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The capacity of species to track changing environmental conditions is a key component of population and range changes in response to environmental change. High levels of local adaptation may constrain expansion into new locations, while the relative fitness of dispersing individuals will influence subsequent population growth. However, opportunities to explore such processes are rare, particularly at scales relevant to species-based conservation strategies. Icelandic black-tailed godwits, Limosa limosa islandica, have expanded their range throughout Iceland over the last century. We show that current male morphology varies strongly in relation to the timing of colonization across Iceland, with small males being absent from recently occupied areas. Smaller males are also proportionately more abundant on habitats and sites with higher breeding success and relative abundance of females. This population-wide spatial structuring of male morphology is most likely to result from female preferences for small males and better-quality habitats increasing both small-male fitness and the dispersal probability of larger males into poorer-quality habitats. Such eco-evolutionary feedbacks may be a key driver of rates of population growth and range expansion and contraction.  相似文献   

It is prevalent to use ecological niche models in the analysis of species expansion and niche changes. However, it is difficult to estimate the niche when alien species fail to establish in exotic areas. Here, we applied the tolerance niche concept, which means that niche of species can live and grow but preclude a species from establishing self‐sustaining populations, in such fail‐to‐establish events. Taking the rapidly expanded bird, Asian openbill (Anastomus oscitans), as a model species, we investigated niche dynamics and its potential effects on the population by Niche A and ecospat, predicted potential distribution by biomod2. Results showed that niche expansion has occurred in two non‐native populations caused by the tolerance of colder and wetter environments, and potential distribution mainly concentrated on equatorial islands. Our study suggested that the expanded niche belongs to tolerance niche concept according to the populations'' dynamics and GPS tracking evidence. It is essential to consider source populations when we analyze the alien species. We recommended more consideration to the application of tolerance niche in alien species research, and there is still a need for standard measurement frameworks for analyzing the tolerance niche.  相似文献   

Addis EA  Davis JE  Miner BE  Wingfield JC 《Oecologia》2011,167(2):369-378
Organisms frequently need to adjust physiological mechanisms to successfully breed in novel habitats. To explore how some populations physiologically acclimate to novel environmental conditions while others do not, we examine three subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys. Of these subspecies, Z. l. pugetensis has expanded its breeding range to high altitude over the last 60 years. We investigate physiological acclimation to high altitude conditions by comparing circulating levels of glucocorticoids among Z. l. gambelii, which only breeds at high altitude, Z. l. nuttalli, which only breeds at low altitude, a population of Z. l. pugetensis that breeds at low altitude, and a Z. l. pugetensis population that now breeds at high altitude. Glucocorticoids mediate physiological and behavioral responses to environmental conditions and are constitutively secreted, but can also be released facultatively. We hypothesized that elevation of the glucocorticoid corticosterone (CORT) may facilitate breeding in high altitude environments. We tested this hypothesis by comparing baseline and stress-induced CORT levels of subspecies breeding at low altitude, Z. l. pugetensis and Z. l. nuttalli, to subspecies breeding at high altitude, Z. l. pugetensis and Z. l. gambelii. We found that populations breeding at high altitude exhibit higher baseline and stress-induced levels of CORT. Additionally, we found that Z. l. pugetensis exhibit greater variation in the stress-induced CORT response. These results suggest an importance of modulation of hormonal mechanisms in facilitating breeding in high altitude environments, and that variation in these mechanisms may be associated with facilitating altitudinal range expansion.  相似文献   

Phenological changes in response to climate change have been recorded in many taxa, but the population‐level consequences of these changes are largely unknown. If phenological change influences demography, it may underpin the changes in range size and distribution that have been associated with climate change in many species. Over the last century, Icelandic black‐tailed godwits (Limosa limosa islandica) have increased 10‐fold in numbers, and their breeding range has expanded throughout lowland Iceland, but the environmental and demographic drivers of this expansion remain unknown. Here, we explore the potential for climate‐driven shifts in phenology to influence demography and range expansion. In warmer springs, Icelandic black‐tailed godwits lay their clutches earlier, resulting in advances in hatching dates in those years. Early hatching is beneficial as population‐wide tracking of marked individuals shows that chick recruitment to the adult population is greater for early hatched individuals. Throughout the last century, this population has expanded into progressively colder breeding areas in which hatch dates are later, but temperatures have increased throughout Iceland since the 1960s. Using these established relationships between temperature, hatching dates and recruitment, we show that these warming trends have the potential to have fueled substantial increases in recruitment throughout Iceland, and thus to have contributed to local population growth and expansion across the breeding range. The demographic consequences of temperature‐mediated phenological changes, such as the advances in lay dates and increased recruitment associated with early hatching reported here, may therefore be key processes in driving population size and range changes in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Although food abundance is a principal determinant of distribution and abundance of many animals, most previous studies have not quantitatively assessed its importance relative to other factors that may also determine species distributions. We estimated frugivorous phainopepla Phainopepla nitens occupancy and density, food density, and vegetation structure on transects in fragmented mesquite and acacia woodlands over three years in non‐breeding and breeding seasons. Using an AIC framework and controlling for detection probability, we determined relative impacts of food abundance, vegetation structure, and habitat fragmentation on patch occupancy and density, and concomitant extinction and colonization probabilities of phainopeplas. Initial occupancy in winter 2002 was high (0.87 ± 0.047), and primarily positively correlated with food abundance and woodland area (Akaike weights wi= 0.998 and 0.750 respectively). Woodland area more strongly influenced occupancy where food was scarcer. Phainopepla density in both seasons was strongly positively correlated with food abundance, especially in the 2002 drought when density was higher (wi=1.0 for food and year). Density was higher in acacia than mesquite woodlands (wi= 1.0), and moderately negatively correlated with elevation (wi= 0.789). Extinction probability (patches vacated) was low (0.078 ± 0.040), and principally influenced by phainopepla density (wi= 0.968) and tree height (wi= 0.749). Colonization probability was low (0.15 ± 0.034) and determined by vegetation structure (wi= 1.0). Much recorded colonization was reoccupancy of woodlands previously occupied by single males in winter, then vacated in a breeding season. These results suggest that for an animal occupying a highly fragmented landscape, distributions and densities at the habitat patch scale are driven by food abundance, are moderately affected by habitat fragmentation, and are slightly influenced by vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Aim Range expansion across a heterogeneous landscape may depend on the habitat selected and used by the expanding species. If habitat selection influences range expansion then localities colonized by a species should contain a greater proportion of favoured habitat (and less non‐habitat) than other nearby localities not colonized. White‐winged doves (Zenaida asiatica) and Eurasian collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto) are two bird species that provide an excellent opportunity to test this hypothesis, because the geographic ranges of both species have been expanding in North America for more than two decades. Location Continental USA. Methods We used distribution data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey to test whether the landscapes occupied by each species contained a greater proportion of favoured habitat (urban land, grassland/pasture, shrub land and cropland) and a lower proportion of non‐habitat (forest land) than landscapes where doves were not found. We tested each species separately in each of three broad expansion areas, namely East, Central and West. We also compared rates of spatial spread between expansion areas and between the two species. Results As predicted, both species tended to occupy landscapes with greater proportions of urban land, shrub land and cropland but with less forest land compared with landscapes without doves, in all three expansion areas. Contrary to prediction, occupied landscapes tended to have slightly less grassland/pasture than unoccupied landscapes. Rates of spread differed between the two species and among expansion areas. Main conclusions Range expansion and the extent to which a species fills or saturates its range are influenced by the habitat ecology of the expanding species. Species colonize localities based on the availability of suitable habitat. However, the role of habitat in a species’ range expansion does depend somewhat on the greater geographical setting. Over large regional and geographical scales, range expansion (rate of spread and saturation) may proceed unevenly, suggesting that range expansion is a very dynamic and context‐specific process.  相似文献   

In common with human speech, song is culturally inherited in oscine passerine birds (‘songbirds’). Intraspecific divergence in birdsong, such as development of local dialects, might be an important early step in the speciation process. It is therefore vital to understand how songs diverge, especially in founding populations. The northward expansion of the Light‐vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis (J. F. Gmelin, 1789) into north China in the last 30 years provides an excellent opportunity to study birdsong evolution. We compared ~4400 songs from newly established northern populations with ~2900 songs from southern populations to evaluate song divergence after recent expansion. The total pool of syllables and especially song types was considerably smaller in the north than in the south, indicating ‘founder effects’ in the new population. The ancestral pattern of mosaic song dialects changed into a pattern of wide geographical sharing of a few song types and syllables, likely the result of fewer geographical barriers to ‘meme flow’, and the recent spread across a large area in the north. Our results suggest that song evolution and vocal trait shifts can arise rapidly after range expansion, and that in the Light‐vented Bulbul ‘founder effects’, geographical isolation, and recent rapid expansions played important roles in the evolution of song dialects.  相似文献   

Recovery of natural populations occurs often with simultaneous or subsequent range expansions. According to population genetic theory, genetic structuring emerges at the expansion front together with decreasing genetic diversity, owing to multiple founder events. Thereupon, as the expansion proceeds and connectivity among populations is established, homogenization and a resurgence of genetic diversity are to be expected. Few studies have used a fine temporal scale combined with genetic sampling to track range expansions as they proceed in wild animal populations. As a natural experiment, the historical eradication of large terrestrial carnivores followed by their recovery and recolonization may facilitate empirical tests of these ideas. Here, using brown bear (Ursus arctos) as model species, we tested predictions from genetic theory of range expansion. Individuals from all over Finland were genotyped for every year between 1996 and 2010 using 12 validated autosomal microsatellite markers. A latitudinal shift of about 110 km was observed in the distribution and delineation of genetic clusters during this period. As the range expansion proceeded, we found, as theory predicts, that the degree of genetic structure decreased, and that both genetic variation and admixture increased. The genetic consequences of range expansions may first be detected after multiple generations, but we found major changes in genetic composition after just 1.5 generations, accompanied by population growth and increased migration. These rapid genetic changes suggest an ongoing concerted action of geographical and demographic expansion combined with substantial immigration of bears from Russia during the recovery of brown bears within the large ecosystem of northern Europe.  相似文献   

Exact locations of glacial refugia are relevant for the study of contemporary biodiversity, not only as places less disturbed during the climatic changes but also as sources of rapid expansion of the biota after the Last Glacial cycle. If continuously inhabited over several of the Quaternary glacial cycles, the refugia are readily identifiable by the accumulated genetic diversity. However, the sources of the Holocene range expansion, particularly important for the emergence of present-day bio- and phylogeographic patterns and for realistic estimation of species’ expansion rates, might have been located at the fringes of the glacial species ranges and lack unique lineages. This problem is pertinent when the variation is explored at slowly evolving genetic markers. We suggest that the location of such source refugia may be approximated by reconstructing the geographic location as a continuous trait evolving along the branches of a phylogenetic tree. We applied this approach, using the BEAST software, on two large southeast European land snail species: Caucasotachea vindobonensis and Helix thessalica. We found evidence for C. vindobonensis refugia in the western Balkans; notable is an apparently old refugium in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The plausible sources of the species’ Holocene range expansion, however, were located around the south-western end of the Carpathians. Although the source areas were likely similar in H. thessalica, some expansion sources suggested by the analyses (e.g., Podolia, Ukraine) appeared implausible and driven by sampling clustered in that area. The applied approach allows for additional exploitation of the mitochondrial data gathered during the past two decades of animal phylogeography studies.  相似文献   

Wegmann D  Currat M  Excoffier L 《Genetics》2006,174(4):2009-2020
Recent range expansions have probably occurred in many species, as they often happen after speciation events, after ice ages, or after the introduction of invasive species. While it has been shown that range expansions lead to patterns of molecular diversity distinct from those of a pure demographic expansion, the fact that many species do live in heterogeneous environments has not been taken into account. We develop here a model of range expansion with a spatial heterogeneity of the environment, which is modeled as a gamma distribution of the carrying capacities of the demes. By allowing temporal variation of these carrying capacities, our model becomes a new metapopulation model linking ecological parameters to molecular diversity. We show by extensive simulations that environmental heterogeneity induces a loss of genetic diversity within demes and increases the degree of population differentiation. We find that metapopulations with low average densities are much more affected by environmental heterogeneity than metapopulations with high average densities, which are relatively insensitive to spatial and temporal variations of the environment. Spatial heterogeneity is shown to have a larger impact on genetic diversity than temporal heterogeneity. Overall, temporal heterogeneity and local extinctions are not found to leave any specific signature on molecular diversity that cannot be produced by spatial heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal by birds constitutes an essential mechanism for ornithochorous exotic plants to successfully invade a new system. New biotic associations with native birds might facilitate the upward spread of exotic plants from the foothills into the high mountains. However, environmental changes associated with elevation are known to drive changes in bird assemblages, and it is not clear how elevation changes impact the seed dispersal service of ornithochorous invaders. We evaluated changes in frugivorous bird assemblages of one of the exotic shrubs (Cotoneaster franchetii, Rosaceae) with the broadest elevation range among woody invaders in the Córdoba Mountains (Argentina). We quantified frugivory interactions (including absolute and proportional fruit consumption by seed dispersers, pulp consumers, and seed predators) using 4-h observations of focal C. franchetii shrubs distributed across low-elevation, mid-elevation, and high-elevation sites (700, 1100, and 1800 m a.s.l., respectively; 15 individuals per elevational band and one site per elevation). Seed disperser richness was highest at the low- and mid-elevation sites (three species vs. one at the high-elevation site), but proportional and absolute fruit consumption of C. franchetii was highest at the high-elevation site (39.1%, 88 seeds at high-elevation and 7.7%, 20 seeds at low-elevation). The Chiguanco Thrush (Turdus chiguanco, Turdidae) was the only seed disperser species found at the highest elevation site. Fruit consumption by seed dispersers was positively related to their abundance and elevation. In a high mountain system, a single abundant generalist seed disperser, rather than a high richness of seed disperser species, can uphold an effective dispersal service for an invasive ornithochorous shrub. This pattern may facilitate the spread of such plants across higher elevational ranges, thereby promoting the invasion of other exotic ornithochorous plants into upper elevations.  相似文献   

1. The British distribution of the butterfly Gonepteryx rhamni (L.) follows closely the range of its natural host plants, Rhamnus catharticus L. and Frangula alnus Miller, suggesting that it is one of the few British butterflies that has a host‐limited distribution. In North Wales, this species has its range margin, and it was recorded only occasionally in a 35‐km2 area prior to the 1980s. Frangula alnus bushes were planted in the area in about 1986, allowing the hypothesis that G. rhamni would expand its range following increased host plant availability to be tested. 2. From 1996 to 1998, the distribution of the butterfly and its host plants, R. catharticus (native), Rhamnus alaternus L. (introduced), and F. alnus (introduced to the area but native to Britain), was mapped in the study area. It was found that the butterfly was more widespread than any of its host plants. Frangula alnus was the most widespread of the host plants, and received most eggs, suggesting that the carrying capacity of the habitat would have increased substantially following the planting of this species. Gonepteryx rhamni was able to complete its lifecycle on both introduced species in the study area. 3. A mark–release–recapture study showed that adult G. rhamni moved an average of 512 m, and 50% of movements were further than 400 m; these values are underestimates. The relatively high mobility of this species suggests that it probably perceives host plants and nectar sources as resource patches (patchy population) in this fragmented landscape, and this population now represents a satellite population of the butterfly's main distribution in Britain. 4. The results presented here confirm empirically the host‐limited distribution of G. rhamni, which expanded following the planting of extra host plants.  相似文献   

In species undergoing range expansion, newly established populations are often more dispersive than older populations. Because dispersal phenotypes are complex and often costly, it is unclear how highly dispersive phenotypes are maintained in a species to enable their rapid expression during periods of range expansion. Here I test the idea that metapopulation dynamics of local extinction and recolonization maintain distinct dispersal strategies outside the context of range expansion. Western bluebirds display distinct dispersal phenotypes where aggressive males are more dispersive than nonaggressive males, resulting in highly aggressive populations at the edge of their expanding range. I experimentally created new habitat interior to the range edge to show that, as on the range front, it was colonized solely by aggressive males. Moreover, fitness consequences of aggression depended on population age: aggressive males had high fitness when colonizing new populations, while nonaggressive males performed best in an older population. These results suggest that distinct dispersal strategies were maintained before range expansion as an adaptation for the continual recolonization of new habitat. These results emphasize similarities between range expansion and metapopulation dynamics and suggest that preexisting adaptive dispersal strategies may explain rapid changes in dispersal phenotypes during range expansion.  相似文献   

  • 1 Throughout Europe, the range of many deer species is expanding. We provide current distribution maps for red deer Cervus elaphus, sika Cervus nippon, fallow deer Dama dama and muntjac deer Muntiacus sp. in Ireland, and estimates of range expansion rates for red deer, sika and fallow deer.
  • 2 There was a considerable expansion in the ranges of red deer, sika and fallow deer between 1978 and 2008. The compound annual rate of expansion was 7% for red deer, 5% for sika and 3% for fallow deer. The total range increase was 565% for red deer, 353% for sika and 174% for fallow deer. The potential implications of these expansions are discussed.
  • 3 There are unknown numbers of red‐sika hybrid deer in some parts of Ireland. Range expansion is likely to lead to further hybridizations with implications for the genetic integrity of deer stocks.
  • 4 Sightings of free‐roaming muntjac deer were first recorded in 2007. The distribution of confirmed sightings of single and multiple animals in the eastern region of Ireland suggests multiple releases.
  • 5 Deer are already impacting on both the economic and biodiversity values of habitats in Ireland, where, at present, no sustainable deer management policy exists.

Climate‐induced range shifts result in the movement of a sample of genotypes from source populations to new regions. The phenotypic consequences of those shifts depend upon the sample characteristics of the dispersive genotypes, which may act to either constrain or promote phenotypic divergence, and the degree to which plasticity influences the genotype–environment interaction. We sampled populations of the damselfly Erythromma viridulum from northern Europe to quantify the phenotypic (latitude–body size relationship based on seven morphological traits) and genetic (variation at microsatellite loci) patterns that occur during a range expansion itself. We find a weak spatial genetic structure that is indicative of high gene flow during a rapid range expansion. Despite the potentially homogenizing effect of high gene flow, however, there is extensive phenotypic variation among samples along the invasion route that manifests as a strong, positive correlation between latitude and body size consistent with Bergmann's rule. This positive correlation cannot be explained by variation in the length of larval development (voltinism). While the adaptive significance of latitudinal variation in body size remains obscure, geographical patterns in body size in odonates are apparently underpinned by phenotypic plasticity and this permits a response to one or more environmental correlates of latitude during a range expansion.  相似文献   

The seasonal pattern of clutch size variation in birds varies among species. In single-brooded bird species clutch sizes decline continuously with date from an early season maximum. In resident multi-brooded species, clutch sizes first increase to a mid-season maximum and then decrease again. Limited data for multi-brooded migratory birds suggest that clutches in these species also show a continuous decline throughout the season, but it remains to be resolved whether this applies generally and whether migration adds a constraint to the system. We here report on a study of the Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis conducted using data collected by volunteers across most of its range. In the southern part of its range, where Eastern Bluebirds are largely year-round residents, clutches initially increase, reach a mid-season maximum and gradually decline later in the season. In the northern part of the range, where the majority of Eastern Bluebirds are migratory, clutch sizes decline continuously throughout the season. To determine whether seasonal changes in the clutch size of multi-brooded species are determined by migratory behaviour of the population we compared our results with published data on the Dunnock Prunella modularis and conclude that in multi-brooded species migratory behaviour is not a sufficient condition for a continuous seasonal decline in clutch size, but it could be a necessary one. We propose two mechanisms for the pattern observed among multi-brooded migrants: (i) a time or energy cost of migration, and (ii) a more abrupt increase in seasonal resources in spring at more northerly latitudes.  相似文献   

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