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二叠纪腕足动物地理区系演化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚庆华 《古生物学报》1997,36(1):93-121
建立系统、完善的二叠纪腕足动物地层、地理信息资料库、选用聚类分析等方法,进行古生物地理区系的定量研究,从时空两方面探讨了二叠纪腕足动物地理区系的划分和演变,分4个世详细论述了二叠纪腕足动物的世界分区及其与泛大陆演化的关系。  相似文献   

中国广西钦州地区和云南西部昌宁—孟连地区的层状硅质岩地层中发育丰富的石炭—二叠纪放射虫生物群,据此建立了22个连续的放射虫化石带。从晚石炭世至晚二叠世长兴期,日本西南区出现的Pseudoalbaillella nodosa带至Neoalbaillella optima带共15个放射虫生物带可与中国同期发育的17个放射虫生物带对比,代表泛大洋(Panthalassa)沉积的部分日本地体和代表古特提斯洋(Palaeo-Tethys)沉积的中国部分构造单元,无论在放射虫生物类群组分还是在化石生物带构成方面都非常相似。晚石炭世—二叠纪放射虫生物地层学资料证实,该时期地球上的两个大洋(泛大洋和特提斯洋)没有明显的分化,可能属于同一大洋体系———古特提斯洋。  相似文献   

黄冰 《古生物学报》2011,(3):304-320
灭绝事件对古生物地理格局的影响已引起关注,近期研究表明奥陶纪末大灭绝事件后多样性显著高于传统认识,而全球该时期腕足动物的古生物地理分布情况尚未见报道。本文基于已发表的和最新的资料及所掌握新数据的整理,建立全球腕足动物志留纪初鲁丹(Rhuddanian)早期(残存期)13个产地72属137个出现信息(occurrence...  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭纪的Ting类,珊瑚和腕足动物的代表属与中国其它代表地区-塔里木盆地,准噶尔盆地,陕甘宁地区,华北地区,华南地区,西藏北部地区可以进行对比,在计算大Zong相似系数的基础上,进行Q型聚类分析,得出古生物地理分区结果,则解决柴达木盆地石炭纪古生物地理归属问题,研究结果表明,早石炭世可划分为:柴达木-华南-陕甘宁生物区;塔里木-藏北生物区和准噶尔生物区,柴达木属于柴达木-华南生物亚区,晚  相似文献   

泥盆纪沉积在新疆地区广泛分布,动物群丰富多彩。但至今尚没有一篇专门论述新疆地区泥盆纪时期任何门类化石的著作,这就给予在开展区域地质测量过程中,确定该时期地层的时代和对比,带来一定的困难。根据笔者最近对天山东段古生代晚期古地理的初步研究,确定了在泥盆纪吋,天山南北分属两个古动物地理区;北天山属北美—哈萨克斯坦类型,南天山则和西欧—烏拉尔类型相似陆赜蚬憷?山系发育,处于中、苏两国接壤地带。因此,该区古生物化石的研究,对于确定两国地层的对比,确定古生物地理分区,实具有头等意义。  相似文献   

榆社作为全国的"化石之乡",全县大部分区域分布有世界少有的古脊椎动物生物化石。随着经济的发展,这里的化石越来越引起人们的关注。古生物化石的保护与开发,成为一个刻不容缓的课题。通过总结目前古生物化石保护存在的问题,并依此提出相关的治理措施,最后罗列出该地区今后化石开发利用的建议,以期为当地发展经济提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文所记述的古杯化石,系贵州工学院地质系赵元龙老师提供,有关此区的地层剖面及所含化石的情况,赵元龙、黄友庄已在“贵州福泉道坪地区早、中寒武世三叶虫”一文(刊《古生物学报》20卷3期)中发表,本文不再赘述。古杯化石产于明心寺组底部(第9层)与牛蹄塘组上部(第7层)中,经研究,计有下列种属(共9属16种,其中7新种,5未定种,4比较种): 第9层(NP Ⅲ-H-35)产Rotundocyathus  相似文献   

叶月贝腕足动物群是晚奥陶世海洋较深水底域中一个重要的底栖壳相动物群。文中首次报道了在新疆东南部库鲁克塔格地区却尔却克山上奥陶统杂土坡组发现的叶月贝动物群,包括腕足动物5属5种(含两个未定种),分别为:Apatobolus cf.plicatus,Lingulellasp.,Foliomena xinjiangensis,Kassinella(Kassinella)cf.tchingisensis和Eoplectodonta sp.。壳相化石与笔石共同产出,保存在深灰色泥岩中,推测大致相当于BA5甚至稍深的底域环境。在同一条剖面上,叶月贝动物群曾报道于层位稍高的银屏山组[上奥陶统凯迪阶(Katian)上部],二者之间可能存在分类学和古生态学的联系。叶月贝腕足动物群在塔里木板块的持续发育为深入开展这一古板块的古地理重建提供了依据。  相似文献   

陕西镇安西口地区构造上属于南秦岭微板块,二叠纪时该地区与华南板块被勉略洋(东古特提斯洋的一个分支)分隔,而成为南秦岭微板块上的一个孤立台地。由于其二叠纪时处于华北和华南板块的汇聚带,同时又位于沟通古特提斯和泛大洋的重要通道上,其特殊的古地理位置使其具备与华南乃至全球其它地区二叠系对比的重要古地理和古环境意义,具有成为二叠系经典剖面的潜力。本次研究共分析60件样品,从中发现具有地层划分对比意义的平台型牙形刺分子4属18种。这些化石分布于上石炭统至上二叠统的地层中,且主要产于中二叠统水峡口组和上二叠统的西口组、熨斗滩组及龙洞川组。根据牙形刺的产出情况将研究区二叠系划分出13个带,自上而下为:长兴阶(Changhsingian)的Clarkina subcarinata带和C.changxingensis带;吴家坪阶(Wuchaipingian)的C.postbitteri带,C.dukouensis带,C.liangshanensis带和C.orientalis带;卡匹敦阶(Capitanian)的Mesogondolella posterserrata带,M.shannoni带,M.altudaensis带和M.granti带;罗德阶(Roadian)的M.nanjingensis带;亚丁斯克阶(Artinskian)的Sweetognathus whitei带;阿瑟尔阶(Asselian)-萨克马尔阶(Sakmarian)的S.inornatus带。最后,主要依据牙形刺带对陕西镇安西口二叠系剖面的生物地层进行重新划分,确立了3统9阶,从而能够更好地进行洲际对比。  相似文献   

江西九江市湖口县文物工作者最近在鄱阳湖仙岛——鞋山脚下发现了大量形成于2.75亿年前的海洋古生物化石,这些化石成为研究鄱阳湖地区远古时期的地质形态、生态环境、生物结构的宝贵资料。最早发现这些古生物化石的是当地有名的考古专家杨赤宇。据他介绍,今年鄱阳湖出现历史罕见的低水位,使大量的湖底河床裸露,鞋山脚下溶洞尽现,奇石成片。在鞋山古炮台下的乱石堆中,杨赤宇发现了大量石灰石。据杨赤宇初步推断,这些石灰石是形成于约2.75亿年前至3.7亿年前的海洋古生物化石。目前,有关研究部门正对这些古生物化石展开研究。摘自《科学时报》2…  相似文献   

In the development of Permian bivalves of northeastern Asia, the following five large stages have been recognized: Asselian-Middle Artinskian, Late Artinskian-Kungurian, Roadian-Wordian, Capitanian-Early Wuchiapingian, and Late Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian. The boundaries between stages correspond to great biotic events and frequently display a sharp change in species diversity of bivalves. During the Permian, brachiopods were gradually replaced by bivalves; this was promoted by repeated sharp changes in the environment.  相似文献   

Pecopteris lativenosa Halle是栉羊齿属中羽叶形态变化十分显著的一个种。作者在详细观察的基础上,尝试性地运用定量统计和方差分析方法判定该植物具有代表性的各项特征,提出了普遍存在的5种小羽片类型、6种末次羽片类型和2种末二次羽片类型,以及各类型小羽片、末次羽片、末二次羽片和末三次羽片的空间分布关系,并以此为依据绘制了Pecopteris lativenosa Halle三次羽状复叶复原图。这一复原图能够解释以往发现的Pecopteris lativenosa Halle标本所属类型。  相似文献   

自林启彬先生1978年命名了我国第一个古生代昆虫至今, 中国学者共发表20余篇分类学论著, 描述鉴定我国古生代昆虫共61种, 归属于9目(总目)。这些标本分布于西北、 西南、 华东等9省区, 其中石炭纪47种, 二叠纪14种。本文统计了我国已发现的古生代化石昆虫属种名录以及它们的分布和地质年代, 总结了国内古生代化石昆虫当前的研究状况和发展趋势, 并分析了研究中存在的问题。其中关于化石昆虫普遍存在的脉序差异问题需给予足够的重视, 高级阶元的建立应更加慎重。研究表明我国古生代昆虫已经高度分异, 古翅类、 新翅类均已出现, 且代表着有翅昆虫辐射演化的重要阶段。  相似文献   

Analysis of a large database of the stratigraphic distribution of fusulinacean Foraminifera reveals an Early Permian event of significant decline of species diversity in South China. Data from Late Carboniferous to Early Permian sections without apparent unconformity in southwest China were evaluated to determine if the apparent pattern of species disappearance was caused by bias in fossil preservation associated with Early Permian sea-level changes. Statistical analysis suggests that the Early Permian event started in the Late Sakmarian with a significant drop of species diversity in the Robustoschwagerina ziyunensis Zone and continued through the Pamirina darvasica Zone of the Artinskian and into the Brevaxina dyhrenfurthi Zone of the Early Kungarian, resulted in a total loss of about 40% species diversity in the fusulinacean fauna. The Early Permian event is the most extensive bioevent in the history of fusulinacean Foraminifera at the species level although it is less significant at the generic level. Because a similar faunal change has been found among the fusulinacean assemblages in North America and in various regions of Tethys, this event may represent a major faunal turn-over in response to the Early Permian changes in sea level and could be of a global nature. Previous recognition of this event was hampered by Early Permian unconformities in North America and other regions of Tethys.  相似文献   

Toshie Igawa 《Facies》2003,48(1):61-78
Summary Microbial organisms significantly contributed to the accumulation of shallow-marine carbonates in an open-ocean realm of the Panthalassan Ocean during Late Carboniferous-Early Permian time. The Jigokudai plateau in the northern part of the Akiyoshidai Plateau is the study area, where the limestone of the Upper Carboniferous Kasimovian Stage to the Lower Permian Artinskian Stage is well exposed. The fusulinid biostratigraphy as well as top-bottom geopetal fabrics revealed that the rocks of the study area are overturned. The thickness of this succession is approximated to 150 m. The succession is lithologically divided into the Lower Jigokudai and Upper Jigokudai formations. The lime-stones of these formations were deposited in a lagoonal setting. The Lower Jigokudai formation (95 m thick: Kasimovian to Asselian) is characterized by sand shoal facies represented by crinoid-Tubiphytes-fusulinid peloidal pack/grainstones and oolitic grainstones. Phylloid algal grain/packstones and microbial boundstones subordinately crop out. The Upper Jigokudai Formation (55 m thick: Sakmarian to Artinskian) is characterized by shoal and tidal flat facies represented by mollusk-fusulinid peloidal grain/rudstones, and peloidal grain/rudstones and peloidal lime-mudstones, respectively. Laterally discontinuous microbial bound-stones occur intercalated in mollusk-fusulinid peloidal grain/rudstones. This formation contains pendant and meniscus cements, and flat-pebble breccia indicative of an intertidal deposition and subaerial exposure. Various types of boundstone and organosedimentary structures constructed mainly by filamentous cyanobacteria,Tubiphytes obscurus tubular microproblematicum A, and other microproblematica were recognized. Significant facies types are (1) filamentous cyanobacteria-microproblematicum A bind/framestones, (2)Tubiphytes obscurus bindstones, (3) stromatolitic bindstones, (4) microbial laminites, (5) microbially linked structures, (6) oncoids, (7) microproblematica B-C framestones. The calcimicrobes, combined with synsedimentary cementation, formed small-scale and low-relief mounds of these facies, and greatly contributed to the deposition of the Kasimovian to Artinskian Panthalassan buildup.  相似文献   

自昆仑山—阿尔金山—祁连山—秦岭—大别山一线以北的中国北方地区,二叠纪时大约由准噶尔地块、塔里木地块、中朝板块、佳蒙地块等几个主要陆块和一些小的地块(微板块)组成。在系统整理这些地区晚二叠世植物属种的基础上,根据植物群属种的植物学特征及植物地理属性,将中国北方晚二叠世混生植物地理区划分为6个植物地理省,即:1)准噶尔–北塔里木安加拉–华夏混生植物地理省;2)北山–巴丹吉林安加拉–华夏混生植物地理省;3)兴蒙(东北地区)安加拉–华夏混生植物地理省;4)南塔里木安加拉–欧美混生植物地理省;5)祁连–阿拉善华夏–安加拉混生植物地理省;6)华北欧美–华夏–安加拉混生植物地理省。基于各地块在晚古生代各时期植物群的演替和植物区系性质的变迁,结合古地磁资料,简述了各地块在石炭纪—二叠纪时,在古特提斯洋和古亚洲洋中逐渐由低纬度热带亚热带雨林气候区向北半球高纬度温带干旱气候区的漂移和碰撞过程;并认为晚二叠世混生植物群形成的主要原因是各陆块相互间的迁移和拼接,中、晚二叠世形成的联合大陆(Pangaea)给各陆块上植物群的互相交融、侵入提供了良好条件。这种时空关系的改变,导致植物生态系统的改变,不但造成来自不同植物地理区植物的混生,而且产生了不少新的物种和丰富的土著分子。  相似文献   

Forests are expected to expand into northern polar latitudes in the next century. However, the impact of forests at high latitudes on climate and terrestrial biogeochemical cycling is poorly understood because such forests cannot be studied in the modern. This study presents forestry and geochemical analyses of three in situ fossil forests from Late Permian strata of Antarctica, which grew at polar latitudes. Stem size measurements and stump spacing measurements indicate significant differences in forest density and canopy structure that are related to the local depositional setting. For forests closest to fluvial systems, tree density appears to decrease as the forests mature, which is the opposite trend of self‐thinning observed in modern forests. We speculate that a combination of tree mortality and high disturbance created low‐density mature forests without understory vegetation near Late Permian river systems. Stable carbon isotopes measured from permineralized wood in these forests demonstrate two important points: (i) recently developed techniques of high‐resolution carbon isotope studies of wood and mummified wood can be applied to permineralized wood, for which much of the original organic matter has been lost and (ii) that the fossil trees maintained a deciduous habit at polar latitudes during the Late Permian. The combination of paleobotanical, sedimentologic, and paleoforestry techniques provides an unrivaled examination of the function of polar forests in deep time; and the carbon isotope geochemistry supplements this work with subannual records of carbon fixation that allows for the quantitative analysis of deciduous versus evergreen habits and environmental parameters, for example, relative humidity.  相似文献   

第四纪孢粉学利用现代和化石孢粉重建第四纪古植被、古气候和古环境,属于可持续发展的前沿学科领域。本文基于CiteSpace软件数据可视化和计量分析模块,以CNKI (中国知网)数据库与Web of Science核心数据库中1990–2020年间的共计6081篇第四纪孢粉学相关文献为基础,梳理了近30年来第四纪孢粉学的过去和现在,并探讨了未来发展趋势。研究结果表明,近30年第四纪孢粉学领域发文量呈增加趋势,中国的总发文量和国际影响力整体呈增长趋势;第四纪孢粉学研究主要集中于各大高校和科研院所,研究成果有明显的聚集性;中国科学院是外文发文量最多的国际机构。第四纪孢粉学近30年的研究主要涉及古植物学、古地理学、古生态学和古气候学等领域,古植被、古气候、古环境的定性和定量重建一直是国内外学者关注和研究的重点。表土花粉研究、花粉与人类活动、亚洲季风演变和孢粉分类学是近几年发刊的热点。虽然一些关键词如花粉产量、代表性以及现代花粉与植被和气候的定量关系等出现频次低,但对第四纪孢粉学十分重要。未来还需要进一步加强湖泊表层沉积物的花粉研究,探讨花粉与植被、气候的定量关系,为准确解译化石花粉提供坚实基础。...  相似文献   

Aim The aims of this study were: (1) to identify global communities of tuna and billfish species through quantitative statistical analyses of global fisheries data; (2) to describe the spatial distribution, main environmental drivers and species composition of each community detected; and (3) to determine whether the spatial distribution of each community could be linked to the environmental conditions that affect lower trophic levels by comparing the partitions identified in this study with Longhurst’s biogeochemical provinces. Location The global ocean from 60° S to 65° N. Methods We implemented a new numerical procedure based on a hierarchical clustering method and a nonparametric probabilistic test to divide the oceanic biosphere into biomes and ecoregions. This procedure was applied to a database that comprised standardized data on commercial longline catches for 15 different species of tuna and billfish over a period of more than 50 years (i.e. 1953–2007). For each ecoregion identified (i.e. characteristic tuna and billfish community), we analysed the relationships between species composition and environmental factors. Finally, we compared the biogeochemical provinces of Longhurst with the ecoregions that we identified. Results Tuna and billfish species form nine well‐defined communities across the global ocean. Each community occurs in regions with specific environmental conditions and shows a distinctive species composition. High similarity (68.8% homogeneity) between the spatial distribution of the communities of tuna and billfish and the biogeochemical provinces suggests a strong relationship between these species and the physical and chemical characteristics of the global ocean. Main conclusions Despite their high tolerance for a wide range of environmental conditions, these highly migratory species are partitioned into clear geographical communities in the ocean at a global scale. The similarity between biogeochemical and biotic divisions in the ocean suggests that the global ocean is a mosaic of large biogeographical ecosystems, each characterized by specific environmental conditions that have a strong effect on the composition of the trophic web.  相似文献   

卷柏科仅含一属,全球分布,具有宽幅生态适应性,属于维管植物基部类群石松类植物,现生约700种。卷柏科起源于泥盆纪,化石记录遍布自石炭纪至今的各地质时期。目前,现代卷柏属亚属的分类方案基本稳定,但对于化石卷柏的亚属分类、以及地质历史时期的时空分布问题还缺乏相关研究。本文全面总结了卷柏科化石记录的时代和地理分布,并结合分子系统学探讨其地理分布格局的演化,为该科植物的分类与进化研究提供参考。根据现有研究基础,结合最新的卷柏科系统分类研究成果和化石记录,本文对该类群化石的系统分类进行归纳和厘定,并对化石类群的卷柏亚属Selaginella、Hexaphyllum亚属及rhizophoric clade物种的分化和地理分布格局的形成进行了讨论。本文认为,卷柏科起源于古生代的欧美植物区,不晚于二叠纪,其后伴随着泛大陆解体扩散至华夏植物区及冈瓦纳植物区。化石亚属Hexaphyllum是rhizophoric clade的基部类群,在石炭纪末灭绝。化石证据表明,从古生代末期起,rhizophoric clade已成为卷柏科的优势类群,并在中生代形成了全球分布的格局。  相似文献   

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