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Chicken liver basic fatty acid binding protein (Lb-FABP) belongs to the basic-type fatty acid binding proteins, a novel group of proteins isolated from liver of different non mammalian species whose structure is not known. The structure of Lb-FABP has been solved by 1H NMR. The overall fold of Lb-FABP, common to the other proteins of the family, consists of ten antiparallel -strands organised in two nearly ortogonal -sheets with two alpha helices closing the protein cavity where small hydrophobic ligands can be bound. The binding specificity of the protein is not known, however, based on the high sequence and structural similarity with an orthologous protein, ileal lipid binding protein, it is suggested that bile acids may be the putative ligands.  相似文献   

The Tn10 derived Tet repressor contains an amino acid segment with high homology to the alpha-helix-turn-alpha-helix motif (HTH) of other DNA binding proteins. The five most conserved amino acids in HTH are probably involved in structural formation of the motif. Their functional role was probed by saturation mutagenesis yielding 95 single amino acid replacement mutants of Tet repressor. Their binding efficiencies to tet operator were quantitatively determined in vivo. All functional mutants contain amino acid substitutions consistent with their proposed role in a HTH. In particular, only the two smallest amino acids (serine, glycine) can substitute a conserved alanine in the proposed first alpha-helix without loss of activity. The last position of the first alpha-helix, the second position in the turn, and the fourth position in the second alpha-helix require mostly hydrophobic residues. The proposed C-terminus of the first alpha-helix is supported by a more active asparagine compared to glutamine replacement mutant of the wt leucine residue. The turn is located close to the protein surface as indicated by functional lysine and arginine replacements for valine. A glycine residue at the first position in the turn can be replaced by any amino acid yielding mutants with at least residual tet operator affinity. A structural model of the HTH of Tet repressor is presented.  相似文献   

Local structures in denatured proteins may be important in guiding a polypeptide chain during the folding and misfolding processes. Existence of local structures in chemically denatured proteins is a highly controversial issue. NMR parameters [coupling constants (3) J(H(alpha),H(N)) and chemical shifts] of chemically denatured proteins in general deviate little from their values in small peptides. These peptides were presumed to be completely unstructured; therefore, it was considered that chemically denatured proteins are random coils. But recent experimental studies show that small peptides adopt relatively stable structures in aqueous solutions. Small deviations of the NMR parameters from their values in small peptides may thus actually indicate the existence of local structures in chemically denatured proteins. Using NMR data and theoretical predictions we show here that fluctuating beta-strands exist in urea-denatured ubiquitin (8 M urea at pH 2). Residues in such beta-strands populate more frequently the left side of the broad beta region of -psi space. Urea-denatured ubiquitin contains no detectable beta-sheet secondary structures; nevertheless, the fluctuating beta-strands in urea-denatured ubiquitin coincide to the beta-strands in the native state. Formation of beta-strands is in accord with the electrostatic screening model of unfolded proteins. The free energy of a residue in an unfolded protein is in this model determined by the local backbone electrostatics and its screening by backbone solvation. These energy terms introduce strong electrostatic coupling between neighboring residues, which causes cooperative formation of beta-strands in denatured proteins. We propose that fluctuating beta-strands in denatured proteins may serve as initiation sites to form fibrils.  相似文献   

A systemic study of single amino acid substitutions in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme permitted a test of the concept that conserved amino acid residues are more functionally important than nonconserved residues. Substitutions of amino acid residues that are conserved among five bacteriophage-encoded lysozymes were found to lead more frequently to loss of function than substitutions of nonconserved residues. Of 163 residues tested, only 74 (45%) are sensitive to at least one substitution; however, all 14 residues that are fully conserved are sensitive to substitutions.  相似文献   

Human KIN17 is a 45-kDa eukaryotic DNA- and RNA-binding protein that plays an important role in nuclear metabolism and in particular in the general response to genotoxics. Its amino acids sequence contains a zinc finger motif (residues 28-50) within a 30-kDa N-terminal region conserved from yeast to human, and a 15-kDa C-terminal tandem of SH3-like subdomains (residues 268-393) only found in higher eukaryotes. Here we report the solution structure of the region 51-160 of human KIN17. We show that this fragment folds into a three-alpha-helix bundle packed against a three-stranded beta-sheet. It belongs to the winged helix (WH) family. Structural comparison with analogous WH domains reveals that KIN17 WH module presents an additional and highly conserved 3(10)-helix. Moreover, KIN17 WH helix H3 is not positively charged as in classical DNA-binding WH domains. Thus, human KIN17 region 51-160 might rather be involved in protein-protein interaction through its conserved surface centered on the 3(10)-helix.  相似文献   

The human intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is a small (131 amino acids) proteinwhich binds dietary long-chain fatty acids in the cytosol of enterocytes. Recently, an alanineto threonine substitution at position 54 in I-FABP has been identified which affects fatty acidbinding and transport, and is associated with the development of insulin resistance in severalpopulations including Mexican-Americans and Pima Indians. To investigate the molecularbasis of the binding properties of I-FABP, the 3D solution structure of the more commonform of human I-FABP (Ala54) was studied by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy.Recombinant I-FABP was expressed from E. coli in the presence and absence of 15N-enriched media. The sequential assignments for non-delipidated I-FABP were completed byusing 2D homonuclear spectra (COSY, TOCSY and NOESY) and 3D heteronuclear spectra(NOESY-HMQC and TOCSY-HMQC). The tertiary structure of human I-FABP wascalculated by using the distance geometry program DIANA based on 2519 distance constraintsobtained from the NMR data. Subsequent energy minimization was carried out by using theprogram SYBYL in the presence of distance constraints. The conformation of human I-FABPconsists of 10 antiparallel -strands which form two nearly orthogonal -sheets offive strands each, and two short -helices that connect the -strands A and B. Theinterior of the protein consists of a water-filled cavity between the two -sheets. TheNMR solution structure of human I-FABP is similar to the crystal structure of rat I-FABP.The NMR results show significant conformational variability of certain backbone segmentsaround the postulated portal region for the entry and exit of fatty acid ligand.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of a unique C5a receptor antagonist was determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The core domain of this 8-kDa antagonist exists as an antiparallel helical bundle, similar to recombinant human (rh)-C5a. However, unlike C5a, the antagonist's C terminus was found to be conformationally restricted along a groove between helices one and four in the core domain. This conformational restriction situates C-terminal D-Arg 75 in a wedge between core residues Arg 46 and His 15. Correlation of the antagonist's tertiary structure with point mutation analysis revealed the formation of a positively charged contiguous contact surface comprised of D-Arg 75, Arg 46, Lys 49, and His 15. The significance of this surface in generating antagonist properties implies a single binding site with the C5a receptor and provides a structural template for drug design.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a two-repeat fragment of major vault protein   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Major vault protein (MVP) is the main constituent of vaults, large ribonucleoprotein particles implicated in resistance to cancer therapy and correlated with poor survival prognosis. Here, we report the structure of the main repeat element in human MVP. The approximately 55 amino acid residue MVP domain has a unique, novel fold that consists of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet. The solution NMR structure of a two-domain fragment reveals the interdomain contacts and relative orientations of the two MVP domains. We use these results to model the assembly of 672 MVP domains from 96 MVP molecules into the ribs of the 13MDa vault structure. The unique features include a thin, skin-like structure with polar residues on both the cytoplasmic and internal surface, and a pole-to-pole arrangement of MVP molecules. These studies provide a starting point for understanding the self-assembly of MVP into vaults and their interactions with other proteins. Chemical shift perturbation studies identified the binding site of vault poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, another component of vault particles, indicating that MVP domains form a new class of interaction-mediating modules.  相似文献   

The structure of the C-terminal antifreeze-like (AFL) domain of human sialic acid synthase was determined by NMR spectroscopy. The structure comprises one alpha- and two single-turn 3(10)-helices and two beta-strands, and is similar to those of the type III antifreeze proteins. Evolutionary trace analyses of the type III antifreeze protein family suggested that the class-specific residues in the human and bacterial AFL domains are important for their substrate binding, while the class-specific residues of the fish antifreeze proteins are gathered on the ice-binding surface.  相似文献   

TA0095 is a 96-residue hypothetical protein from Thermoplasma acidophilum that exhibits no sequence similarity to any protein of known structure. Also, TA0095 is a member of the COG4004 orthologous group of unknown function found in Archaea bacteria. We determined its three-dimensional structure by NMR methods. The structure displays an alpha/beta two-layer sandwich architecture formed by three alpha-helices and five beta-strands following the order beta1-alpha1-beta2-beta3-beta4-beta5-alpha2-alpha3. Searches for structural homologs indicate that the TA0095 structure belongs to the TBP-like fold, constituting a novel superfamily characterized by an additional C-terminal helix. The TA0095 structure provides a fold common to the COG4004 proteins that will obviously belong to this new superfamily. Most hydrophobic residues conserved in the COG4004 proteins are buried in the structure determined herein, thus underlying their importance for structure stability. Considering that the TA0095 surface shows a large positively charged patch with a high degree of residue conservation within the COG4004 domain, the biological function of TA0095 and the rest of COG4004 proteins might occur through binding a negatively charged molecule. Like other TBP-like fold proteins, the COG4004 proteins might be DNA-binding proteins. The fact that TA0095 is shown to interact with large DNA fragments is in favor of this hypothesis, although nonspecific DNA binding cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Solution structure of a BolA-like protein from Mus musculus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The BolA-like proteins are widely conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. The BolA-like proteins seem to be involved in cell proliferation or cell-cycle regulation, but the molecular function is still unknown. Here we determined the structure of a mouse BolA-like protein. The overall topology is alphabetabetaalphaalphabetaalpha, in which beta(1) and beta(2) are antiparallel, and beta(3) is parallel to beta(2). This fold is similar to the class II KH fold, except for the absence of the GXXG loop, which is well conserved in the KH fold. The conserved residues in the BolA-like proteins are assembled on the one side of the protein.  相似文献   

The transfer of antibiotic resistance between bacteria is mediated by mobile genetic elements such as plasmids and transposons. TnpX is a member of the large serine recombinase subgroup of site‐specific recombinases and is responsible for the excision and insertion of mobile genetic elements that encode chloramphenicol resistance in the pathogens Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium difficile. TnpX consists of three structural domains: domain I contains the catalytic site, whereas domains II and III contain DNA‐binding motifs. We have solved the solution structure of residues 1–120 of the catalytic domain I of TnpX. The TnpX catalytic domain shares the same overall fold as other serine recombinases; however, differences are evident in the identity of the proposed hydrogen donor and in the size, amino acid composition, conformation, and dynamics of the TnpX active site loops. To obtain the interaction surface of TnpX1–120, we titrated a DNA oligonucleotide containing the circular intermediate joint attCI recombination site into 15N‐labeled TnpX1–120 and observed progressive nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbations using 15N HSQC spectra. Perturbations were largely confined to a region surrounding the catalytic serine and encompassed residues of the active site loops. Utilizing the perturbation map and the data‐driven docking program, HADDOCK, we have generated a model of the DNA interaction complex for the TnpX catalytic domain. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) remains a significant health threat worldwide, especially to the young and old. While some of the biomolecules involved in pneumococcal pathogenesis are known and understood in mechanistic terms, little is known about the molecular details of bacterium/host interactions. We report here the solution structure of the 'repeated' adhesion domains (domains R1 and R2) of the principal pneumococcal adhesin, choline binding protein A (CbpA). Further, we provide insights into the mechanism by which CbpA binds its human receptor, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR). The R domains, comprised of 12 imperfect copies of the leucine zipper heptad motif, adopt a unique 3-alpha-helix, raft-like structure. Each pair of alpha-helices is antiparallel and conserved residues in the loop between Helices 1 and 2 exhibit a novel 'tyrosine fork' structure that is involved in binding pIgR. This and other structural features that we show are conserved in most pneumococcal strains appear to generally play an important role in bacterial adhesion to pIgR. Interestingly, pneumococcus is the only bacterium known to adhere to and invade human cells by binding to pIgR.  相似文献   

Summary The SARS related Coronavirus genome contains a variety of novel accessory genes. One of these, called ORF7a or ORF8, code for a protein, known as 7a, U122 or X4. We set out to determine the three-dimensional structure of the soluble ectodomain of this type-I transmembrane protein by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The fold of the protein is the first member of a further variation of the immunoglobulin like beta-sandwich fold. Because X4 does not reveal significant sequence homologies to proteins in the data bases, we carried out a structure based similarity search for proteins with known function. High structural similarity to Dl domains of ICAM-1 and ICAM-2, and common features in amino acid sequence between X4 and ICAM-1, suggest X4 to possess binding activity for the integrin I domain of LFA-1. Further, based on this structure based prediction, potential functions of X4 in virus replication and pathogenesis are discussed.The authors Karen Hänel and Thomas Stangler contributed equally to work.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide‐sensitive ion channels, known as HCN and CNG channels, are crucial in neuronal excitability and signal transduction of sensory cells. HCN and CNG channels are activated by binding of cyclic nucleotides to their intracellular cyclic nucleotide‐binding domain (CNBD). However, the mechanism by which the binding of cyclic nucleotides opens these channels is not well understood. Here, we report the solution structure of the isolated CNBD of a cyclic nucleotide‐sensitive K+ channel from Mesorhizobium loti. The protein consists of a wide anti‐parallel β‐roll topped by a helical bundle comprising five α‐helices and a short 310‐helix. In contrast to the dimeric arrangement (‘dimer‐of‐dimers’) in the crystal structure, the solution structure clearly shows a monomeric fold. The monomeric structure of the CNBD supports the hypothesis that the CNBDs transmit the binding signal to the channel pore independently of each other.  相似文献   

The double-stranded telomeric repeat-binding protein (TRP) AtTRP1 is isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana. Using gel retardation assays, we defined the C-terminal 97 amino acid residues, Gln464 to Val560 (AtTRP1(464-560)), as the minimal structured telomeric repeat-binding domain. This region contains a typical Myb DNA-binding motif and a C-terminal extension of 40 amino acid residues. The monomeric AtTRP1(464-560) binds to a 13-mer DNA duplex containing a single repeat of an A.thaliana telomeric DNA sequence (GGTTTAG) in a 1:1 complex, with a K(D) approximately 10(-6)-10(-7) M. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) examination revealed that the solution structure of AtTRP1(464-560) is a novel four-helix tetrahedron rather than the three-helix bundle structure found in typical Myb motifs and other TRPs. Binding of the 13-mer DNA duplex to AtTRP1(464-560) induced significant chemical shift perturbations of protein amide resonances, which suggests that helix 3 (H3) and the flexible loop connecting H3 and H4 are essential for telomeric DNA sequence recognition. Furthermore, similar to that in hTRF1, the N-terminal arm likely contributes to or stabilizes DNA binding. Sequence comparisons suggested that the four-helix structure and the involvement of the loop residues in DNA binding may be features unique to plant TRPs.  相似文献   

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