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Questions: 1. Do relationships among forest plant traits correspond to dispersability‐persistence trade‐offs or other inter‐trait correlations found in the literature? 2. Do species groups delineated by trait similarity, differ in occurrence in ancient vs. new forests or isolated vs more continuous forest patches? 3. Are these patterns consistent for different forest types? Location: Central Belgium, near Leuven. Methods: We investigate the distributions of a large set of plant traits and combinations among all forest species occurring in patches with varying forest continuity and isolation. Through calculation of Gower's similarity index and subsequent clustering,‘emergent’ species groups are delineated. Then, the relative occurrence of these different groups in forest patches of different age and size, sustaining different forest types (alluvial vs. Quercion), and having different isolation status is compared through multivariate GLM analysis. Results: Correlations among several life history traits point towards trade‐offs of dispersability and fecundity vs. longevity. We distinguished three species groups: 1= mainly shrubs or climbers with fleshy or wind dispersed fruits and high dispersal potential; 2 = dominated by small, mainly vegetatively reproducing herbs; 3 = with spring flowering herbs with large seeds and mainly unassisted dispersal. Relative occurrence of these groups was significantly affected by forest age, area, isolation and forest type. Separate analyses for alluvial and Quercion forests indicated that the relative importance of these factors may differ, depending on forest type and species group. Both forest continuity and isolation are important in restricting the relative occurrence of forest species in alluvial forests, whatever their group membership. In Quercion forests forest patch area was the primary determinant of relative occurrence of species groups. Conclusions: It is very important to preserve the actual forest area including the spatial setting and the dispersal infrastructure within the landscape. Next, forest connectivity may be restored, but it is inherently a long process.  相似文献   

Rios RS  Marquis RJ  Flunker JC 《Oecologia》2008,156(3):577-588
The benefits of ant–plant–herbivore interactions for the plant depend on the abundance of ants and herbivores and the selective pressures these arthropods exert. In plants bearing extrafloral nectaries (EFN), different mean trait values may be selected for by different populations in response to local herbivore pressure, ultimately resulting in the evolution of differences in plant traits that attract ants as defensive agents against herbivory. To determine if variation in traits that mediate ant–plant interactions reflect herbivore selective pressures, we quantified intra- and inter-population variation in plant traits for eight populations of the EFN-bearing annual Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) (Fabaceae). Censuses in rural and urban areas of Missouri and Illinois (USA) showed population differences in ant attendance and herbivore pressure. Seeds were collected from each population, and plants were grown in a common greenhouse environment to measure sugar production, nectar volume and composition, EFN size and time of emergence, leaf pubescence, and leaf quality throughout plant development. Populations varied mainly in terms of nectary size, sugar production, and nectar volume, but to a lesser degree in leaf pubescence. Populations of C. fasciculata within urban areas (low in insect abundance) had small nectaries and the lowest nectar production. There was a positive correlation across populations between herbivore density and leaf damage by those herbivores on the one hand and sugar production and nectar volume on the other. These results, in conjunction with lack of evidence for maternally based environmental effects, suggest that population differences in herbivore damage have promoted differential evolution of EFN-related traits among populations. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of the native prairies in the Midwestern United States have resulted in isolated and smaller habitats and populations. The populations remaining in these prairies are expected to show a decline in the extent of genetic variation and an increase in genetic drift load (accumulation of deleterious recessive alleles due to genetic drift) in fitness‐related traits. Using complementary greenhouse experiments, we tested whether these expected changes have occurred in the native annual prairie plant Chamaecrista fasciculata. In the first experiment, open pollinated C. fasciculata seeds from 12 prairie fragments representing a range in area of habitat were grown in competition with Schizachyrium scoparium to determine if there are changes in plant vigour with changes in fragment size and corresponding changes in population size. Plants from smaller prairie fragments exhibited a slight but significant decline in biomass, suggesting an increase in genetic drift load. In the second experiment, a formal genetic crossing design of four prairie fragment populations was used to estimate quantitative genetic diversity and genetic drift load. We did not find extensive quantitative genetic variation, but we did find a strong effect of genetic drift load on five traits in this experiment. Our overall conclusion is that a decline in relative‐fitness traits in smaller prairie fragments is probably associated with fixation of deleterious alleles due to more isolated and smaller populations, i.e. genetic drift load. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Correlations between phenotypic traits are common in many organisms, but the relative importance of nonadaptive mechanisms and selection for the evolution and maintenance of such correlations are poorly understood. In polymorphic species, morphs may evolve quantitative differences in additional characters as a result of morph‐specific selection. The perennial rosette herb Primula farinosa is polymorphic for scape length. The short‐scaped morph is less damaged by grazers and seed predators but is more strongly pollen limited than the long‐scaped morph. We examined whether morph‐specific differences in biotic interactions are associated with differences in selection on two other traits affecting floral display (number of flowers and petal size) and on one trait likely to affect pollination efficiency (corolla tube width) in three P. farinosa populations. Differences in selection between morphs were detected in one population. In this population, selection for more flowers and larger petals was stronger in the short‐scaped than in the long‐scaped morph, and although there was selection for narrower corolla tubes in the short‐scaped morph, no statistically significant selection on corolla tube width could be detected in the long‐scaped morph. In the study populations, the short‐scaped morph produced more and larger flowers and wider corolla tubes. Current morph‐specific selection was thus only partly consistent with trait differences between morphs. The results provide evidence of morph‐specific selection on traits associated with floral display and pollination efficiency, respectively.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago, Arctomecon humilis, a pollinator-dependent, endangered poppy globally restricted to the extreme northeastern Mojave Desert in southwestern Utah, was pollinated by native bee species and the European honey bee. Follow-up studies beginning in 2012 failed to find the two most important native bee pollinator species, one of which, Perdita meconis, is a strict poppy specialist. We had four objectives: (1) confirm the status of formerly important native bee pollinators; (2) determine the role of the Africanized honey bee which reportedly invaded southern Utah in 2008; (3) examine the effect of the ostensible change in pollinator fauna on fruit set in four populations; (4) describe the pollination proficiency of species that presently visit poppy flowers. For the fourth consecutive survey, P. meconis was absent; its local extinction in Utah now seems certain. Another previously important native pollinator, Eucera quadricincta, was very rare. Also uncommon was the European honey bee, having been largely replaced by Africanized honey bees which have become, in most populations, the prevalent pollinator. Africanized bees forage early in the day and quickly strip flowers of their copious pollen leaving little for native bees. We argue that the invasion of southern Utah by Africanized bees is the most likely cause of the severe disruption of the A. humilis pollination system. The ascension of the Africanized bee is also associated with reduced fruit set in all poppy populations, especially those where plants are sparse. Arctomecon humilis now appears to depend mostly on an invasive species for pollination.  相似文献   

Linking intraspecific variation in plant traits to ecosystem carbon uptake may allow us to better predict how shift in populations shape ecosystem function. We investigated whether plant populations of a dominant old-field plant species (Solidago altissima) differed in carbon dynamics and if variation in plant traits among genotypes and between populations predicted carbon dynamics. We established a common garden experiment with 35 genotypes from three populations of S. altissima from either Tennessee (southern populations) or Connecticut (northern populations) to ask whether: (1) southern and northern Solidago populations will differ in aboveground productivity, leaf area, flowering time and duration, and whole ecosystem carbon uptake, (2) intraspecific trait variation (growth and reproduction) will be related to intraspecific variation in gross ecosystem CO(2) exchange (GEE) and net ecosystem CO(2) exchange (NEE) within and between northern and southern populations. GEE and NEE were 4.8× and 2× greater in southern relative to northern populations. Moreover, southern populations produced 13× more aboveground biomass and 1.4× more inflorescence mass than did northern populations. Flowering dynamics (first- and last-day flowering and flowering duration) varied significantly among genotypes in both the southern and northern populations, but plant performance and ecosystem function did not. Both productivity and inflorescence mass predicted NEE and GEE between S. altissima southern and northern populations. Taken together, our data demonstrate that variation between S. altissima populations in performance and flowering traits are strong predictors of ecosystem function in a dominant old-field species and suggest that populations of the same species might differ substantially in their response to environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide evidence of correlations of DNA methylation and expression of protein‐coding genes with human aging. The relations of microRNA expression with age and age‐related clinical outcomes have not been characterized thoroughly. We explored associations of age with whole‐blood microRNA expression in 5221 adults and identified 127 microRNAs that were differentially expressed by age at < 3.3 × 10?4 (Bonferroni‐corrected). Most microRNAs were underexpressed in older individuals. Integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression revealed changes in age‐associated mRNA expression possibly driven by age‐associated microRNAs in pathways that involve RNA processing, translation, and immune function. We fitted a linear model to predict ‘microRNA age’ that incorporated expression levels of 80 microRNAs. MicroRNA age correlated modestly with predicted age from DNA methylation (= 0.3) and mRNA expression (= 0.2), suggesting that microRNA age may complement mRNA and epigenetic age prediction models. We used the difference between microRNA age and chronological age as a biomarker of accelerated aging (Δage) and found that Δage was associated with all‐cause mortality (hazards ratio 1.1 per year difference, = 4.2 × 10?5 adjusted for sex and chronological age). Additionally, Δage was associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, blood pressure, and glucose levels. In conclusion, we constructed a microRNA age prediction model based on whole‐blood microRNA expression profiling. Age‐associated microRNAs and their targets have potential utility to detect accelerated aging and to predict risks for age‐related diseases.  相似文献   

Individual variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression (ID) in plants and its association with phenotypic traits may have important consequences for mating system evolution. This association has been investigated only scarcely, and always considering traits functionally related to autogamy. Here, we explore the association between individual variation in ID and plant traits associated with pollinator attractiveness (related to plant size, corolla size and corolla shape) in two populations of Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae). ID was calculated along the entire life cycle of the plants. In addition, we also explored the relationship between phenotypic traits and the individual levels of heterozygosity. We found significant associations between ID and corolla diameter and stalk height, being taller plants with larger corollas those undergoing a lower intensity of ID. Furthermore, we found a negative relationship between corolla diameter and heterozygosity, suggesting that plants with large flowers have purged their genetic load. Finally, we found a significant effect of corolla diameter on the intrapopulation genetic structure. All these findings suggest that plants with large flowers have secularly suffered frequent inbreeding in the study populations. Because corolla diameter is a trait frequently selected by pollinators in E. mediohispanicum, we believe that the observed relationship between this trait and ID could be mediated by pollinators, probably throughout an increasing in biparental inbreeding, geitonogamy or autogamy.  相似文献   

植物功能性状与环境之间的关系是功能性状研究的核心问题.为了探讨地形和土壤特性的差异对亚热带常绿阔叶林植物功能性状的影响,并找到影响古田山亚热带常绿阔叶林植物形态和生理性状的主要环境驱动因子,我们于2008年和2009年夏天在古田山国家级自然保护区内24 ha大型监测样地测定了147个样方中115种常见木本植物的功能性状.所测性状包括3个生理生态性状(叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm和PIABS和枝条比导率)和4个形态性状(气孔密度、叶厚度、比叶面积和叶长/宽比).结合地形数据(平均海拔、凹凸度、坡度和坡向)和土壤数据(含水量、全氮含量、全磷含量、全碳含量和pH值),分析影响这些功能性状的主要驱动因子.排序结果显示,叶绿素含量随海拔和凹凸度的上升而下降,但与土壤中的氮含量和水分含量旱现正相关关系.由于古田山土壤呈酸性,土壤磷素缺乏,叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm和PIABS与土壤氮、磷含量呈现显著的负相关.枝条比导率与土壤含水量具有较为显著的正相关关系.比叶面积与海拔呈现正相关关系.研究结果表明,在小尺度上,海拔和凹凸度是影响亚热带常绿阔叶林植物功能性状晟关键的两个地形因子,而土壤含水量和伞氮含量是影响该地植物功能性状最主要的土壤因子.然而,由于土壤中磷的缺乏,诸如植物光合作用等一些重要的生理过程受到影响,使得某些性状与环境因子之间呈现出不同寻常的相关关系.  相似文献   

Little is known about the bacterial communities associated with the rose plants inhabiting dry desert ecosystems. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize endophytic bacteria from different organs of rose plant. Endophytic bacteria were observed in healthy roots, stems, leaves, and flowers of rose plant, with a significantly higher density in roots, followed by stems, leaves, and petals. A total of 38 bacterial endophytes were isolated and are closely related phylogenetically to Acetobacter, Acinetobacter, Methylococcus, Bacillus, Micrococcus, Planococcus by 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Six endophytic bacteria were found to produce IAA, solubilize Ca3(PO4)2 and produce siderophore. The six endophytic bacteria all had the capacity to produce hydrolytic enzyme such as cellulase, xylanase, pectinase, amylase, protease, lipase, and chitinase, but difference existed among these isolates.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this study we examine the factors associated with variations in species richness within a remnant tall‐grass prairie in order to gain insight into the relative importance of controlling variables. The study area was a small, isolated prairie surrounded by wetlands and located within the coastal prairie region, which occurs along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico coastal plain. Samples were taken along three transects that spanned the prairie. Parameters measured included micro‐elevation, soil characteristics, indications of recent disturbance, above‐ground biomass (including litter), light penetration through the plant canopy, and species richness. Species richness was found to correlate with micro‐elevation, certain soil parameters, and light penetration through the canopy, but not with above‐ground biomass. Structural equation analysis was used to assess the direct and indirect effects of micro‐elevation, soil properties, disturbance, and indicators of plant abundance on species richness. The results of this analysis showed that observed variations in species richness were primarily associated with variations in environmental effects (from soil and microtopography) and were largely unrelated to variations in measures of plant abundance (biomass and light penetration). These findings suggest that observed variations in species richness in this system primarily resulted from environmental effects on the species pool. These results fit with a growing body of information that suggests that environmental effects on species richness are of widespread importance.  相似文献   

Pollen germination and pollen‐tube growth under natural conditions were observed in a population of a distylous species, Primula sieboldii, in which partial self‐compatibility has been demonstrated in some long‐styled genets. We observed post‐pollination processes microscopically in styles collected after self‐morph and inter‐morph hand pollination (with standardized pollen load on the stigmas) in four genets each from the following three ‘genet types’: self‐incompatible long‐styled (SI), partially self‐compatible long‐styled (SC) and self‐incompatible short‐styled morph genets. Irrespective of the genet type, pollen germination began within 24 h after pollination and tubes of pollen reached to the style base with 48–96 h after inter‐morph pollination. Although pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination in the SC genets, the number of germinated pollen tubes was significantly lower than in the case of inter‐morph pollination. Few pollen tubes germinated after self‐pollination of the SI or short‐styled genets. In SC genets, the rate of pollen‐tube growth did not differ between self‐morph and inter‐morph pollination (~1.9 mm/day). Therefore, differences in self‐compatibility between SC and SI genets in P. sieboldii are likely to be attributable to differential pollen germination rates rather than to differential pollen‐tube growth rates.  相似文献   

Evolution of floral traits requires that they are heritable, that they affect fitness, and that they are not constrained by genetic correlations. These prerequisites have only rarely been examined in natural populations. For Mimulus guttatus, we found by using the Riska-method that corolla width, anther length, ovary length and number of red dots on the corolla were heritable in a natural population. Seed production (maternal fitness) was directly positively affected by corolla width and anther size, and indirectly so by ovary length and number of red dots on the corolla. The siring success (paternal fitness), as estimated from allozyme data, was directly negatively affected by anther-stigma separation, and indirectly so by the corolla length-width ratio. Genetic correlations, estimated with the Lynch-method, were positive between floral size measures. We predict that larger flowers with larger reproductive organs, which generally favour outcrossing, will evolve in this natural population of M. guttatus.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci, that were flown for varying lengths of time (1 min-2.5 h), exhibited behavioral, morphological, and physiological differences. When whiteflies that were engaging in phototactic orientation in a vertical flight chamber were presented with a visual cue simulating their host plant (550-nm narrowband interference filter), 76% landed on this cue within three presentations. Another 18% of the whiteflies displayed an intermittent attraction to the host cue, and 6% displayed a response that, historically, has been considered to be indicative of migration. These individuals failed to respond to the target until they had flown for at least 15 min. These three categories of response were observed in both sexes, in all flight-capable individuals from 1 to 5 days old and in two groups of whiteflies that were exhibiting distinct behaviors prior to our tests (i.e., they were either settled on poinsettia or engaging in phototactic orientation). There was a trend for males that engaged in long-distance flight to have smaller wing dimensions than males that engaged in shorter flights; no trend was evident in female whiteflies. High levels of vitellogenin and vitellin did not inhibit flight activity. In fact, we generally found higher levels of egg proteins in long-distance fliers and in premigratory individuals than in short-duration fliers and settled individuals.  相似文献   

Indochina Peninsula is the primary centre of diversity of rice and lies partly in the centre of origin of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa) where the wild ancestor (Oryza rufipogon) is still abundant. The wild gene pool is potentially endangered by urbanisation and the expansion of agriculture, and by introgression hybridisation with locally cultivated rice varieties. To determine genetic diversity and structure of the wild rice of the region we genotyped nearly 1000 individuals using 20 microsatellite loci. We found ecological differentiation in 48 populations, distinguishable by their life‐history traits and the country of origin. Geographical divergence was suggested by isolation of the perennial Myanmar populations from those of Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. The annual types would be most likely to have lost genetic variation because of genetic drift and inbreeding. The growing of cultivated and wild rice together, however, gives ample opportunities for hybridisation, which already shows signs of genetic mixing, and will ultimately lead to replacement of the original wild rice gene pool. For conservation we suggest that wild rice should be conserved ex situ in order to prevent introgression from cultivated rice, along with in situ conservation in individual countries for the recurrent evolutionary process through local adaptation, but with sufficient isolation from cultivated rice fields to preserve genetic integrity of the wild populations.  相似文献   

Bats provide an excellent casestudy for studying evolution due to their remarkable flight and echolocation capabilities. In this study, we sought to understand the phenotypic evolution of key traits in Rhinolophidae (horseshoe bats) using phylogenetic comparative methods. We aimed to test the phylogenetic signals of traits, and evaluated the best-fit evolutionary models given the data for each trait considering different traits may evolve under different models (i.e., Brownian Motion [BM], Ornstein-Uhlenbeck [OU], and Early Burst [EB]) and reconstruct ancestral character states. We examined how phenotypic characters are associated with echolocation calls and minimum detectable prey size. We measured 34 traits of 10 Asian rhinolophids species (187 individuals). We found that the majority of traits showed a high phylogenetic signal based on Blomberg′s K and Pagel′s λ, but each trait may evolve under different evolutionary models. Sella traits were shown to evolve under stabilizing selection based on OU models, indicating sella traits have the tendency to move forward along the branches toward some medial value in equilibrium. Our findings highlight the importance of sella characters in association with echolocation call emissions in Rhinolophidae, as calls are important for spatial cognition and also influence dietary preferences. Minimum detectable prey size in Rhinolophidae was associated with call frequency, bandwidth, call duration, wingspan, and wing surface area. Ultimately, understanding trait evolution requires sensitivity due to the differential selective pressures which may apply to different characteristics.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the reproductive traits of animal‐pollinated plants can be shaped by spatially variable selection imposed by differences in the local pollination environment. We investigated this process in Babiana ringens (Iridaceae), an enigmatic species from the Western Cape region of South Africa. B. ringens has evolved a specialized perch facilitating cross‐pollination by sunbirds and displays striking geographic variation in perch size and floral traits. Here, we investigate whether this variation can be explained by geographic differences in the pollinator communities. We measured floral and inflorescence traits, and abiotic variables (N, P, C, and rainfall) and made observations of sunbirds in populations spanning the range of B. ringens. In each population, we recorded sunbird species identity and measured visitation rates, interfloral pollen transfer, and whether the seed set of flowers was pollen limited. To evaluate whether competition from co‐occurring sunbird‐pollinated species might reduce visitation, we quantified nectar rewards in B. ringens and of other co‐flowering bird‐pollinated species in local communities in which populations occurred. Variation in abiotic variables was not associated with geographical variation of traits in B. ringens. Malachite sunbirds were the dominant visitor (97% of visits) and populations with larger‐sized traits exhibited higher visitation rates, more between‐flower pollen transfer and set more seed. No sunbirds were observed in four populations, all with smaller‐sized traits. Sunbird visitation to B. ringens was not associated with local sunbird activity in communities, but sunbird visitation was negatively associated with the amount of B. ringens sugar relative to the availability of alternative nectar sources. Our study provides evidence that B. ringens populations with larger floral traits are visited more frequently by sunbirds, and we propose that visitation rates to B. ringens may be influenced, in part, by competition with other sunbird‐pollinated species.  相似文献   

Xiang H  Chen J 《Annals of botany》2004,94(3):377-384
Background and aims To understand the defensive characteristics of interspecies varieties and their responses to herbivory damage, four species of Ficus plants (Ficus altissima, F. auriculata, F. racemosa and F. hispida) were studied. They were similar in life form, but differed in successional stages. Of these, Ficus altissima is a late successional species, F. hispida is a typical pioneer and F. auriculata and F. racemosa are intermediate successional species. We addressed the following questions: (1) What is the difference in plant traits among the four species and are these traits associated with differences in herbivory damage levels? (2) What is the difference in the damage-induced changes among the four species?• Methods Herbivory damage was measured in the field on randomly planted seedlings of the four species of the same age. Defences to herbivory were also tested by feeding leaves of the four species to larvae of Asota caricae in the laboratory. A total of 14 characters such as water content, thickness, toughness, pubescence density on both sides, leaf expansion time, lifetime and the contents of total carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) were measured. Leaf calcium oxalate crystal (COC) density, total Ca and N content, leaf toughness and height were measured to investigate induced responses to artificial herbivory among the four species.• Key results and conclusions Herbivory damage in the four studied species varied greatly. The pioneer species, F. hispida, suffered the most severe herbivory damage, while the late successional species, F. altissima, showed the least damage. A combination of several characteristics such as high in content of N, Ca and P and low in leaf toughness, lifetime and C : N ratio were associated with increased herbivore damage. The late successional species, F. altissima, might also incorporate induced defence strategies by means of an increase in leaf COC and toughness.Key words: Calcium oxalate crystals, defensive characteristics, Ficus; herbivory, induced defence  相似文献   

Large carnivores are frequently used as focal species for landscape-level planning and conservation purposes. Information on cougars Puma concolor , for example, is being used to predict movement corridors and linkage areas in habitats influenced by rapid urbanization. However, animal movement through habitat terrain is a function of multiple factors, including complex topographic features. To assess the use of topographic position during movements by cougars in the Santa Ana Mountain Range of southern California, we analyzed the travel paths of 10–17 radio-tagged individuals monitored during 44 overnight sessions. We examined selection for canyon bottom, gentle slope, steep slope and ridgeline topography at the scale of the movement session and at the scale of the home range. At both scales of selection, our results suggest that traveling or hunting cougars discriminated in their use of topographic position, that canyon bottoms and gentle slopes (<6°) ranked highest in compositional analyses of selection, and that these patterns were not highly confounded by the presence of preferred vegetation types. Ridgelines were used significantly less often than other positions. Our novel method of quantifying availability and use of topographic positions permits the assessment of terrain features, such as canyon bottoms, in facilitating cougar movements. For complex landscapes, models of animal movement should consider the topographic context that motivates patterns of habitat use, and should be developed using data obtained and analyzed at the appropriate spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Hybridization is hypothesized to promote invasiveness, but empirical tests comparing the performance of hybrid taxa versus parental taxa in novel regions are lacking. We experimentally compared colonization ability of populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) with populations of advanced-generation hybrids between wild radish and cultivated radish (Raphanus sativus) in a southeast Texas pasture, well beyond the known invasive range of hybrid radish. We also manipulated the strength of interspecific competition to better generalize across variable environments. In both competitive environments, hybrid populations produced at least three times more seeds than did wild radish populations, a distinction that was driven by greater hybrid seedling emergence, earlier hybrid emergence, and more hybrid seedlings surviving to flower, rather than by greater individual fecundity. Flowering duration in hybrids was less negatively affected by competition than it was in wild radish, while early emergence was associated with subsequent high seed output in both biotypes. Our data show that hybridization can enhance colonization success in a novel region and, by comparison with previous studies, that the life-history traits enhancing hybrid success can differ across regions, even for lineages originating from the same hybridization event. These results imply a much larger arena for hybrid success than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

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