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The balance of phagocytic function among Kupffer cells, hepatic endothelial cells and splenic macrophages in the chronically ethanol-fed rats has been investigated. Clearance of latex particles in the blood was measured to estimate the function of the reticuloendothelial system. Phagocytosis of latex particles by Kupffer cells, hepatic endothelial cells or splenic macrophages in vivo was measured by counting the number of ingested particles in a cell after isolation of hepatic nonparenchymal cells or spleen cells following injection of different amounts of latex particles. Latex particle clearance was suppressed in the ethanol-fed rats, demonstrating a decreased phagocytic capacity of the reticuloendothelial system. Markedly decreased phagocytic function was found in 40% of Kupffer cells of the chronically ethanol-fed rats. In contrast, the number of latex particles in hepatic endothelial cells and in splenic macrophages was increased after injection of a triggering dose of latex particles. From these results it may be concluded that an increased phagocytosis of hepatic endothelial cells and splenic macrophages could compensate for the decreased phagocytic function of Kupffer cells.  相似文献   

Liver biopsies of white rates infected by Plasmodium berghei sporozoites were examined by electron microscopy. Intrahepatocytic schizont development was confirmed. In addition, at 60 and 70 h after sporozoite inoculation, exoerythrocytic merozoites were noted in Kupffer cells of liver sinusoids. Although it is theoretically possible that this observation may be of merozoite development in Kupffer cells, the authors suspect that this example of phagocytosis would be one of the host's natural defenses against sporozoite-transmitted malaria.  相似文献   

To study the phagocytic capacity of invasive malignant cells, fragments of the hypoblast from chick blastoderms were confronted in three-dimensional culture with spheroidal aggregates of 1) malignant virally transformed C3H mouse cells (MO4), 2) HeLa cells and 3) embryonic chick heart cells. The hypoblast was used because it contains yolk, a marker that is absent in the confronting cells and that can be identified histologically and ultrastructurally. The confronting tissues were incubated on semi-solid agar-agar medium or in fluid medium on a gyrotory shaker. Cultures were followed for 1 to 7 days by stereomicroscopy, cinemicrophotography, light and transmission electron microscopy. Confrontation with MO4 cells of HeLa cells, known to be invasive in vitro, led to complete disappearance of the hypoblast. The fragments of hypoblast were well conserved when cultured alone or confronted with aggregates of chick heart cells. Degeneration of the hypoblast is shown at the area of contact with MO4-cell or HeLa-cell aggregates, in contrast to heart cells. Filopodia-like extensions from the MO4 or HeLa cells penetrate intercellularly, transcellularly and intracellularly into the hypoblast. Phagosomes, containing yolk and unidentified debris are observed in MO4 cells and in HeLa cells, but not in heart cells. These observations demonstrate the phagocytic capacity of invasive malignant cells.  相似文献   

1. The effects of the post-brachial section of the spinal cord on the field potentials recorded from the vestibular nuclei during stimulation of the right vestibular receptors have been studied in left hemilabyrinthectomized and then compensated guinea pigs. 2. Facilitation of the field potentials in the right vestibular nuclear complex and inhibition in the left nuclei have been observed. 3. These results confirm that the spinal cord is involved in the compensation of the release syndrome brought about by the lesion of one labyrinth. 4. The possible mechanisms underlying such a compensation are discussed.  相似文献   

We previously reported in weanling guinea pigs raised at high altitude (HA; 3,800 m) an elevated lung diffusing capacity estimated by morphometry from alveolar-capillary surface area, harmonic mean blood-gas barrier thickness, and pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc) compared with litter-matched control animals raised at an intermediate altitude (IA; 1,200 m) (Hsia CCW, Polo Carbayo JJ, Yan X, Bellotto DJ. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 147: 105-115, 2005). To determine if HA-induced alveolar ultrastructural changes are associated with improved alveolar function, we measured lung diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO), membrane diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DMCO), Vc, pulmonary blood flow, and lung volume by a rebreathing technique in litter-matched male weanling Hartley guinea pigs raised at HA or IA for 4 or 12 mo. Separate control animals were also raised and studied at sea level (SL). Resting measurements were obtained in the conscious nonsedated state. In HA animals compared with corresponding IA or SL controls, lung volume and hematocrit were significantly higher while pulmonary blood flow was lower. At a given pulmonary blood flow, DLCO and DMCO were higher in HA-raised animals than in control animals without a significant change in Vc. We conclude that 1) HA residence enhanced physiological diffusing capacity corresponding to that previously estimated on the basis of structural adaptation, 2) adaptation in diffusing capacity and its components should be interpreted with respect to pulmonary blood flow, and 3) this noninvasive rebreathing technique could be used to follow adaptive responses in small animals.  相似文献   

A selective deficiency of hepatic triacylglycerol lipase in guinea pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of postheparin plasma triacylglycerol-hydrolyzing enzymes were investigated in guinea pig and rat. In rat, lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triacylglycerol lipase were separated on a heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. In postheparin plasma of guinea pig, however, hepatic triacylglycerol lipase was almost completely absent, while lipoprotein lipase was present. Hepatic triacylglycerol lipase was also deficient in the liver tissue extract of guinea pig. Plasma lipoprotein compositions of high-fat fed and control guinea pigs were analyzed. One of the outstanding changes found in high-fat fed animals was the presence of chylomicronemia. One guinea pig showed gross hyperlipemia with triacylglycerol concentrations of 2715 mg/100 ml. Plasma triacylglycerol concentrations of each lipoprotein fraction of very low density, intermediate density, low density and high density lipoproteins from high-fat fed animals were almost the same as those of the corresponding lipoprotein fractions from controls. Discussion was focused on the development of chylomicronemia in relation to the defects of triacylglycerol-hydrolyzing enzyme systems in this animal.  相似文献   

Treatment of guinea pigs with cyclophosphamide is known to deplete lymphoid tissues, although its effect on delayed hypersensitivity is varied. Experiments were conducted in which suppressor cell activity was studied in vitro in association with histological changes in different lymphoid tissues. An inverse relationship existed between the number of thymic lymphoid cells and thymic suppressor cell activity. In the spleens, suppressor cell activity was also observed initially, but its course could not be followed because of increased myelopoietic action.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin on the in vivo glucose utilization by different hepatic cells was investigated using the euglycemic, hyperinsulinemic clamp, combined with the 2-deoxyglucose tracer technique. Rats were infused with insulin at a rate of 2.8 or 9.0 mU/min/kg for 220 min, resulting in plasma concentrations of the hormone of about 80 microU/ml and 340 microU/ml, respectively. Glucose use by the whole liver was elevated by more than 200% following insulin. However, glucose uptake by the parenchymal cells was only elevated by 50-60%. By contrast nonparenchymal cells were more responsive to insulin. Glucose uptake by endothelial cells was increased 100% and Kupffer cells displayed the most marked response to insulin showing a 3- to 6-fold increase in glucose uptake. These data indicate that the sinusoidal nonparenchymal cells are the major sites of the insulin-mediated increased glucose utilization by the liver.  相似文献   

Noninvasive techniques for assessing cardiopulmonary function in small animals are limited. We previously developed a rebreathing technique for measuring lung volume, pulmonary blood flow, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (Dl(CO)) and its components, membrane diffusing capacity (Dm(CO)) and pulmonary capillary blood volume (Vc), and septal volume, in conscious nonsedated guinea pigs at rest. Now we have extended this technique to study guinea pigs during voluntary treadmill exercise with a sealed respiratory mask attached to a body vest and a test gas mixture containing 0.5% SF(6) or Ne, 0.3% CO, and 0.8% C(2)H(2) in 40% or 98% O(2). From rest to exercise, O(2) uptake increased from 12.7 to 25.5 ml x min(-1) x kg(-1) while pulmonary blood flow increased from 123 to 239 ml/kg. The measured Dl(CO), Dm(CO), and Vc increased linearly with respect to pulmonary blood flow as expected from alveolar microvascular recruitment; body mass-specific relationships were consistent with those in healthy human subjects and dogs studied with a similar technique. The results show that 1) cardiopulmonary interactions from rest to exercise can be measured noninvasively in guinea pigs, 2) guinea pigs exhibit patterns of exercise response and alveolar microvascular recruitment similar to those of larger species, and 3) the rebreathing technique is widely applicable to human ( approximately 70 kg), dog (20-30 kg), and guinea pig (1-1.5 kg). In theory, this technique can be extended to even smaller animals provided that species-specific technical hurdles can be overcome.  相似文献   

Because the onset of fever induced by intravenously (i.v.) injected bacterial endotoxic lipopolysaccharides (LPS) precedes the appearance in the bloodstream of pyrogenic cytokines, the presumptive peripheral triggers of the febrile response, we have postulated previously that, in their stead, PGE2 could be the peripheral fever trigger because it appears in blood coincidentally with the initial body core temperature (Tc) rise. To test this hypothesis, we injected Salmonella enteritidis LPS (2 microg/kg body wt i.v.) into conscious guinea pigs and measured their plasma levels of LPS, PGE2, TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IL-6 before and 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min after LPS administration; Tc was monitored continuously. The animals were untreated or Kupffer cell (KC) depleted; the essential involvement of KCs in LPS fever was shown previously. LPS very promptly (<10 min) induced a rise of Tc that was temporally correlated with the elevation of plasma PGE2. KC depletion prevented the Tc and plasma PGE2 rises and slowed the clearance of LPS from the blood. TNF-alpha was not detectable in plasma until 30 min and in IL-1beta and IL-6 until 60 min after LPS injection. KC depletion did not alter the times of appearance or magnitudes of rises of these cytokines, except TNF-alpha, the maximal level of which was increased approximately twofold in the KC-depleted animals. In a follow-up experiment, PGE2 antiserum administered i.v. 10 min before LPS significantly attenuated the febrile response to LPS. Together, these results support the view that, in guinea pigs, PGE2 rather than pyrogenic cytokines is generated by KCs in immediate response to i.v. LPS and triggers the febrile response.  相似文献   

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