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The Bischof-Köhler hypothesis posits that nonhuman animals cannot plan for future motivational states that differ from a current state. [Naqshbandi, M., Roberts, W.A., 2006. Anticipation of future events in squirrel monkeys Samiri scireus and rats Rattus norvegicus: tests of the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis. J. Comp. Psychol. 120, 345–357] found that two squirrel monkeys that were not thirsty at the time of choice reversed their preference for a larger amount of food when choice of a smaller amount alleviated future thirst. This apparent anticipation of future thirst contradicts the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis. We used the methods described by Naqshbandi and Roberts with rhesus monkey subjects and found that the monkeys did not alter their behavior in anticipation of future thirst. To assess which factors enhance and inhibit the ability to express planning, we then systematically modified the experimental design in four subsequent experiments and found that monkeys that were not thirsty acted to alleviate future thirst only when the delay between their behavior and the contingent outcome was brief. Taken together these results suggest that the inability of rhesus monkeys to display planning resulted from their inability to learn behavior-outcome associations across long-delay intervals as would be expected from traditional accounts of operant learning, rather than from failure to anticipate future motivational states as posited by the Bischof-Köhler hypothesis.  相似文献   

The stimulation of sexual behavior by a synthetic mixture of volatile aliphatic acids (acetic, propanoic, methylpropanoic, butanoic, methylbutanoic, methylpentanoic) was studied in male rhesus monkeys. Twelve intact adult males and 12 long-ovariectomized adult females were used in 24 paired combinations (541 tests each of 1 hr). A mixture of authentic acids similar to that found in the vaginal secretions of estrogenized females was applied to the sexual skin area of ovariectomized females immediately before tests with males. There was marked between-pair variability during the application of both control and test substances. However, using rigorous behavioral criteria, there was a well-marked stimulation either of male mounting attempts or of ejaculations in 12 of 24 pairs involving 9 of 12 males. Three males responded with both female partners, three responded with neither female partner, and six responded with one partner only. In the responding pairs, there were highly significant increases in mounting attempts and ejaculations, an effect that could be attributed only to treatment. We conclude, therefore, that these aliphatic acids (copulins), which act via olfactory pathways, have communicatory significance in rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

To determine whether sperm derived from the vas deferens could be retrieved and successfully cryopreserved, testes were collected from 20 rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). The males ranged in age from 3 to 19 yr with an average age of 8.5 yr. No sperm was obtained from three animals that were younger than 4 yr. The remaining 17 samples contained sperm with an average sperm cell number of 421.8 ± 88.7 × 106 and an average motility of 72.8 ± 4.4%. After 24 h of culture in TALP medium at 37 °C in 5% CO2 and 95% air, the overall motility decreased significantly in all samples regardless of treatment. Freezing in TEST (TES-Tris buffer)-yolk buffer containing 6% (vol/vol) glycerol had a significant effect on sperm, reducing the immediate postthaw motility to 42.4% in nontreated samples. Treatment with dibutyryl-cAMP and caffeine further reduced sperm motility after 4 h in fresh sperm (72.8% vs. 50.4%) but increased motility in sperm that had been frozen (14.0% vs. 23.2%). The age of the male did not influence sperm concentration or grade but proved to be a significant factor in determining motility of frozen-thawed treated sperm, with lower motility found in samples from older males. Overall, the study demonstrates that motile sperm can be obtained from postmortem males, although subsequent studies will be needed to determine whether the quality is sufficient to facilitate its use in assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

The relationship between dominance rank and female sexual behaviour was examined in rheusus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) living in a social group. High-ranking females engaged in copulatory series as frequently as lower-ranking females. Furthermore, lower-ranking females copulated with as many available males as did high-ranking females. Social rank did appear to influence the pattern of sexual activity exhibited, in that copulatory series were more often initiated by the higher-ranking animal of the mating pair. Copulatory series involving high-ranking females were characterized by more mounts by males and were longer in duration. Higher-ranking animals interfered more often with copulatory series involving other animals, but such interference was not effective in preventing completion of the series. These data indicate that any reproductive advantage conferred to high-ranking females is not the result of sexual competition in social-living rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of eight adult female rhesus monkeys, living in a captive social group, was studied prior to and during a breeding season extended by vasectomizing all the adult males in the group. Female reproductive status was ascertained by: recording all adult female-adult male copulations, detecting menstruation by vaginal swabbing, and analyzing serum progesterone levels by radioimmunoassay. Females were more aggressive during the follicular stage of their menstrual cycle than the luteal stage or during the period prior to the onset of seasonal ovarian activity. Increases in aggression were limited to increases in the milder forms of agonistic behavior, primarily threatening gestures. Although the females showed their highest rates of noncontact aggressive response categories during the follicular stage, several showed highest rates of contact aggressive response categories in the precycling period.  相似文献   

To determine the lowest doses of testosterone propionate (TP) that cause clearcut behavioral changes in castrated male rhesus monkeys (behavioral thresholds), observations were made on eight males during successive 4-week treatment periods while they received daily doses of TP ranging from 25 μg to 12.8 mg subcutaneously. Males were tested with each of the same four ovariectomized females (32 pairs, 1408 one-hour behavior tests). Two females were untreated and the other two received either 5 or 15 μg estradiol benzoate sc per day. TP injections were given at 1600 hr, and plasma samples were obtained at 0800 hr (352 samples). Individual males had widely different behavioral thresholds from 50 μg up to 3.2 mg TP per day. Males showed two types of response: A, a graded increase in ejaculatory activity as plasma testosterone values increased, and B, an all-or-none type of response in which there were ho further increases in ejaculation with increasing plasma levels once the behavioral threshold had been reached. At levels below the physiological range, small changes in plasma testosterone were associated with marked changes in behavior. The female partner exerted a pronounced effect upon the responses of males to TP treatment.  相似文献   

2013年8至12月,对陕西省米仓山国家级自然保护区境内野生猕猴的种群数量及其社会结构进行调查,并估测该物种栖息环境的偏好性。通过在预先选取的样区域内采用"V"型路线调查法调查,发现该区域生活12群,共有460—500只野生猕猴。结合对其中5个猴群长时间的持续跟踪观察,统计得出成年个体占45.93%,未成年个体占34.45%,幼仔占19.61%,成年与未成年比例为1.33,成年雄雌的比例为0.36。并证实猕猴倾向于选择海拔700—1600m裸露的悬崖峭壁、平缓山坡农田带上缘、灌丛-森林带和半山中部及以上区域的阔叶林带下缘活动。  相似文献   

Data on the rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of Cayo Santiago demonstrate both intergroup and seasonal variability in spatial defence. Of the five groups only one defends an area, and only during the birth season. The four non-defensive groups share two feeding stations and live in such close proximity that spatial defence would require high outputs of energy. In contrast, the group that maintains an exclusive area has its own feeding station and lives in semi-isolation on an easily defensible end of the island. Its defence of this end of the island during the birth season provides a protected area for infants and assures the group exclusive access to flowering and fruiting plants. Relaxation of this defensive behaviour during the mating season maximizes opportunities for intergroup matings.  相似文献   

The nutrient content and fatty acid composition of vervet monkey milk has been determined and is compared with rhesus macaque, and two hominoid apes, the white handed gibbon and gorilla. With 15.7 ± 4.1 g protein, 33.1 ± 9.4 g fat, and 85.1 ± 7.5 g lactose per kg milk, vervet monkey milk does not differ from that of rhesus macaque, and is within the range of other primates. Small amounts (> 1 g kg− 1) of oligosaccharides, glucose, galactose and fucose were noted. In comparison, gorilla milk has a low fat content of 13.8 g kg− 1, but contains high levels of oligosaccharides at 7.0 g kg− 1 milk. The hominoid partner, the white handed gibbon, contains no oligosaccharides and a milk fat content similar to other hominoid species. Differences between vervet monkey and rhesus macaque milks were observed in the electrophoretic pattern of the milk proteins, mainly amongst the κ- and γ-caseins, which also differ from that of the hominids. The fatty acid contents of these milks differ from studies where a natural diet of leafy material was available in that a low content of α-linolenic acid (18:3n−3) was noted. A phylogenetic effect is observed for the content of 8:0, 10:0 fatty acids between the Cercopithecidae and Hominoidea, and a further phylogenetic effect suggested between the Hylobatidae and Hominidae.  相似文献   

Analysis of social relations between adult males and immatures of known paternity in a captive group of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) revealed that fathers and offspring associated significantly more than other male-immature dyads. This association was highly variable, however, and there was no evidence of active preference for or investment in offspring by fathers. The tendency of offspring to approach fathers more often than other males appeared to account for the pattern of selective association. Preferential father-offspring association occurred whether or not mothers were in proximity to fathers, but mothers' associations with males did predict their offspring's, especially for the younger juveniles and the infants. It is possible that long-term social relationships between mothers and fathers lead to father-offspring association, but a year-to-year pattern of shifting mating preferences in the group weakens this hypothesis.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that in a simple pair test situation the expression of adult male sexual behavior by rhesus monkeys depends on both prenatal (organizational) and adult (activational) androgen exposure. In the present study we used a more complex social situation (trio tests) to evaluate the behavior of males, females, and female pseudohermaphrodites. In these trio tests, the experimental subjects were tested with two estrogenized stimulus females simultaneously. Sex differences in behavior were made apparent by this complex testing situation that could not have emerged in the pair test. Gonadectomized males and female pseudohermaphrodites, but not ovariectomized females that were concurrently receiving TP, exhibited increased male sexual behavior in trio tests compared to pair tests. In trio tests, the males and pseudohermaphrodites showed evidence of partner preference by interacting almost exclusively with one of the two stimulus females. These "preferred females" in turn were responsible for the majority of the proceptive behavior exhibited in these tests. Ovariectomized females rarely displayed male sexual behavior in either test situation. These results further support the hypothesis that prenatal androgen exposure predisposes monkeys to exhibit masculine behavior traits when they reach adulthood and are exposed to the activational influences of androgens.  相似文献   

Do monkeys anchor their numerical judgments based on the context in which their choices are presented? We addressed this question by varying the numerical range across sessions while macaque monkeys made ordinal judgments. Monkeys were trained to make a conditional discrimination whereby they were reinforced for ordering arrays of dots in ascending or descending numerical order, dependent on a color cue. Monkeys were tested using two ranges of numerosities that converged on a single pair. Similar to the findings of Cantlon and Brannon (2005), we found a semantic congruity effect whereby decision time was systematically influenced by the congruity between the cue (ascending or descending) and the relative Numerical Magnitude of the stimuli within each range. Furthermore, monkeys showed a context effect, such that decision time for a given pair was dependent on whether it was a relatively small or large set of values compared to the other values presented in that session. This finding suggests that, similar to humans, the semantic congruity effect observed in monkeys is anchored by the context. Thus our data provide further evidence for the existence of a shared numerical comparison process in monkeys and humans.  相似文献   

An all-male rhesus group was added to a second group, one animal at a time, at weekly intervals, in reverse order of their dominance ranks. Significant positive correlations prevailed for the host group dominance ranks throughout the study, but the dominance ranks of the introduced males were random with respect to their original ranks. A second experiment repeatedly introduced the alpha and beta males of a multi-male heterosexual group into a second group where they were the lowest-ranking animals. On each return they reclaimed alpha and beta positions. When the alpha and beta males of the second group were introduced to the first group, they became the lowest-ranking animals in the group. Reversal of the direction of introduction again demonstrated that relative ranks were dependent on the social context.  相似文献   

Social contact between two groups of rhesus monkeys within tunnel-connected enclosures affected the frequency of aggressive interaction within each group. Contact decreased aggression within the subordinate group but increased it within the dominant group. When the dominance relationship between the two groups was experimentally reversed the effect of contact on intragroup aggression correspondingly reversed.  相似文献   

Systematic observations were made on 12 measures of the sexual, aggressive, and social interactions of 24 male–female pairs of rhesus monkeys in six social groups, each consisting of one male and four ovariectomized females tested in a large room. Each female in a group was treated in turn first with estradiol alone and then with estradiol and progesterone in combination. When hormone-treated, the female was also observed during pair tests with the male in the same large observation room (four males, eight females, 240 group tests, 240 pair tests). The dominance ranks of females during group tests were determined post hoc by means of the dominance index [Zumpe & Michael, American Journal of Primatology 10:291–300, 1986]. In all six groups, the most dominant female virtually monopolized the male, and the subordinate females' interactions with the male, assessed during pair tests, were almost completely suppressed during group tests. This “dominant female effect” was a robust phenomenon that depended solely on female dominance rank. It was independent of the identity and hormonal status of females and of the social preferences of males as expressed in pair tests. These findings demonstrate the existence of female mate competition in an Old World primate.  相似文献   

Each offspring born into three captive groups of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during the spring of 1981 was assigned (1) a most probable behavioural father and (2) a subset of all possible behavioural fathers, on the basis of intensive observations of sexual activity during the 1980 fall breeding season. These predictions were then compared with true paternity determined by electrophoretic and serological analyses of polymorphic blood proteins of mothers, infants, and all adult and subadult males. Coincidence between the assignments of paternity based upon behavioural and biochemical data occurred no more frequently than chance would allow. Furthermore, there were no significant relationships between biochemical and behavioural rankings of overall reproductive success. It was concluded that conventional estimates of sexual activity during the breeding season are not a reliable indicator of true paternity and relative reproductive success in rhesus macaques.  相似文献   

Significant differences exist in the frequencies with which age-sex classes of rhesus macaques engage in agonistic interactions with other age-sex classes. In the study reported here, individuals engaged in significantly more agonistic interactions within their own age-sex classes, but, adult females also showed significantly more aggression toward infants and young females whereas adult males directed significantly more aggression toward adolescent males. Infants directed aggression toward infants of both sexes, but adults showed significantly less aggression toward adults of the opposite sex. These findings are hypothesized to reflect (1) competitive conflict among those individuals in the group most similar to each other (members of the same age-sex class); (2) the protection and socialization of offspring by adult females; and (3) the modification of adolescent male aggressive expression by the selective interference of adult males. As a consequence of adult response to the agonistic behavior of adolescent males, maturing males (1) selectively target other older males, avoid aggression against females and immatures; (2) form alliances with other males; and (3) become progressively isolated from their matrilines.  相似文献   

I report three cases of coalitionary aggression by adult male black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) against subadult males within their community on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama. Two of these cases were followed by the disappearance and presumed death of the victim. Similar behavior was recently reported by Valero et al. [in press], who suggested that this behavior may be the result of intense male reproductive competition. Like the single instance they reported, the cases I report all occurred when the operational sex ratio was approximately 1:1, which suggests that intense competition among males for access to reproductively viable females may be a contributing factor. Additionally the very low density of spider monkeys on BCI may play a significant role in the occurrence of this lethal aggression. Large numbers of adult males are not necessary to protect a territorial boundary against neighboring groups, and additional males may act merely as mating competition.  相似文献   

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