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Compensatory responses to herbivory by invasive weeds may foil attempts to arrest their spread with biological controls. We conducted an experiment to study the effects of defoliation and soil fungi on interactions between Centaurea melitensis , an invasive annual from Eurasia, and Nassella pulchra , a native Californian bunchgrass. Defoliation of C. melitensis reduced its final biomass in all species–fungicide treatments, except when C. melitensis was grown with both Nassella and non-treated soil fungi at the same time. In this treatment, the biomass of clipped C. melitensis plants was equal to that of unclipped plants, indicating that soil fungi and Nassella promoted a compensatory response in the weed. Overall, the biomass of C. melitensis was 44% lower when soil fungi were reduced. However, in soil not treated with fungicide, the total biomass of C. melitensis increased in the presence of Nassella , but decreased when it was grown alone. When stressed by defoliation, C. melitensis may benefit from a form of mycorrhizae-mediated parasitism through a common mycorrhizal network, or Nassella may alter the fungal community in a way that enhances the positive direct effects of soil fungi on Centaurea .  相似文献   

1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR) is increasingly used to measure metabolite concentrations in sets of biological samples for top‐down systems biology and molecular epidemiology. For such purposes, knowledge of the sources of human variation in metabolite concentrations is valuable, but currently sparse. We conducted and analysed a study to create such a resource. In our unique design, identical and non‐identical twin pairs donated plasma and urine samples longitudinally. We acquired 1H NMR spectra on the samples, and statistically decomposed variation in metabolite concentration into familial (genetic and common‐environmental), individual‐environmental, and longitudinally unstable components. We estimate that stable variation, comprising familial and individual‐environmental factors, accounts on average for 60% (plasma) and 47% (urine) of biological variation in 1H NMR‐detectable metabolite concentrations. Clinically predictive metabolic variation is likely nested within this stable component, so our results have implications for the effective design of biomarker‐discovery studies. We provide a power‐calculation method which reveals that sample sizes of a few thousand should offer sufficient statistical precision to detect 1H NMR‐based biomarkers quantifying predisposition to disease.  相似文献   

Dispersal abilities of invading species emerge from the interaction between the species and some features of the target community. Ligustrum lucidum is a tree species invading different ecosystems. Major spatial patterns of Ligustrum invasions and their ecological consequences have been analyzed, but no study addressed the dispersal process at a fine scale, assessing the effects of different biological and environmental factors. Ligustrum lucidum is an ornithochoric species. The structure of the environment determines bird movements and thus affects seed dispersal. We used inverse modeling to analyze bird-mediated dispersal of L. lucidum seeds in a secondary Yungas forest and surrounding crop-fields. We assessed the effects of egestion mode (regurgitation and defecation) and tree density (as an environment character) on seed dispersal. Seed dispersal presented different spatial patterns depending on the egestion mode. Tree density was positively associated with the number of regurgitated dispersed seeds and negatively associated with the number of defecated dispersed seeds. In both cases, dispersal distance increased in open areas, but absence of perches inhibited seed arrival. Thus, spread of L. lucidum is facilitated in open areas with some trees; inside the native forest, short distance dispersal facilitates the gradual invasion by this exotic species. Our results suggest that processes like crop abandonment and forest succession, which are active in subtropical montane systems, may facilitate L. lucidum invasion. Our seed dispersal models should be combined with actual distribution maps of L. lucidum to identify areas vulnerable to new invasions.  相似文献   

Both impulsivity in operant tasks and locomotor activity in a novel open field are known to predict the development of addiction-related behavior in rodents. In this study, we investigated to what extent impulsivity in the five-choice serial reaction time task and various measures of novelty exploration are controlled by shared genetic and environmental factors in 12 different inbred mouse strains. No genetic correlation was observed between the level of impulsivity and levels of activity, a low correlation was observed with traditional measures of anxiety-like behavior (impulsive strains tend to be less anxious) and a highly significant correlation was found between impulsivity and specific aspects of movement. Furthermore, we found that impulsivity and all measures of novelty exploration were under control of different environmental factors. Interestingly, in the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, a brain region involved in impulsivity and activity in novelty exploration tests; these behavioral measures correlated with the expression of different genes (respectively, Frzb , Snx5, BC056474 and the previously identified Glo1 ). Taken together, our study shows that impulsivity and activity in novelty exploration tests are genetically and environmentally distinct, suggesting that mouse models of these behaviors provide complementary insights into the development of substance abuse disorder.  相似文献   

The invasive tree Melaleuca quinquenervia experienced substantial declines in growth and reproduction in response to chronic herbivory by the defoliating weevil Oxyops vitiosa. Plants subjected to unrestricted defoliation replaced leaves that were more suitable for feeding by the next generation, a process envisioned by the Resource Regulation Hypothesis which posits that attack by one generation increases the amount of the preferred host resources for the next, resulting in a positive feedback loop for the herbivore. The production of juvenile replacement leaves stimulated additional bouts of oviposition and feeding by O. vitiosa, which ultimately produced positive effects for the herbivore with negative consequences for the plant. The addition of water resources to the plant prolonged the positive feedback loop such that more than twice as many insects were produced on irrigated versus non-irrigated trees. In a more simple, reassembled food web on M. quinquenervia, the lack of biotic constraints like parasitoids may have prevented the earlier termination of the feedback loop and thus increased the impact of the biological control agent on the target. The overall effectiveness of this classical biological control program can be attributed, in part, to the phenomenon of the target plant’s induced susceptible response to a herbivore.  相似文献   

Genetic differences in growth of an invasive tree species   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Invasive plants are often more vigorous in their introduced ranges than in their native ranges. This may reflect an innate superiority of plants from some habitats or an escape from their enemies. Another hypothesis proposes that invasive plants evolve increased competitive ability in their introduced range. We present the results of a 14-year common garden experiment with the Chinese Tallow Tree ( Sapium sebiferum ) from its native range (Asia), place of introduction to North America (Georgia) and areas colonized a century later (Louisiana and Texas). Invasive genotypes, especially those from recently colonized areas, were larger than native genotypes and more likely to produce seeds but had lower quality, poorly defended leaves. Our results demonstrate significant post-invasion genetic differences in an invasive plant species. Post-introduction adaptation by introduced plants may contribute to their invasive success and make it difficult to predict problem species.  相似文献   

Summary In a previous article (Demos et al. 1981), we reported a significant and specific reduction of the activity index (AI) of the diphenoloxidases (DPox) in patients and heterozygotes with progressive Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), which is transmitted genetically by female subjects by a sex-linked recessive mechanism (SLR). This same anomaly was detected in patients suffering from other types of dystrophy: Becker, limbgirdle, fascio-scapulo-humeral, and in heterozygotes, of either sex in diseases transmitted by an obviously recessive autosomic mechanism. These anomalies were detected using blood spots collected on absorbent paper and stored at 4°C for differnt periods. They were of the same type as had previously been detected using blood platelets (Demos 1973).  相似文献   

Selective logging in tropical rain forests may promote population growth of invasive plants. The ability of invaders to respond, specifically in reproductive traits, to increase in resource abundance may allow them to increase their presence in the seed rain of recipient communities. The invasive pioneer tree Bellucia pentamera (Melastomataceae) is currently spreading within Gunung Palung National Park in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The park has also experienced periods of illegal, small‐scale, selective logging that seem to have facilitated population growth and spread of this invader. We first used fruiting frequency as a proxy for fruit output to make comparisons between B. pentamera and the native tree community of over 200 genera. We then constructed two Generalized Linear Autoregressive Moving Average (GLARMA) models using 13 months of phenology data to predict both fruiting frequency and crop size of B. pentamera under selective logging versus natural treefall disturbance regimes. Bellucia pentamera fruited at considerably higher frequency than all 200 native genera considered. This invader also responded positively to selective logging with both odds of being in fruit and crop sizes at least doubling in logged plots. Prolific seed output of B. pentamera is especially problematic within the lottery competition of tropical rain forest gap tree communities, in which prominence in the seed rain is particularly important. Furthermore, the reproductive response of B. pentamera to selective logging suggests that this harvesting practice may have a considerable role in facilitating this invasion in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Mental diseases,such as schizophrenia,are typically the result of multiple abnormalities,including neurobiological,psychological and sociological processes,particularly the environmental and genetic disorders(Bailey,2000).Consequently,in psychic medicine,animal models should be developed via methods consistent with their associated theories of mental disorders.However,many conventional models are constructed via genetic manipulations or surgical operations to the nervous system(Bezard,2006,van der Staay,2006,2009),e.g.administrate animals with agonists or antagonists of various neurotransmitters or drugs to reproduce human mental disorders.The usage of these methods,which should be considered as simple neuro-pharmacological  相似文献   

In older adults, mobility limitations often coexist with overweight or obesity, suggesting that similar factors may underlie both traits. This study examined the extent to which genetic and environmental influences explain the association between adiposity and mobility in older women. Body fat percentage (bioimpedance test), walking speed over 10 m, and distance walked in a 6-min test were evaluated in 92 monozygotic (MZ) and 104 dizygotic (DZ) pairs of twin sisters reared together, aged 63-76 years. Genetic and environmental influences on each trait were estimated using age-adjusted multivariate genetic modeling. The analyses showed that the means (and s.d.) for body fat percentage, walking speed, and walking endurance were 33.2+/-7.3%, 1.7+/-0.3 m/s and 529.7+/-75.4 m, respectively. The phenotypic correlation between adiposity and walking speed was -0.32 and between adiposity and endurance it was -0.33. Genetic influences explained 80% of the association between adiposity and speed, and 65% of adiposity and walking endurance. Cross-trait genetic influences accounted for 12% of the variability in adiposity, 56% in walking speed, and 34% in endurance. Trait-specific genetic influences were also detected for adiposity (54%) and walking endurance (13%), but not speed. In conclusion, among community-living older women, an inverse association was found between adiposity and mobility that was mostly due to the effect of shared genes. This result suggests that the identification of genetic variants for body fat metabolism may also provide understanding of the development of mobility limitations in older women.  相似文献   



Streptococcus pneumoniae is a common colonizer of the human nasopharynx and one of the major pathogens causing invasive disease worldwide. Dissection of the molecular pathways responsible for colonization, invasion, and evasion of the immune system will provide new targets for antimicrobial or vaccine therapies for this common pathogen.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have constructed mutants lacking the pneumococcal cell wall hydrolases (CWHs) LytB and LytC to investigate the role of these proteins in different phases of the pneumococcal pathogenesis. Our results show that LytB and LytC are involved in the attachment of S. pneumoniae to human nasopharyngeal cells both in vitro and in vivo. The interaction of both proteins with phagocytic cells demonstrated that LytB and LytC act in concert avoiding pneumococcal phagocytosis mediated by neutrophils and alveolar macrophages. Furthermore, C3b deposition was increased on the lytC mutant confirming that LytC is involved in complement evasion. As a result, the lytC mutant showed a reduced ability to successfully cause pneumococcal pneumonia and sepsis. Bacterial mutants lacking both LytB and LytC showed a dramatically impaired attachment to nasopharyngeal cells as well as a marked degree of attenuation in a mouse model of colonization. In addition, C3b deposition and phagocytosis was more efficient for the double lytB lytC mutant and its virulence was greatly impaired in both systemic and pulmonary models of infection.


This study confirms that the CWHs LytB and LytC of S. pneumoniae are essential virulence factors involved in the colonization of the nasopharynx and in the progress of invasive disease by avoiding host immunity.  相似文献   

Impulsivity describes the tendency of an individual to act prematurely without foresight and is associated with a number of neuropsychiatric co-morbidities, including drug addiction. As such, there is increasing interest in the neurobiological mechanisms of impulsivity, as well as the genetic and environmental influences that govern the expression of this behaviour. Tests used on rodent models of impulsivity share strong parallels with tasks used to assess this trait in humans, and studies in both suggest a crucial role of monoaminergic corticostriatal systems in the expression of this behavioural trait. Furthermore, rodent models have enabled investigation of the causal relationship between drug abuse and impulsivity. Here, we review the use of rodent models of impulsivity for investigating the mechanisms involved in this trait, and how these mechanisms could contribute to the pathogenesis of addiction.  相似文献   

Although a few hundred single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) suffice to infer close familial relationships, high density genome-wide SNP data make possible the inference of more distant relationships such as 2nd to 9th cousinships. In order to characterize the relationship between genetic similarity and degree of kinship given a timeframe of 100–300 years, we analyzed the sharing of DNA inferred to be identical by descent (IBD) in a subset of individuals from the 23andMe customer database (n = 22,757) and from the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP-CEPH, n = 952). With data from 121 populations, we show that the average amount of DNA shared IBD in most ethnolinguistically-defined populations, for example Native American groups, Finns and Ashkenazi Jews, differs from continentally-defined populations by several orders of magnitude. Via extensive pedigree-based simulations, we determined bounds for predicted degrees of relationship given the amount of genomic IBD sharing in both endogamous and ‘unrelated’ population samples. Using these bounds as a guide, we detected tens of thousands of 2nd to 9th degree cousin pairs within a heterogenous set of 5,000 Europeans. The ubiquity of distant relatives, detected via IBD segments, in both ethnolinguistic populations and in large ‘unrelated’ populations samples has important implications for genetic genealogy, forensics and genotype/phenotype mapping studies.  相似文献   

Question: How can we disentangle facilitation and seed dispersal from environmental heterogeneity as mechanisms causing spatial associations of plant species? Location: Semi‐arid savanna in the Kimberley Thorn Bushveld, South Africa. Methods: We developed a two‐step protocol for the statistical differentiation of association‐promoting mechanisms in plants based on the Acacia erioloba–Grewia flava association. Individuals of the savanna shrub G. flava and the tree A. erioloba were mapped on four study plots. Disentangling the mechanism causing the association of G. flava and A. erioloba involved tests of three spatial and one non‐spatial null model. The spatial null models include homogeneous and heterogeneous Poisson processes for spatial randomness based on the bivariate spatial point patterns of the four plots. With the non‐spatial analysis, we determined the relationship between the canopy diameter of A. erioloba trees and presence or absence of G. flava shrubs in the tree understorey to find whether shrub presence requires a minimum tree canopy diameter. Results: We first showed a significant positive spatial association of the two species. Thereafter, the non‐spatial analysis supported an exclusion of environmental heterogeneity as the sole cause of this positive association. We found a minimum tree size under which no G. flava shrubs occurred. Conclusions: Our two‐step analysis showed that it is unlikely that heterogeneous environmental conditions caused the spatial association of A. erioloba and G. flava. Instead, this association may have been caused by seed dispersal and/or facilitation (e.g. caused by hydraulic lift and/or nitrogen fixation by the host tree).  相似文献   

The present study aimed to dissect tree architectural plasticity into genetic, ontogenetic and environmental effects over the first 4 years of growth of an apple F1 progeny by means of quantitative traits loci (QTL) mapping. Both growth and branching processes were phenotyped on the consecutive annual shoots of different axes within a tree. For each studied trait, predicted values (best linear unbiased predictors, BLUPs) of the genotypic (G) effect or its interaction with tree age (G×A) and climatic year (G×Y) were extracted from mixed linear models of repeated data. These BLUPs, which are independent from autocorrelations between repeated measurements, were used for QTL mapping. QTL detection power was improved by this two-step approach. For each architectural process, numerous QTLs were detected and some particularly interesting co-localised in common genomic regions, for internode lengthening, top diameter, and number and percentage of axillary shoots. When several QTLs were detected for a given trait, global models were estimated, which explained a maximum of 40% of the total variance for both internode length and top diameter and 28% for branching. QTLs detected for BLUPs of G×Y effects were interpreted as resulting from the interaction between genetic maximal potential of growth and climatic factors, while those for G×A effects were interpreted in relation to tree ontogeny. Most of the latter ones were found to be concomitant with key development stages during which the trait average started to decrease, but with different magnitudes depending on genotype. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It is often considered that reduced genetic variation due to bottlenecks and founder effects limits the capacity for species to establish in new environments and subsequently spread. The recent invasion (during the past five years) of an alien whitefly, one member of Bemisia tabaci cryptic species complex, referred to as Mediterranean (herein referred to as Q-type) in Shandong Province, China, provides an ideal opportunity to study the changes in genetic variation between its home range in the Mediterranean region and its invasion range. Using both the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) and nuclear (microsatellite) DNA, we show that Q in Shandong likely originated in the western Mediterranean. We also found that the haplotype diversity was low compared with its presumed geographic origin, whereas microsatellite allele diversity showed no such decline. A key factor in invasions is the establishment of females and so bottleneck and founder events can lead to a very rapid and considerable loss of mitochondrial diversity. The lack of haplotype diversity in Shandong supports the interpretation that, at one or more points between the western Mediterranean and China, the invading Q lost haplotype diversity, most probably through the serial process of establishment and redistribution through trade in ornamental plants. However, the loss in haplotype diversity does not necessarily mean that nuclear allelic diversity should also decline. Provided females can mate freely with whichever males are available, allelic diversity can be maintained or even increased relative to the origin of the invader. Our findings may offer some explanation to the apparent paradox between the concept of reduced genetic variation limiting adaptation to new environments and the observed low diversity in successful invaders.  相似文献   

We set out to establish root cultures of a host plant with the aim of obtaining dual cultures of Tuber melanosporum mycorrhiza on transformed roots. Seedlings of Cistus incanus germinated under sterile conditions from seeds collected in the wild were treated with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Nine hairy roots collected from different seedlings were cultured individually by repeated subculturing. The hairy root clones differed in growth rates and in morphology (branching frequency and distance between side roots). Root growth in a liquid medium exhibited a lag phase of about 2 weeks and an exponential phase lasting about 12 days before the start of the stationary phase. Hairy roots could be kept alive on medium M, a special solid minimal medium (low in Fe2+, BO43-, Ca2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, very low in PO43- and lacking MoO42-, NH4+ and Co2+), for more than 7 months. T. melanosporum could be grown on the same medium for long periods only by subculturing the fungus with the roots. A mycorrhizal association developed between the roots and the T. melanosporum mycelium within 3 months. The association consisted of elongated roots with a mantle and a Hartig net surrounding two to three layers of cortical cells. Swollen, club-like root tips were discernible 5 months after inoculation. The mycorrhized roots could be subcultured and propagated on medium M and maintain the mycorrhizal association.  相似文献   

An important mechanism of speciation for specialized phytophagous insects is host-associated differentiation, in which natural selection drives the evolution of reproductive isolation. Here we use molecular population genetics data to test the hypothesis that regional and local specialization on three alternate hosts restricts gene flow in the Mitoura gryneus species complex of butterflies. Over half of the variation in mitochondrial DNA sequences is explained by host plant association (?CT = 0.57, P = 0.002) consistent with the hypothesis of host-associated divergence on the three hosts. AFLP analyses revealed the number of clusters of individuals was K = 2, with all individuals associated with one host grouping separately from all other host-associated individuals. Combined with previous experimental results, these findings present evidence of varying levels of differentiation among host associations and identify a role for both isolation in allopatry as well as ecological factors in limiting gene exchange. The Mitoura species complex includes multiple, differentiated lineages at varying stages of divergence, providing an opportunity to examine the multifarious mechanisms that generate biodiversity in phytophagous insects.  相似文献   

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