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Intimin is a bacterial adhesion molecule involved in intimate attachment of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli to mammalian host cells. Intimin targets the translocated intimin receptor (Tir), which is exported by the bacteria and integrated into the host cell plasma membrane. In this study we localized the Tir-binding region of intimin to the C-terminal 190 amino acids (Int190). We have also determined the region's high-resolution solution structure, which comprises an immunoglobulin domain that is intimately coupled to a novel C-type lectin domain. This fragment, which is necessary and sufficient for Tir interaction, defines a new super domain in intimin that exhibits striking structural similarity to the integrin-binding domain of the Yersinia invasin and C-type lectin families. The extracellular portion of intimin comprises an articulated rod of immunoglobulin domains extending from the bacterium surface, conveying a highly accessible 'adhesive tip' to the target cell. The interpretation of NMR-titration and mutagenesis data has enabled us to identify, for the first time, the binding site for Tir, which is located at the extremity of the Int190 moiety.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) induce characteristic attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions on epithelial cells. This event is mediated, in part, by binding of the bacterial outer membrane protein, intimin, to a second EPEC protein, Tir (translocated intimin receptor), which is exported by the bacteria and integrated into the host cell plasma membrane. In this study, we have localized the intimin-binding domain of Tir to a central 107-amino-acid region, designated Tir-M. We provide evidence that both the amino- and carboxy-termini of Tir are located within the host cell. In addition, using immunogold labelling electron microscopy, we have confirmed that intimin can bind independently to host cells even in the absence of Tir. This Tir-independent interaction and the ability of EPEC to induce A/E lesions requires an intact lectin-like module residing at the carboxy-terminus of the intimin polypeptide. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and gel overlays, we show that intimin can bind both Tir and Tir-M even when the lectin-like domain is disrupted. These data provide strong evidence that intimin interacts not only with Tir but also in a lectin-like manner with a host cell intimin receptor.  相似文献   

Bundle-forming pili (BFP) are essential for the full virulence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) because they are required for localized adherence to epithelial cells and auto-aggregation. We report the high resolution structure of bundlin, the monomer of BFP, solved by NMR. The structure reveals a new variation in the topology of type IVb pilins with significant differences in the composition and relative orientation of elements of secondary structure. In addition, the structural parameters of native BFP filaments were determined by electron microscopy after negative staining. The solution structure of bundlin was assembled according to these helical parameters to provide a plausible atomic resolution model for the BFP filament. We show that EPEC and Vibriocholerae type IVb pili display distinct differences in their monomer subunits consistent with data showing that bundlin and TcpA cannot complement each other, but assemble into filaments with similar helical organization.  相似文献   

Stool specimens of patients with diarrhea or other gastrointestinal alterations who were admitted to Xeral-Calde Hospital (Lugo, Spain) were analyzed for the prevalence of typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Atypical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp-) were detected in 105 (5.2%) of 2015 patients, whereas typical EPEC strains (eae+ bfp+) were identified in only five (0.2%) patients. Atypical EPEC strains were (after Salmonella) the second most frequently recovered enteropathogenic bacteria. In this study, 110 EPEC strains were characterized. The strains belonged to 43 O serogroups and 69 O:H serotypes, including 44 new serotypes not previously reported among human EPEC. However, 29% were of one of three serogroups (O26, O51, and O145) and 33% belonged to eight serotypes (O10:H-, O26:H11, O26:H-, O51:H49, O123:H19, O128:H2, O145:H28, and O145:H-). Only 14 (13%) could be assigned to classical EPEC serotypes. Fifteen intimin types, namely, alpha1 (6 strains), alpha2 (4 strains), beta1 (34 strains), xiR/b2 (6 strains), gamma1 (13 strains), gamma2/q (16 strains), delta/k (5 strains), epsilon1 (9 strains), nuR/e2 (5 strains), zeta (6 strains), iota1 (1 strain), muR/iota2 (1 strain), nuB (1 strain), xiB (1 strain), and o (2 strains), were detected among the 110 EPEC strains, but none of the strains was positive for intimin types mu1, mu2, lambda, or muB. In addition, in atypical EPEC strains of serotypes O10:H-, O84:H-, and O129:H-, two new intimin genes (eae-nuB and eae-o) were identified. These genes showed less than 95% nucleotide sequence identity with existing intimin types. Phylogenetic analysis revealed six groups of closely related intimin genes: (i) alpha1, alpha2, zeta, nuB, and o; (ii) iota1 and muR/iota2; (iii) beta1, xiR/beta2B, delta/beta2O, and kappa; (iv) epsilon1, xiB, eta1,eta2, and nuR/epsilon2; (v) gamma1, muB, gamma2, and theta; and (vi) lambda. These results indicate that atypical EPEC strains belonging to large number of serotypes and with different intimin types might be frequently isolated from human clinical stool samples in Spain.  相似文献   

Aims: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) against intimin in the detection of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli isolates using immunoblotting. Methods and Results: Polyclonal and Mabs against the intimin‐conserved region were raised, and their reactivities were compared in enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) isolates using immunoblotting analysis. In comparison with rat antiserum, rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction had a stronger recognition pattern to a wide spectrum of intimin types in different EPEC and EHEC serotypes. On the other hand, murine monoclonal IgG2b specific to intimin, with dissociation constant of 1·3 × 10?8 mol l?1, failed in the detection of some of these isolates. Conclusion: All employed antibodies showed 100% specificity, not reacting with any of the eae‐negative isolates. The sensitivity range was according to the employed antisera, and 97% for rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction, followed by 92% and 78% sensitivity with rat antisera and Mab. Significance and Impact of the Study: The rabbit anti‐intimin IgG‐enriched fraction in immunoblotting analysis is a useful tool for EPEC and EHEC diagnoses.  相似文献   

Abstract Enteropathogenic strains of faecal Escherichia coli produced significantly ( P < 0.01) more maltase than the non-pathogenic strains of the organism. The enzyme was induced by maltose but repressed by glucose and fructose. The maltase was partially purified by ammonium sulphate precipitation, followed by dialysis and gel permeation chromatography. The partially purified maltase had an M r of 144500 and an apparent K m of approx. 7.6 mM for maltose. The enzyme was stimulated by Ca2+, inhibited by Cu2+, Hg2+, Uo2+, IAA and EDTA, and exhibited optimum activity at pH 6.5 at 30°C.  相似文献   

Attaching and effacing rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (REPEC) of the O103 serogroup adhere diffusely on HeLa cells and trigger a slow progressive cytopathic effect (CPE) characterized by the recruitment of vinculin and the assembly of actin stress fibres. In contrast to REPEC O103, the reference human EPEC strain E2348/69 is unable to trigger the CPE. In this study, we have shown first that the fimbrial adhesin AF/R2, which mediates the diffuse adhesion of REPEC O103, was not sufficient to induce the CPE capability upon E2348/69. Non-polar mutants of REPEC O103 for espA , espB , espD and eae were then constructed. The four mutants were unable to induce attaching and effacing lesions in the rabbit ileal loop model. The esp mutants were no longer able to induce the CPE, whereas the eae mutant still induced the CPE. Each espA , - B , - D mutant could be fully complemented in trans by the corresponding cloned esp genes from both the parental strain and the CPE-negative E2348/69 strain, indicating that no single esp encodes the information needed to confer the CPE phenotype. In conclusion, the CPE is the first example of an Esp-dependent but Eae (intimin)-independent alteration of the host cell cytoskeleton by certain EPEC strains.  相似文献   

When enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) attach and infect host cells, they induce a cytoskeletal rearrangement and the formation of cytoplasmic columns of actin filaments called pedestals. The attached EPEC and pedestals move over the surface of the host cell in an actin-dependent reaction [Sanger et al., 1996: Cell Motil Cytoskeleton 34:279-287]. The discovery that EPEC inserts the protein, translocated intimin receptor (Tir), into the membrane of host cells, where it binds the EPEC outer membrane protein, intimin [Kenny et al., 1997: Cell 91:511-520], suggests Tir serves two functions: tethering the bacteria to the host cell and providing a direct connection to the host's cytoskeleton. The sequence of Tir predicts a protein of 56.8 kD with three domains separated by two predicted trans-membrane spanning regions. A GST-fusion protein of the N-terminal 233 amino acids of Tir (Tir1) binds to alpha-actinin, talin, and vinculin from cell extracts. GST-Tir1 also coprecipitates purified forms of alpha-actinin, talin, and vinculin while GST alone does not bind these three focal adhesion proteins. Biotinylated probes of these three proteins also bound Tir1 cleaved from GST. Similar associations of alpha-actinin, talin, and vinculin were also detected with the C-terminus of Tir, i.e., Tir3, the last 217 amino acids. Antibody staining of EPEC-infected cultured cells reveals the presence of focal adhesion proteins beneath the attached bacteria. Our experiments support a model in which the cytoplasmic domains of Tir recruit a number of focal adhesion proteins that can bind actin filaments to form pedestals. Since pedestals also contain villin, tropomyosin and myosin II [Sanger et al., 1996: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 34:279-287], the pedestals appear to be a novel structure sharing properties of both focal adhesions and microvilli.  相似文献   

Few interactions have been reported between effectors and components of the type III secretion apparatus, although many interactions have been demonstrated between type III effectors and their cognate chaperones. It is thought that chaperones may play a role in directing effectors to the type III secretion apparatus. The ATPase FliI in the flagellar assembly apparatus plays a pivotal role in interacting with other components of the apparatus and with substrates of the flagellar system. We performed experiments to determine if there were any interactions between the effector Tir and its chaperone CesT and the type III secretion apparatus of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Specifically, based on analogies with the flagella system, we examined Tir-CesT interactions with the putative ATPase EscN. We showed by affinity chromatography that EscN and Tir bind CesT specifically. Tir is not necessary for CesT and EscN interactions, and EscN binds Tir specifically without its chaperone CesT. Moreover, Tir directly binds EscN, as shown via gel overlay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and coimmunoprecipitation experiments revealed that Tir interacts with EscN inside EPEC. These data provide evidence for direct interactions between a chaperone, effector, and type III component in the pathogenic type III secretion system and suggest a model for Tir translocation whereby its chaperone, CesT, brings Tir to the type III secretion apparatus by specifically interacting with the type III ATPase EscN.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) infects intestinal epithelial cells and perturbs the intestinal barrier that limits the paracellular movement of molecules. The disruption of the barrier is mediated by the effectors translocated into the host cells through the bacterial type III secretion system (TTSS). A previous report has described the importance of a bacterial outer membrane protein, intimin, in EPEC-mediated disruption of the barrier, and proposed that intimin, in concert with a host intimin receptor, controls the activity of the translocated barrier-disrupting effectors [P. Dean, B. Kenny, Intestinal barrier dysfunction by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli is mediated by two effector molecules and a bacterial surface protein, Mol. Microbiol. 54 (2004) 665-675]. In this study, we found that the importance of intimin is in its ability to bind a bacterial intimin receptor, Tir. Additionally, the impaired ability of an intimin-negative mutant was not restored by co-infection with intimin-expressing TTSS mutants. Collectively, the results in this study favor an alternative scenario explaining the importance of intimin, that the binding of intimin with Tir on the bacterial surface triggers or promotes the translocation of factors required for the efficient disruption of the barrier. Thus, the interaction of intimin with Tir may serve as a molecular switch that controls the delivery of virulence factors into the host cells.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EHEC and EPEC, respectively) strains represent a major global health problem. Their virulence is mediated by the concerted activity of an array of virulence factors including toxins, a type III protein secretion system (TTSS), pili, and others. We previously showed that EPEC O127 forms a group 4 capsule (G4C), and in this report we show that EHEC O157 also produces a G4C, whose assembly is dependent on the etp, etk, and wzy genes. We further show that at early time points postinfection, these G4Cs appear to mask surface structures including intimin and the TTSS. This masking inhibited the attachment of EPEC and EHEC to tissue-cultured epithelial cells, diminished their capacity to induce the formation of actin pedestals, and attenuated TTSS-mediated protein translocation into host cells. Importantly, we found that Ler, a positive regulator of intimin and TTSS genes, represses the expression of the capsule-related genes, including etp and etk. Thus, the expression of TTSS and G4C is conversely regulated and capsule production is diminished upon TTSS expression. Indeed, at later time points postinfection, the diminishing capsule no longer interferes with the activities of intimin and the TTSS. Notably, by using the rabbit infant model, we found that the EHEC G4C is required for efficient colonization of the rabbit large intestine. Taken together, our results suggest that temporal expression of the capsule, which is coordinated with that of the TTSS, is required for optimal EHEC colonization of the host intestine.  相似文献   

3D structure of EspA filaments from enteropathogenic Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The type III secretion system (TTSS) is a modular apparatus assembled by many pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria and is designed to translocate proteins through the bacterial cell wall into the eukaryotic host cell. The conserved components of the TTSS comprise stacks of rings spanning the inner and outer bacterial membrane and a narrow, needle-like structure projecting outwards. The TTSS of enteropathogenic E. coli is unique in that one of the translocator proteins, EspA, polymerizes to form an extension to the needle complex which interacts with the host cell. In this study we present the 3D structure of EspA filaments to c. 26 A resolution determined from electron micrographs of negatively stained preparations by image processing. The structure comprises a helical tube with a diameter of 120 A enclosing a central channel of 25 A diameter through which effector proteins may be transported. The subunit arrangement corresponds to a one-start helix with 28 subunits present in five turns of the helix and an axial rise of 4.6 A per subunit. This is the first report of a 3D structure of a filamentous extension to the TTSS.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is characterized by the type III secretion system-dependent exploitation of target cells that results in attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions, actin rearrangements and pedestal formation. This pathology is mediated by effector proteins which are translocated by the type III secretion system into the host cell such as the translocated intimin receptor (Tir) and several E. coli secreted proteins (Esp). Secretion of virulence proteins of EPEC is tightly regulated. In response to Ca(2+), Esp secretion is drastically reduced, whereas secretion of Tir is increased. Membrane insertion of Tir, secreted under low Ca(2+) conditions, is therefore independent of Esp. Furthermore, espB and espD mutant strains of EPEC, unable to form the translocation pore, still translocate Tir into host cells membranes. This autointegrated Tir is functional, as it is able to complement a tir mutant strain in recruiting actin to bacterial contact sites. The uptake of Tir into the host cell appears to depend on the C-terminal part of the protein, as deletion of this part of Tir prevents autointegration. Together, our results demonstrate that under conditions of limited Ca(2+) an alternative mechanism for Tir integration can trigger the induction of A/E lesions.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) attach to the plasma membrane of infected host cells and induce diarrhea in a variety of farm animals as well in humans. These bacteria inject a three-domain protein receptor, Tir (translocated intimin receptor), that is subsequently inserted into the plasma membrane. EPEC induce the host cell to form membrane-covered actin-rich columns called pedestals. Focal adhesion constituents, alpha-actinin, talin, and vinculin, are localized along the length of the pedestals and we have previously reported they bind the two cytoplasmic domains of Tir, (Tir I and Tir III) [Freeman et al., 2000: Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 47:307-318]. In the present study, various constructs were made expressing different regions of these three focal adhesion proteins to determine which domains of the proteins bound Tir I. Three different assays were used to detect Tir I/host protein domain interactions. In co-precipitation assays, His-Tir I bound to the 27-kDa region of alpha-actinin; to four different domains of talin; and to the N-terminal domain of the vinculin head and the vinculin tail domain. A yeast two-hybrid analysis of Tir I and the various focal adhesion fusion proteins revealed a region near the C-terminus of talin was the only domain to interact with Tir I. Finally, to assess direct binding interactions, biotinylated Tir I was used in overlay assays and confirmed the binding of Tir I with the 27-kDa region of alpha-actinin, the four regions of talin, and the vinculin tail. These binding interactions between hostfocal adhesion proteins and EPEC Tir may facilitate the adhesion of EPEC to the host cell surface.  相似文献   

An overview of atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) pathotype is currently divided into two groups, typical EPEC (tEPEC) and atypical EPEC (aEPEC). The property that distinguishes these two groups is the presence of the EPEC adherence factor plasmid, which is only found in tEPEC. aEPEC strains are emerging enteropathogens that have been detected worldwide. Herein, we review the serotypes, virulence properties, genetic relationships, epidemiology, reservoir and diagnosis of aEPEC, including those strains not belonging to the classical EPEC serogroups (nonclassical EPEC serogroups). The large variety of serotypes and genetic virulence properties of aEPEC strains from nonclassical EPEC serogroups makes it difficult to determine which strains are truly pathogenic.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, a leading agent of infantile diarrhea worldwide, adheres to tissue culture cells in a pattern called "localized adherence." Localized adherence is associated with bundle-forming pili encoded by the plasmid bfpA gene, the product of which is homologous with the major structural subunit proteins of type IV fimbriae in other bacteria. Several of these proteins have been shown to be processed from a precursor by a specific prepilin peptidase. We cloned restriction fragments downstream of the bfpA gene into an E. coli-Pseudomonas aeruginosa shuttle vector and mobilized them into a P. aeruginosa prepilin peptidase (pilD) mutant. A plasmid containing a 1.3-kb PstI-BamHI fragment was able to complement the pilD mutation, as demonstrated by restoration of sensitivity to the pilus-specific bacteriophage PO4. The DNA sequence of this fragment revealed an open reading frame, designated bfpP, the predicted product of which is homologous to other prepilin peptidases, including TcpJ of Vibrio cholerae (30% identical amino acids), PulO of Klebsiella oxytoca (29%), and PilD of P. aeruginosa (28%). A bfpA::TnphoA mutant complemented with a bfpA-containing DNA fragment only partially processes the BfpA protein. When complemented with a larger fragment containing bfpP as well as bfpA, the mutant expresses the fully processed BfpA protein. P. aeruginosa PAK, but not a pilD mutant of PAK, expresses mature BfpA protein when the bfpA gene is mobilized into this strain. Thus, as in other type IV fimbria systems, enteropathogenic E. coli utilizes a specific prepilin peptidase to process the major subunit of the bundle-forming pilus. This prepilin petidase contains sequence and reciprocal functional homologies with the PilD protein of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

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