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The release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. Species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. We describe the results of long‐term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees introduced 40 years earlier (1966–1969) onto Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, a non‐native habitat for chimpanzees. Two parasitological surveys (March 1997–October 1998 and October 2002–December 2005) identified Entamoeba spp. including E. coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichuris sp., Anatrichosoma sp., Strongyloides spp., Strongylida fam. gen. sp., Enterobius anthropopitheci, Subulura sp., Ascarididae gen. sp., and Protospirura muricola. The parasite fauna of the Rubondo chimpanzees is similar to wild chimpanzees living in their natural habitats, but Rubondo chimpanzees have a lower prevalence of strongylids (9%, 3.8%) and a higher prevalence of E. anthropopitheci (8.6%, 17.9%) than reported elsewhere. Species prevalence was similar between our two surveys, with the exception of Strongyloides spp. being higher in the first survey. None of these species are considered to pose a serious health risk to chimpanzees, but continued monitoring of the population and surveys of the parasitic fauna of the two coinhabitant primate species and other animals, natural reservoir hosts of some of the same parasites, is important to better understand the dynamics of host–parasite ecology and potential long‐term implications for chimpanzees introduced into a new habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:307–316, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We identified 3 nematodes not previously reported in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) introduced on Rubondo Island, Tanzania: Protospirura muricola, Subulura sp., and Anatrichosoma sp. Vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus), rodents, and intermediate insect hosts might maintain Protospirura muricola and Subulura sp., and indigenous monkeys on the island might also maintain Anatrichosoma sp. Low prevalence of Subulura sp. and Anatrichosoma sp. suggests that chimpanzees acquired them from ingestion of contaminated food.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal patterns of fruit availability, dietary quality, and group size in the descendants of an introduced chimpanzee population on Rubondo Island, Tanzania. The site has supported a free-ranging population without provisioning for 40 years. Our goals were to determine whether Rubondo chimpanzees experience periods of fruit shortage, and whether they respond to changes in fruit availability similarly to chimpanzees at endemic sites. We indexed the fruit availability of tree and liana species on transects stratified across three chimpanzee ranging areas. We used fecal analyses to evaluate seasonal changes in diet, and used data on party size and nesting group size to examine seasonal patterns of grouping. Tree fruit availability was positively correlated with rainfall, with a period of relative tree fruit scarcity corresponding with the long dry season. Liana fruit availability was not related to rainfall, and lianas exhibited less variable fruiting patterns across seasons. Fruits made up the majority of the chimpanzee diet, with lianas accounting for 35% of dietary fruit species. Fruits of the liana Saba comorensis were available during all months of phenological monitoring, but they were consumed more when tree fruit was scarce, suggesting that Saba comorensis fruits may be a fallback food for Rubondo chimpanzees. There were no increases in consumption of lower-quality plant parts between seasons, and there were no changes in group size between seasons. These results contrast with evidence from several endemic chimpanzee study sites, and indicate that Rubondo chimpanzees may have access to abundant and high-quality foods year round.  相似文献   

The isolated ecosystem of Rubondo Island National Park, Tanzania is an interesting model site, inhabited by an assembly of primate species with various histories: two introduced primate species, Pantroglodytes (chimpanzee) and Colobusguereza (colobus), and a single indigenous species Chlorocebusaethiopspygerythrus (vervet monkey). Apart from important lessons for future introduction/re-introduction projects, Rubondo National Park offers a unique place to study the patterns of transmission of primate parasites and their host specificity. Blastocystis was detected using standard microscopy, together with PCR-based determination and the prevalence and subtype identification of Blastocystis was determined in each primate species. Subtype (ST) 1 was detected in all three Rubondo primate populations; ST2, ST3 and ST5 were found in colobus and vervet monkeys. All chimpanzee isolates of Blastocystis belonged exclusively to ST1, which formed a discrete group, suggesting that Rubondo chimpanzees are colonized by a single, host-specific Blastocystis strain that circulates among the members of the group. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that transmission of Blastocystis did not occur between Rubondo primate populations. Observed host specificity of Blastocystis provides a new understanding of the transmission and distribution of Blastocystis among sympatric hosts under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Sympatric species are known to host the same parasites species. Nevertheless, surveys examining parasite assemblages in sympatric species are rare. To understand how parasite assemblages in sympatric host species differ in a given locality, we used a noninvasive identification method based on high-throughput sequencing. We collected fecal samples from sympatric species in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, from September to December in 2010, 2011, and 2012 and identified their parasites by metabarcoding, sequencing a region of the small ribosomal subunit (18S) gene. Our survey included 11 host species, including endemic primates, rodents, frogs, gastropods, and nonendemic rats and dogs. We collected 872 samples, of which 571 contained nematodes and 249 were successfully sequenced. We identified nine putative species of parasites, although their correspondence to actual parasite species is not clear as the resolution of the marker gene differs between nematode clades. For the host species that we successfully sampled with 10 or more positive occurrences of nematodes, i.e., mouse lemurs (Microcebus rufus), black rats (Rattus rattus), and frogs (Anura), the parasite assemblage compositions differed significantly among host species, sampling sites, and sampling years. Our metabarcoding method shows promise in interrogating parasite assemblages in sympatric host species and our results emphasize the importance of choosing marker regions for parasite identification accuracy.  相似文献   

Understanding variability in patterns of parasite infections requires studies of multiple populations inhabiting a variety of habitats. Gastrointestinal parasites of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) have been studied extensively at several forested sites, but the parasite fauna of chimpanzees living in dry, open habitats is less well known. We studied the parasites of savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) living in the Issa Valley, Ugalla (Tanzania). We examined 119 fresh fecal samples using standard coproscopical methods. We detected protozoans including Blastocystis sp., Entamoeba coli, E. histolytica/dispar, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, and Troglocorys cava, but only two types of spirurid nematodes among the helminths. The parasites of the Ugalla chimpanzees differ from those of forest chimpanzees in the absence of Strongyloides sp. and strongylid nematodes and a high prevalence of spirurids. Strongylids and Strongyloides sp. have thin-shelled eggs and larvae, which develop in the external environment; thus they may not be able to survive for prolonged periods in the extreme environment of Ugalla. The Ugalla chimpanzees also live at a lower population density and exhibit a larger home range than forest chimpanzees, factors that may lead to lower exposure to infective nematode larvae. Spirurid eggs, however, have thick shells and a life cycle dependent on intermediary hosts, making their survival and transmission in such extreme conditions more feasible. These differences between parasite fauna of closed and open forest chimpanzees contribute to our understanding of the ecology of infectious disease, and have the potential to contribute to conservation policies and practices.  相似文献   

Abundance and distribution of mammals in Katavi National Park, Tanzania   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ground transects were used to determine densities of 24 larger mammals in Katavi National Park. The Park consists of miombo woodland habitat and two seasonal lakes. Mammalian biomass was extremely high due primarily to large numbers of buffalo. The highest mammal densities were found around Lake Chada to the south-east of the Park. Contrary to earlier reports, species' densities did not differ significantly between dry, wet and intermediate seasons, suggesting that, aside from elephant and warthog, mammals did not enter or leave the Park in large numbers. Similarly, aside from zebra and waterbuck, sightings of species in different vegetation types did not change markedly between seasons. Thus, seasonal lakes in Katavi National Park support very high local concentrations rather than acting as dry season refuges for mammals outside the Park.  相似文献   

The carnivore community of Arusha National Park, Tanzania, was monitored using live trapping and diurnal and nocturnal visual counts and recording of tracks and signs along line transects. Nine carnivore species were recorded. Hyena (Crocuta crocuta), the most common large species, leopard (Panthera pardus) and African civet (Civettictis civetta) were detected along line transects, while the smaller species were counted and/or captured. Mungos mungo, Galerella sanguinea, and Genetta maculata were the most prevalent at transect counts, while G. sanguinea, Bdeogale crassicauda, and G. maculata were most frequently captured. Ichneumia albicauda and Ictonyx striatus were captured at only a single site. Carnivores selected natural habitat types, multilayered forest, open shrubs and herbaceous savannah, and were absent, or tended to avoid disturbed (man-made) habitats. Species of which sufficient data were gathered seemed to behave as habitat generalists (C. crocuta, G. sanguinea, G. maculata, M. mungo and I. striatus). The need for more detailed studies on small carnivore ecology and the importance of smaller protected areas for their conservation are discussed.  相似文献   

Parasitological surveillance in primates has been performed using coprological observation and identification of specimens from chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania (Mahale). In this study, we conducted coprological surveillance to identify the fauna of parasite infection in five primate species in Mahale: red colobus (Procolobus badius tephrosceles), red-tailed monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti), vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus), yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus), and chimpanzees. Fecal samples were examined microscopically, and parasite identification was based on the morphology of cysts, eggs, larvae, and adult worms. Three nematodes (Oesophagostomum spp., Strongyloides sp., and Trichuris sp.), Entamoeba coli, and Entamoeba spp. were found in all five primate species. The following infections were identified: Bertiella studeri was found in chimpanzees and yellow baboons; Balantidium coli was found in yellow baboons; three nematodes (Streptopharagus, Primasubulura, an undetermined genus of Spirurina) and Dicrocoeliidae gen. sp. were found in red-tailed monkeys, vervet monkeys, and yellow baboons; Chitwoodspirura sp. was newly identified in red colobus and red-tailed monkeys; Probstmayria gombensis and Troglocorys cava were newly identified in chimpanzees, together with Troglodytella abrassarti; and Enterobius sp. was newly identified in red colobus. The parasitological data reported for red colobus, vervet monkeys, and yellow baboons in Mahale are the first reports for these species.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of temperature and dissolved oxygen was sampled over 24 h in a pond of the Seronera River inhabited by hippos. The waters were very turbid (visibility < 2 cm) because of the high turbidity from animals trampling sediment and a permanent surface algal bloom sustained by faecal matter. Direct solar heating was restricted to the top few centimetres. This resulted in a strong thermal and density stratification inhibiting aeration of the water column. Waters at mid-depth were aerated only when hippos stirred the water. Anoxic conditions were common in bottom water, these were occasionally ventilated in daytime by mixing due to bottom heating from decaying organic matter and at night by convective cooling. Poor water quality in hippo pools may affect wildlife.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fruit patch size, density, and distribution on feeding subgroup size and feeding bout duration in four Neotropical primates—Lagothrix lagotricha, Ateles belzebuth, Cebus apella, and Alouatta seniculus—based on 2494 hr of focal animal sampling in Tinigua National Park, Colombia. All four species show positive correlations between patch size (tree diameter at breast height; DBH) and subgroup size (maximum number of individuals from the focal group feeding at the same time), but the determination coefficients are very low and this relationship does not seem to influence strongly the actual size of the groups. Ateles showed the weakest correlation between patch size and feeding party size, and their fission–fusion sociality is best explained as a mechanism to reduce intragroup competition rather than to adjust the subgroup size to the availability of patches. Feeding associations as well as proximal spacing patterns, in general, are more alike in species with similar ecological requirements.  相似文献   

Patterns of revegetation on natural and human-caused disturbances in grasslands and savannas of the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, were investigated by recording species compositions on all disturbances, in the undisturbed vegetation, and in unique microhabitats in 51 sites along a north-to-south transect through the park. The 487 resulting samples were ordinated by detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and classified by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). Natural disturbances were, in most cases, ordinated near or classified together with the climax sample from the same site but human-caused disturbances were classified separately. Human disturbances from all regions of the park were classified together in one group, while natural disturbances were divided into communities associated with different rainfall regimes. Natural disturbances were revegetated by species growing in the surrounding undisturbed communities while human-caused disturbances were revegetated by a set of ruderal species not found in the undisturbed communities nor in natural disturbances.Plant nomenclature follows Clayton a.o. (1970–1982) Flora of Tropical East Africa: Gramineae Parts 1–3, Nairobi for grasses and Agnew (1974), Upland Kenya Wildflowers, London for herbs and shrubs.This research was funded by a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation (DEB-81-14306) and is Serengeti Research Institute Contribution #335.  相似文献   

We present census data for eight primate species spanning 32.9 years along the same transect at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, demonstrating major changes in the composition of the primate community. Correlated with an estimated decline of ~89% in the red colobus population was an increase in encounter rates with chimpanzee parties. Our data, along with the unusually high rates of predation by chimpanzees on red colobus at Ngogo and the fact that the chimpanzee community at Ngogo is the largest ever recorded, support the conclusion that the red colobus decline was caused primarily by chimpanzee predation. This seems to be the first documented case of predation by one nonhuman primate causing the population decline in another. We evaluated disease and interspecific competition as other possible causes of the red colobus decline, but judged them to be relatively insignificant compared with predation by chimpanzees. Notable changes in encounter rates with other primate species may have resulted from forest expansion. Those for mangabeys, redtails, and black and white colobus increased significantly. Encounter rates increased for l'Hoest's monkeys too, but the increased sightings may have been an artifact of increased habituation. Sightings of blue monkey and baboon groups declined. There was no significant change in encounter rates for all species combined. The Ngogo primate community seemed to be in a nonequilibrium state, changing from one dominated by two species, a folivore (red colobus) and a frugivorous omnivore (redtails), to one dominated by three species of frugivorous omnivores (redtails, mangabeys, and chimpanzees). This study demonstrates the importance of long-term monitoring in understanding population dynamics and the role of intrinsic variables in shaping the species composition of a community.  相似文献   

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