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Understanding how environmental change alters the composition of plant assemblages, and how this in turn affects ecosystem functioning is a major challenge in the face of global climate change. Assuming that values of plant traits express species adaptations to the environment, the trait‐based approach is a promising way to achieve this goal. Nevertheless, how functional traits are related to species’ environmental tolerances and how trait spectra respond to broad‐scale environmental gradients remains largely unexplored. Here, we identify the main trait spectra for US angiosperm trees by testing hypotheses for the relationships between functional traits and species’ environmental tolerances to environmental stresses, as well as quantifying the environmental drivers of assemblage means and variances of these traits. We analyzed >74,000 community assemblages from the US Forest Inventory and Analysis using 12 functional traits, five traits expressing species’ environmental tolerances and 10 environmental variables. Results indicated that leaf traits, dispersal traits, and traits related to stem hydraulics were related to cold or drought tolerance, and their assemblage means were best explained by minimum temperatures. Assemblage means of traits related to shade tolerance (tree growth rate, leaf phosphorus content, and bark thickness) were best explained by aridity index. Surprisingly, aridity index, rather than minimum temperature, was the best predictors of assemblage variances of most traits, although these relationships were variable and weak overall. We conclude that temperature is likely to be the most important driver of functional community structure of North American angiosperm trees by selecting for optimum strategies along the cold and drought stress trade‐off. In turn, water availability primarily affects traits related to shade tolerance through its effect on forest canopy structure and vegetation openness.  相似文献   

Analysing how species modify their trait expression along a diversity gradient brings insight about the role that intraspecific variability plays over species interactions, e.g. competition versus complementarity. Here, we evaluated the functional trait space of nine tree species dominant in three types of European forests (a continental‐Mediterranean, a mountainous mixed temperate and a boreal) growing in communities with different species richness in the canopy, including pure stands. We compiled whole‐plant and leaf traits in 1719 individuals, and used them to quantify species trait hypervolumes in communities with different tree species richness. We investigated changes along the species richness gradient to disentangle species responses to the neighbouring environment, in terms of hypervolume size (trait variance), shape (trait relative importance) and centroid translation (shifts of mean trait values) using null models. Our main results showed differences in trait variance and shifts of mean values along the tree diversity gradient, with shorter trees but with larger crowns in mixed stands. We found constrained functional spaces (trait convergence) in pure stands, suggesting an important intraspecific competition, and expanded functional spaces (trait divergence) in two‐species admixtures, suggesting competition release due to interspecific complementarity. Nevertheless, further responses to increasing species richness were different for each forest type, waning species complementarity in sites with limiting conditions for growth. Our results demonstrate that tree species phenotypes respond to the species richness in the canopy in European forests, boosting species complementarity at low level of canopy diversity and with a site‐specific pattern at greater level of species richness. These outcomes evidence the limitation of functional diversity measures based only on traits from pure stands or general trait database values.  相似文献   

1. Local assemblage structure, from a deterministic perspective, is presumably dictated by the regional species pool as well as regulated by local factors. We examined the relationships of the regional species pool and local hydrological characteristics to local species richness of North American freshwater fishes using data sets collected during the National Water Quality Assessment program conducted by the United States Geological Survey. 2. We predicted that local species richness is ultimately constrained by the composition of the regional species pool and further associated with local hydrological factors. Moreover, we predicted that variation in local species richness within major families can be explained by different combinations of hydrological characteristics that represent lineage‐specific responses to the environment. 3. Daily discharge and regional and local species richness data were assembled from 41 stream localities across the United States. Multiple stepwise regressions were conducted to predict local species richness, based on regional species richness, mean discharge and hydrological characteristics quantified by nine variables characterising flow variability. Species richness at each site was calculated for the entire assemblage as well as within the four most species‐rich families in the data set (Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae and Percidae). 4. Local species richness was best predicted by a combination of regional species richness and discharge magnitude when all species were considered. Regional species richness was a significant explanatory variable of local species richness for three of four families (Catostomidae, Centrarchidae, Cyprinidae), but not for Percidae. Local richness in Centrarchidae and Cyprinidae was positively correlated with temporal flow variability as well as high and low flow duration, respectively, while richness in Catostomidae and Percidae tended to be associated with discharge volume. In addition, local species richness for three of the four major families was positively correlated with species richness of the other families in the assemblage, potentially suggesting the influence of local habitat quality and heterogeneity. 5. Results suggest the importance of the combined influences of the regional species pool and local hydrological characteristics on local richness in freshwater fishes, with variation in richness within each family predicted by different characteristics of flow regimes.  相似文献   

The "mid-domain effect" (MDE) has received much attention as a candidate explanation for patterns in species richness over large geographic areas. Mid-domain models generate a central peak in richness when species ranges are placed randomly within a bounded geographic area (i.e. the domain). Until now, domain limits have been described mostly in one-dimension, usually latitude or elevation, and only occasionally in two-dimensions. Here we test 1-D, 2-D and, for the first time, 3-D mid-domain models and assess the effects of geometric constraints on species richness in North American amphibian, bird, mammal and tree species. Using spatially lagged simultaneous autoregressive models, empirical richness was predicted quite well by the mid-domain predictions and the spatial autoregressive term (45–92% R2). However, our results show that empirical species richness peaks do deviate from those of the MDE predictions in 3 dimensions. Variation explained (R2) by MDE predictions generally increased with increasing mean range size of the different biotic groups (from amphibian, to tree, mammal and finally bird data), and decreased with increasing dimensions being accounted for in the models. The results suggest geometric constraints alone can explain much of the variation in species richness with elevation, specifically with respect to the larger-range taxa, birds and mammals. Our analysis addresses many of the recent methodological criticisms directed at studies testing the MDE, and our results support the hypothesis that species diversity patterns are influenced by geometric constraints.  相似文献   

Climate and evolutionary factors (e.g. diversification, time‐for‐speciation, niche conservatism) are both thought to be major drivers of species richness in regional assemblages. However, few studies have simultaneously investigated the relative effects of climate and evolutionary factors on species richness across a broad geographical extent. Here, we assess their relative effects on species richness of angiosperm trees across North America. Species richness of angiosperm trees in 1175 regional assemblages were related to climate and phylogenetic structure using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. Climate was quantified based on the mean temperature of the coldest month and mean annual precipitation. Evolutionary factors (time‐for‐speciation vs diversification) were inferred from phylogeny‐based measures of mean root distance, phylogenetic species variability, and net relatedness index. We found that at the continental scale, species richness is correlated with temperature and precipitation with approximately similar strength. In the SEM with net relatedness index and phylogenetic species variability and with all the 1175 quadrats, the total direct effect size of phylogenetic structure on species richness is greater than the total direct effect size of climate on species richness by a factor of 3.7. The specific patterns of phylogenetic structure (i.e. greater phylogenetic distances in more species rich regions) are consistent with the idea that time and niche conservatism drive richness patterns in North American angiosperm trees. We conclude that angiosperm tree species richness in regional assemblages in North America is more strongly related to patterns of phylogenetic relatedness than to climatic variation. The results of the present study support the idea that climatic and evolutionary explanations for richness patterns are not in conflict, and that evolutionary processes explain both the relationship between climate and richness and substantial variation in richness that is independent of climate.  相似文献   

We conducted field surveys in 807 quadrats to evaluate the elevational belts, boundary and richness patterns of ferns and lycophytes in the temperate region of central Japan. We analysed fern species assemblages at 100 m elevational steps by cluster analysis and tested the number of upper and lower boundaries for elevational intervals against a null model of random distribution of elevational limits. We compared the pattern of fern species richness along the elevational gradients in central Japan with patterns in several locations to evaluate the fern flora in central Japan in relation to the rest of the world. We recorded 261 ferns species in total, which is one-third of the Japanese ferns. We found clear elevational boundaries of fern assemblages at 900 and 1,800 m and three fern elevational zones, which corresponded well to the elevational limits of forest types in central Japan. The pattern of fern species richness in central Japan was an asymmetric hump-shaped pattern that peaked close to the sea level, with the peak of local richness at lower elevations than that of regional richness. We found that the peak of fern species richness along the elevational gradient in Japan was located at lower elevations than that of fern elevational patterns in several locations around the world.  相似文献   

Using published distributions of 65 species from the British Isles and northern Europe, we show that ant assemblages change with latitude in two ways. First, as commonly found for many types of organisms, the number of ant species decreased significantly with increasing latitude. For Ireland and Great Britain, species richness also increased significantly with region area. Second, although rarely demonstrated for ectotherms, the body size of ant species, as measured by worker length, increased significantly with increasing latitude. We found that this body-size pattern existed in the subfamily Formicinae and, to a lesser extent, in the Myrmicinae, which together comprised 95% of the ant species in our study area. There was a trend for formicines to increase in size with latitude faster than myrmicines. We also show that the pattern of increasing body size was due primarily to the ranges of ant species shifting to higher latitudes as their body sizes increased, with larger formicines becoming less represented at southerly latitudes and larger myrmicines becoming more represented at northerly latitudes. We conclude by discussing five potential mechanisms for generating the observed body-size patterns: the heat-conservation hypothesis, two hypotheses concerning phylogenetic history, the migration-ability hypothesis, and the starvation-resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Understanding regional variability in species richness is necessary for conservation efforts to succeed in the face of large-scale environmental deterioration. Several analyses of North American vertebrates have shown that climatic energy provides the best explanation of contemporary species richness patterns. The paucity of analyses of insect diversity patterns, however, remains a serious obstacle to a general hypothesis of spatial variation in diversity. We collected species distribution data on a North American beetle genus, Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae) and tested several major diversity hypotheses. These beetles are generally grasshopper egg predators as larvae, and angiosperm herbivores as adults. Epicauta richness is highest in the hot, dry American southwest, and decreases north and east, consistent with the species richness-energy hypothesis. Potential evapotranspiration, which is also the best predictor of richness patterns among North American vertebrates, explains 80.2% of the variability in Epicauta species richness. Net primary productivity and variables measuring climatic heat energy only (such as PET) are not generally comparable, though they are sometimes treated as if they were equivalent. We conclude that the species richness-energy hypothesis currently provides a better overall explanation for Epicauta species richness patterns in North America than other major diversity hypotheses. The observed relationship between climatic energy and regional species richness may provide significant insight into the response of ecological communities to climate change.  相似文献   

Aim To determine how species richness, abundance, biomass, energy use and mean number of individuals per species scale with environmental energy availability in wintering and breeding avian assemblages, and to contrast assemblages of (i) common and rare species and (ii) breeding residents and migrants. To assess whether such patterns are compatible with the ‘more individuals hypothesis’ (MIH) that high‐energy areas are species‐rich because they support larger populations that are buffered against extinction. Location The North American continent (latitudinal range 23.4 °?48.1 °N; longitudinal range 124.2°?68.7° W). Methods Avian species richness, abundance, biomass and energy use were calculated for 295 Resident Bird Count plots. Environmental energy availability was measured using ambient temperature and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a close correlate of plant productivity. Analyses took plot area into account, and were conducted (with and without taking habitat type into account) using general linear models and spatial mixed models. Results Positive species–energy relationships were exhibited by both wintering and breeding assemblages, but were stronger in the former. The structure of winter assemblages responded more strongly to temperature than NDVI, while breeding assemblages tended to respond more strongly to NDVI. Breeding residents responded to annual measures of energy availability while breeding migrants and the winter assemblage responded more strongly to seasonal measures. In the winter assemblage, rare and common species exhibited species–energy relationships of a similar strength, but common breeding species exhibited a much stronger relationship than rare breeding species. In both breeding and wintering assemblages, abundance, biomass and energy use increased with energy availability and species richness. Energy availability was a poor predictor of the mean number of individuals per species. Main conclusions The nature of the species–energy relationship varies seasonally and with the manner in which energy availability is measured. Our data suggest that residents are less able to respond to seasonal fluxes in resource availability than long‐distance migrants. Increasing species richness and energy availability is associated with increasing numbers of individuals, biomass and energy use. While these observations are compatible with the MIH our data provide only equivocal support for this hypothesis, as the rarest species do not exhibit the strongest species–energy relationships.  相似文献   

Most traditional "biodiversity" indices have an uncertain ecological interpretation, unfavourable sampling properties, and excessive data requirements. A new index of taxonomic distinctness (the average evolutionary distance between species in an assemblage) has many advantages over traditional measures, but its ecological interpretation remains unclear. We used published behavioural species data in conjunction with bird atlas data to quantify simple functional metrics (the fraction of species engaged in non-competitive interactions, and the average between-species disparity in habitat preferences) for breeding-bird assemblages in Europe and North America. We then analysed correlations of functional metrics with taxonomic distinctness and species richness, respectively. All functional metrics had weak, positive correlations with species richness. In contrast, correlations between functional metrics and taxonomic distinctness ranged from slightly negative to strongly positive, depending on the relative habitat heterogeneity, and on the resource involved in the between-species interaction. Strong positive correlations between taxonomic distinctness and the fraction of interactive species occurred for resources with few producer species per consumer species, and we suggest that taxonomic distinctness is consistently correlated with conservation worth. With its favourable sampling properties and data requirements, this taxonomic distinctness measure is a promising tool for biodiversity research and for environmental monitoring and management.  相似文献   

New omomyid fossils from the Purple Bench locality of the Devil's Graveyard Formation, middle Eocene (Uintan) of southwest Texas, are described. One specimen represents a new genus and species, herein named Diablomomys dalquesti. This new species is allocated to the tribe Omomyini, sister taxon to Omomys and Chumashius. A second specimen represents a range extension of the Utah species Mytonius hopsoni to the Trans-Pecos region of Texas. Previously, only one omomyid species (Omomys carteri) had been documented from Purple Bench and other late Uintan localities in the Devil's Graveyard Formation. These new omomyid fossils are of particular significance because Purple Bench is stratigraphically intermediate between the older late Bridgerian/early Uintan localities and the younger Duchesnean localities of Trans-Pecos Texas. With a more southerly location in the continental United States, the Devil's Graveyard Formation amplifies our understanding of patterns of North American primate richness at a time when the higher-latitude sites of the western interior were undergoing significant climatic cooling and increases in seasonality with commensurate faunal reorganization. Although the Uintan (approximately 46.5-40Ma) was a time in which anaptomorphine richness decreased dramatically, the results of this analysis suggest that Uintan omomyine richness is higher than was previously appreciated, particularly at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Aim We explore the potential role of the ‘tropical conservatism hypothesis’ in explaining the butterfly species richness gradient in North America. Its applicability can be derived from the tropical origin of butterflies and the presumed difficulties in evolving the cold tolerance required to permit the colonization and permanent occupation of the temperate zone. Location North America. Methods Digitized range maps for butterfly species north of Mexico were used to map richness for all species, species with distributions north of the Tropic of Capricorn (Extratropicals), and species that also occupy the tropics (Tropicals). A phylogeny resolved to subfamily was used to map the geographical pattern of mean root distance, a metric of the evolutionary development of assemblages. Regression models and general linear models examined environmental correlates of overall richness and for Extratropicals vs. Tropicals, patterns in summer vs. winter, and patterns in northern vs. southern North America. Results Species in more basal subfamilies dominate the south, whereas more derived clades occupy the north. There is also a ‘latitudinal’ richness gradient in Canada/Alaska, whereas in the conterminous USA richness primarily varies longitudinally. Overall richness is associated with broad‐ and mesoscale temperature gradients. The richness of Tropicals is strongly associated with temperature and distance from winter population sources. The richness of Extratropicals in the north is most strongly correlated with the pattern of glacial retreat since the more recent Ice Age, whereas in the south, richness is positively associated with the range of temperatures in mountains and the presence of forests but is negatively correlated with the broad‐scale temperature gradient. Main conclusions The tropical conservatism hypothesis provides a possible explanation for the complex structure of the species richness gradient. The Canada/Alaska fauna comprises temperate, boreal and tundra species that are nevertheless constrained by cold climates and limited vegetation, coupled with possible post‐Pleistocene recolonization lags. In the USA tropical species are constrained by temperature in winter as well as recolonization distances in summer, whereas temperate‐zone groups are richer in cooler climates in mountains and forests, where winter conditions are more suitable for diapause. The evolution of cold tolerance is key to both the evolutionary and ecological patterns.  相似文献   

Aim The assumption that ecological patterns at large spatial scales originate exclusively from non‐anthropogenic processes is growing more questionable with the increasing domination of the biosphere by humans. Because common and rare species are known to respond differently to anthropogenic activities at local scales these differential responses could, over time, be reflected in distributional patterns of species richness at larger spatial scales. This work tests the hypothesis that modern processes have played a role in shaping these patterns, by examining recent changes in the structure and composition of assemblages of breeding avifauna over a large geographical extent. Location The portion of North America containing the contiguous United States and southern Canada. Methods Changes in the geographical range structure of breeding avifauna in North America from 1968 to 2003 were analysed in regions containing historically moderate levels of anthropogenic activities. Two geographical measures, extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, were used to identify the level of rarity or commonality of individual species and to estimate, based on a vector analysis, patterns of change in geographical range structure for individual species and avian assemblages. Results More species experienced patterns of geographical range expansion (51%) than contraction (28%). The majority of avian assemblages (43%) displayed patterns of geographical range expansion: common species increased in number and proportion (6%) in association with reciprocal losses in rare and moderately rare species, resulting in a constant level of species richness. The minority of avian assemblages (21%) displayed patterns of geographical range contraction: gains occurred for common species as well as for rare and moderately rare species, resulting in substantial increases in species richness and a decline in the proportion of common species (4%). The remaining avian assemblages presented equivocal patterns characterized by gains in the number and proportion (2%) of common species and gains in species richness. Main conclusions Modern processes have played a role in shaping the distribution patterns of species richness at large spatial scales based on the composition of common and rare species. This suggests that anthropogenic activities cannot be ignored as a possible causal factor when considering ecological patterns at large spatial scales.  相似文献   

Aim We examined the relative influence of geographical location, habitat structure (physiognomy), and dominant plant species composition (floristics) on avian habitat relationships over a large spatial extent. Although it has been predicted that avian distributions are more likely to covary with physiognomy than with floristics at coarse scales, we sought to determine, more specifically, whether there remained a significant association between gradients in assemblages of bird species and dominant plant species within a general biome type, after statistically controlling for structural variation and geographical location of sampling sites. Location Our sample consisted of a subset of North American Breeding Bird Census survey sites that covered most of the range of eastern forests, from Florida to Nova Scotia, and west to Minnesota and North Dakota (up to c. 2500 km between sites). Methods We restricted our analyses to the single year (1981) that provided the largest sample of sites (47) for which vegetation data were available within ± 2 years of the avian surveys. We examined the relationship between avian community composition and tree species composition over this series of forested plots. Data were divided into four sets: (1) bird species abundances, (2) tree species abundances, (3) physiognomic or structural variables and (4) geographical location (latitude and longitude). We performed separate detrended correspondence analysis ordinations of birds and trees, before and after statistically partialling out covariation associated with structural variables and geographical location. To gauge the relationship between the two sets of species we correlated site scores resulting from separate ordinations. We also compared continental‐scale patterns of variation in bird and tree assemblages to understand possible mechanisms controlling species distribution at that scale. Results Both bird and tree communities yielded strong gradients, with first‐axis eigenvalues from 0.75 to 0.97. All gradients were relatively long (> 4.0), implying complete turnover in species composition. However, geographical location accounted for < 10% of the total variation associated with any ordination. Prior to partialling out covariation resulting from location and physiognomy, bird species ordinations were strongly correlated with tree species ordinations. The strength of association was reduced after partialling, but one bird and one tree axis remained significantly correlated. There was a significant species–area effect for birds, but not for trees. Main conclusions There was a significant relationship between bird species assemblages and tree species assemblages in the eastern forests of North America. Even after partialling out covariation associated with spatial location and forest physiognomy, there remained a significant correlation between major axes from bird and tree ordinations, consistent with the hypothesis that floristic variation is likely to be important in organizing assemblages of birds within a general biome type, albeit over a much larger spatial extent than originally predicted. Forest tree species ordinations differed from bird species ordinations in several ways: trees had a higher rate of turnover along underlying environmental gradients; trees appeared more patchily distributed than birds at this scale; and tree species were more spaced out along the underlying ecological gradients, with less overlap. By understanding the relationship between bird assemblages and forest floristics, we might better understand how avian communities are likely to change if tree species distributions are altered as a result of climatic changes.  相似文献   

The ‘mid‐domain effect’ (MDE) has received much attention recently as a candidate explanation for patterns in species richness over large geographic areas. Mid‐domain models generate a central peak in richness when species ranges are randomly placed within a bounded geographic area (i.e. the domain). The most common terrestrial mid‐domain models published to date have been 1‐D latitude or elevation models and 2‐D latitude‐longitude models. Here, we test 1‐D, 2‐D and 3‐D mid‐domain models incorporating latitude, longitude and elevation, and assess independent and concurrent effects of geometric constraints and climatic variables on species richness of North American trees. We use both the traditional ‘global’ regression models as well as geographically weighted regressions (‘local’ models) to examine local variation in the contribution of MDE and climatic variables to species richness across the domain. Our results show that in some dimensions the contribution of MDE to patterns of species richness can be quite substantial, and we show that in most cases a combination of MDE and climate predicted empirical species richness best in both local and global models. For the North American domain, MDE in the elevation dimension is clearly important in describing patterns of empirical species richness. We also show that the assumption of stationarity in global models is not met in the North American domain and that results of these models mask complex patterns in both the effect of MDE on richness and the response of species richness to climate. In particular we show the increased explanatory role of MDE in predicting species richness as domain edges are approached. Our results support the hypothesis that geometric constraints contribute to species richness patterns and we suggest the mid‐domain effect should be considered alongside more traditional environmental correlates in understanding patterns of species diversity.  相似文献   

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