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We have investigated the regulation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) hydroxypyruvate reductase mRNA abundance in response to white-, red-, and far-red-light treatments. Following irradiation of dark-adapted cucumber seedlings with 15 min to 4 h of either white or red light and return to darkness, the mRNA level for the gene encoding hydroxypyruvate reductase (Hpr) in cotyledons peaks in the darkness 16 to 20 h later. The response of the Hpr mRNA level to total fluence of white light depends more directly on irradiation time than on fluence rate. In addition to this time-dependent component, a phytochrome-dependent component is involved in Hpr regulation in dark-adapted green cotyledons as shown by red-light induction and partial far-red-light reversibility. Parallel measurements of mRNA levels for the ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit and for the chlorophyll a/b-binding protein show that Hpr is the most responsive to short (about 60 min) white- and red-light treatments and that each mRNA has a characteristic pattern of accumulation in dark-adapted cotyledons in response to light.  相似文献   

Under a gas atmosphere of 99% O2/1% CO2, wild-type cells of Chlorella sorokiniana excreted 12% of their dry weight as glycolate during photolithotrophic growth, whereas mutant cells excreted glycolate at only 3% of the cellular dry weight. The observed difference in glycolate excretion by the two cell types appears to be due to a different capacity for the metabolism of glycolate, rather than to a different glycolate formation rate. This was concluded from experiments in which the metabolism of glycolate via the glycine-serine pathway was inhibited by the addition of isoniazid. Under such conditions, glycolate excretion rates for both cell types were identical. The mutant appeared to have significantly higher specific activities of glycine decarboxylase, serine hydroxymethyltransferase, serine-glyoxylate aminotransferase, glycerate kinase, and phosphoglycolate phosphatase than did the wild type. The specific activities of D-ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, glycolate dehydrogenase, glyoxylate-aminotransferase, and hydroxypyruvate reductase were the same for wild-type and mutant cells. The internal pool sizes of ammonia and amino acids increased in wild-type cells grown under high-oxygen concentrations but were hardly affected by high oxygen tensions in the mutant cells. Our results indicate that, under the growth conditions applied, the decarboxylation of glycine becomes the rate-limiting step of the glycine-serine pathway for the wild-type cells of C. sorokiniana.  相似文献   

The syringolide receptor P34 mediates avrD-Rpg4 gene-for-gene complementarity in soybean. However, the mechanism underlying P34 signal transmission after syringolide binding is unknown. In an effort to identify a second messenger for P34, soybean leaf proteins were run though a P34-affinity column. A 42-kDa protein which specifically bound to the column was identified as a putative plant NADH-dependent hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR) by N-terminal peptide sequencing. HPR is an important enzyme involved in the plant photorespiration system. Screening of a soybean cDNA library yielded two distinct HPR clones that encoded proteins with 97% identity (P42-1 and P42-2). Surprisingly, only P42-2 displayed good binding with P34 in a yeast two-hybrid assay, indicating that P42-2, but not P42-1, is a potential second messenger for P34. Glycerate and its analogs, which are utilized in the photorespiration system, were tested for their inhibitory effect on syringolide-induced hypersensitive response (HR) to evaluate the biological significance of P42-2. Interestingly, the downstream products of HPR (glycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate) inhibited HR but the upstream compounds (hydroxypyruvate or serine) did not have a significant effect on HR. These results suggest that P42-2 is a primary target for a P34/syringolide complex and that P42-2 binding with the complex probably induces HR by inhibiting one or more HPR functions in soybean.  相似文献   

The major photorespiratory pathway in higher plants is distributed over chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. In this pathway, glycolate oxidation takes place in peroxisomes. It was previously suggested that a mitochondrial glycolate dehydrogenase (GlcDH) that was conserved from green algae lacking leaf-type peroxisomes contributes to photorespiration in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, the identification of two Arabidopsis mitochondrial alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferases (ALAATs) that link glycolate oxidation to glycine formation are described. By this reaction, the mitochondrial side pathway produces glycine from glyoxylate that can be used in the glycine decarboxylase (GCD) reaction of the major pathway. RNA interference (RNAi) suppression of mitochondrial ALAAT did not result in major changes in metabolite pools under standard conditions or enhanced photorespiratroy flux, respectively. However, RNAi lines showed reduced photorespiratory CO(2) release and a lower CO(2) compensation point. Mitochondria isolated from RNAi lines are incapable of converting glycolate to CO(2), whereas simultaneous overexpression of GlcDH and ALAATs in transiently transformed tobacco leaves enhances glycolate conversion. Furthermore, analyses of rice mitochondria suggest that the side pathway for glycolate oxidation and glycine formation is conserved in monocotyledoneous plants. It is concluded that the photorespiratory pathway from green algae has been functionally conserved in higher plants.  相似文献   

Transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) plants expressing components of a novel cyanobacterial photorespiratory glycolate catabolism pathway were developed. Transgenic plant expressing glcD1 (glycolate dehydrogenase I) gene was referred to as synGDH and transgenic plants expressing gcl (glyoxylate carboligase) and tsr (tartronic semialdehyde reductase) genes simultaneously were designated as synGT. Both synGDH and synGT plants showed stable gene transformation, integration and expression. Enhanced glyoxylate contents in synGDH plants were detected as compared to synGT and non-transgenic (NT) plants. Phenotypic evaluation revealed that synGDH plants accumulated 11 % higher dry weight, while, tuber weight was 38 and 16 % higher than NT and synGT, respectively. Upon challenging the plants in high temperature and high light conditions synGDH plants maintained higher Fv/Fm and showed less bleaching of chlorophyll as compared to synGT and NT plants. These results indicate that genetic transformation of complete pathway in one plant holds promising outcomes in terms of biomass accumulation to meet future needs for food and energy.  相似文献   

Recycling of carbon by the photorespiratory pathway involves enzymatic steps in the chloroplast, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. Most of these reactions are essential for plants growing under ambient CO(2) concentrations. However, some disruptions of photorespiratory metabolism cause subtle phenotypes in plants grown in air. For example, Arabidopsis thaliana lacking both of the peroxisomal malate dehydrogenase genes (pmdh1pmdh2) or hydroxypyruvate reductase (hpr1) are viable in air and have rates of photosynthesis only slightly lower than wild-type plants. To investigate how disruption of the peroxisomal reduction of hydroxypyruvate to glycerate influences photorespiratory carbon metabolism we analyzed leaf gas exchange in A. thaliana plants lacking peroxisomal HPR1 expression. In addition, because the lack of HPR1 could be compensated for by other reactions within the peroxisomes using reductant supplied by PMDH a triple mutant lacking expression of both peroxisomal PMDH genes and HPR1 (pmdh1pmdh2hpr1) was analyzed. Rates of photosynthesis under photorespiratory conditions (ambient CO(2) and O(2) concentrations) were slightly reduced in the hpr1 and pmdh1pmdh2hpr1 plants indicating other reactions can help bypass this disruption in the photorespiratory pathway. However, the CO(2) compensation points (Γ) increased under photorespiratory conditions in both mutants indicating changes in photorespiratory carbon metabolism in these plants. Measurements of Γ*, the CO(2) compensation point in the absence of mitochondrial respiration, and the CO(2) released per Rubisco oxygenation reaction demonstrated that the increase in Γ in the hpr1 and pmdh1pmdh2hpr1 plants is not associated with changes in mitochondrial respiration but with an increase in the non-respiratory CO(2) released per Rubisco oxygenation reaction.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the gene encoding a rice starch branching enzyme   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Summary The sequence of a rice gene encoding a starch branching enzyme (sbe1) shows extreme divergence from that of the rice gene, that is homologous to bacterial glycogen branching enzyme (sbe2). sbe1 is expressed abundantly and specifically in developing seeds and maximally in the middle stages of seed development. This expression pattern completely coincides with that of the waxy gene, which encodes a granule-bound starch synthase. Three G-box motifs and consensus promoter sequences are present in the 5 flanking region of sbe1. It encodes a putative transit peptide, which is required for transport into the amyloplast. A 2.2 kb intron (intron 2) precedes the border between the regions encoding the transit peptide and the mature protein, and contains a high G/C content with several repeated sequences in its 5 half. Although only a single copy of sbe1 is present in the rice genome, Southern analysis using intron 2 as a probe indicates the presence of several homologous sequences in the rice genome, suggesting that this large intron and also the transit peptide coding region may be acquired from another portion of the genome by duplication and insertion of the sequence into the gene.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized a Dictyostelium discoideum gene (PYR1-3) encoding a multifunctional protein that carries the three first enzymatic activities of the de novo pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway. The PYR1-3 gene is adjacent to another gene of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway (PYR4); the two genes are separated by a 1.5-kb non-coding sequence and transcribed divergently. The PYR1-3 gene is transcribed to form a 7.5-kb polyadenylated mRNA. As with the other genes of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway, the PYR1-3 mRNA level is high during growth and decreases sharply during development. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of 63% of the coding region of the PYR1-3 gene. We have identified the activities of the protein encoded by the D. discoideum PYR1-3 gene by comparison of amino acid sequences with the products of genes of known function. The PYR1-3 gene contains four distinct regions that probably correspond to four domains in the protein. From the NH2 extremity to the COOH extremity, these domains are: glutamine amidotransferase, carbamoylphosphate synthetase, dihydroorotase and aspartate transcarbamylase. This organization is identical to the one found in the rudimentary gene of Drosophila. The evolutionary implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent characterization of spinach phosphoribulokinase has revealed that the homodimeric molecule contains only two tryptophans per 44-kDa subunit. We have performed steady-state and frequency domain studies of the intrinsic fluorescence of this protein. The fluorescence properties reflect contributions from both types of tryptophan residues. One of these appears to be relatively exposed to solvent and the quencher, acrylamide; fluoresce with a lambda max of 345 nm; decay with a fluorescence lifetime of 6.3 ns; have a relatively red-shifted absorption spectrum; and have a certain degree of independent motional freedom, with respect to the protein. The other tryptophan residue appears to be more buried; fluoresce with lambda max of 325 nm; have a lifetime of 1.7 ns; have a relatively blue-shifted absorption spectrum; and not to enjoy independent motional freedom. On comparison of phase-resolved spectral data and solute quenching data, we suggest that resonance energy transfer between the blue and red tryptophan residues may occur. We also describe the strategy of simultaneously fitting Stern-Volmer quenching data collected at two emission wavelengths.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the serine cycle hydroxypyruvate reductase of Methylobacterium extorquens AM1 was isolated by using a synthetic oligonucleotide with a sequence based on a known N-terminal amino acid sequence. The cloned gene was inactivated by insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene, and recombination of this insertion derivative with the wild-type gene produced a serine cycle hydroxypyruvate reductase null mutant. This mutant had lost its ability to grow on C-1 compounds but retained the ability to grow on C-2 compounds, showing that the hydroxypyruvate reductase operating in the serine cycle is not involved in the conversion of acetyl coenzyme A to glycine as previously proposed. A second hydroxypyruvate-reducing enzyme with a low level of activity was found in M. extorquens AM1; this enzyme was able to interconvert glyoxylate and glycollate. The gene encoding hydroxypyruvate reductase was shown to be located about 3 kb upstream of two other serine cycles genes encoding phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and malyl coenzyme A lyase.  相似文献   

The use of LaPr 88/29 mutant of barley (Hordeum vulgare), which lacks NADH-preferring hydroxypyruvate reductase (HPR-1), allowed for an unequivocal demonstration of at least two related NADPH-preferring reductases in this species: HPR-2, reactive with both hydroxypyruvate and glyoxylate, and the glyoxylate specific reductase (GR-1). Antibodies against spinach HPR-1 recognized barley HPR-1 and partially reacted with barley HPR-2, but not GR-1, as demonstrated by Western immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation of proteins from crude leaf extracts. The mutant was deficient in HPR-1 protein. In partially purified preparations, the activities of HPR-1, HPR-2, and GR-1 could be differentiated by substrate kinetics and/or inhibition studies. Apparent Km values of HPR-2 for hydroxypyruvate and glyoxylate were 0.7 and 1.1 millimolar, respectively, while the Km of GR-1 for glyoxylate was 0.07 millimolar. The Km values of HPR-1, measured in wild type, for hydroxypyruvate and glyoxylate were 0.12 and 20 millimolar, respectively. Tartronate and P-hydroxypyruvate acted as selective uncompetitive inhibitors of HPR-2 (Ki values of 0.3 and 0.4 millimolar, respectively), while acetohydroxamate selectively inhibited GR-1 activity. Nonspecific contributions of HPR-1 reactions in assays of HPR-2 and GR-1 activities were quantified by a direct comparison of rates in preparations from wild-type and LaPr 88/29 plants. The data are evaluated with respect to previous reports on plant HPR and GR activities and with respect to optimal assay procedures for individual HPR-1, HPR-2, and GR-1 rates in leaf preparations.  相似文献   

Like other oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, diatoms produce glycolate, a toxic intermediate, as a consequence of the oxygenase activity of Rubisco. Diatoms can remove glycolate through excretion and through oxidation as part of the photorespiratory pathway. The diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum encodes two proteins suggested to be involved in glycolate metabolism: PtGO1 and PtGO2. We found that these proteins differ substantially from the sequences of experimentally characterized proteins responsible for glycolate oxidation in other species, glycolate oxidase (GOX) and glycolate dehydrogenase. We show that PtGO1 and PtGO2 are the only sequences of P. tricornutum homologous to GOX. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that the ancestors of diatoms acquired PtGO1 during the proposed first secondary endosymbiosis with a chlorophyte alga, which may have previously obtained this gene from proteobacteria. In contrast, PtGO2 is orthologous to an uncharacterized protein in Galdieria sulphuraria, consistent with its acquisition during the secondary endosymbiosis with a red alga that gave rise to the current plastid. The analysis of amino acid residues at conserved positions suggests that PtGO2, which localizes to peroxisomes, may use substrates other than glycolate, explaining the lack of GOX activity we observe in vitro. Instead, PtGO1, while only very distantly related to previously characterized GOX proteins, evolved glycolate-oxidizing activity, as demonstrated by in gel activity assays and mass spectrometry analysis. PtGO1 localizes to mitochondria, consistent with previous suggestions that photorespiration in diatoms proceeds in these organelles. We conclude that the ancestors of diatoms evolved a unique alternative to oxidize photorespiratory glycolate: a mitochondrial dehydrogenase homologous to GOX able to use electron acceptors other than O2.  相似文献   

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