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Nuclear DNA of metazoans is organized in supercoiled loops anchored to a proteinaceous substructure known as the nuclear matrix (NM). DNA is anchored to the NM by non-coding sequences known as matrix attachment regions (MARs). There are no consensus sequences for identification of MARs and not all potential MARs are actually bound to the NM constituting loop attachment regions (LARs). Fundamental processes of nuclear physiology occur at macromolecular complexes organized on the NM; thus, the topological organization of DNA loops must be important. Here, we describe a general method for determining the structural DNA loop organization in any large genomic region with a known sequence. The method exploits the topological properties of loop DNA attached to the NM and elementary topological principles such as that points in a deformable string (DNA) can be positionally mapped relative to a position-reference invariant (NM), and from such mapping, the configuration of the string in third dimension can be deduced. Therefore, it is possible to determine the specific DNA loop configuration without previous characterization of the LARs involved. We determined in hepatocytes and B-lymphocytes of the rat the DNA loop organization of a genomic region that contains four members of the albumin gene family.  相似文献   

We investigated the association of DNA polymerase and DNA primase activity with the nuclear matrix in HeLa S3 cells diluted with fresh medium after having been cultured without any medium change for 7 days. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated that just before dilution about 85% of the cells were in the G1 phase of the cycle, whereas 8% were in the S phase. After dilution with fresh medium, 18–22 h were required for the cell population to attain a stable distribution with respect to the cell cycle. At that time, about 38% of the cells were in the S phase. DNA polymerase and DNA primase activity associated with the nuclear matrix prepared from cells just before dilution represented about 10% of nuclear activity. As judged by [3H]-thymidine incorporation and flow cytometric analysis, an increase in the number of S-phase cells was evident at least 6 h after dilution. However, as early as 2 h after dilution into fresh medium, a striking prereplicative increase of the two activitites was seen in the nuclear matrix fraction but not in cytosol or isolated nuclei. Both DNA polymerase and primase activities bound to the matrix were about 60% of nuclear activity. Overall, the nuclear matrix was the cell fraction where the highest induction (about 10-fold) of both enzymatic activities was seen at 30 h after dilution, whereas in cytosol and isolated nuclei the increase was about two- and fourfold, respectively. Typical immunofluorescent patterns given by an antibody to 5-bromodeoxyuridine were seen after dilution. These findings, which are at variance with our own previous results obtained with cell cultures synchronized by either a double thymidine block or aphidicolin exposure, strengthen the contention that DNA replication is associated with an underlying nuclear structure and demonstrate the artifacts that may be generated by procedures commonly used to synchronize cell cultures. J. Cell. Biochem. 71:11–20, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Prolonged treatment of Allium cepa root meristems with changing concentrations of hydroxyurea (HU) results in either premature chromosome condensation or cell nuclei with an uncommon form of biphasic chromatin organization. The aim of the current study was to assess conditions that compromise cell cycle checkpoints and convert DNA replication stress into an abnormal course of mitosis.


Interphase-mitotic (IM) cells showing gradual changes of chromatin condensation were obtained following continuous 72 h treatment of seedlings with 0·75 mm HU (without renewal of the medium). HU-treated root meristems were analysed using histochemical stainings (DNA-DAPI/Feulgen; starch-iodide and DAB staining for H2O2 production), Western blotting [cyclin B-like (CBL) proteins] and immunochemistry (BrdU incorporation, detection of γ-H2AX and H3S10 phosphorylation).

Key Results

Continuous treatment of onion seedlings with a low concentration of HU results in shorter root meristems, enhanced production of H2O2, γ-phosphorylation of H2AX histones and accumulation of CBL proteins. HU-induced replication stress gives rise to axially elongated cells with half interphase/half mitotic structures (IM-cells) having both decondensed and condensed domains of chromatin. Long-term HU treatment results in cell nuclei resuming S phase with gradients of BrdU labelling. This suggests a polarized distribution of factors needed to re-initiate stalled replication forks. Furthermore, prolonged HU treatment extends both the relative time span and the spatial scale of H3S10 phosphorylation known in plants.


The minimum cell length and a threshold level of accumulated CBL proteins are both determining factors by which the nucleus attains commitment to induce an asynchronous course of chromosome condensation. Replication stress-induced alterations in an orderly route of the cell cycle events probably reflect a considerable reprogramming of metabolic functions of chromatin combined with gradients of morphological changes spread along the nucleus.  相似文献   

Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is known as a DNA sliding clamp that acts as a platform for the assembly of enzymes involved in DNA replication and repair. Previously, it was reported that a crenarchaeal PCNA formed a heterotrimeric structure, and that each PCNA subunit has distinct binding specificity to PCNA-binding proteins. Here we describe the PCNA-binding properties of a DNA ligase from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1. Based on our findings on the Pyrococcus furiosus DNA ligase–PCNA interaction, we predicted that the aromatic residue, Phe132, in the DNA-binding domain of A. pernix DNA ligase (ApeLig) would play a critical role in binding to A. pernix PCNA (ApePCNA). Surface plasmon resonance analyses revealed that the ApeLig F132A mutant does not interact with an immobilized subunit of ApePCNA. Furthermore, we could not detect any stimulation of the ligation activity of the ApeLig F132A protein by ApePCNA in vitro. These results indicated that the phenylalanine, which is located in our predicted PCNA-binding region in ApeLig, has a critical role for the physical and functional interaction with ApePCNA.  相似文献   

Common fragile sites (CFSs) correspond to chromosomal regions susceptible to present breaks, discontinuities or constrictions in metaphase chromosomes from cells subjected to replication stress. They are considered as genomic regions intrinsically difficult to replicate and they are evolutionary conserved at least in mammals. However, the recent discovery that CFSs are cell-type specific indicates that DNA sequence by itself cannot account for CFS instability. Nevertheless, the large gene FHIT that includes FRA3B, the most highly expressed CFS in human lymphocytes, is commonly deleted in a variety of tumors suggesting a tumor suppressor role for its product. Here, we report that the epicenter of fragility of Fra14A2/Fhit, the mouse ortholog of human FRA3B/FHIT that like its human counterpart is the most highly expressed CFS in mouse lymphocytes, is largely attached to the nuclear matrix compartment in naive B lymphocytes but not in primary hepatocytes or cortical neurons that do not express such a CFS. Our results suggest a structural explanation for the difficult-to-replicate nature of such a region and so for its common fragility in lymphocytes, that is independent of the possible tumor suppressor role of the gene harboring such CFS.  相似文献   

The nuclease domain of ColE7 (N-ColE7) contains an H-N-H motif that folds in a beta beta alpha-metal topology. Here we report the crystal structures of a Zn2+-bound N-ColE7 (H545E mutant) in complex with a 12-bp duplex DNA and a Ni2+-bound N-ColE7 in complex with the inhibitor Im7 at a resolution of 2.5 A and 2.0 A, respectively. Metal-dependent cleavage assays showed that N-ColE7 cleaves double-stranded DNA with a single metal ion cofactor, Ni2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. ColE7 purified from Escherichia coli contains an endogenous zinc ion that was not replaced by Mg2+ at concentrations of <25 mM, indicating that zinc is the physiologically relevant metal ion in N-ColE7 in host E. coli. In the crystal structure of N-ColE7/DNA complex, the zinc ion is directly coordinated to three histidines and the DNA scissile phosphate in a tetrahedral geometry. In contrast, Ni2+ is bound in N-ColE7 in two different modes, to four ligands (three histidines and one phosphate ion), or to five ligands with an additional water molecule. These data suggest that the divalent metal ion in the His-metal finger motif can be coordinated to six ligands, such as Mg2+ in I-PpoI, Serratia nuclease and Vvn, five ligands or four ligands, such as Ni2+ or Zn2+ in ColE7. Universally, the metal ion in the His-metal finger motif is bound to the DNA scissile phosphate and serves three roles during hydrolysis: polarization of the P-O bond for nucleophilic attack, stabilization of the phosphoanion transition state and stabilization of the cleaved product.  相似文献   

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