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There are great concerns about the increasing incidence of abnormalities in male reproductive function. Human sperm counts have markedly dropped, and the rate of testicular cancer has clearly increased over the past four decades. Moreover, the prevalence rates of cryptorchidism and hypospadias are also probably increasing. It has been hypothesized that all these adverse trends in male reproduction result from abnormalities in the development of the testis during foetal and neonatal life. Furthermore, many recent epidemiological, clinical and experimental data suggest that these male reproductive disorders could be due to xenobiotics termed endocrine disruptors, which are becoming more and more concentrated and prevalent in our environment. Among these endocrine disruptors, we chose to focus this review on phthalates for different reasons: 1) they are widespread in the environment; 2) their concentrations in many human biological fluids have been measured; 3) the experimental data using rodent models suggesting a reprotoxicity are numerous and are the most convincing; 4) their deleterious effects on the development and function of the rat foetal testis have been largely studied; 5) some epidemiological data in humans suggest a reprotoxic effect at environmental concentrations at least during neonatal life. However, the direct effects of phthalates on human foetal testis have never been explored. Thus, as we did for the rat in the 1990s, we recently developed and validated an organotypic culture system, which allows maintenance of the development of the different cell types of human foetal testis. In this system, the addition of 10?4 M MEHP (mono-2-ethylhexyl phthalate), the most produced phthalate, had no effect on basal or LH-stimulated production of testosterone, but it reduced the number of germ cells by increasing their apoptosis, without modifying their proliferation. This is the first experimental demonstration that phthalates alter the development of the foetal testis in humans. Using our organotypic culture system, it is interesting to compare these results obtained in humans with the response to MEHP in the mouse and the rat testes to analyse the relevance of toxicological tests based on rodent models.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2017,41(2):83-92
IntroductionRadionuclide ventriculography provides a reproducible measurement of the left ventricular fraction ejection (LVEF) but with a significant body radiation (effective dose of 5,9 mSv for the injection of 850 Mbq of 99mTc). The highly sensitive semi-conductor (CZT) cameras could allow decreasing the injected activity by a factor 3, similarly to that of myocardial perfusion imaging. Our study was aimed to determine whether the LVEF measurement provided by radionuclide ventriculography on the CZT D-SPECT camera is impacted by a 70% reduction in recorded counts.Materials and methodsAfter the in vivo labeling of red blood cells with 850 MBq of 99mTc, 49 patients completed a conventional 2D recording (Conv-2D) on Anger camera followed by a 3D recording on the D-SPECT camera (3D-100%). The CZT recordings of all projections were subsequently shortened to 30% of their initial durations (3D-30%) in order to assess the LVEF measured with a 70% reduction in recorded counts.ResultsMean LVEF values were 62.7 ± 11.1% on Conv-2D and higher on both 3D-100% (66.8 ± 14.8%, P < 0.001) and 3D-30% (66.3 ± 15.7%, P < 0.001). The correlation coefficients with the LVEF determined with the reference Conv-2D method were equivalents for 3D-100% (r2 = 0.73) and 3D-30% (r2 = 0.70) and with a similar level of overestimation for the highest LEVF values.ConclusionA 70% reduction in recorded counts does not significantly impact the LVEF measured with radionuclide ventriculography on the CZT D-SPECT camera. These values are coherent with those obtained with the reference 2D method but with a clear overestimation for the highest LVEF values.  相似文献   



To study the fertility of patients with testicular cancer.

Population and Method

The fertility of a consecutive series of 489 men treated for germ cell tumour of the testis in the Midi-Pyrénées region, between 1978 and 1998, was investigated by means of a questionnaire sent by mail to the patients. A participation rate of 95% was obtained.


Information concerning fertility was obtained for 446 men. 90.1% of patients who had tried to have children prior to their testicular cancer had succeeded, but only 61.8% of men were able to have a child after treatment of their cancer. Radiotherapy and surgery of residual masses appear to be more harmful to fertility than BOE chemotherapy.


The population of men treated for testicular cancer present a high risk of infertility, as the fertility of these men decreases by about 30% after treatment.  相似文献   

B. Le Rû  Y. Iziquel 《BioControl》1990,35(2):173-183
Résumé Cet article présente les résultats obtenus en 1987 sur des points non encore abordés précédemment dans le cadre de l'étude des circonstances épidémiologiques favorisant le déroulement de l'Entomophthorose àNeozygites fumosa (Speare) Remaudière et Keller, pathogène de la cochenille du maniocPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hom.: Pseudococcidae). Il montre notamment que l'évolution de la maladie, très rapide, correspond à la succession de 2 phases: une première phase, d'implantation, fortement liée à la taille et à la structure des colonies et une deuxième phase (épizootique au sens strict) indépendante de leur taille et de leur structure. Son évolution appara?t plus liée à la régularité des pluies qu'à la quantité d'eau. Les conditions sont très favorables quand l'humidité relative est supérieure à 90% pendant au moins 5 heures par jour de fa?on régulière. Le r?le important joué par la durée d'humectation du feuillage est montré ici pour la première fois. La densité des conidies du pathogène dans l'air est proportionnelle aux taux de mycose observés dans les populations deP. manihoti.   相似文献   



To study the fertility of patients treated for testicular cancer and to identify predictive factors of infertility after treatment.

Material and Methods

314 men with germ cell tumor, followed by the CECOS Midi-Pyrénées center between 1978 and 1998, were included in the study. They were evaluated retrospectively and interviewed by a mailed questionnaire concerning their reproductive history. If they failed to respond to the questionnaire, they were contacted twice by mail, and once by telephone. The response rate was 92%.


The reproductive history of 277 men was known: 138 men had tried to have a child. 91 (66%) succeeded and 47 (34%) failed to achieve a “spontaneous” pregnancy. Age greater than 25 (p<0.004), a history of undescended testis, and a sperm count lower than 10 million per ml were inversely correlated with fertility (p<0.004, p<0.01, p<0.0001, respectively). However, no relationship was found between radiotherapy or chemotherapy and fertility after treatment.


Men treated for testicular cancer are at high risk of infertility. We identified various prognostic factors for fertility after treatment for testicular cancer: radiotherapy and chemotherapy had no significant effect on fertility.  相似文献   

Résumé Le virus de la densonucléose (VDN) conserve une partie de sa virulence en solution aqueuse entre 0°C et 30°C pendant deux mois. Son pouvoir infectieux se maintient à—10°C pendant deux mois mais est supprimé après dix jours de dessication. On peut done considérer ceParvovirus d’Insectes comme un virus relativement résistant aux températures que l’on rencontre ordinairement dans la nature et au laboratoire.
Summary The persistence of DNV is described. This virus retains a part of its infectivity in aqueous solution between 0°C and 30°C. The log LD50 initially 7,15 drops to 2 after two months. The virus keeps its infectivity at 10°C but it loses all its pathogenicity after 10 days in dry conditions.

Ce travail a été réalisé en partie dans le cadre d’une convention I.N.R.A.-D.R.M.E.  相似文献   

We sent a questionnaire to 136 patients, treated between 1981 and 1993, to try to evaluate, retrospectively, fertility amongst patients following treatment for testicular cancer. From the 76 complete questionnaires, 56% of patients had fathered at least one child. After treatment, approximately 35% of patients were steriles. Treatment, in wich ever form, does not seem to influence fertility. Only 3 couples resorted to infertility treatment. There were 46 pregnancies in total, one of wich resulted from IVF, on average 4 years after the end of treatment for testicular cancer. A prospective study carried out in conjonction with the centre for study and conservation of sperm would seem to be neceessary to consolidate these findings.  相似文献   

P. Jouannet 《Andrologie》2012,22(1):10-19
The incidence of testicular cancer (TC) has a distinct geographic distribution but is increasing in most countries, including France. The most likely origin of TC is a lack of normal germ cell differentiation in the foetal testis. The maintained immature germ cells could proliferate after puberty to induce testicular tumor. Because of its frequent association with cryptorchidism and infertility, TC could be part of the testicular dysgenesis syndrome. The role of genetic factors is suggested by the frequency of familial TC cases, but no responsible gene has been clearly identified until now. Among the various studied genes, those regulating the KITLG/KIT pathway involved in primordial germ cell proliferation seem to play an important role. Studies made in immigrants and twins suggest the influence of environmental factors on the origin of TC. Hormonal deregulation occurring during prenatal life or puberty could facilitate the development of TC. However, the role of exogenous substances acting as endocrine disruptors has not been demonstrated yet.  相似文献   

The authors report the first case of pseudotumor of the spermatic cord in a patient presenting with an ectopic testis. On surgical exploration, a funicular mass overriding the testis was found, and histologic study of the specimen showed a pseudotumoral funiculitis. Through the analysis of this case and a review of the literature, we shall discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic features of rare paratesticular tumors.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous avons montré que des reines obtenues par double greffage ou hyper-reines sont élevées dans des cellules nettement plus grandes et beaucoup mieux acceptées par les Abeilles que les reines obtenues par simple greffage.En outre, les hyper-reines sont plus lourdes que les reines normales, si on considère l'ordre des éclosions successives.Elles ont aussi un nombre d'ovarioles plus important.Dès lors, il sera intéressant d'étudier systématiquement la ponte des deux sortes de reines et ainsi de vérifier si le nombre d'ovarioles plus élevé des hyper-reines correspond à une augmentation du taux de ponte.
Summary The results of these studies indicate that queens obtained after a double grafting (or Hyper-queens) are bred by the workers in higher and better adopted cells than queens obtained after a simple grafting.Besides, «Hyper-queens» are more weighty than the usual breeding queens, in relation to the order of the successive hatchings. They have also more ovarioles.Then, it will be interesting to study the egg-laying of each kind of queens, and so, to see if the number of the Hyper-queens'ovarioles is in relation to an increase in the rate of egg-laying.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Beitrag haben wir versucht, darzulegen, dass Königinnen, die man durch doppelte Uberpflanzung erzielt hat, oder sogenannte Hyperköniginnen, in Zellen erzogen werden, die entschieden grösser sind, und dass diese Königinnen von den Bienen viel leichter anerkannt werden als durch einfache Uberpflanzung erzeugte Königinnen. Dazu sind die Hyperköniginnen schwerer als die gewöhnlichen Königinnen, wenn man die Reinhenfolge der Ausschlüpfungen in Betracht zieht. Sie haben auch eine grössere Zahl Eischläuche.Im Rahmen der nächsten Forschungen wird es deshalb aufschlussreich sein, das Eierlegen der beiden Königinarten systematisch zu beobachten, und auf diese Weise nachzuprüfen, ob einer erhöhten Zahl Eischläuche bei den Hyperköniginnen ein erhöhtes Eierlegen entspricht.

Germ cell tumours of the testis represent a model of curable disease, even in advanced stages. Cisplatinbased combination chemotherapy followed by surgical removal of residual metastatic disease has dramatically improved the prognosis of these patients, as about 90% of them are currently cured. The standard cytotoxic drugs used in first-line treatment are bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (the so-called BEP regimen). Treatment strategy is based on assessment of risk factors. Three cycles are generally used in patients with advanced pure seminoma or good-risk metastatic non-seminomatous tumours. Four cycles are required in patients with intermediate-or poor-risk metastatic non-seminomatous tumours, while two cycles of BEP constitute a safe and effective treatment option in early-stage tumours but with a high-risk of metastatic spread defined by a high percentage of embryonal carcinoma and/or the presence of vascular invasion. Cure rates as high as 90% are achieved provided risk factor strategies are accurately applied and standard treatment modalities are respected. All protocol violations can decrease the expected efficacy or induce unnecessary toxicity.  相似文献   

Résumé Le rubidium et le césium introduits à l'état de chlorure dans le milieu de culture ont à faible dose un effet stimulant sur la croissance de Chara fragilis et de Chara vulgaris. La résistance de ces végétaux à l'action toxique des deux ions est accrue par l'addition de potassium au milieu.Les analyses chimiques confirment que le rubidium et le césium sont antagonistes vis-à-vis du potassium et du sodium alors qu'ils ne modifient pas de manière significative le taux de calcium.
Chara fragilis and Chara vulgaris were cultivated in a natural medium containing rubidium and caesium as chloride.The growth of Characeae was increased after culture in the solutions containing Rb and Cs in small amount. The resistance to the toxic effects of these two ions is enhanced if potassium chloride is added to the medium.Quantitative analyses indicate that Rb and Cs decrease the rate of Na and K but have no significative influence on the rate of Ca.
Université de Dijon, Laboratoire de Nutrition minérale des Végétaux  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont réussi à isoler, des couches superficielles du sol, 4 nouvelles souches deTrichophyton mentagrophytes. L'une de ces souches a été isolée de la terre qui se trouvait sous un abri pour le bois, dans la cour d'une maison à Bucarest. Cette souche avait provoqué une mycose (herpès circiné) à une femme qui s'en était contaminée en venant en contact avec le bois qui se trouvait dans le sus-dit abri. La seconde souche a été isolée d'un échantillon de terre de jardin, prélevé de la cour de l'hôpital Colentina à Bucarest. Une troisième souche a été trouvée dans un échantillon de terre qui avait été prélevé du jardin public d'une station balnéo-climatique de moyenne altitude. Enfin, une 4-ème souche a été trouvée dans un échantillon de terre de jardin, près d'une maison habitée à Bucarest. Les deux premières souches ont été inoculées avec succès, tant à l'homme, qu'au cobaye. Vu les résultats de leurs recherches, ainsi que la riche morphologie duTrichophyton mentagrophytes, indice d'un caractère plutôt saprophytique, les auteurs pensent que ce champignon doit être assez largement répandu dans le sol. Si sa présence n'y a pas été plus fréquemment signalée, cela s'explique aussi par le fait que ce dermatophyte est moins facile à isoler du sol que leMicrosporon gypseum et leKeratinomyces ajelloi.
Summary The authors were able to isolate, from the superficial layers of the soil, 4 (new) strains ofTrichophyton mentagrophytes. One of them has been isolated from the soil of a woodshed, in Bucharest. This strain caused a ringworm in a woman who contaminated herself by handling wood in the woodshed. The second strain has been isolated from a sample of garden-soil, gathered in the yard of the Colentina Hospital, in Bucharest. A third one was found in a sample of soil, picked up from a publicgarden of a spaa, of middle-altitude. At last, a fourth strain has been isolated from a garden-soil in Bucharest. The first two strains have been successfully inoculated in man and guinea-pig. Considering the results of their researches on the presence ofTrichophyton mentagrophytes in the soil, as well as its rich morphology, which indicates its rather saprophytic nature, the authors conclude that this fungus might also live as saprophyte in the soil. If its presence, in the soil, has not been more often mentioned up to now, this may be also explained by the fact that it is more difficult to isolate it thanMicrosporon gypseum andKeratinomyces ajelloi.

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