthalpy change in this temperature region suggests continuous nature of the transition. Overall, the theoretical and experimental data obtained show that PA in apo-state is essentially disordered nevertheless demonstrates complex denaturation behavior. The native rigid tertiary structure of PA is attained upon association of one (alpha-PA) or two (beta-PA) calcium ions per protein molecule, as follows from calorimetric and calcium titration data.  相似文献   

The actin capping protein (CP) tightly binds to the barbed end of actin filaments to block further elongation. The β-tentacle in CP is an important region that ensures stable interaction with actin filaments. CARMIL inhibits the interaction of CP with actin filaments via the C-terminal portion containing the CP-binding motif, located in an intrinsically disordered region. We have proposed an allosteric inhibition model in which CARMIL suppresses CP by the population shift mechanism. Here, we solved a crystal structure of CP in complex with a CARMIL-derived peptide, CA32. The new structure clearly represents the α-helical form of the β-tentacle that was invisible in other CP/CARMIL peptide complex structures. In addition, we exhaustively performed a normal mode analysis with the elastic network model on all available crystal structures of the CP/CARMIL peptide complexes, including the new structure. We concluded that the CP-binding motif is necessary and sufficient for altering the fluctuation of CP, which is essential for attenuating the barbed-end-capping activity along the population shift mechanism. The roles and functions of the β-tentacle and the CP-binding motif are discussed in terms of their intrinsically disordered nature.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered translocation domain (T-domain) of the protein antibiotic colicin N binds to periplasmic receptors of target Escherichia coli cells in order to penetrate their inner membranes. We report here that the specific 27 consecutive residues of the T-domain of colicin N known to bind to the helper protein TolA in target cells also interacts intramolecularly with folded regions of colicin N. We suggest that this specific self-recognition helps intrinsically disordered domains to bury their hydrophobic recognition motifs and protect them against degradation, showing that an impaired self-recognition leads to increased protease susceptibility.  相似文献   

Tau protein, the major constituent of paired helical filaments in Alzheimer's disease, belongs to the intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). IDPs are an emerging group in the protein kingdom characterized by the absence of a rigid three-dimensional structure. Disordered proteins usually acquire a "functional fold" upon binding to their interaction partner(s). This property of IDPs implies the need for innovative approaches to measure their binding affinity. We have mapped and measured the Alzheimer's-disease-associated epitope on intrinsically disordered tau protein with a novel two-step sandwich competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This approach allowed us to determine the binding affinity of disordered tau protein in liquid phase without any disturbance to the competitive equilibrium and without any need for covalent or noncovalent modification of tau protein. Furthermore, the global fitting method, used for the reconstruction of tau binding curves, significantly improved the assay readout. The proposed novel competitive ELISA allowed us to determine the changes in the standard Gibbs energy of binding, thus enabling measurement of tau protein conformation in the core of paired helical filaments. IDP competitive ELISA results showed, for the first time, that the tau protein C terminus of the Alzheimer's-disease-derived paired helical filaments core subunit adopts beta-turn type I' fold and is accessible from solution.  相似文献   

Codon usage tends to be optimized in highly expressed genes. A plausible explanation for this phenomenon is that translational accuracy is increased in highly expressed genes with infrequent use of rare codons. Besides structural domains (SDs), eukaryotic proteins generally have intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs) that by themselves do not assume unique three-dimensional structures. As IDRs are free from structural constraint, they can probably accommodate more translational errors than SDs can. Thus, codon usage in IDRs is likely to be less optimized than that in SDs. Codon usage in all the genes of seven eukaryotes was examined in terms of both tRNA adaptation index and codon adaptation index. Different amino acid compositions in different protein regions were taken into account in calculating expected adaptation indices, to which observed indices were compared. Codon usage is less optimized in gene regions encoding IDRs than in those corresponding to SDs. The finding does not depend on whether IDRs are located at the N-terminus, in the middle, or at the C-terminus of proteins. Furthermore, the observation remains unchanged in two different algorithms used to predict IDRs in proteins. The result is consistent with the idea that IDRs tolerate more translational errors than SDs.  相似文献   

Rational drug design via intrinsically disordered protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite substantial increases in research funding by the pharmaceutical industry, drug discovery rates seem to have reached a plateau or perhaps are even declining, suggesting the need for new strategies. Protein-protein interactions have long been thought to provide interesting drug discovery targets, but the development of small molecules that modulate such interactions has so far achieved a low success rate. In contrast to this historic trend, a few recent successes raise hopes for routinely identifying druggable protein-protein interactions. In this Opinion article, we point out the importance of coupled binding and folding for protein-protein signalling interactions generally, and from this and associated observations, we develop a new strategy for identifying protein-protein interactions that would be particularly promising targets for modulation by small molecules. This novel strategy, based on intrinsically disordered protein, has the potential to increase significantly the discovery rate for new molecule entities.  相似文献   

Fish otoliths composed of calcium carbonate and an organic matrix play a primary role in gravity sensing and the perception of sound. Starmaker (Stm) was the first protein found to be capable of influencing the process of biomineralization of otoliths. Stm dictates the shape, size, and selection of calcium carbonate polymorphs in a concentration-dependent manner. To facilitate exploration of the molecular basis of Stm function, we have developed and optimized a protocol for efficient expression and purification of the homogeneous nontagged Stm. The homogeneous nontagged Stm corresponds to its functional form, which is devoid of a signal peptide. A comprehensive biochemical and biophysical analysis of recombinant Stm, along with in silico examinations, indicate for the first time that Stm exhibits the properties of intrinsically disordered proteins. The functional significance of Stm having intrinsically disordered protein properties and its possible role in controlling the formation of otoliths is discussed.  相似文献   

Natively unfolded or intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are under intense scrutiny due to their involvement in both normal biological functions and abnormal protein misfolding disorders. Polypeptide chain collapse of amyloidogenic IDPs is believed to play a key role in protein misfolding, oligomerization, and aggregation leading to amyloid fibril formation, which is implicated in a number of human diseases. In this work, we used bovine κ-casein, which serves as an archetypal model protein for amyloidogenic IDPs. Using a variety of biophysical tools involving both prediction and spectroscopic techniques, we first established that monomeric κ-casein adopts a collapsed premolten-globule-like conformational ensemble under physiological conditions. Our time-resolved fluorescence and light-scattering data indicate a change in the mean hydrodynamic radius from ∼4.6 nm to ∼1.9 nm upon chain collapse. We then took the advantage of two cysteines separated by 77 amino-acid residues and covalently labeled them using thiol-reactive pyrene maleimide. This dual-labeled protein demonstrated a strong excimer formation upon renaturation from urea- and acid-denatured states under both equilibrium and kinetic conditions, providing compelling evidence of polypeptide chain collapse under physiological conditions. The implication of the IDP chain collapse in protein aggregation and amyloid formation is also discussed.  相似文献   

All proteomes contain both proteins and polypeptide segments that don’t form a defined three-dimensional structure yet are biologically active—called intrinsically disordered proteins and regions (IDPs and IDRs). Most of these IDPs/IDRs lack useful functional annotation limiting our understanding of their importance for organism fitness. Here we characterized IDRs using protein sequence annotations of functional sites and regions available in the UniProt knowledgebase (“UniProt features”: active site, ligand-binding pocket, regions mediating protein-protein interactions, etc.). By measuring the statistical enrichment of twenty-five UniProt features in 981 IDRs of 561 human proteins, we identified eight features that are commonly located in IDRs. We then collected the genetic variant data from the general population and patient-based databases and evaluated the prevalence of population and pathogenic variations in IDPs/IDRs. We observed that some IDRs tolerate 2 to 12-times more single amino acid-substituting missense mutations than synonymous changes in the general population. However, we also found that 37% of all germline pathogenic mutations are located in disordered regions of 96 proteins. Based on the observed-to-expected frequency of mutations, we categorized 34 IDRs in 20 proteins (DDX3X, KIT, RB1, etc.) as intolerant to mutation. Finally, using statistical analysis and a machine learning approach, we demonstrate that mutation-intolerant IDRs carry a distinct signature of functional features. Our study presents a novel approach to assign functional importance to IDRs by leveraging the wealth of available genetic data, which will aid in a deeper understating of the role of IDRs in biological processes and disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(2):121-138.e9
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The conformational characterization of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is complicated by their conformational heterogeneity and flexibility. If an IDP could somehow be divided into smaller fragments and reconstructed later, theoretical and spectroscopic studies could probe its conformational variability in detail. Here, we used replica molecular-dynamics simulations and network theory to explore whether such a divide-and-conquer strategy is feasible for α-synuclein, a prototypical IDP. We characterized the conformational variability of α-synuclein by conducting >100 unbiased all-atom molecular-dynamics simulations, for a total of >10 μs of trajectories. In these simulations, α-synuclein formed a heterogeneous ensemble of collapsed coil states in an aqueous environment. These states were stabilized by heterogeneous contacts between sequentially distant regions. We find that α-synuclein contains residual secondary structures in the collapsed states, and the heterogeneity in the collapsed state makes it feasible to split α-synuclein into sequentially contiguous minimally interacting fragments. This study reveals previously unknown characteristics of α-synuclein and provides a new (to our knowledge) approach for studying other IDPs.  相似文献   

An intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) does not have a definite 3D structure, and because of its highly flexible nature it evolves dynamically in very large and diverse regions of the phase space. A standard molecular dynamics run can sample only a limited region of the latter; even though this kind of simulation may be effective in sampling local temporary secondary structures, it is not sufficient to highlight properties that require a larger sampling of the phase space to be detected, like transient tertiary structures. But if the structure of an IDP is dynamically evolved using metadynamics (an algorithm that keeps track of the regions of the phase space already sampled), the system can be forced to wander in a much larger region of the phase space. We have applied this procedure to the simulation of tau, one of the largest totally disordered proteins. Combining the results of the simulation with small-angle X-ray scattering yields a significant improvement in the sampling of the phase space in comparison with standard molecular dynamics, and provides evidence of extended hairpin- and paperclip-like transient tertiary structures of the molecule. The more persistent tertiary pattern is a hairpin folding encompassing part of the N-terminal, the proline-rich domain, the former repeat and a functionally relevant part of the second repeat.  相似文献   

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